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The Either/Or Game

Looking down from a great height. So much more to see. ^^

Go for a walk or take a nap?
In RL: No comment. In RPs: Both

Stay home with a good movie, book or game or spend the night at a party?
Tough one. I usually cook at home, but there are days when I get into the Fuck It frame of mind. I don't mind cooking, though, and it's invariably cheaper than going out.

Milkshake flavours: Blue Heaven or Lime?
Had my last milkshake more than 20 years ago, but ...banana.

Sunrise or sunset?
Snow. I don't get to see that often anymore.

The Lion King (1994) or The Lion King (2019)?
Country. I don't like being among many people.

Medieval fantasy or science fiction?
I've written Space Opera, and I've played (TTRPG) Cyberpunk. I think I prefer Cyberpunk, but it's a close one.

Cars: V8s or V12s?
Cupcake. Never tried the other one, so I'm sticking to the stuff I know. XD

Tiger or lion?
Geothermal. While more work will have to go into tapping it, the energy is ultimately more reliable than basing on unreliable tidal activity.

White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate?
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