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Father Knows Best (Dawn Dearest & Tyr)

The more she struggle, the more he enjoys it. The scream of pain and the whimpering let him know his point was taken. The hand kneading her ass cheek continues to rub her, and delves between her legs, shoving the material into her sex and it goes. The fingers curl as he continues to explore her body.

He hadn’t yet seen the piercing on her front, because she was face down on the floor pinned by his weight. The vulgar and crude words continue as his hand invades her nether regions.

Do the boys take turns or do you do them all at once?

To emphasize that he’d like an answer, he pulls her head back by the hair, before again driving it into the floor.
Elixa cried softly, her body shaking with each sob, her body jerked when he shoved. She had to wonder if he did this same thing to her mother, and if he did, did she fight back? Or take it?

Her body spasmed as he touched her nether regions, choking back a sob, she jerked slightly to get free of him. The piercings on her hips throbbed now, as her shorts moved against them. At his question, her eyes went wide, just as her head was pulled up then driven into the floor. She had to wait before she answered as stars danced in her vision.

Take turns

She whimpered out as the stars were still in her vision.
Oh I bet you do. I bet you like it when they wait, tagging out when the each it done doing his business, the next ready to fill you.

She jerked, but it wasn’t really an attempt at escape, so he lets it pass. Leaving the fabric of her shorts, wedge in her heat, he turns her, using her head for leverage. Moving her so she’s on her side, he sees the metal piercing he felt wedged between her tits previously, he smiles. Reaching down he begin to unbutton her shorts, so he can get them off.

Maybe if you ask real nice, we can have the club initiate you, like your mommy did. Just think it won’t be two little boys, but a whole line of men. I bet you’d like that.

The leer and fire in his eyes was clear as they once again could look eye to eye.
As soon as the material of her shorts was moved, her eyes widened, he would now see her other piercings. She bit her lip and closed her eyes, she had ignored his first comment, realizing she was on her side, she had a better chance at an escape, she began to formulate a plan in her head.

Her eyes opened quickly though, her planning short lived. She looked into his eyes and froze. Shaking softly she licked her lips then jerked moving her leg to break free of him. At this moment she didn't care if she hurt him.

Maybe I Don't Want To Be Apart Of Your Gang!
Well look here she’s got more. Why haven’t you been a busy little girl?

The buttons open, the shorts open, he was so much closer to his goal. He was caught a bit off guard as she jerked and twisted, still the hand holding her hair and thus her head didn’t let go. The hand that had been making such nice progress of her shorts draws back as he again slaps her across the face with force. The flat of his hand hits her across the cheek, followed by a backhand. Back in the day, he didn’t know how to deal with a bitch, but now that he was older and wiser, and had dealt with enough prostitutes, it was so much easier. Show them authority and they respect you, show them kindness and they walk all over you.

He talks as his hand works as pulling down her shorts. The tug is forceful, as he works to remove them.

We’ll see, maybe later I invite a select few up here, to show them how good a girl you have become.
Elixa as she jerked, she could feel the pressure from him holding her hair was beginning to create a headache. If this was the way he treated her mother, it was no wonder she had become such a bitch. With a shaky breath she exhaled.

Then regretted doing so, as her cheek began to sting, she didn't scream the first slap. It was the second slap that brought a high-pitched scream from her. The tears that fell down her cheeks were now also from the slap and backhand. Slowly she looked at her father shaking she bit her lower lip.

Beneath her shorts is the match to her black bikini top, the bottoms were black as well, except instead of being a full bikini bottom, they were a thong. Elixa whimpered wishing she had put more clothes on before she left her mother's. Now it was too late.

Why are you doing this?

She cried out through soft sobs that shook her entire body.
Alex initially just laughs at the girl’s question, because he thought it was self-evident. Then he realizes she doesn’t understand. The shorts where now out of the way, and a small sexy black thong was the last remaining article of clothing. The slaps to the face seemingly stopped her struggles for the moment.

I’m doing it cause I want to.

His hand slides up the front of her legs, feeling the smooth skin slip past. A finger loops under the edge of the thong, and slowly begins to pull it down, this time there was no rush, he wants to watch as it withdraw from between her legs.

Your mom was built for fucking and so are you. I sure your going to be a hot fuck. So why don’t you quite your struggling and enjoy, I know I’m going to.

The smirk on his face showed that he was speaking the truth, because he was looking forward to fucking her, the way he used to fuck her mother.
Elixa's body tensed, she stared at her father, no longer struggling, it was useless, he was obviously stronger then she was. After moment of staring she exhaled the breath that she had been holding. Swallowing she bit her bottom lip, to keep herself from yelling at him.

Finally, she jerked again, going to pull away from him. She knew if she got away her only means of escape would be going back through the bar, she'd risk running through there then being attacked by her own father.

Please....don't do this...

She pleaded with him as she squirmed moving her arm, in a way that the minute she jerked her elbow would hopefully land the perfect hit into her father.

Inhaling quickly, she did just that, jerked shoving her elbow back at the same time.
The girl seemed to accept her fate for the moment, which just made it easier for Alex. Enjoying the view of the thong extracting itself from the crevices of her heat, the only distraction was her whimpering whine to not do it. So he didn’t see the elbow she let loose with. It hit him in the chest a solid blow, though insufficient to shove him away, but enough that he reactively rips the throng from her body. Luckily for him, she hit his chest, in the face that could have easily caused damage. With his fingers still wrapped around the torn panties, he pushes her arm away, and begins to hit her several times into the offending appendage.

Hit me again bitch, and I’ll leave you black and blue. I thought we were getting along real nice.

He reaches down and quickly slaps her titty as he talks.

Now you might start thinking how you can be a good girl and cooperate with your daddy.

The same hand that had been slapping her breast now just grabs her erect nipple and twists it.
Elixa hadn't expected her thong to rip, but when she heard the rip of the material she froze momentarily, still struggling she had to grin at making contact, the grin quickly vanished as he hit her. Soft cries tore from her throat as she closed her eyes whimpering, her lips were drawn tightly into a thin line.

Elixa shook softly as she listened to him still shaking, she couldn't believe this. Her eyes opened wide her body jerking as he slapped her breast. Sucking in a sharp gasp, a violent shudder went through her body when he twisted her nipple. She knew she'd be bruised, and probably sore for lengths of time after this.

Looking at him she kept her lips closed, she didn't answer, just stared at him.
There you go, much better. I like it when a bitch knows her place.

Releasing her nipple the hand slides down her front as their eyes meet. Alex doesn’t blink he’s not going to let the sexy little bitch get anything on him. A larger smile crosses his face as his hand reaches the area between her legs, all the fingers running over her sex together. The whole hand curling as he feels her for the first time. The fingers all side by side just rub the whole area between her legs in unison.

Baby, this can be easy or this can be hard, its your choice.

Pulling her head back and arching her back, his head comes down, and he sucks one of her tits into his mouth. The tongue and lips assaulting the nipple between them.
Elixa felt her eyes water, as her father touched her, swallowing sharply she nearly cried out, when her lower body jerked, causing a sharp friction from his hand between her legs. Listening to him closely, she shook her head as best as she could. She wanted him to leave her alone, she wanted him to behave like a proper father. She didn't want him to do this, or touch her.

I don't want either! I want you to leav---

She didn't finish her sentence, her back arching and head being pulled back caught her attention as she tried to remain calm. In her head she was trying to think of a way to fight back. Of a way to get him away from her. Gasping her pupils dilated when his mouth claimed her breast.
Alex’s hand runs over her neatly trimmed pussy, a small patch of hair just atop her slit, the rest as smooth as a baby's bottom. The fingers that had so abruptly run over the surface of her sex, now curl as two of them delve deeper. The soft petals of her pussy no match for the calloused hand, the fingers dipping into her pussy, as he rubs her.

Never answering her or even responding to her demands, his mouth full of her tit. The tongue lashes the perky nipple protruding from the firm globe, as he holds her head back. Alex was enjoying his conquest, and really didn’t care what she wanted. Mouth wide open, he aggressively sucks on her tit, and his tongue begins to wrestle with her nipple. Everything he was doing was about taking, never in the least asking if she cared or not.

The fingers on her slit increase their pace and force as they rub her. Each presses against her to see just how her body would react to the violation.
As much as she wanted to fight back, her body continued responding to his touch. Not thinking it was possible, but it was her nipples hardened even more. Her body jerked at his touch, she cried out in fresh tears springing to eyes again feeling her hair strain against her scalp.

She whimpered, her vagina warm, wet and tight her body shook, causing her free beast to jiggle as she was arched there.
The hand now wet with her dampness, begin to lightly tap, almost slap her wet slit. The fingers landing against the sensitive flesh of her heat, and the small nub still buried beneath. Alex had been with many women his whole life, but he truly enjoyed her mother, and wonder just how similar or dissimilar they really were. How sweat it would be if she were … well at least the sexual side of her matched that of her mother.

Not to be out done, his mouth continues to suck at her tit, pulling it into his mouth. The only relief from this, is when his he suckles at her nipple, and pins it between his teeth. There he grind and pulls at it, giving it no chance, as his entire body moves closer to hers and he intensifies his assault on her.
Emily cried out, her body twisting on the ground, she was scared. Her body enjoying every moment of it, her head saying no. Her abdomen shook as she twisted trying a feeble attempt to escape.

She brought her elbow back again, getting a little bit of spunk back to try and get away from him. She was struggling to breath, her breath kept catching in her throat. Looking at her father, she continued her attempt at freedom.
Alex teeth come down hard on her nipple as he gets yet another elbow. He knows he bit down hard and is not concerned in the least, she deserved it for taking a swipe at him with the elbow.

Try that again and I might just bite one of these babies off.

The hand between her legs, with two fingers begins to firmly rub against her clit. The wetness dripping off his fingers is clear evidence of her body’s betrayal. Alex’s just laughs as he continues to enjoy her feistiness.

Your fucking wet baby, you like the way your daddy touches your pussy?

To make the point, his fingers press against her clit, rubbing it assertively, knowing that she was already aroused.

I bet you taste real good. Would you like your daddy to go down on you?

The tone was all like he knew everything said was a fact.
Another high pitched scream tore from Elixa's throat, her body shook, lowering her arm she whimpered her hand going over her face. This wasn't fair. He shouldn't do this. He should be out in the club with his gang. Or finding new members.

She had to plan another way to try and escape. Her body tensed when he rubbed her. She closed her eyes tightly beneath her arm.

Stop touching me. I'm your flesh and blood. I....I'll call the cops on you.

She didn't know anything about her father's gang. She had no clue if the cops could do anything, if they couldn't she'd press charges for rape. Then again, she didn't know how that would go over.

His next question caused her arm to fly off of her face, her eyes searched his face. That's when she jerked her leg planning on hitting him with it.
Alex just laughs at her request for him to stop touching her. That was probably the least likely result possible given his growing desire.

Scream all you like baby, no cops going to hear you out here. They’re afraid to fuck with the Sons of Satan.

Again a swing from her hits him. The girl had fight that was clear. Still he wasn’t letting up, and the more she fought, the more it turned him on. Now he could smell the aroma of her pussy as his hand continued to work it.

And if you are my flesh and blood, and that of my bitch ex, then you are one hot fuck. You may be saying no, but your body is screaming yes.

Wrapping his arm around her neck, he rolls her over, so she’s on top, her back on his chest. His one hand now can more easily access her wet pussy, while the other puts her in a chokehold. His head now right next to her so he can talk taunt her just by whispering into her ear.
Elixa cried out, her hands instinctively going to his arm at her neck. Her body shook roughly as he continued rubbing her, her body continued to betray her. She knew what would happen if he didn't stop soon. She had to figure out how to make him stop. Her mind was going fuzzy, there had to be a way to break away from him.

Realizing his head was near hers, she jerked her head back towards his.
Alex could tell he almost had her; her body was squirming and wiggling as his fingers applied lavish attention to her pussy. He was proud of how his experienced fingers played with her clit, working it as he held her pinned. What he wasn’t prepared for and surprised him was the head butt she did to him. It hurt, and for a moment he saw stars as he groaned from the hit. Defensively his arm tightens around her neck apply greater and greater pressure as it begins to suffocate her.

Aaaghhhh, fuck! You want to play rough, I can play rough cunt!

The anger was welling up in him, and he was loosing his patience as the girl continued to resist he efforts. She was going to suffer for what she’d done, he was sure of that.
Elixa knew the moment she made contact with him, because her head began to pound, she proud for a moment but moaned from the pain she had. Suddenly she was having trouble breathing, her fingers tightened on his arm, nails digging into flesh, her mouth opened as she gasped for air. She stopped struggling, paying more attention to trying to breath was much more important.

As she gasped for air, things began to spin in front of her eyes. Things were harder to focus on now.
As his muscled tattooed arm kept its tight grip around her neck, his fingers attempt to finish their mission and assault her clit. Now he whispers in her ear, as the frenzy of his fingers continues. The tone was taunting and mocking

Come on baby, cum for your daddy! Show me what a little slut you really are.

Holding her helpless, he enjoyed the irony of a girl sexually giving in no matter how much she hated and despised him, it was a complete turn on.

I know you want to, I can feel you are so close. Cum for your daddy, and I will fuck you real good, just like I used to for your mommy.

Though he realized that her orgasm wasn’t connected to his words, he enjoyed the irony of it. He was just a bastard that way.
Elixa continued gasping for air, tears fell down her cheeks as she tried to keep herself for coming. Her nails dug deeper into his arm as she tried to pull his arm away.


She choked out between gasps for air. A whimper came from her as her body shook, the tears fell down her cheeks as she came. She was ashamed in herself, for not being able to stop it.
Her words barely were heard given his arm wrapped around her neck; they did nothing to stop him, even if he had heard them. He would have allowed her to pass out rather than let her go. The only thing that would gain her a moment of freedom was an orgasm. So he held tight till she came, his only response a loud laugh as he rolled her off of his body. Her body ending up prone next to his, he pulls back his hand, still dripping in her juices. Crudely he watches her as he licks it clean, smiling, as he tastes her for the first time.

You not only look great baby, but you taste great too.

Her moment of recovery and freedom were short lived, as he followed her and rolled on top of her.

I think we are ready to take our relationship to the next level, don’t you?

The tone still mocking as he moves to get on top of her.
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