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Father Knows Best (Dawn Dearest & Tyr)

Alex just laughs as the girl continues to plead, his hands quickly working to tie the remaining arm of hers to another post of the headboard. Satisfied, he gets up, though her legs weren’t tied, it wasn’t necessary as both her arms at the wrist were secured over her head and very securely taped to the headboard.

Oh baby, I can’t leave you alone, you see you’re real special and I’m going to enjoy having you around.

Going to the dresser top, he grabs a large combat knife still in its leather sheath. He quickly draws it out, raising it vertical so he can examine the razor sharp blade as it twinkles in the lights. Smiling he turns back to his daughter.

No are you going to be a good little girl, or does daddy, have to punish you?
Elixa whimpered tears still fell as she lay there. She jerked her arms crying out, the tape dug into her wrists. She watched her father closely. She listened as he spoke, when he walked to the dresser and grabbed the knife, and drew it out. She cried out in fear, she drew her legs up and curled them, her body was twisted slightly. Her ass was pressed against the soles of her feet.

Don't do this!

She was beyond terrified now. Her hip piercings stung in pain, from when they had rubbed on the floor.
No longer able to run, swing, or truly stop his actions, Alex just makes his way closer and closer to the bed. The knife held in one hand at his side, he advances on her, till his is hovering over her ready to strike. He wants her to be afraid. So he lingers there, the knife leisurely spinning in his hand, so she can see it. Taking his time to draw out everything.

Oh I can do anything I want baby. You see you're mine, and I’m far from done with you.

Reaching down, the knife held ready, he begins to cut the remaining clothes from her body. Grabbing each piece, and tugging at it, then slipping the knife under and pulling upward. Of course if she continues to fight, she might injure herself against the sharp edge of his weapon.
Elixa froze as he neared her, her eyes watching the knife the whole time. She shook softly wishing he would just leave her alone. Her fingers closed and opened as she tried to work the tape loose. She hadn't been ready when he brought the knife down to cut her remaining articles of clothes, her body jerked swiftly her legs coming out from behind her as she twisted.

Elixa made no sound as she twisted, she wanted him gone...she wanted her freedom back.
Alex cut away her clothing, using the blade to tear it from her body. Each piece tossed to the floor as he removed all of her articles of clothing. Now he stood there just taking in the view. Pleased, he let the tip of the knife trial its way over her body, using the flat edge, though she couldn’t at all times tell that as he allowed it to press into her skin. The other hand reaches out and touching her various piercing.

Well that’s much better. You definitely have a sweat little body, no reason to hide it from your daddy. I used to tie your mom up, she like it rough, have any of your boyfriends tied you up before?

Alex’s knife continuing to explore her body.
Elixa lay there shaking, she couldn't believe this. Her own father was doing this to her. Her own body was betraying her. She whimpered when the knife touched her body. She shivered softly and whimpered when he touched her piercings, she jerked her hips, praying to keep him away. There had to be a way to get away from him.

At his question she looked away, no, none of them ever tied her up before. They didn't dare. She turned her head and glared at him. It wasn't any of his business. So she wouldn't tell him.
Leaning over her, he reaches down and grabs one of her nipples and begins to play with it, casually turning and twisting it between his thumb and finger. The knife continued to play across her body, till he flips it, and brings the pummel up to rub her sex. If she were to move too much she would cut her own leg.

So have those boys been really satisfying you? I don’t think so or you would have moved in with them, long ago. So you’ve been wanting more, just like your mommy. She always wanted more. The rougher the harder the happier she was.

The fingers holding her nipple pulling at it as he squeezes it with force. Alex continued to stare at her as he administered his form of punishment on her.
Elixa cried out jerking slightly then screamed in pain when the knife cut her leg. Tears welled in her eyes she looked at her father. She had to try pleading again. Anything to stop this.


She could feel the blood drip down her leg from the wound she had caused herself. She pleaded with him crying out in pain and shock when he squeezed her already hard and bruised nipples.
Baby, you are doing this to yourself. Open your legs, and you won’t get cut.

The cold metal pommel of the knife now rubs against her heat. He turns and twists it as the pommel pushes against her sex, he makes no attempt to stop, just because she nicked herself on the blade, she’d needed learn that he would punish her if failed to comply with his demands. He lets go of the abused nipple, and smiles as the knife pommel slides between the lips of her pussy.

You like that baby, you like the feel of that hardness between your legs.

Even though he let go of her nipple the free hand just continues to knead the firm flesh of her tit, the course calloused skin of his hand rough in comparison to the soft warm feel of her breast.

Loosen up baby; we’re going to have lots of fun.
Elixa whimpered, he was right, she had to move her legs or be cut again, slowly she did as he said. Then realized her mistake, as he used the pommel against her. Her head tossed back a cry came from her as she twisted on the bed, her fingers tightening closing around the tape. Her eyes closed tightly as if she could make this all go away.

Her chest shook as he kneaded her breast, her breathing became labored. She couldn't fight him without being cut. She couldn't use her arms. She was trapped, and beyond her mind's control her body wanted this.
His hand wrapped around the knife, he worked the pommel into her sex, using it to slow penetrate her pussy. Though not buried really deep, he began to pump the weapon in and out of her. The other hand continues to play with her tit, while he continues with the verbal abuse.

There you go baby, spread those legs, nice and wide. That feels good doesn’t it? I’m going to make you my nasty little slut. You want that don’t you baby? You want to be daddy nasty little slut don’t you?

The taunting continued as he used her body, forcing pleasure from it. Enjoying that she had no choice but to accept his authority. The total control he had, was not only thrilling by sexually arousing as he compels her to obey. Even now he felt the stirring between his legs.
Elixa couldn't believe it. Her body was responding? Again? Even after being cut by his knife? She screamed mentally at her body. This was wrong in more ways then one. Tears fell down her cheeks at his words, and from the pommel and from the wound on her leg. Everything was wrong. Nothing was the way it should be. Why couldn't she just have a normal father like her friends? A father that didn't run a gang...a father that didn't act this way. A father that actually cared. Her eyes went down to her leg to see how bad the wound was. She felt her pussy tighten. NO. I can't cum because of a knife!
Alex used the knife, not to cut her, but to fuck her pussy. The round head of the pommel plunging into her pussy, the cold hard metal more then able to pierce her delicate folds. Never really stopping, he keeps the rhythm up, using the knife, like some twisted dildo. The other hand begins to slap her breast, and most specifically her nipple. The slaps are light and meant less to cause pain than elicit the reaction he desired.

Look at you baby, all hot and bothered and no place to go. Don’t worry daddy knows how to take care of his dirty little girl. He knows exactly what his little slut needs.

With the pommel buried in her pussy, the thumb holding the weapon begins to rub her clit to further arouse her. He knew how to use a woman, and was now applying it to his daughter, with a cold proficient skill.
Crying out Elixa's body trembled as she came. Her eyes closed her body sagging slightly as she trembled her mind screamed at her saying this wasn't right. Saying she shouldn't be responding to him like this. She should be fight back...struggle.
Alex just laughs as the girl’s orgasm overtakes her body. Finally pulling the pommel from her pussy when the last of her orgasm has past. Now like he was congratulating a child for a job well done, he begins to stroke her head with one hand. At the same time he brings the wet dripping knife up for her to see.

See I told you that your daddy knew what you wanted. Remember I’m here for you, cause your gonna be my special little girl, aren’t you?

Stroking her head and hair in an almost condescending fashion as licks the pommel of the knife with his protruding tongue in a very lascivious fashion.
Elixa shivered softly her body limp now against the bed and binds. Her eyes went to her father then to the knife, she shuddered as she stared at it then looked back up at his face. She glared after he spoke, a small cry pulled from her as she began struggling against the binds, her nails digging into the tape hoping to rip it. She jerked her head away from his touch and spoke slowly.

I will never be your special little girl.

Her face paled at her own words, regret filling her immediately.
You fucking slut, you’re gonna be anything I tell you to be.

Alex hits her several times, with his fist into her arms and sides so she realizes how her mouthy comment pissed him off. She wasn’t going anywhere and he was far from done with her. He had been thinking about fucking her again, nice and sweat like, but fuck that he thought, I’m going to show her what mean is.

If I say I want to fuck you, you’re going say “Oh daddy please fuck me”, and if I say I want a blow job, you’re going to get on your knees and suck cock like by the best whore in the neighborhood.

Laying the knife flat on her belly, he gets up onto the bed, pushing her legs apart. Even now his cock was semi hard from his prior interaction with her. The knife sits on her belly, an obvious threat as he spreads her.
Elixa screamed in pain, her body twisting and jerking with each hit, when he finished she lay there crying and gasping for breath. She couldn't believe this, she was honest and truthful...and what she got out of it was a beating? She thought you were supposed to respect your child for being honest. Whimpering softly she looked at him glaring at him as he spoke.

Seeing the knife on her belly she whimpered, shaking softly she squirmed gently attempting to slide the knife off of her body. If she got it off of her body then she could really say what she wanted.
Spreading her legs, Alex couldn’t help but see the moisture-covered lips of her pussy and smile. She reeked of sex and arousal, and he liked the smell. One hand reaches down to his cock, wrapping around it, holding it just like it was another knife. Then he begins to slap her pussy with it, his cock getting harder with each blow.

Oh baby you know how to get your daddy hard.

The head of his cock slaps her pussy and clit as he holds her open with the other hand.

And if your daddy’s special girl, he knows just how to take care of him.

The demeaning nature of his chuckle lets her know that he was enjoying this torture.

So you want to make your daddy happy? You want to be daddy’s special little slut, don't you?

He was going over the same ground as before, and it was obvious. As if taunting her to deny her new special role again.
Elixa glared at him, her body shuddering roughly with slap from his cock. She turned her head away as she jerked her body once last time, causing the knife to fall. Once that was done, she turned her glare at him. Each sentence he said only making her angrier. She was happy the knife was gone though, she felt safer without being on her belly.

NO! Yes, I want you to be happy! But not by using me like this!

She paused staring at him. The glare still in her eyes as she finished her sentence.

Never, never will I be your 'special little slut', Alex.

She swallowed but kept the anger on her face, as she used his name instead of dad, daddy or father.
Alex just laughs at her, cause for him, it really didn’t matter what she said. He was going to use her over and over again, and if she was happy or not was irrelevant.

Oh god, look that little wet pussy of yours. I bet it would love a nice hard cock in it.

He continues to slap her clit with the growing shaft in his hand. Then he drags the bulging head through her damp slit, enjoying the amazing view, as he wets the tip.

Don’t worry baby, you might not want to be my special little girl now, but you will be. Soon enough you’ll be begging, wanting more and more.

While his hand continues to abuse her pussy, the other briefly lets go of her legs, as it had no real place to go, and runs over her piercing, exploring them for the first time.
A cry came from her when his hand neared her hip piercing. Jerking her body she whimpered softly, her body shook, she looked down and swallowed.

Please, don't touch those.....they...they're new....

Her eyes went up to his face, she serious, and she was actually asking him nicely, no anger showed on her face, only pain, worry and fear. No fear for what he was doing to her pussy, just for her piercings.
Alex heard the change in her demeanor, and took it under advisement, as it gave him additional material for the next time she was defiant. So instead he nods in affirmation of her request, and instead his free hand comes up and rubs her mound.

You would look good with some nipple rings. Have you ever wanted to get some?

His finger plays with her nipple as he asks. Not to give her any break, his other hand continues to use his cock as a weapon against her pussy, hitting her delicate lips and clit with his hard surface. With his length wet and now hard, he nestles it in her entrance, taking his time to enjoy her softness.

Doesn’t that look beautiful baby, that hard cock ready to fuck you good and hard, the way you like it?

If she only knew that wasn’t really his entire plan.
Elixa sighed softly seeing he would leave them alone. Her body jerked when he played with her nipple. Nipple Rings? No...she never wanted to get them. They were odd in her mind. Her body shuddered when he continued using his cock against her she turned her head away not looking at him, she was scared of what was going to happen. She guessed this wasn't it, but she was terrified to find out his whole plan.
Though he continued to slide his hard cock into her wet pussy, this was nothing but a prelude to his next plan to enjoy her body. So he doesn’t so much fuck her as dip his cock into her. Nice and slow, so he can enjoy the beauty of it disappearing into her body.

Oh baby, you’re so wet. You must be so fucking turned on. I love a girl who loves sex.

A few very slow strokes, and he pulls it out all nice a wet. Holding it for her see.

I bet you can’t wait for the next part, I know I can’t.

The mocking tone and taunts never stopping as he enjoys the abuse he was inflicting on her. While he holds his cock, he free hand comes down, and he wets his fingers in her slit.
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