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Father Knows Best (Dawn Dearest & Tyr)

Bull just pulls away from the girl, and goes about his business knowing it was best to be out of Alex’s way, even if he wasn’t on the warpath. So he left the girl, and raised a hand as many others did in greeting as Alex entered the clubhouse.

Alex quickly surveyed the room, and it didn’t take long to see something was out of place; there at a bars tool was a new sexy girl. For the briefest of moments he was checking her out, thinking she might be a nice piece of ass, when he realized it was his daughter. Fuck, probably here for money or some other shit. He didn’t see much of her with that bitch of an ex-wife, though truth is told he didn’t see himself as the parent type. So he was happy to leave the duties to his ex.

Walking up to the bar and his daughter he orders a double shot. Bull quickly fills the order and slides it over the bar to him. Now they all were was just a few feet from her.

What are you doing here?
, Alex asks Elixa with a less then pleasant tone.
Elixa narrowed her eyes at Bull, then looked up at her father putting a smile on her lips she raised an eyebrow, well, then...

Nice to see you too....,
she said to him.

Watching him closely she finally decided to say the truth, even though he could just easily tell her to leave. Her eyes ran over her fathers body carefully then went back up to his face. Inhaling she licked her lips before she began speaking.

Mom and I had another full out fight. I'm sick of it, so I came here. Figured I'd come be with you...if not, I have another place I can go.

She didn't specify where that was exactly, she also knew he must have noticed her tongue ring, as it clicked against her teeth. To add to her story she nudged her bag with her foot.

Also, mum doesn't know where I am.
Alex downed the shot and ordered another as he waited for her to spill the beans and tell him why she was here. He didn’t yell, he was just used to everyone doing as he told them. So when she started to do nothing, and with him already in a bad attitude this wasn’t helping in the least.

Bull saw the girl’s plight, but even he wasn’t going to stand in Alex’s way. Still since he was pouring liquor for Alex, he could hang closer and not get him pissed off. So there he stood cleaning a glass with his rag, watching the family drama play out.

Though he could understand why she was having problems with his ex, it still didn’t please him to hear her proposal. They had never been close, and had spent a very minimal amount of time together, still looking at her today; she looked so much like her mother. However the very thought of pissing off his ex, did bring a smile to his face.

So you thought you’d dump your shit at my place, till you found your own?

He orders another shot to drown his problems.
Elixa looked at her father and sighed, she stood up and stared at him she was slightly upset that this wasn't working the way she had hoped. Grabbing her phone from her bag she shrugged her shoulders.

Never mind dad, I'll just call Tony and Dave they can pick me up.

Her last try, either way, she would have a place to stay, she didn't care where, as long as she was far from her mother. Flipping open her phone, she began searching through her contacts to find either Dave or Tony's number. Her eyes remained glued to her phone. She wouldn't look up at her father, she grabbed her bag off the floor as well.
Bull saw the twitch near his eye first and knew that challenging Alex wasn’t the smartest path for self-preservation. Still give the kid kudos for her approach. The glass in Alex’s hand came down hard on the bar top as his daughter mentioned moving in with to guys.

Who the fuck are Tony and Dave? And why the hell would you move in with them?

His glare was at her as she worked the phone. Alex’s mind was trying to figure out what was going on between these two guys and his sexy daughter. Realizing what he’d just thought, he blamed it on the liquor and his bad day. Still the whole thing pissed him off, why did this shit have to happen today?
Elixa flinched inwardly as his glass hit the counter, slowly she looked up at her father. She smiled sweetly and tilted her head letting her hair fall the same way.

They're just some guys from school. I'd move in with them, because they offered me a place to stay if shit with mom didn't work out.

Looking back down at her phone she found Tony's number. She smirked as she looked back up at her father.

Besides, they're nice...boys.

She nearly let it slip. Thankfully, her blush was only near her chest, it hadn't reached her neck or her cheeks yet. She began to dial the number.
Who was she kidding, Alex stood a bit stunned as she explained to him that they were nice boys. Yeah right, and they were card-carrying bible thumpers. What kind of bullshit was this?

Yeah, and I’m a fucking priest. Put the phone down.

The statement was a simple command, one for which he was used to people following. Bull wondered if the girl saw the warning signs, he wanted to say something, throw her a hint but there really wasn’t an opportunity. Alex still fuming doesn’t even wait for the phone to close, as he continues question her.

So what’s your mom’s fucking problem now?

If she didn’t pipe up or stop her dialing, he hits the phone out of her hand.
Elixa raised a brow at his comment, shaking her head, she lifted the phone to her ear as it began to ring. Putting a hand on her hip she watched her father carefully eying him closely. Debating if she really wanted to tell him, shrugging her shoulders she played with a strand of her hair.

Mom's problem is that I'm growing up. And...maybe because I left and didn't call...and was gone for three days. Plus this...

She stuck out her tongue quickly to show the bar bell that went through her tongue, the bottom ball was black with red dots, while the top ball was red with black dots.

Two rings, if it rang two more times it would go to the answering machine.
The girl just continued with her explanation ignoring his request, which infuriated Alex. Her look, her disposition, and most of all her refusal to do what he told her, immediately brought to the forefront the image of his ex and how much he hated her. So without a second thought he grabs the phone from her and throws it to the floor where it shattered. Something in Alex began to formulate revenge … retribution for all the things his ex had done to him. She’d turned him in to the authorities, garnished his wages, and made his life a living misery, and now today there was a way to get his vengeance.

When I’m talking to you, your gonna listen. I really don’t care about your fucking problems with that bitch my ex-wife.

Bull rolled his eyes, seeing how this was going to go down.

Nor do I really care about a tongue piercing, or any other piercing. Shit I love girls with piercing through their nipples. Gives you something to tug on. You can stay awhile, but you gotta follow my rules. All of my rules, is that clear?
Elixa's jaw dropped as her phone shattered. Looking up at her father, she crossed her arms over her chest glaring at her father she pursed her lips in anger. What the hell, she bloody well payed for that phone with her own earned money.

If you don't care why did you ask?

She asked as she put all her weight on one side of her body, cocking her hip to the side. Sighing she gave up and nodded, she hated rules...she never listened to them with her mother, so what made him think she would here. Ignoring his comment about piercings she nodded slowly.


She stopped herself before she said sir.
Alex really didn’t need this shit, and yet watching the girl exhibit a huge amount of attitude, just reminds his of how much he hated his ex. Everything about his ex was represented in the stuck up little bitch staring back at him. With her phone gone, and no one knowing where she was, a plan began to form, one in which he’d extract his revenge.

Come on, you shouldn’t be here we can talk in the back.

As the president he got to stay in the apartment in the back, as a portion of it was used for meeting and such. It just made him easily available if something came up. It was past the shop and nestled up a set of steps for privacy.

Grab your bag, let’s go.

Bull thought that just maybe Alex was settling down, but something told him the girl better watch out.
Elixa slung her bag over her shoulder and looked at Bull as if to say, shit...I'm in trouble now aren't I? after a moment of still eying Bull she pursed her lips and said to her father.

Why shouldn't I be here? I've been here many times before.

Inhaling slowly, she looked back at Bull, wondering if she had planned this all wrong. Most likely she had, not her problem though, if things got out of hand, she'd hightail it out of here just like she did at her mothers.
Elixa had chosen the wrong day, the wrong week, and probably the wrong person to trust. Alex had little if any sympathy for her or anyone else. So as they made there was away from the crowds, noise and prying eyes Alex found himself watching her, checking her out. She’d definitely filled out in the last few years, and the curves she was sporting now reminded him of his miserable ex wife.

Bull figured everything worked out, so he returns to serving customers, not daring to return the flirtation of Alex’s daughter. Though he did nod his head with a small and brief smile.

Quickly enough they made it to the apartment in the back, the place just like you expected of a guy like Alex. The most prominent thing in the main room was the big plasma TV and couch, with a few posters of girls bent over bikes with dental floss for swim suits. There was a dirty ashtray, a few empty beer bottles, and some miscellaneous clothing. The place was far from clean, and had the subtle odor of a locker room. Alex locks the door behind them, and without a warning begins to questions her.

So how long you been fucking the two guys?
Elixa made a face at Bull then followed her father quickly, once in the apartment she shuddered as she looked around, she turned sharply hearing the door lock. She stared at him confused for a moment, at his question her jaw dropped as did her bag, she heard something in it break, but didn't bend down to look. She was shocked he had come right out and asked.

Not knowing how to answer she just stared at him, it wasn't really any of his business so she figured she didn't have to answer. After a moment she knelt down and began to check inside her bag to see what broke. She shook her head as she spoke.

I don't need to tell you that. Plus, I haven't been.

A blatant lie, she just prayed it would work to her benefit.
Though he’d only had a few shots, they’d done little to temper his attitude, and the more the girl spoke the more it just reminded him of that bitch. Having run a bike gang for years, he knew bullshit when he heard it, and this girl was full of it.

Give me a fucking break, you ain’t no virgin. Do you think I care if you’ve been having fun, shit I’m not your now uptight righteous mother. Damn I remember when Mrs. Johnson the next door neighbor sucked my cock the first time, I was probably 12 or 13, I nailed her a few months later, now that was an education. So cut the bullshit.

He walks over to the fridge and takes out a beer.

So Rule #1 Don’t tell me shit.

He makes a brief pause, and continues.

So you want to change your story?
Elixa stood up slowly, she was disgusted by what he said. She couldn't believe he had come right out and said it either. Turning her attention to him she made a face watching him. Why should she have to explain herself to him? Shaking her head she sighed then finally spoke.

Fine, Fine, uhm....three months. Are you happy?

She narrowed her eyes at him, then bent down to pull out a t-shirt from her bag, she didn't feel comfortable anymore wearing just her sweater and bikini top. She pulled off her sweater, going to put the black concert t-shirt on. A concert she hadn't paid a cent to go to.
Alex just laughs at her consternation. His eyes following her movements at she removes the sweater and goes to put on the t-shirt.

Do worry, I don’t care if you’re a fucking slut, your mother was too, and I liked that about her, probably the only thing it turns out. Who really likes a girl that doesn’t put out?

He tilts back the beer, enjoying the amusement of causing the girl distress. The vulgarity and crudeness of his words amuse him greatly. Seeing the T-shirt about to go on, he makes a further comment.

Leave it off, you got a nice body, why cover it up.
Elixa made a face at him, ignoring his first comment, she watched him closely, then pulled the t-shirt down over her head. Finally it was on she looked at her father again. Disturbed by his comment.

You as my father, should not be telling me this stuff.

She said as she reached down to pull her sweater on over top. She was seriously disturbed her father would speak to her that way. But in another way grateful he was honest with her unlike her mother.
Just like her mother, the girl ignored his suggestion and just did what pleased her. Add to that her constantly challenging him, and he was ready to smack her. Still he downed the beer and just got verbally more aggressive.

Why can’t I say it like it is? It’s my fucking house. What your fucking mom not tell you about the birds and bees?

Quickly finishing the beer puts the bottle down on the most available spot, making no effort to put it in the trash.

If you plan to stay here you better get used to hearing it like it is. I don’t have time to make it all nice and sweat. You want a beer, I think I need another one?

His eyes watch her, enjoying the view, as his eyes begin to consider what she looks like without the clothing.
Dropping her sweater she crossed her arms over her chest watching her father. If he had of refrained from commenting she may have left her shirt off and stayed in just the bikini top.

No, actually mom didn't tell me about the birds and the bees. Some kid at school in grade five did.

Fixing her shorts she tugged them back up to her hips and watched her father. Three beers in one night should be fine she figured. She nodded quickly. At least he was being nice and offering, she had to give him a point for that one.

Please, I'd like one.

She looked over at him, wondering why he was watching her like that, feeling funny after a bit, she bent down and began searching through her bag.
Alex returns to the refrigerator grabbing two more beer, if any one was to look inside they’d have trouble finding anything fresh, well except maybe the beer. Returning to the small living room, he watches her bend over, his eyes enjoying the curves of her ass as she searches through her bag. He waits for her to stand to hand off the extra bottle of beer.

It figures learning it at school. I learned a lot about sex at school, especially behind the gym building, under the bleaches, and in backseat of my car.

He tilts back the bottle taking a long chug on it.

Why’d you put on the T-shirt? You not proud of what you got, or scared someone going see you?

His tone almost a challenge or dare.
Yeah, well, being in grade five and hearing about it from a ninth grader wasn't exactly how I wanted to learn about it.

Elixa said as she stood up, taking the beer from him, after watching him for a moment, she opens it, and puts the opening to her lips, tilting it back she took a careful gulp from it. She sighed feeling the liquid roll down her throat, closing her eyes momentarily, she lowered the bottle and licked her lips catching the rest of the beer. Finally she opened her eyes and eyed her father carefully. Okay...three beers....not smart. She glared at him.

I put it on because, I was cold.

Her own tone defensive.
As her lips wrap around the mouth of the bottle of beer, he imagines what those same lips may look like wrapped around his cock. Maybe he should have been disgusted that he had such a thought about his daughter, but he wasn’t. Now watching her tongue slide along her luscious lips just continued to keep his mind on just how sexy she was.

If you’re cold, I could turn up the heat.

He stated the words and realized that they had two very distinct meanings, not that he cared in the least about which she thought he meant.

So does your mom know you been fucking the two guys?

Alex just wanted to see what she said, as he found the whole subject amusing. When he was younger, he and his ex had a wild time, till she got pregnant and went all domestic on him. The bitch sure knew how to fuck up a good thing.
Elixa blushed suddenly when he said he could turn up the heat. She had been thinking very badly, at least her now blushing proved that. She quickly took a gulp of the beer. Wishing she had of just stuck with one. Apparently she was a light weight. She busied herself by drinking. Suddenly she coughed on the beer nearly choking at his question she looked at him anger filling her eyes.

Fuck no. Why the hell would I tell her anything?

She was obviously angry now, as she downed the rest of the beer. Her lips were drawn together in a tight line, her eyes narrowed.
Alex nodded when she said she didn’t tell her mother.

Smart girl, that bitch is way too uptight now. You wouldn’t think that she used to be hot piece of ass when she was younger. Now she's just an self centered cunt. Such a beautiful thing, and such a vile personality.

As he speaks he reaches out, and touches the side of her face, gently brushing aside the hair.

You look a lot like her now that you’re growing up.

He didn’t say that you have a nice rack of tits like she had, or that same tight round ass like her. The words were on the top of his mind, but he had the decency to hold his tongue.
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