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|| Cell Block C ||

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Jay’s Cage
Tags: Jay, Rupi

[Arriving from Cell Block B Offices & Labs #34]

They got into the elevator and unlike Rufio, Rupi kept to the other side of the elevator, hands to herself. While Nysali normally hated Dr. Arellano's touch - and many of the other doctor's touches too - she felt quite the opposite about Dr. Vera. But after Rufio's torturous session with her in his office, the siren was a little off her game and mostly worn out, choosing to remain quiet and following behind.

As they reached the cell in question, Nysa continued her mute act, nodding to the instructions, and wondering what kind of beast waited inside. She listened to the conversation, growing nervous as Dr. Vera spoke. This man did not sound safe.

" goes nothing," Nysa sighed, stepping into the darkened room as her throat lurched and the door closed behind her, "Um...hello?"
Location: Cell Block C​
Tags: Nysa​

The moment she walks in his cuffs retract, allowing him to move freely throughout the cage. He approaches her, a good two heads taller than the redhead. He walks around her while studying her, his hand gliding across her chest and her back.

"I didn't think the rumors were true.. Though, I don't think they could explain your.. Vibrancy." He says, as if trying to find a word to describe it. "There's no need to be afraid, I wouldn't have gotten you if I hadn't been.. Behaving." He says lowly while tracing his fingers along her waist. "I told them I had some pent up anger that needed to be released.. Could you help me?" He asks, his head leaning close to hers and whispering into her ear. "I don't bite.. Unless you want me to." He moves away while standing in front of her, his hands gliding to her hips.
Location: Cell Block C
Tags: Jakob

Her face shattered. “I did….what,” she asked, already knowing the answer. “I….killed people?” Tessa covered her face as she wept. “Not again,” she began to say over and over again. “I don’t want to leave again. I have to stay here. I have to. I can’t..miss..anymore time. I’m afraid of what I might wake up to. Please,” she said, quickly lowering her hands and looking to him. “Know this. I would never hurt you, or anyone else. I’m not a violent person. Honest. I wouldn’t hurt a fly, and this so called,” she told him, putting her hand up to stop him from saying anything. “I don’t want to know about it. I don’t have a power,” she shouted, frustrated. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you. It’s just that I’ve been told I claim to have one, and I..don’t..and I don’t want to know about it. Whatever it is, I don’t have it. I can’t do it. I can’t do anything. I can paint a little,” she forced a laugh. “I can dance,” but that’s it. I’m not special. There is nothing special about me. I hope your doctors can help me. Please. What is your name? So I can properly thank you.”
Location: Cell Block C​
Tags: Tessa/Tess​

Jakob listens to her rant, nodding at her words a few times. "My name is Jakob.. Honestly I don't know what's going to happen to you, but you don't have any powers.. Just a split personality, and we should be able to help but I'm just a guard so I wouldn't know.. Just hang in there." He says. "Keep calm and understand that everything we try to do here is help you, alright?" He asks.
Location: Cell Block C
Tags: Jakob

"Thank you Jakob, for everything. For bringing me here, for listening to me, for understanding, really you have been most helpful." Though she thanked him, Tessa was in shock. "Split personality. I never I guess I should have gone to a doctor sooner. There is one thing that troubles me so much, aside from just finding out I really am crazy. How did I manage to kill all those guards? No wait. Don't tell me. The answer..actually..scares me."
Location: Cell Block C​
Tags: Tessa/Tess​

"Don't worry about it, everything will hopefully get better." He says while leaning against the wall of the cell. "You will have to be detained here.. I can visit if you want but I do have other duties." He says to her. "Just try to stay calm and follow the doctor's orders, you're in the high security cell right now until you're cured."
Name: Rupinder "Rupi" Vera
Location: Cell Block C
Tag: Nysali, Jay, Natalya, Zach, Kaige, open.

Rupi watched for a moment with a hint of anxiety as the siren went in. She felt genuinely concerned for Nysa, knowing the peril and danger she was in if Jay decided to be less accommodating and more ruthless. She watched as he complimented her form and immediately set on her, his arms wrapped around her body. Even with a physique such as his, Rupi could not help but feel frightened and worried. But once she saw that Nysa was comfortable or at least willing, she nodded and tinted the glass panel for them. Might as well give them some privacy.

Turning, she saw she was alone for a moment. A sudden eagerness came over Rupi and she strode down the corridor to another cell. Is she…no, she’s still asleep. Rupi thought as she gazed in, looking at Natalya as she slept. Rupi was a bit disappointed really, thinking the wolf might be awake for some fun or pleasure. But she looked just as adorable asleep as she would have awake so Rupi merely smiled and let her be. Now it was time to work.

Patient ZM1234 was next. Zach McKnight. His powers were a mystery to most, but that wasn’t why Rupi had come. Recently demoted from B, she could see he had been scheduled for quite the beating today. Five guards had entered his cell in the last few hours, but when Rupi checked the logs…she was bewildered. They had entered…holding bananas. What the hell? And it had been Dr. Arellano who gave the order. This was not like him. Shock batons seemed more likely to have been employed or rather the sick doctor would have done the beating himself. Oh Nysa, what have you done? Overall though, Zach looked fine. Rupi would strive to get him back to Block B.

There were a few other matters to look into. One was Kaige Mayfair, whose cell she strode to next. Rupi wanted to see if Natalie had been correct in her statement of this patient still belonging to C. The woman was a pyro witch, capable of vast destruction if let loose. Rupi had not worked with her much but she had an inkling of what she was like. Playful, yet cruel and capable. Rupi would have to watch her step, for promoting her to B and then having her cause more chaos would only reflect more poorly on the psychiatrist in the end. After all, it would be her name on the transfer order that got her to B anyways.

She came to the glass panel and looked in, not knowing what to expect but keeping her expression cold and reserved…

Jay’s Cage
Tags: Jay, Rupi

Nysa sets her lip into a smile and sticks one hip out, putting on her best friendly display. The jury was still out for her whether this man was safe or not, but there was one purpose he could serve.

"You want some release?" she purred, looking up at his handsome face, "Good pick then. I love a good release. Mmmm, speaking of which. I need a favor too."

She tugged off her clothing for the third time that day, standing naked and glorious in front of him, "I need a little release myself. The mad ol doctor's been torturing me silly today. And he never let me receive...satisfaction. You satisfy me baby, and I promise you'll be satisfied too."
Location: Cell Block C​
Tags: Nysa​

Jay grins as she pulls her clothing off, his hands gliding up her beautiful skin. "It's been two hundred years since I last had sex, but that doesn't mean you'll be unsatisfied by the end of this.. I don't tire easily." He says, his voice growing to a low growl as he begins to grow aroused by the siren's voice.

"I assumed you would be a good pick.." He says. "So tell me, what's your favorite position?" He asks while stripping out of his sweatpants and undergarments, revealing a nice sized cock, larger than the average human's. His hands explore her body as he presses his lips to hers, having to lean down to her to do so, his hands connect with her ass, giving both cheeks a firm squeeze before a slap on both of them, making the skin a little irritated.

He breaks the kiss for a moment, his forehead leaned against hers. "Trust me, you'll be sore by the time you leave here." He growls before smashing his lips to hers again.

Jay’s Cage
Tags: Jay, Rupi

Like most men in this joint, the demon before her did not ask to touch her, not warned her before kissing her. It felt slightly rude, but she could not make any complaint with his lips to hers. Letting that annoyance go she kissed him back, knowing this was just another job for one of the doctor's so she could remain in Block A. And it wasn't the worst. Plus, if I make it through this day then I have five days free of volunteering. Seven days before Rufio's assistant shift again. Thank god.

When he pulled away finally she batted her eyes at him, giving him a sickly sweet smile, "Favorite position? Oh hun, there are two many to choose from. Doggy style...reverse cowgirl...legs over shoulders...too many to choose."
Location: Cell Block C​
Tags: Nysa​

"I suppose I should show my appreciation for you taking this risk.." He says before reaching down to her legs, easily scooping her up and planting her legs on his shoulders so that he is head level with her pussy, pushing her back against the wall of the cell before connecting his mouth to her slit, starting to lick up the juices beginning to show up, wanting to give her the release she had spoken of earlier before finding his own, which seems odd for a demon that seems to just take whatever he wants.

He keeps her steady with his hands on her legs, his massive muscles moving to keep the lightweight siren steady and up, which isn't much of a challenge. He breaks away for a moment before looking up at her. "Tell me when you're about to cum." He says before diving back in, his tongue finds her g-spot easily and begins to harass it.

Jay’s Cage
Tags: Jay, Rupi

Nysali hadn't been ready for his sudden bout of strength as he lifted her, slamming her back into the wall. She let out a loud groan, loud enough for those in the hall to hear but god she didn't give a shit. She'd been denied over and over by Rufio. She needed this. Only seconds past before she let out a warning noise, her eyes closing as his tongue felt way too good against her g-spot, ravishing her.

"Almost...there..."she gasped as without much warning her body exploded, dozens of pent up orgasms all spilling out in one humongous wave, hitting his tongue and then his face, coating his chin and neck with her juices, as she let out a happy squeal of pleasure.

"Lick me clean," she cooed, her voice thick with power even if it didn't work, "Lick and I'll let you enter me."
Location: Cell Block C​
Tags: Nysa​

Jay grins as she seems to explode all over him, though he understands it probably wasn't directly because of him, but he's glad that he can help her find some release, maybe she would remember this and come back sometime, Vera had promised more sessions...

"My pleasure baby." He says before starting to lick her clean, lapping up her juices until the only remaining fluid was the arousal making her pussy twinkle in the fluorescent lighting of the room. He lets her down before taking her by the hand walking her over to one of the corners of the cell before pulling her in for a kiss, his cum coated lips connecting with hers for a moment before he looking into her eyes. "I think I'll fuck you against the wall again, just put your legs around my waist and we'll get started." He says lowly.

The moment she does he lifts her up again, setting her against the wall before pressing his body against hers, lining himself up with her. "Ready baby?" He asks before pushing into her, the immediate ecstasy that fills him brings a loud groan as he buries himself in her completely. "Holy fuck you feel amazing.." He groans. He starts up a rhythm, unable to help himself from slamming into her over and over, wanting more and more from smelling her juices and her beautiful voice.

Jay’s Cage
Tags: Jay, Rupi

Her feet lightly touched the floor, but this siren was hoping it wasn't already the end. And it wasn't. As she relaxed more with him she wondered if he indeed was releasing "anger" or was just like most of the men in this facility: horny. Not that she minded. The more that wanted her, the more attention she got.

She ran her hands through his hair before setting her hands on his shoulders and jumping up, bracing her legs around him. The cold behind him bit into her. But as he pushed her harder into it the wall suddenly shifted and metallic cuffs appeared from no where, trapping her arms and torso and neck, leaving only her legs free as he thrusted into her.

"I'm stuck!" she groaned, unsure if this was as safe as she thought it was, "Jay I'm stuck."

He seemed pleased by this as he quickened his pace, pounding into her as she remained trapped. He didn't seem intent on hurting her, but she kept her guard up just in case while enjoying herself.
Location: Cell Block C​
Tags: Nysa​

Jay chuckles as the cuffs he hates so much trap her, he has absolutely no intent of hurting her so the cuffs only serve as something to make this session kinkier. "Don't worry baby, I'll release them once we're done." He groans to her as he continues to pound into her, his head leans against her neck, lightly biting and sucking on her neck to help her relax a little, wanting to give her as much pleasure as she was giving him.

"Just enjoy yourself." He says before going back to groaning and grunting in pleasure, his hips slamming against hers, producing a wet slapping noise that fills the cell, along with the moans and groans from the two madly fucking against the wall.

Jay’s Cage
Tags: Jay, Rupi

His words held little comfort, only because she barely knew him. But she let him continue, producing no more complaints as she closed her eyes and let her head rest against the wall as he continued his unrelenting slamming into her, burying so deep he tickled her stomach, filling her completely as she cried out, her desire and lust filling once more.

(Sorry about the shortness :/)
Location: Cell Block C​
Tags: Nysa​

Jay comtinues what he is doing, slamming into her over and over as he approaches his climax steadily, he also continues to kiss and suck on her neck. "You're so fucking sexy.." He groans into her ear, biting her ear lobe lightly as his lips continues to explore her neck and face.
Location: Cell Block C
Tags: Rupi

Though the guard had brought her clothes, Kaige hadn’t bothered to put them on. She was comfortable being naked. In her own mind, she had a great body, and if anyone else thought differently, it didn’t matter to her. Instead she had formed a make shift pillow with the clothes and was reclined back, pretending to smoke a cigarette.

She turned when she noticed her standing there at the glass. At first, she simply stared at her. It was the first time in a long time she had thought about what it must be like for them. They can come and go as they please. She had been here so long that sort of freedom was something she forgot, but every now and then it came back to her. Knowing that Natalie was somewhere around also made her hate her confindment even more. How she would love to open that door and go find her. Thoughts of sneaking in the shower and climbing into her bed came to mind. Kaige smiled at Rupi, though it was simply the thought of Natalie that made her do so. Rupi looked so different from the patients. She was dressed nice, without any toll from this place showing on her face. She could go to her home, cook her own food, take a hot bath, watch tv, and curl up in her own bed. This woman didn’t have a single care in the world that the patients here did. It wasn’t fair. None of this was fair. Then again, life isn’t fair. That’s a fact Kaige knew all too well. ‘She doesn’t have a clue what it’s like for us.’

In this moment of weakness for Kaige, she spoke to the doctor with a light hearted tone as opposed to her usual rage filled voice. “Rump Rupi! You’ve come to see me. You know, if you would bring me the cigarette, I could light it myself. See? On. Off. On. Off,” she told her, snapping her fingers creating a flame and then pulling it back in. Kaige laughed. “Don’t stare too much. I know my body is hot, no pun intended, but Rufio might get jealous. He has this crazy idea he own everything about the patients here, and WE’RE the crazy ones.” Her laughter grows. “Seriously though, I want to talk to you about something. Can I get a job in the kitchen. Think of how much money this place will save on energy costs with me in the kitchen. I can heat up all the food. At once no less. I’ll just pretend it’s Rufio and flames will burn it to a crisp.” She realized that could be seen as a threat and quickly changed tactics. “Sorry. Sorry,” she said waving her hand. “I know. I know. We can’t threaten the doctors. It was a joke. Besides, Rufio is like that stuff shirt Funless Funer. They both think they’re too good to be seen with us.” She sat up, still facing her. “But not you. No. You’re different Rupi. Always have been. You know, you’ve never raised a hand to me, or on me for that matter. You don’t like the girls huh?” She gave her shrug and a smile. “It’s okay. Guys do have a little something something extra to offer. You know? It kind of dangles between their legs and tastes good.” She licked her lips, trying to recall the last time she tasted a man that didn’t work at the institute. “So what do you want Rupi? I know you didn’t come to here to gaze at my naked body. So what is it? Hmmmm?”
Location: Cell Block C
Tags: Jakob

“Here? Until I’m cured?” It seemed like a long time, but truthfully she had no idea how long it would take her to be cured. “It’s okay,” she told him. “It’s worth it if I’m cured, and thank you for offering to visit with me. I’d like that. Really I would. You have been most helpful to me Jakob. I don’t have to why I’m in a high security cell. If my….if these powers….that the other..personality has..are what did those other..guards, then I understand why I’m here. Please, when the….people I killed….are buried, please put some flowers on their graves for me. I really..didn’t do that. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t.”

Jay’s Cage
Tags: Jay, Rupi

Could even demon's fall for her charms? She knew her voice was useless against immortals, but perhaps the allure worked on all creatures, human or nonhuman. This one definitely acted like the rest, worshipping her body with kisses, complimenting her, wanting more and more of her like she was the air they breathed. She loved it. But even amongst the pleasure and delight, the thought still struck her that maybe een this demon had gotten hooked.

She had all but spent herself already in that massive orgasm, and Nysa wasn't sure she had anything left in her, exhaustion knawing behind the pleasure. But sure enough she could feel it rising after many thrusts, his cock getting deeper and deeper that she couldn't help but moan and enjoy all of it.
Name: Rupinder "Rupi" Vera
Location: Cell Block C
Tag: Kaige, open.

When Rupi strode to the window, she momentarily lost her controlled demeanor when she saw the patient. Kagie Mayfair, as naked as the day she was born, merely lounging as if uncovered state was natural to her. She hurriedly resumed her composure when Kaige noticed her back and smiled. Rupi had worked with this woman before, knowing full well her pyro abilities. As a vampire, Rupi had seen plenty of her ilk get burned at the stake in the old country. It was not exactly a pretty way to die.

She sighed and rolled her eyes at Rump Rupi. The girl was as talkative as Nysa, though Kaige certainly had less limits in what she would say to others. She didn’t seem to fear reprisal or punishment. With her attitude, it seemed as if nothing scared her. Rupi could only watch with a set expression, trying very hard to prevent a smile from forming on her lips. The woman was…humorous. Rupi rather enjoyed the banter. And Kaige did hit a point. She was attractive and Rupi, given her orientation, could not deny admiring the beauty body before her. Perhaps Kaige purposely did it, to attract attention. With her mindset, after what Rupi had seen and studied, she certainly craved it. That is why Rupi remained aloof and silent, knowing a reaction is exactly what the woman wanted. It was lamentable the number of times someone like Rufio had fallen for it.

But there was a reason for Rupi coming to visit Kaige. Not for a quick fuck or an exchange of wit. There was positive work to be done.

“First of all, I’d appreciate it if you called me Dr. Vera.” Rupi said, a little bemusement in her tone and in her grey eyes. She wasn’t being authoritative in her requests as someone like Rufio might. “Secondly, I would highly advise you, Ms. Mayfair, to put on your clothes. If you happened to have burned them again, I can fetch you another outfit. I am told you are due for an appeal, to get out of this Block and into the one above. I’ll be the one overseeing it. The fact that you are eager to work and commit yourself to volunteer labour,” volunteer was just a fancy word for slavery in the Institution, for they weren’t being paid for their services, “certainly works in your advantage. I can get you that job in the kitchen, if you can be seen showing you pose no physical threat or danger to any one, staff or other patients.” Rupi stated. She still had not gone into the cell, speaking to Kaige through the intercom.

With her vampiric strength at full, she could probably take Kaige in a fight. But why risk it?

“So tell me about you and the Junior Tactician. One…Natalie Dayton. She told me you two had a very interesting rapport earlier. May I ask you, Ms. Mayfair, why you decided to open up to her? She is after all like the rest of us doctors, being on the staff. Why exempt her from your attacks?” Rupi inquired in a thoughtful tone, tilting her head in a curios fashion as she gazed at the woman through the glass.
Location: Cell Block C
Tags: Rupinder Vera

Kaige continued to smile as she spoke. ‘So formal,’ she thought, nodding at her every word. It seemed strange, even to Kaige, that she was even giving this woman the time of day or speaking to her in a kind manner. ‘Natalie,’ she thought, sighing, just before Dr. Vera mentioned her. The name coming from her lips almost made her jump, but Kaige knew any sort of reaction might raise suspsions, and that was something she did not want.

She rose to her feet and held her arms out in a surrendering gesture. “You win. Dr. Vera it is, but I gotta say Rump Rupi suits you better. You’ve got one fine ass that goes on for days. I’ll bet I could bounce a quarter off that ass. That is, if I had a quarter and access to your ass.” She shrugs. “My loss I guess. I sure as hell could have fun with a quarter in here. Oh, and not being so close to your ass too,” she quickly added, trying to pretend she really didn’t loathe the glass separating them. Dr. Vera wasn’t one she wanted to hurt anyway. Though she detested anything with a heartbeat, during her stay here, Vera was one of the few that had not caused her misery. Well, at least not on purpose.

Turning slightly, Kaige pointed to the crumpled clothes on the floor. “I was using them as a pillow. They won’t give me in here. Guess they’re afraid I’ll have a sexy pillow fight with myself. You could always go get one and we could have one,” she teased, raising her eyebrows. “But I’m sorry the rules for my cell with sexy pillow fights is you have to be naked. No exceptions.”

She intentionally hadn’t answered her questions about Natalie, but if anything Dr. Vera was persistent. She had asked the question, and she would want an answer. Kaige reached down, showing her ass to Rupi with no shame or embarrassment, and picked up her clothes. “I wore a size bigger than this when I first got here,” she told her, slipping the bland uniform on. Fully dressed, she turned back to her. “I had a few less scars then too, but eh. That’s all water under the bridge now. As for Natalie, oh I’m sorry, the Junior Tactician, Natalie Dayton, she came in here right after I masterbated. So I was in a good mood. Not much else to do in here besides rub your clit until you cum all over the place. I came so hard I blew fire out apparently,” she smirked pointing up to the ceiling. “Oops. Just gives Rufio another reason to be a dick I guess. He’s certainly proud of the one he has. I figured what the hell?! I’ll give him another reason to be a total and complete jackass. I’m sure a good person,” she mocked, putting her hand to chest. “And Natalie isn’t the only one I don’t lash out at. I’m being a good , little girl for you Dr. Vera.” Kaige began to make her way towards the glass, knowing her powers couldn’t burn through it. “You know something Doc? This glass here, these walls, they limit how far I can go in this world. You? You get to leave this place, go home, have a home, have a life. You come down here asking all these questions, judging whether or not I would be safe to put around other people, when there are people who work in this place that are more of a monster than I have been, and they are FREE. Now that’s fucked up. Rufio needs to be in a cell just like this one, but he’s free. Now you tell me. What the hell have I done to anybody in this hell hole to deserve to be on this side of the glass and not where you’re standing? Huh? Killed people? Hurt people? So have the doctors here. The only thing that separates me from them is this glass. How’s that for revealing Doc? Maybe instead of us you should be looking at your fellow doctors. They’re the real animals.”
Location: Cell Block C​
Tags: Nysa​

He feels himself getting closer and closer to the edge of pleasure, though he holds himself back, wanting her to have at least one more orgasm before the session was over, they still had plenty of time left after all. "Cum for me one more time baby, then I'll release." He groans to her quietly, keeping up the same pace. Hhe kisses stop momentarily, but the moment he is done talking his gore back to worshipping her beautiful skin.

To heighten her orgasm his hand reaches down to her pussy and starts to rapidly rub it, wanting to help her out here.

Location: Cell Block C​
Tags: Tessa/Tess​

Jakob nods to her, giving her a small smile. "I'm sure you'll do fine here." He says to her. "Do you feel like you're going to fall asleep soon?" He asks, wanting to know for his own safety in case he had to leave the cell quickly as the other side of her would probably not be so happy to see him.. Or maybe it would be, after all the other personality said she wanted to bed Jakob.

Jay’s Cage
Tags: Jay

Her moans escalated when he started to rub her, catching her clit in his fingers and stroking it as hard as he was fucking her. It felt amazing, pushing her further towards that climax. The metallic cuffs pulled her tightly to the wall, pinning her there so that she could do nothing about feel the pleasure, unable to touch him or even move.

"New...position," she groaned, her breath rough as she began to entwine her legs, "Hold my hips."

As he did she lifted her legs up until they reached they pointed to the ceiling, showing off her impressive flexibility. Then she crossed her ankles and leaned them on his one shoulder together, her shins pressing into his muscular shoulder while her knees bent closer to her chest. He was still buried in her but now she had grown tighter, her legs pressing firmly to each other so that it felt different for him as he pushed. And even better he could thrust in deeper, now at a new angle as his cock ran along her g-spot making her squirm and groan.
Location: Cell Block C​
Tags: Nysa​

Jay grunts in agreement, grabbing her hips as she tells them too, the pleasure and ecstasy suddenly heightening as she puts her legs on his shoulders. He loves how flexible she is, he leans over and lightly bites the inside of her knee, starting to plant kisses all over her beautiful slender legs.

"You're so fucking beautiful.." He groans. "I don't know if an hour will be enough." He breathes to her, going deeper inside of her just makes him want her to release so he could get his own pleasure, always having been the type to allow the lady to have her fun before having his own, though this seems to be fun for the both of them.
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