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|| Cell Block C ||

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Name: Rupinder "Rupi" Vera
Location: Cell Block C
Tag: Tessa Arcadia.

Rupi watched the other woman with growing intrigue. First she began meek and timid, unaware of her situation and totally lacking in any confrontational intent. She was starting to build a psych evaluation for the patient with barely asking a question, Tessa revealing everything like a gold mine. Whereas she was seemingly innocent and demure, her other side seemed quite extreme. Rupi judged that this alter personality came out only under moments of extreme duress and pressure, which seemed to be pervading the woman’s very being as she recounted her memories before and after these episodes. Rupi was about to inquire herself into the nature of these changes, when it happened.

The shift occurred quickly, subtle yet profound in scope and degree. Rupi tilted her own head to the side when the woman paused in her story, her mind absorbing every little detail to store away later and analyze. The transition in the woman’s demeanor seemed to suck the entire cell of air. Her voice, changed. Her facial expressions, changed. Had Rupi not seen it, she would have placed this new persona as an imposter and an utterly new person just by the way she had shifted so much. Her grey eyes narrowed at the other woman’s remark. She was crying? Rupi didn’t feel as such, but she mimicked the other woman’s gesture all the same, using her pinky to wipe across her cheek. What Rupi saw…took all her effort to conceal. There was indeed blood on her finger, pouring from her eyes. How had that happened?

Unfortunately for Tessa, Rupi also loved blood. She stuck her pinky into her own mouth and with her lips, sucked it clean. Then she looked the other woman dead in the eye, unconcerned about the other woman’s closeness. With a calm, controlled tone, she continued.

“Interesting. You certainly know how to surprise, Tessa.” Rupi simply replied, ignoring the woman’s declaration on how she wished to be addressed. “I would warn you to be cautious with how you conduct yourself and your…blood magic. Not many here take kindly to being reached inside of.” Rupi stated, standing as casually and still as ever, blood still pouring from her eyes, dribbling to the curve of her jaw, before dripping onto her lab coat. It didn’t bother Rupi. It didn’t even hurt. Being a vampire, she was already dead in a way. The blood magic wouldn’t affect her, since she didn’t technically need her own blood to survive. She needed others. But just because she was unaffected didn’t mean others wouldn’t be. The patient certainly earned her Block C status.

“You admitted yourself here so I would assume you are seeking help for your affliction. Do not worry, Tessa. We will help you to the best of our abilities.” Rupi flatly told the other woman. Her mental disorder was not easy to diagnose or cure. But she sure as hell would try. “You suffer from Dissociative Identity Disorder. It is a controversial subject. Most psychiatrists believe your split personalities are simply fronts, an illusion, to help you cope with some childhood trauma. I believe through rigorous methodology, we can stabilize your mind and keep you whole. It will not be an easy process.”

Rupi then raised her arm and placed it on the other woman’s chest. With a firm shove, she easily nudged the other woman back with a controlled push, putting some space between them. “I would advise you again not to utilize your blood magic any further unless asked. You’ll find the staff here to be very unforgiving when it comes to such transgression. I will overlook your impudence for now, but do not do so again.” She warned in a low tone, her voice hinting at further repercussions, inflicted by herself if need be.
Location: Cell Block C
Tag: Rupi

She suckled her finger, tasting her own blood, and Tess couldn’t help but be aroused. Anything dealing with blood brought about such feelings for her. The way it looked, felt, and certainly the way it tasted sent tingles running through her body. Blood was a brilliant medium, and Tess loved to be an artist. She could feel her own mouth watering as the woman before her rendered her finger spotless.

Even after the supple finger slipped from her pristine lips Tess was still in a daze, her thoughts lingering on exactly how delicious the blood must have tasted. When she addressed her as Tessa, she was ripped from her blissful thoughts. Biting down on her anger, she listened to every word the woman spoke, feeling her anger rising along with the desire to drain her of every drop of her blood. She wanted to paint the walls red with her blood. No. She wanted to bathe in it and all of it’s glory, absorbing as much of this woman’s wit as possible.

All of her emotions were building, rising within her, ready to burst forth in an act that would leave the walls of the cell dripping in crimson, but everything froze as the woman pushed her so firmly back. There was no sound in the room. Even the gentle lulling of the blood flowing through her own veins fell silent to her. She starred at her, her mind so full of anger that she couldn’t grasp one single vile word from the many that were scrolling by in her mind. It was beyond anything she had ever dealt with. No one had ever stood up to her in any way, and here this woman she had just met was so bold, so brazen as to touch her? No. It would not do.

“ It’s narrow minded, uppity bitches like you that think the world needs saving. Well it doesn’t. Way I see it we could stand to do with a lot less people like you and a whole lot more of people like me. As for this other side to me, I’m very well aware of….it, and if you can kill it, by all means do it. I want the weak, pathetic bitch gone. I’d kill her myself, but I need this vessel. That’s all she is to me. A body. I don’t need your help. I didn’t admit myself here. Never would I do something so incredibly stupid. As for what the other people may or may not like, I could care less. If they don’t want to be reached inside of, if they don’t want to bleed, then they better stay the hell out of my way. Impudence? Impudence, my dear lady? You haven’t seen impudence, but stick around,” she shouted, closing the gap between them. Smiling, she gave her a nod before punching her with her a strong right. “You will.”
Name: Rupinder "Rupi" Vera
Location: Cell Block C
Tag: Tessa Arcadia.

Rupi merely tilted her head to the side again, a soft smile coming over her lips as Tessa refuted her words and offer, spitting venom laced in every word. The woman was deluded, but in time Rupi knew she would see the benefits in letting the Institution help her. And in turn, be helped by her. Her blood control was something to study and research. Perhaps medically, it could be put to use, such as helping those suffering from sickle cell anemia and so forth. It would be something to report to the Science or Medical departments. But at this moment, there was no way they would be able to approach this woman without some sort of guarantee. What’s to stop her from draining their blood and killing them? Rupi had her immunity for a time, but even her vampiric magic had its limits. Prolonged exposure to Tessa would see her weakened severely over time. For now, she was strong. She could handle the other woman.

It was perhaps fantasy to think most patients would agree willingly to be studied and researched, but Rupi had always been an optimist in that regard. She really wanted to help Tessa, but the woman was refusing to be helped now, even when her other side had desired it. At first she assumed the other woman would simply keep rambling. Those with power, Rupi often found, loved to hear their own voices it seemed. There was certainly a smugness and confidence to Tessa that Rupi liked. And she would have kept on liking the other woman, had she not turned sour as she did. Rupi saw the intent in the other woman’s eyes before her words or actions relayed it. Everything seemed to go suddenly slow when Tessa reeled back, intent on making a corpse out of Rupi.

Unfortunately for her, Rupi was already a corpse. A living, breathing, bloodsucking corpse.

The clipboard clattered to the ground just as Tessa brought her fist forward, promising understanding of Rupi’s mistakes in due time. The doctor shifted back, one foot moving behind to steady and leverage herself, as her arms came up defensively. Her right arm intercepted the other woman’s fist, striking her wrist to send the punch wayward. With Rupi’s left arm, palm open and fingers bent, she struck the other woman right in the chest. The blow was much stronger than would seem possible from the slender, willowy doctor. Her feeding from the previous morning was still profound and being in danger, the power coursed through her veins right into the palm, exerting itself outwards into Tessa’s body. The patient would be lifted off her feet and thrown several feet back, stopped only the wall of the cell.

Great, now Rupi had destroy more video evidence.

She merely sighed and picked up her clipboard, shaking her head as she strode over to Tessa’s body before she could rise. One of her feet slipped out of her heels, only to slam down barefooted on Tessa’s face. “I warned you there would be consequences.” She snapped, her normal and sophisticated British accent curled up in a fury. “The world doesn’t need to be saved and I see no reason why it should be. But don’t you worry, Tessa. We’re here to save you, whether you like it or not.” She reaffirmed, putting pressure down on her foot to keep the other woman pinned down. After a moment of making the other woman writher beneath her, Rupi stepped back and slid her foot back into her heel, before turning and strutting away.

She felt immeasurably exhausted. The blood drain, the manifestation of her strength, it exhausted her tremendously. She needed to feed…

“I’ll be seeing you again, Tessa. I hope this lesson will show you the futility of your impudence.” She remarked as she stood near the door.


Stoneless Gardens

Tag: Gregor

The door began to cry as the gears behind it begun to come to life. The gorgon’s skin shuddered, her skin lightening to the “normal” shade of white that pleased the humans. Her hair fell around her, unclumping and falling in a human fashion around her shoulders. As the door cried out, the high pitched metal noise rung out in the empty cell allowing the creature to slither back to a corner to watch the pathetic creatures file in.

Odd goggles laid flat against their face’s, the same one’s as the guard from before that rejected her deathly gaze. Once they stopped in the middle of the room, their eyes looking around in the dark like a mouse in a maze. Teya’s head tilted and her hair fell with her, swaying and brushing against her angular face, shoulders, and back.

“And I’d like more sstonesss for my garden… Thatsss not happening.” Teya’s heavily accented voice hissed, her claws moving up in front of her to play within the air before her. It was odd, this man was new. The gorgon had met everyone that could possibly meet her in this facility and these people were very much so new. She’d given them some new stone figures for their garden, so that left her guessing that they’d needed some new staff because of her. Funny. That left the gorgon wondering what this man had in mind for her.
Location: Cell Block C
Tag: Rupi

It was a moment that unfolded in the blink of an eye. One second she was stepping into a punch. The next thing she knew, she felt the pressure in her chest and the wall hitting her back. ‘How is that possible,’ she thought, lying there, looking up. ‘This woman is no bigger than I am. It’s impossible for such a thing to happen.’ Though her mind rationalized it so, the proof was still there. Her chest ached, and her back felt just as much pain. She wanted to stand, to scream at her, to try again to punch her, but it would have been an amazing feat to move. The wall, the floor, had both caught her soaring in mid air, and now she lay there nearly helpless. Nearly.

She approached, and Tess had no misconceptions about her intent. A woman doesn’t commit such an act and then help up their victim. No, they are more likely to gloat, to stand tall and proud over them, and that is exactly what she did. The insult in her actions was not missed by Tess. As the woman’s soft feet pressed down against her, she felt her own rage rising. She was going to save her? Whether she wanted it or not?

The bitch moved, and Tessa slowly began to push up to a sitting position. “A lesson,” she called out to her. “Is that what that was? Well I assure you I did learn something. You are not a person to be trifled with. You are not a person to be trusted, and you wash your feet really well. You might wanna do something about those toenails though. They’re looking a bit ragged. Make no mistake, you’re only walking out of here because I want you to. Otherwise, I’d paint my walls in here with your blood, but you see there is no fun in that. You’re looking for it, expecting it, and so it shall not come. When you least expect, when you’re comfortable, when you think you’ve done your job well, and I’m well adjusted, getting the help you think I need is when it will happen. You won’t even feel it. One second you’ll be smiling at me, alive, and the next second you will be empty of every drop of blood that flows through your veins. So take that lesson with you, because the longer you do, the longer you will get to live. The second you forget it is the last second you will spend alive."
Name: Rupinder "Rupi" Vera
Location: Cell Block C
Tag: Tessa Arcadia.

Rupinder passed at the doorway when Tessa opened her mouth to speak once more. At first she hoped the woman would see sense and offer up an apology. Maybe even revert to her more…timid side after the stress placed on her body from the blow. Once again Rupi was disappointed, though it was common in her line of work. It was hard to get caged individuals to cooperate, their mind states reduced to a primitive state. That was the Institutions prerogative, not hers though. She was sure if the entire Institution was laid out like Block A, they’d easily have fifty percent more success rates. But for now, she was stuck with getting her hands dirty with the likes of Tessa Arcadia.

Who, unfortunately, did strike a nerve when she targeted Rupi’s feet.

“You sadden me, Tessa. I really hoped you would learn that resistance is futile.” Rupi stated, spinning on her heel to face the other woman. “We truly do want to help you, but your insistence on being a nuisance is only going to land you in a deeper ditch. When you next see a doctor, you might not like the results. It isn’t too late to turn back you know. Ripping me to shreds won’t get you want you desire in life,” that is, the sexual energies of men, which she seemed to hint at in the slight promising tone in her voice, “except an end to your misery. And I feel, Tessa, there is so much you can do without recoursing to such a pitiful end. I can help you get what you need, but not if you act like this. I sincerely hope you’ll reconsider and the next time we meet, you’ll not try to punch or take my blood.” Rupi said, before turning around once more and departing before the other woman gathered her strength and changed her mind.

The cell door closing behind her, Rupi immediately turned to the monitor, which contained the video feeds and other data pertaining to the patient. The recording, she deleted. No need letting other doctors see the manifestation of her vampiric punch. She also make a detailed entry on the patient’s danger and mental disorder, before departing. There were other patients to be attended to, especially a very important one which she had just received a memo of. But first…there was a special someone Rupi wanted to check up on.

Tags: NPCs

Natalya wouldn’t quit her howling. Why listen to the guard’s threats when she didn’t even understand them? So she howled and shot threats back in her own language, driving the guards mad until the door opened and a blonde man in scrubs walked in, proclaiming to be her new tutor. Naty’s eyes narrowed as a guard came in behind her with one of those sticks, making her press into the back wall.

I don’t want to use violence Natalya,” the tutor explained, “This is only a precaution, being as you are without chains or a muzzle.

I was freed. After being cruelty beaten,” she snapped back, glaring at the guard, “Stick it up your ass, bear man.

He looked like a bear, tall and bulky with thick facial hair. The blonde man was much shorter, closer to her height and softer looking. He looked wary but he wore a smile, leaving Natalya unsure of his intentions.

My name is Nathan,” he introduced himself in Russian, “I want to help you learn English, so you can understand us. All of us.

Yesterday she would have snarled and told him where he could toss his stupid other language. But today she paused, the idea of her raven coming to mind. She was mad…boy was she mad at being toyed with. The doctor obviously held little regard for Naty’s feelings, kissing others. Jealously and anger flared their ugly heads within her once more and she let out a snarl, but it was not at the men. She was mad at her raven. Perhaps if she learnt this English language, Rupi would want her more. It was a childish, emotional thought but underneath the jealous rage was pain at feeling replaced, and a want to recapture her raven’s attentions.

You teach me your English,” she spoke roughly, “But only if bear man leaves. And no muzzle.

Nathan thought it over than asked, “Only if you swear to not harm me in any way.

I swear on the spirit of my mother, may she rest,” Naty spat out, anger filling her again.

“Can you just step outside?” Nathan turned and asked the guard.

“And leave you in here? Alone?”

Just stand outside the door. If anyone passes, warn them I’m inside and to keep their voices down. If you hear me screaming, come back in. But she won’t cooperate with you in here.”

“It’s on you if she attacks,” he muttered, shuffling out to stand outside and deter people. Nathan stepped further into the room them, and in an act to try and calm her he sat down, pulling out a pack of flash cards.

These were my son’s when he started learning English. He’s nine now,” he explained, laying them out, “Would you like to look at them?

Curiosity brought her forth, but she did not stand. Instead she stretched a leg out and dug her heel into the ground, pulling her body up into almost a kneeling position and using her stretched leg to drag her forward. Placing her hands on the ground she repeated it, almost like an ape would walk as she crept closer, the wolf inside her curious at what he had brought. She sat down opposite him, still very much naked as she criss-crossed her legs under herself. Her pale blonde locks were long enough to reach past her breasts and cover them, but her sex remained open, not that the wolf cared or thought about it.

Nathan however did, and he called to the door for a change of clothes. Seconds later the door opened and a tank top and pair of shorts were thrown in, obviously the guard was prepared. He explained them to her and with a huff she stood and dressed, then threw herself back down into her sitting position, picking a card up from the pile.

This is an apple,” she exclaimed in Russian.

“Mhm,” he nodded, now saying it in English, “Apple.”



“Applze.” Her accent was so thick for a second Nathan was unsure if she had pronounced it properly or not. So he just nodded and agreed, and thus they moved on to another word, and another. It would take many sessions for her to memorize these, but as they spoke Nathan got more and more on her better side, until the wolf felt calm around him. He wasn’t her raven, but neither was he an enemy. The flash cards soon ran out so began playing word games with her, getting her to pronounce each word. It was another game he had used with his son, as most of his tricks would be, as he explained to her. He’d taken night school to become a special needs aid in schools, after finding out his son had autism and dyslexia. He had been half way through nursing school at the time and finished both. Natalya didn’t understand most of this so he broke it down for her, until she understood. He had taken this job to make enough money to support his small family, and in hopes they might find something to help his son.

I had a brother like your son,” Natalya admitted, “He was born the runt of a litter, and he was destined for death. But I fell in love with my little Papooka, and refused to let him wither. It took much work, but he turned into a great wolf, fierce and strong. One of the best hunters in my pack. But even our strongest…didn’t survive the guns.

Nathan fell silent. There were no words, having seen in her reports how she was acquired. Her pack had been put down, or at least that was the recruitment team’s statement. From Natalya’s point of view, it looked like pointless murder. After a few minutes he picked up another flash card and changed the topic, deciding it best never to ask of her past.

They worked for three hours, until even Nathan had to admit he needed a break. Anyone who had walked past them in that time would have seen a nurse and patient, sitting on the floor cross legged, speaking both in Russian and English, sometimes laughing, sometimes simply speaking. After half an hour the guard had left, seeing no reason to be around as it was obvious Naty had no will to harm Nathan. When Nathan finally did leave the wolf was left unchained and unmuzzled like before, the door closing with a loud click, signifying she was alone once more. She stepped up to the door, seeing Nathan standing staring at some kind of light up screen, pressing buttons.

Tomorrow then?” she asked in Russian, causing him to look up. He opened his mouth to speak then turned his head, obviously seeing something else before looking back to her.

“In English Naty,” he spoke slowly, enunciating each word, “Tomorrow…”

“Toomerrow,” she repeated, slurring the word, “Tumerrow?”

He smiled, “Better. Yes, tomorrow. I must go now. One of the doctor’s is heading this way, and she doesn’t look pleased. Be good Natalya, or they won’t let me back.

She watched him go, her blue eyes following him until he was out of few from the small glass panel. Instead of retreating though she waited for a minute, curious as to what doctor Nathan had spoken of. She simply wanted to see them pass by, knowing there was nothing of entertainment within her cell.
Location: Cell Block C
Tag: Rupi

The door closed, and the woman’s words still hung in the air. “Stupid bitch,” she shouted, not caring if she could hear her or not. “This is fucking Star Trek! Resistance is futile? What the fuck? You crazy, strong psycho! You can..bleed! I got the proof right here,” she stammered, finding her feet. She held her fingers up, as if for an unseen audience. “You can bleed! That’ll be your….downfall! I’ll bleed you of every drop of your….foul smelling..blood.” She sniffed her finger, realizing her blood really did have an unsavory order to it. Her nose wrinkled as she repeated the action. “Damn. You really do stink. You smell like..dead flowers..and dirt..and..whoooaaa. what the fuck? I never smelled all my life. Damn bitch. Your toes are the least of your problems. You smell like..something dead. Something…..” She lifted her gaze back towards the door. “Hey bitch! What the fuck are you? You ain’t no human! That’s for damn sure! No human..could have tossed me like that! No human..smells like this! I’ve smelled and tasted blood from so many men, women, and children, but you? Awwww no. You’re..special, and I promise you with every breath I have I’m gonna find out. If I have to drain you of every drop of this putrid blood, I’m gonna find out your little secret.” She made her way over to the door and leaned her head against it. "Come and play with me doctor. I'll tell you all my dirty secrets if you tell me your's."
Name: Rupinder "Rupi" Vera
Location: Cell Block C
Tag: Natalya.

Rupi didn’t immediately head to Natalya’s cell, as she intended. She made a short detour to the guard’s station, snatching a quick bottle of water to stick in her coat pocket and a few other snacks. Rupi didn’t need the nourishment herself, but there was someone she knew who did.

When Rupi saw a guard lingering outside of Natys cell, a pang of worry struck her. What were they doing?! She knew that some guards took liberties with the patients, especially given this morning where one was punished for being found sleeping with a patient. Another had been killed, having had a tryst with another that made Rupi even more worrisome. Would Naty ever turn on her? Wolves often turned on the alpha if they thought they could do a better job. There was already a firm haste in her step as she approached, still infuriated from her session with Tessa that caused her to react so violently. The guard saw her and turned to speak to someone inside, which soon brought out another guard, looking quite pleased with himself.

That worried Rupi even more, fearing the worst. Her footsteps thudding firmly on the ground, she approached the two guards looking like a force out of hell, brow furrowed and her eyes hard.

“What is going on here?” She demanded, glaring at them both. “What are you doing to my patient?”

The two men exchanged a glance. “Nothing, ma’am. Just tutoring her in English.” The larger one replied. “She’s making good progress-”

“Who gave you permission to do so? Patient ND6667 is supposed to be the tutor for English.” Rupi inquired impatiently. She didn’t trust the guard’s excuse for a heartbeat, remembering how Funer had sent his guards in to terrorize the wolf. How easy it would be for other guards to take advantage in their own sick way. But the guards looked entirely confused at this.

“I was simply assigned. I don’t question the orders.” The guard replied, giving a shrug. Rupi narrowed her eyes for a moment, then sighed and shut them. The man…was telling the truth.

“And besides ma’am,” the skinnier one said, “isn’t she Dr. Arellano’s patient?”

Rupi snapped her eyes opened and glared daggers at him. “Don’t you have somewhere else to be.” She simply stated, not a question or a suggestion but an order. The two guards nodded and hurried off down the hall, Rupi’s grey eyes following them before she glanced towards the cell. And smiled at what she saw, the previous fear dissipating in the face of her Natalya. “Hello, beautiful.” She murmured to the glass.

Tags: Her Raven

There was no need to see the face to know the beauty that was approaching. Natalya heard her as she spoke, and if she was in wolf form her tail would be swooshing happily from side to side, somewhat excitedly. The memories of the night before still clung to her mind though, making her unsure of herself, of her raven, of what was to come. The voice turned from questioning to angry and Naty pressed into the door more, trying to understand. What was happening? Was she mad at Nathan?

"Nathan, why is Dr. Vera upset?" she called out in Russian, using her raven's proper title, "Nathan?""

"It's nothing," he called back, taking one step backwards so she could see him, "Dr. Vera is just concerned for your well-being."

He stepped away again as her nose pressed against the glass, trying to see, her emotions in turmoil. She was concerned for her? But...last night? "And besides ma’am, isn’t she Dr. Arellano’s patient?”

Rupi snapped something and the sound of footsteps heading off were quick. The guard would simply resume his post wherever it might be, and the nurse had plenty to do before his shift was over. As for Natalya, the girl's nose continued to press into the glass until Dr. Vera came into sight and then she stepped back, smiling cautiously. Her heart instantly picked up a notch, but her brain warned her to be wary. Like her nickname, Rupi was being crafty like a raven. Was she simply toying with the wolf's emotions? Did she care at all? There was no sure way without speaking to her, but her English was that of a one year old's, and her raven knew no Russian.

Still, she could try, before the anger and jealousy flooded back into her system. Rupi had caught her in a good moment. Last night the wolf would have probably lunged at the door. She could do this, she could say these three words,

"H-hello my raven."
Name: Rupinder "Rupi" Vera
Location: Cell Block C
Tag: Natalya.

Rupi was glad to see Natalya still so interested and excited to see her, adding a ray of sunshine to Rupi’s normally morbid days. She smiled at the blonde haired woman inside, though she seemed to detect a hint of…defensiveness? Still, what Natalya said to her in greeting completely bewildered Rupi, causing the usually stern faced woman to break into a wider grin, one of pure happiness. “Hello, Nataya.” She replied back. “I see you learned some new words.” She remarked, tracing a finger over the glass screen before moving to the door panel. She entered her own passcode this time and entered into the cell, clutching her clipboard to her chest as she expected to be mauled upon her entrance. Not violently, but in zealous excitement.

"How have you been?" She asked slowly, not knowing the extent of Natalya's english at this moment. She had the translators in her pocket, which she dug out and held in her hand, if they were required. She looked the other woman's naked body up and down...and frowned. She really needed to wear her clothes! It was an enticing sight to see though, one that caused a kick in Rupi's heartbeat and a tingle in her lower body. "I just came to check on you for a short while, before I return to work. I'll be back later tonight...." She told the other woman, stepping into the cell more fully and letting the doors closed behind her.

Now her and Natalya were alone.

Tags: Rupi

Natalya took another step back as she heard the door click open, knowing in seconds Rupi would be in her cell. She could touch her, hold her, kiss...
A snarl left her mouth and she turned away from the door as Rupi stepped in and closed it, the wolf pacing to the back wall before turning and looking at her, the anger dancing in her eyes. The English was almost lost on her, but she noticed it a bit, remembering something Nathan had said. She was asking how she was. And Natalya knew the answer, having practiced this one over and over.


She growled again, angry at herself for feelings emotions, but also for wanting this woman. Even now she wanted to stride across the room and kiss her, to show this doctor how badly she wanted her. But Natalya couldn't let her toy with her.

"Vam nravitsya delat' durak moikh emotsiy voron , ne tak li?"

She could hear Rupi's heart beat rising, and more so could see the confusion growing. Natalya looked her over, and thats when she noticed the familiar device in her hand. In two strides she was invading her raven's space, pushing her back into the wall. The smell of her...god it called to the wolf, begging her to taste her supple skin, and kiss those full lips. Gritting her teeth she held back, swiping the translator from Rupi's hand and taking a painful step back, her body screaming for Rupi while her mind remained in control. Pressing one part in her ear, the other fit around her neck. Last time that was all that was needed, and then the doctor could hear her.

"You do love your games, don't you raven? Or perhaps I should call you a fox...your certainly crafty as one." she started pacing the room again, if only to keep her from rushing into Rupi's arms, "Do you do this with all your patients? Work those pretty hips and bat those beautiful eyes until they grovel at your feet like I? Do they know they are toys, as am I? DO THEY KNOW?"

She yelled the last words, the jealous and bitter wolf coming out with a voice deep and throaty and so loud it was almost hard to tell if she had spoken or snarled. She was near the wall and her hand slammed on it, the sound echoing around them.

"Do they know?" she repeated in a lower voice, but the jealous rage and pain were still there, her eyes dark as she once more stepped closer to Rupi, "Or is she just better than me? Do you wish for her body over mine?"

"You fooled me raven. You made me feel wanted by you. Even now I crave those lips, those breasts, that body. But they are not mine to have. They are another's. How many Rupi, how many toys do you keep?" She tugged at her tank top, hating the cloth on her skin. But it hid her body from Rupi and a part of her wanted that, to deny Rupi that pleasure. Another part wanted to flaunt it, to show the doctor what she had so easily given up. The wolf knew a Change was imminent, her emotions out of control so she stripped, flinging her clothing at Rupi's feet. Her blond hair hung over her breasts once more, wild and untamed.

"You will never again toy with me doctor," the jealousy reared, the pain replacing the anger in her eyes, as she got close enough for Rupi to see the hurt, her hands gesturing at her naked body, "I will not allow you near my heart again, nor my body. I am a wolf! Not your grovelling mutt, waiting for scraps. You...You.."

There were no more words, her chest heaving as she gulped down air, allowing Rupi the chance to speak back.

["Do you enjoy making a fool of my emotions raven? Do you?"]
Name: Rupinder "Rupi" Vera
Location: Cell Block C
Tag: Natalya.


Rupi reeled back as if struck. Someone had hurt her precious wolf? She had a thousand questions in her mind. What did they look like? Who had it been? What did they do? She did not seem to notice the blonde woman’s anger was directed at her. She thought Natalya would be coming over for the usual hug and excitement, though Rupi saw little of it on her face. She snarled something in Russian which she didn’t understand, but could hint at from the tone. Something was terribly wrong and the doctor did not know. But it was her job to find out, wasn’t it? For both professional and personal reasons. Whoever did this would pay.

She had no notion that it was her. Not until Natalya strode into her space and shoved her against the wall. “Natalya!” Rupi snapped in turn, growling now in anger. Anyone else and Rupi would have struck them back, but with Natalya, her Natalya, she paused and watched the other woman. For a moment she thought the wolf was only being playful in her roughness, but there was no indication of that. The translator was swiped out of her hand and Rupi quickly fiddled to attach her on in her ear, getting the right settings on. Just in time to hear the wolf’s harsh, accusatory words.

“Natalya-“ Rupi tried to intervene, but the woman cut her off, screaming at the doctor for some transgression she had yet to realize. Natalya slammed the wall next to Rupi but she didn’t flinch, having seen this sort of anger and violence many times. She dropped into her psychiatrist face, cold and guarded, merely observing the other woman coolly as her mind tried to discern what was wrong. She didn’t try to interrupt again. She watched silently despite the wolf’s declaration of betrayal, of lust, and the abrupt shedding of her clothes.

Then it seemed to hit Rupi. Last night, when she was down here. When Daniella deigned to kiss her…there was a loud thump and slam. Rupi had not known it then, but she could guess now. Natalya had the senses of a wolf. She could grasp what was going on. She knew when Rupi was near. She also seemed to know what had happened. Did she not then know how she had rejected Daniella? Clearly not.

Rupi sighed and lowered her gaze towards her feet. “You grieve me, Natalya.” She said softly, shaking her head. “If I have hurt you, then I am sorry. Truly sorry. You know that I care for you deeply. But…but you are right. I have betrayed you. You deserve an explanation and I’ll give it to you.” She declared resolutely, before looking up at the other woman.

“I have pets, you are right. But not in the way you imagine. I…I have needs. Different needs. I am like you, in a way.” Rupi said, suddenly baring her sharp teeth for a moment, before closing her mouth and giving a sad laugh. “I have pets…to feed on. That is all I’m going to say to you about it. But there are one or two I keep for that purpose. They do not have access to what you desire though. That I gave only to you.” She made a step towards Natalya as if to emphasize this.

“You are mistaken though if you think that my lips, my breasts, my body, I give freely to any who grovel at my feet. I do not. But I think I know what is bothering you. You…saw or heard something happen last night in this very block. Someone who tried to take what is yours.” Rupi said, making sure Natalya understood that those very same lips, breasts, and body was all for her. “Be assured she did not get what she desired, or take what is yours. She was put in her place. But I can see that you no longer desire them either. I…I understand, Natalya.” Rupi told the other woman flatly. If she wasn’t wanted, she would accept it and move on.

“You are more than a wolf to me and certainly more than a grovelling mutt. You are not a pet. You are someone important. Someone I care about. But there are desires I need that I cannot take from you. I take it from others. Do you understand? I take. Nothing is given from me to them. Nothing that doesn’t belong to others. I would not dare to trample on your emotions or play games with them. You are important to me. I should have told you this earlier. For that, I am sorry Natalya.” Rupi said, lowering her gaze down to the floor again, showing submissiveness to the other wolf. She reached into her pocket then, bringing out the cool bottle of water and some snacks, which she set on the floor.

“I brought these for you.” She added quietly, though she knew they were but a small fare compared to the hurt she had done. “If you do not want your raven anymore, she will leave and never come back. But your raven did not mean to hurt you intentionally. She does not care about her other pets as she cares about you. You are my one and only. But if this is goodbye…” Rupi looked up, eyes glistening for a moment before she blinked and banished it away behind her cold face. “Then I will go and never come back.”

Tags: Her lovely raven, who she still adores

The wolf froze, her tongue held as she listened to Rupi's admission. She did not deny it, but she also...Natalya did not understand all the words, as hard as she tried. But she understood some. Her raven was no human - that she had already suspected - and she needed to...feed? And the vixen who Naty had thought was stealing the one woman she craved was no more than that, a vixen, and Rupi's heart did not belong to the woman.

"I...I do!" she blurted out when Rupi mentioned being unwanted by the wolf. Natalya was simply hurt, no she did not want to lose this at all. She simply wanted her raven to understand. But Naty didn't say more, letting her continue, praising the wolf for who she was, and apologizing for hurting her. Naty felt speechless as Rupi spoke these emotions, emotions even the wolf was too prideful at times to admit having.

But those emotions were indeed bubbling up at Rupi's heartfelt words, and they threatened to spill when she revealed the water and snacks, knowing the wolf was hungry. Natalya couldn't state for other werewolves, but for her she could eat more than most. And it never phased her, her own metabolism so high she burned right through it. As it was, the lack of eating properly had already begun to eat away at her, as the wolf had dropped several pounds. Without hesitation she scooped up the snacks and drinks, opening the first bag and pouring the whole contents into her mouth, swallowing after several bites. Drinking half the water bottle she went to open another snack bag when she heard the last of Rupi's words.

"Then I will go and never come back."

The bottle and snacks fell to the ground, the water spilling onto the ground and dribbling out. Forgetting the starvation knawing at her stomach, Naty took two wide steps back to Rupi and pressed her into the wall, this time much more gently. Even hungry the wolf was strong, pinning the doctor to the wall, her face only inches from Rupi's, listening for her heart beat to rise and her breath to quicken. Listening for those signs that told the wolf that Rupi still wanted her as badly as Naty wanted her raven.

"I would never wish for you to not come back," she whispered, "I'd suffer a thousand heart breaks to still see your eyes, or your smile, even if only for a moment."
Name: Rupinder "Rupi" Vera
Location: Cell Block C
Tag: Natalya.

Rupi felt herself slipping from Natalya’s attention, when she turned away from the woman herself and went straight for the snacks, seemingly more important than what the doctor was saying to her. It certainly confirmed Natalya’s words that she was done with her, even if she hadn’t exactly said that. But Rupi knew the wolf was angry with her and probably did not want to see her. With a sad nod, she turned to leave and was thus caught entirely unaware when Natalya sprang after her, seized her firmly, and shoved her hard into the wall.

A very girlish squeak emitted from the doctor’s usually shut lips, her eyes wide with shock.

She smiled softly at the other woman’s words, her hands coming up to grasp Natalya’s naked sides. “I’m glad,” Rupi said, lowering her head for a moment in deference before raising her gaze again. “I’m happy to hear that. I did not mean to hurt you, Natalya. Everything, all of me, is here for you, when I can come to you. I am yours.” Rupi told her, yanking the woman into a tight embrace, arms around her naked back. Rupi could feel the other woman’s body through her own clothing and it very profoundly aroused her, causing a moist tingling to flutter between her legs. The display in the conference earlier sobered Rupi up from any of those thoughts, knowing she could easily be caught. But there would be a time, once she could get Natalya moved up a Block.

“Your raven has to leave you now, Natalya.” Rupi said as she hugged the other woman tightly, her cheek pressed against Natalya’s. She spoke low, knowing her departure always saddened the wolf. “I have work to do, but this is not forever. I’ll be back later, with more water and snacks.” Rupi said with a hint of laughter in her voice, gazing at the mess the woman had made. Maybe some meat would keep her happy as well. “Be good for your doctor later. He is coming to see you. He is…cruel, Natalya. Please, don’t try to fight him. It’ll only make things worse. When he is gone, I will come.” Rupi told the other woman, speaking in a worried tone. She detached the other woman from their embrace, holding her firmly at arm’s length. She remembered what happened last time they were together and though it was pleasant and exciting, they could not right now.

“Do you understand me Natalya? I have to go, but I’ll be back. Tonight. And I will stay long.” Rupi promised her, letting go of Natalya’s shoulders, her hands trailing down the blonde’s arms, to intertwine their fingers together for a brief moment.
Location: Cell Block C
Tag: Helmut Gregor, Jaime Corben, Teya​

When the gorgon emerged into view, Jaime fought the very powerful urge to take a step back. He knew that Gregor would not let it go if he did, and he needed to keep himself together. Seeing what Jinx had done had been exhilarating, terrifying, and a wonder to behold. But it was all human. This...this was decidedly not human. Even with a hue of skin that looked closer to right, the claws, the way her hair was falling in a decidedly not proper way...this was a splinter of legend walking the earth, a leftover from an age long past. And it didn't seem happy. Jaime took a glance to see Gregor.

The man was, of all things, smiling.

Helmut nodded as she spoke, understanding where she was coming from.
"Of course. You want to indulge in your natural function. Let me put it to you this way. You want to create more stone, I want to study the process that makes someone a stone. Come with me and you can make more garden stones. Show me what you can do." He offered her, not above bargaining when the situation called for it.

The sibilant hiss that came from the gorgon made it clear that she was thinking about it. When the moment stretched on, Gregor stepped to one side, and waved the guards in. When the gorgon all but exploded into motion, it was only a pair of expertly fired adn applied tasers that crumpled her. Even so, the creature wasn't done. They ahd to hold the charge of the tasers for a full counts of twelve just to subdue her long enough to bind her arms. Heaving her to her feet, they followed Gregor.

"Doctor, where are we taking her?" Jaime asked.
"I am taking her to a lab. There's a tissue sample I want you to analyze in the lab from yesterday. You should be able to determine the properties of it. See if there's a way to stretch that tissue sample, and also see if there's a way to neutralize it's effects." Gregor instructed. Jaime nodded, adn left him, not wanting to really see what was about to happen, and what it was he'd be unable to prevent.

The operating room that had been set aside was sterile adn white, perfectly ready to go. While Gregor had indeed been curious as to what the functioning process of the gorgon's gaze was, he wasnt prepared to risk her getting loose. Her resilience, that was what eh neweded to know. The legends had said only taking her head off would kill her. It was time to see if that was true.

More tasers, more shocks, this time until she was nearly insensate, far past the point that a human would have been sent into cardiac arrest, but they managed to strap her to a reinforced table. Quickly they removed what clothing she had, laying her out to open view. Lines were drawn, showing where cuts would be made. The first surgeon started to cut, but cursed after a few moments.
"The wound is all but healing as I cut it." He complained. Gregor nodded, and reached for the circular saw used for heavy cutting on bones, adn fired it up. Blood and inhuman fluids sprayed as he made precise cuts along the lines, the staff stepping in to pull the wound open, while the Gorgon screamed in now mindless agony from what was being done to her.

Her internals laid bear, Gregor peered in, seeing the differences. ANd they were immense. Organs were in similar places to a human, but they bore no resemblance at all to their location. There was no proper heart, no lungs, nothing. Just...organs. It was utterly and completely inhuman.
"Samples, all of them." He ordered. With methodical and clinical precision the staff set to work, taking tissue biopsies from every organ, sealing and labelling them in containers, before they took smaples of the fluids within them. Then they did so again. The Gorgon was mewling now, so far beyond the realm of simple pain that there was nothing left of her mind right now. That might come later.

"It's theorized by Dr. Zandra that the key to her petrifying gaze might be in her eyes, or sections of her brain behind them." One of the staff point out. Gregor nodded, and stepped forward. He'd been planning for somethign of this nature, adn ahd the tools near. A lancaster speculum went into place, holding her eye open. Even through the tint of the goggles he wore, he could see the edges of panic seeping farther into his subject. She knew what was coming on some level. She had to. Normally one woudl use tools to gently prize the eye forward, but Gregor simply pifted the sphere holder, adn clicked it open. He plunged it home. The Gorgon shrieked at a tone that set his teeth on edge, that made several of the staff reel back, hands to their ears, but Gregor bore on.

The eye lifted from it's socket, his pace slow, drawing hte organ free, seeing the optic nerve there, and casually snipping it free. She sagged ontot eh table, tears of a dark grey flowing from her one eye, bracking black fluid that was likely her version of blood coming from the now gaping socket. A moment later a brain biopsy needle was sent in, drawign smaples of everything that had been within reach there. Gregor sighed, adn stepped back, unpinning the folds of her flesh, adn pushing them back into place. With a smirk he saw the skin starting to knit already, healing her as best it could. She'd be scarred now from this, the eye not withstanding.

"Get ehr back to her cell before she comes around." He ordered. The guards unstrapped her, adn dragged her from the room. He looked at the clock. A productive few hours. Time to go see what Jaime had found, and then turn him loose on the new samples.

[Exit to Cell Block B - Offices and Labs]​

Tags: Her raven

The fates were cruel to the wolf lately. Amongst many things, watching her raven leave always made the wolf a little sad. It was lonely in her cell. Terrifying lonely. And there was no way to know when her next visit from anyone might be. Every time her small ray of sunshine left the room Naty assumed it feel like days before she saw her again. Time past much too slowly in this cage, this stone box. So when Rupi told her she had to leave Naty let out the softest of whines, her body clutching tighter to the doctor's, holding on for a few more seconds. Why did she have to leave? Naty had finally gotten all her words out, the jealousy at bay for the time. She was no longer mad with her raven, although the wolf couldn't say the same to the woman who had tried to steal her away.

"Cruel...?" she repeated back, her words about another doctor worrying her. She didn't want any other doctor. Just Rupi, just her raven. Why was he coming? Why would he hurt her? And why did her raven not want Naty to fight back? She didn't speak on any of these questions though, as Rupi pulled away and held her at arm's length and her main concern being that she was being left once again, and even the promise to return and stay longer with food only made it a fraction better. The wolf struggled with these emotions, having never felt so powerless, lonely, or...or scared before. For the first time in her life Natalya could feel the smallest spark in fear inside her. It was not fear of the doctors, of Rupi, or the nurses that came in. It was fear of the beatings to come, and the stretches of complete isolation when it felt like years were passing and Naty couldn't stand the silence. Knowing it was about to come made it no better, and Natalya clung to the few more seconds she had, forgetting about her jealousy or anger.

"I...understand," she tried to keep all these emotions from her voice, trying her best not to worry her raven. There was no need to. But Rupi was a therapist, whatever that was as Naty had not a clue, and the fact was, her raven seemed to be able to read emotions rather well, even as the wolf tried to hide them.

Without asking, Naty squeezed Rupi's fingers gently in her hands and leaned forward, kissing her softly but quickly on the lips. If it was the wolf's choice she wouldn't stop kissing her, those lips soft and supple and her scent intoxicating. But she understood. Dr. Vera had to leave.

"Don't...forget about me today my raven," she whispered, before taking the translating device off and placing it back in the doctor's hands. She just had to trust she'd be back. Naty let the doctor's hands go as her head bowed and she let Rupi past, allowing her to reach the door. Her eyes dropped to her clothing then over to the chains on the wall and the muzzle lying below them. What would this cruel doctor do?

"Mne...strashno," Naty whispered, admitting her fear although she no longer could communicate. She didn't want Rupi to know. She wanted her raven to not worry about her wolf. Her eyes glanced up, taking one long look at the beautiful tan skinned woman as she faked a smile, "G-good...bye...raven.."

Name: Rupinder "Rupi" Vera
Location: Cell Block C
Tag: Natalya.

Rupi did not need to be told that Natalya was afraid. It was her job to see these emotions and it was utterly wrought in the blonde woman’s face. She was afraid. It broke Rupi’s heart to leave the poor girl alone for such long stretches of time, before and after the upcoming dreadful appointment. Rufio would not be kind, she was sure of it. The man would take one look at Natalya’s hostile demeanor and endeavour to quash it. And if she was docile, he would take advantages in other ways. Rupi could not prove it, but she was well aware of Dr. Arellano’s cheap tricks. It would not be easy on the wolf.

Natalya pressed forward and suddenly took a kiss from Rupi’s lips, surprising the doctor again with the sudden action. The shift from confrontational and distrustful to obedient and loving was remarkable, but Rupi ignored it. Love and attraction did strange things to a woman, which she was quite aware. She merely smiled as Natalya’s lips brushed her, her hands tightening their grip on Natalya’s. “I won’t.” She promised back with a tender smile. How could she forget the wolf, when every second thought was of her? With a nod of her head in farewell, Rupi turned to leave, moving to the door now that she had the wolf’s permission. She didn’t need it, but it felt better knowing she had it.

Then the wolf whispered something incoherent and Rupi paused and turned. She couldn’t understand, but she felt the fear inherent in the words. Her smile flipped into a frown, turning back to face the woman. She whispered goodbye to her. Rupi was silent.

Then she gave in to her own impulse. Clipboard clattered to the ground as she crossed the distance between them in one step, hands snaking around Natalya’s slim waist as she gripped the other woman and heaved her into the wall. Rupi then pressed herself against Natalya’s naked body, arms sliding around the blonde’s waist to grope her rear as Rupi pressed her lips in turn to Natalya’s. And it was not simply affectionate. It was wild, passionate as Rupi’s tongue entered into the other’s mouth, twirling with the other. Their bodies molded and Rupi’s hand snaked lewdly on Natalya’s backside. Just as Rupi’s belonged to Natalya, hers belonged to the doctor’s. And no one would take that away from her.

Very gently, Rupi nudged apart, a flush in her cheeks as her grey eyes lingered on Natalya’s lips. “Goodbye, lovely.” She whispered back, hand coming to caress Natalya’s cheek, before the doctor spun and strode abruptly out, before further impulse made her stay and do something more. The doors slid shut silently behind them and Rupi stepped into the hall, taking a deep breath and sigh. She had to tell herself several times that Natalya would be alright.

A quick stop at the cell’s monitor ensured all video and audio files were deleted. Rufio would have nothing to go on. With a final press of her hand to the small window, Rupi smiled at Natalya then strode briskly away towards the elevator. She would not be on this floor again until later that evening.

[Depart to Cell Block A]​

Tags: Her sexy Raven

Naty had prepared to see Rupi turn and leave, steeling herself for the sudden silence that was to come. So the wolf did not expect Rupi's sudden change of direction, her body shoved hard into the wall as her raven pressed into her. Her breath came out in a shaky sigh, her body reacting as it always did so close to Rupi's. Her eyes fluttered closed as she leaned back into the kiss, tongue wrestling with tongue, her mind very aware of the hands on her ass, making it harder for the wolf not to groan. She'd never felt this before, had never experienced this growing urge within her, or the wetness growing between her legs that she did not understand. When the kiss broke Natalya was almost relieved, only because she didn't know what her raven was doing to her body. It felt...strange. A good strange though, one she wanted to experience more with her raven. Naty hadn't admitted yet to the doctor that she was a virgin; moreso she wasn't sure her Rupi knew she was her first kiss. Her first...everything.

Watching her leave, the wolf didn't feel as abandoned as before, following her to the door and looking out, just to get those last few seconds to remind her that things were alright, that everything would be...alright. When Rupi's hand pressed to the glass Naty kissed where she saw the palm, then leaned her head against the glass in the same spot, closing her eyes and holding on to the thought of Rupi touching her again. Minutes past and she knew her raven was gone but she didn't move, holding to the thought. Finally her eyes opened and the doctor was indeed long gone, leaving Naty to return to her corner and wait, now knowing her next visitor would not be her raven, nor her tutor but a man who Rupi claimed was cruel.

Natalya was ready...or so she hoped.

Name: Rufio Arellano
Location: Cell Block C.
Tag: Natalya.

[Arriving from Cell Block B – post #159]

The elevator doors slid open and Rufio Arellano marched down the corridor with a stern visage, a satchel looped around his shoulder and waist. Denied pleasure with Candice, he was in no mood to be trifled with. He had a new patient on his list and he intended to quickly put the bitch in her place, not being in the mood for idiocy like he endured with other patients recently. He had made a quick stop at the Science Department before he arrived here though, carrying a few gadgets in his pockets. Apparently, with this patient, a translator would be needed as well, as the woman, or wolf, did not speak English. Rufio smirked to himself.

He came to the door where he met a guard, waiting for his arrival. The translator, no doubt. Rufio glanced into the cell and eyed the blonde woman, liking what he saw at once. Very beautiful. Very ravishing. Very…fuckable. The guard nodded at the woman as well, standing beside him. “She’s dangerous one, but not uncontrollable. If you address her equally and with respect, she’ll give you the answers you need. But be careful. She has a nasty bite and has already killed a few men. She only speaks Russian, which is why-”

“Russian?” Rufio inquired with a quirked eyebrow, keeping his eyes on the blonde.

“Yes. She’s from there so she only speaks that language. I’ll be here to assist you-”

“That won’t be necessary. Take a break.” Rufio ordered, dismissing the guard with a wave of his hand. Then reaching into his pocket, he drew out a small whistle. A very powerful one, that emitted a strong frequency. Humans wouldn’t hear it, but certain canines would. And this one was specifically geared not to summon or tease them playfully, but to hurt. Painfully. Rufio stepped into the cell and let the door close behind him, flashing a smile at the creature. “Good afternoon. I am Dr. Arellano and I’ll be your doctor and caretaker for the duration of your stay here.” He said as a way of greeting.

Tags: Rufio

As the door opened Natalya's head shot up, hoping for a brief second it might be her raven. After all that had happened, she just wanted to hold her, to feel those lips once more. But instead a new man stepped in, one that smelt foul. He wasn't dressed like a nurse or a guard, so she assumed he was a doctor and Rupi's warning came back into her mind. Her upper lip curled back and she snarled as he spoke, having no understanding of what he was saying. She didn't want to. This man smelt of stale blood and grim, obviously his time with his patients could no longer be cleaned out of his clothing no matter how hard he tried. Her nose was strong enough to smell every scent, as well as the scent of his testosterone rising, knowing he was taking in her body with his eyes and thinking foul things.

"Ne trogay menya , svin'ya."

Name: Rufio Arellano
Location: Cell Block C.
Tag: Natalya.

“Ne trogay menya, svin’ya.”

Rufio smirked but said nothing immediately, dropping his satchel by the door, before he moved to pace in front of her. He returned her gaze unfalteringly, knowing how dangerous she was. But he was fearless, his hand in his pocket briefly before he withdrew…a whistle. It was black, set on a steel chain, with a small amplifying device near the end. With the amount of werewolves that came into the Institution, it was a well-researched and crafted device, working on high frequencies that would resonate quite powerfully within a canine’s head. With Natayla, it should work, if the bitch saw fit to transform and attack him. In her present state, she was harmless to him.

He turned and paused in front of her, looking her up and down. “I’ll touch if I wish, you measly little bitch.” Rufio suddenly snapped, in flawless Russian. “Let’s get that straight, first and foremost. At the Institution…we own you. Do you understand me, wolf bitch? I can touch wherever I want because I own you too. So keep that pretty little mouth of yours shut. Do you want to be muzzled up again? Or perhaps a dose of silver spikes to your hands and feet would remind you of acting up?” He sneered at her, clinching his fists and causing the muscles on his exposed forearms to flare and flex in a blatant challenge to her. He dared her to act up.

"Take three steps back and sit the fuck down." He ordered her.

Tags: Rufio

She was surprised by his sudden switch to Russian, but it was also an relief to her. At least she can understand him, not that she liked what he was saying. Her eyes glared hatefully at him, her lips curling back more to show her sharp canines. She saw him pull of a gadget from his pocket out of the corner of her eye but knew not what it was. Naty had grown up in the woods. Everything about this place was strange to her.

"You do not own me," she rose up, challenging him as she stood her ground, "You will never own me. Go ahead and hurt me, it will not break me. You're just a meek human. I bet you taste good though."

She licked her lips, staring at his throat as she took a step forward instead of backwards, challenging him.

Name: Rufio Arellano
Location: Cell Block C.
Tag: Natalya.

Oh she was a fighter, like any wolf with its back against the wall. But like a wolf, she could be beaten down and taught discipline. Rufio merely smiled as she stepped towards him. He in turn stepped towards her. “Wrong. I will own you. I do own you. And I will break you as well, if you don’t behave yourself. Go on, try to taste me. I could use some new mittens when the winter comes around and wolf fur is oh so soft.” Rufio goaded, daring her to challenge him. He was in the mood to fight as well.

He took another step towards her. “What’s wrong, wolf bitch? Go and transform. Or stay as you are. But once I’m done beating you down, I’m going to take bits and pieces from you.”

Tags: Rufio

Natalya could not tell if this man was more like a fox - sly and devious - or a wolverine - mean and vicious. She snarled again as he stepped forward, neither afraid or worried about him. She knew her Ravens words were about this man, but even that warning could not stop the wolf from standing up for herself. No man would ever own this wolf. No, Naty would not let it be so. A thought passed her mind of allowing that honour to go to Rupi, but she pushed it away. Would the raven even want her that way?

"I am no fool fox, " she decided then what he was, "If I Change you will simply hurt me at my weakest. No I shall remain in this ugly flesh form, I will not satisfy your tastes in seeing my beauty."

To Naty, she was her best in her own form, as a wolf. She wrinkled her nose as he got too close, that fowl stench circling her. And making her want to gag. She planted her feet though and didn't move, waiting for him to attack. It was how this fox worked, was it not? Goad her and then attack. That device in his hand was obviously not for her pleasure the way he held it, ready to use it like a weapon.

" Go on then," she baited, sticking her chin up, "Hurt me. Beat me. I have already felt your worst here. You will never break me fox. I do not play your games."
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