Post Your Face!

Just sharing a little fun with you lovely bunch of humans...

The images that followed... are pretty, sloppy. XD What a fantastic night.
LadydeSade said:
Lovely smile.

That smile lasted all day, through being shot at, shot up, bruises, blood blisters, sore ankles, and a fall through a window onto my back.

Sitting here just trying to relax....I know the cancer stick is a turn off but hey I wouldn't be Snake Plissken without a smoke AMIRIGHT?! lol
Excuse me sir, but I do believe you're thinking of Solid Snake. It's an easy mistake to make, though not a forgivable one. For you see, Solid is, well in a nutshell, a trillion times more manly and amazing than mister Plissken. ^_^

A quick picture I took on my birthday last year.


Taken by my friend during a skype call while I was doing my one of my commercial mockings. =P
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