Post Your Face!

Being all domestic and shit today. Baking, hurrah!

For the record, I hate taking photos of myself. I always look different on film than I look in a mirror for some reason.


Also, here's the creepiest "Inception" picture I have ever taken. :/

If anybody is wondering about that second pic, Yes, that is my tablet although it's the cover that is red and not the device itself, Yes, I took both pics in my bathroom because Halogen lights in my room are shit for photographs, and Ye,s my bathroom alone is as big as some people's bedrooms. It even has it's own closet built in, next to the shower (which has granite walls), but only because my room USED to be the master room until somebody built a bigger one above the garage/built a new garage.

And yes, I know it seems like I'm bragging, but I'm not. There's not much to brag about, really.

Also, thanks Hahvy. Feelsgoodman. Dem Eyes're the only things on me face I's proud of.
As always, another great piccie from grayfoxz and from MJ. <3

More warm weather means I can finally wear my new pajamas and I so totally love and adore my pajamas. So............


And so I don't take up the whole page, a few more behind the spoiler...



And I'm done cam-whoring my newest pajamas that I adore.
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