Post Your Face!

darkangel76 said:
*snuggles Krys*
And your son is adorable, Pony. :)

Hooray for pleasant weather... this means SHORTS! Not too cold, not too hot. Just right. :)

And because I can't resist more piano shots....


As always, looking good, DA. You are always a dish.

Ursa-hime said:
Everyone here is so good looking ヾ( ^ω^)ノ So pleased to be rping with good looking people ohohoho (★*U∀Up)♪+゚


(● ̄(エ) ̄●)ゞテレテレ a little embarrassing but meh | |д・) ソォーッ…

Yum. As delicious as the cream in an eclair. *smiles wickedly*

Millenium Joker said:
By the power of Greyskull, you are.... Holy shit, you'se hot!

Uh.... Wow.

For once I have nothing clever to say. :|

It was bound to happen sometimes.. like the first time I saw DA.

DamningTheHeavens said:
Millenium Joker said:
By the power of Greyskull, you are.... Holy shit, you'se hot!

Uh.... Wow.

For once I have nothing clever to say. :|

Error. Error. Cleverness processor down. Too much blood reallocated to penis. Shutting down clever nodes 1-10

ROTFLMAO!!!! That is a good one.
Ruphhausin said:
Ursa-hime said:
Everyone here is so good looking ヾ( ^ω^)ノ So pleased to be rping with good looking people ohohoho (★*U∀Up)♪+゚


(● ̄(エ) ̄●)ゞテレテレ a little embarrassing but meh | |д・) ソォーッ…

Yum. As delicious as the cream in an eclair. *smiles wickedly*

DamningTheHeavens said:
Millenium Joker said:
By the power of Greyskull, you are.... Holy shit, you'se hot!

Uh.... Wow.

For once I have nothing clever to say. :|

Error. Error. Cleverness processor down. Too much blood reallocated to penis. Shutting down clever nodes 1-10

ROTFLMAO!!!! That is a good one.

My point remains valid. ^_^
My "I can has love?" Picture.
Me being like, "Yo, I'm all Pinup and junk."
The Librarian look.
And right after my hair was done. Isn't it so pretty?
Come to think of it, that gave me an idea. Same hairstyle, newsboy hat, goggles, pinstriped overalls and forging gloves, grease stains on the clothing and face, a tool belt loosely slung about the waist.

Costume idea for a female, or I could even use that for a character in my comics..... :D
Me too. Sadly I can't draw even a stock figure without messing it up (my fingers are stupid) and the only artist I'm close friends with hasn't drawn in months due to work.

In swear, there's no connection between my hands and brain. I could be Rembrandt in my head, but when ink/paint meets canvas/paper, I develop Parkinson's..... And M.S. or something.
D: you guys are too kind asdbajsfnalsfasf REALLY >3<;; *not worthy of such praise* OTL

But gah! *3* Hahvy, you're so pretty *3* <3 your hair so bold and striking and glasses *____* asjahsjdlas

Raph, you're too kind too =3= <3 I look terrible though >3<;;
Ursa-hime said:
D: you guys are too kind asdbajsfnalsfasf REALLY >3<;; *not worthy of such praise* OTL

But gah! *3* Hahvy, you're so pretty *3* <3 your hair so bold and striking and glasses *____* asjahsjdlas

Raph, you're too kind too =3= <3 I look terrible though >3<;;

Y'know, normally when people say something like 'youse cute' or ' wow, a real life anime character, sweet!' Or 'lovely eyes' the recipient of the compliment says something like 'thank you'

Confidence, woman! We have no reason to lie to a person we've never met, much less over the internet. Confidence!

On the topic though, Hahvoc- I'm gonna try and get in touch with my artist contacts, see if anybody can pencil up a drawing of said pinup gal w/overalls. If I can (and since I am usually the one paying for his art supplies) I'll see if my personal art monkey can ink/shade/color the thing, too.
You are very welcome. And now, I take my leave, for I have expensive stuff to move in the morning, and I need my beauty sleep, *Explodes into a shower of confetti*

That's..... That's never happened before. O_O
EVERYONE here is indeed beautiful, Ursa. Too many people stake too much in appearance and forget that beauty is much more than skin deep. And though the people here are all gorgeous on the outside, there's so much more than what you see with your eyes if you actually take the time to look. REALLY look. And yeah... confidence. Don't let ANYONE make you feel badly for how you how look. EVER. So take those compliments, hold them dear and for what they are and know you're beautiful. :)
Well, MOST people are beautiful on the inside (speaking both on a personality/metaphysical level, and on a 'the human body is fascinating' level) but it seems like its getting harder and harder to distinguish between the good and the bad in people lately.

And I know that I'm amazing on the exterior. Its like if John Travolta had offspring with Ares, the god of war, and that child grew up to have a wicked awesome beard in a myriad of colors. I just can't lose! :p

(This was a joke.)
Well, I've been pretty fortunate for the most part to have come across some very awesome people here who exhibit beauty both on the inside and on the outside. And I've dealt with my fair share of the crap one feels when it comes to what people find beautiful on the outside. Being an older (though this depends on what you deem older, personally, I don't think I'm all that old, but to some.... I am, heh!), I've felt that quite a lot. So, I've learned quite quickly and rather harshly what true beauty is and all that. And now I feel rather comfortable and confident in my own definition of it and where to find it, etc.
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