Post Your Face!

Millenium Joker said:
By the power of Greyskull, you are.... Holy shit, you'se hot!

Uh.... Wow.

For once I have nothing clever to say. :|

Error. Error. Cleverness processor down. Too much blood reallocated to penis. Shutting down clever nodes 1-10
Right, I forgot this is a new virtual stomping ground for me, only one person on the site knows me that well,

I'm Joker. I'm a bit of a smartass, but the general sentiment is that although my brain gets me in trouble, more often than not people decide (almost unanimously) that I'm one of (if not THE) the funniest people (and one of the best and most literate/grammatically correct role players) on whatever forum/site I am haunting.

This, as it turns out, translates into me always having something clever and funny to say in almost any given situation, save when I am flustered or under duress.

Picture above related: an example of something that causes me to get flustered and have nothing clever to say for once (in this case, a gorgeous female)

So, enough ass-kissing on my end, back to the thread topic: pictures.

I have none as of now. Not happy with my hair or face as it is. But soon, my children, soon, I shall grace you all with an image of my glorious countenance. And for those who are unprepared for it, I can only say this: prepare to cream/sploosh your pants/panties respectively.
Millenium Joker said:
By the power of Greyskull, you are.... Holy shit, you'se hot!

Uh.... Wow.

For once I have nothing clever to say. :|

Also, don't worry, Snake. We still all think Kurt Russell is hot, if it's any consolation.

Incidentally, I just saw Escape from New York a couple days ago. Story was men, but I still enjoyed it. I like to think that those movies helped inspire Hideo Kojima to make the Metal Gear series, so I was a little lenient on the film.
Asgdjdlhznskaka Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ n-not me right? Because DA and Snake are so amazing *A* <as well as everyone else>
Ursa-hime said:
Asgdjdlhznskaka Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ n-not me right? Because DA and Snake are so amazing *A* <as well as everyone else>

Er... Yes, that was the point I was trying to portray.

Was.... What the'ell was that first part, some sort of Sorcery? I'm terrintrigueified.

Yes, the unanimous decision is that DA does, indeed, rock those short shorts. Can we get a 'Who loves hot pants!?'

@Rave- you look familiar.... Like somebody I know, just slimmer and taller. And without bleached hair. (Really bad decision to make if you are a cook at Chili's by the way)

@Snake- no way that's you, you look waaaaaay too young to have kids. Did you shoop that picture or something?

Also, whenever I picture Snake, why do I always see a beard in my head? Must be MGS.
I can only hope I look that young in 2 years. I'm 21 as of this posting, and already poeople assume I am older.

Although, I am sure my facial hair and a FEW white hairs (top if my head) contribute to that.
Rave said:
Millenium Joker said:
@Rave- you look familiar.... Like somebody I know, just slimmer and taller. And without bleached hair. (Really bad decision to make if you are a cook at Chili's by the way)

Oh man, I dyed my hair once. Never Again. Also WOO for Slim and Tall. That's right, you heard him ladies

;) (;

Said cook friend had his hair bleached with peroxide multiple times in a day to get it geisha make-up white, then hit it with blue die. Says it hurt more than you could imagine.

Joke's on him, he dyed his hair back and the brown is bleeding out, making his hair white again, it looks fried and incredibly damaged 24/7. How his manager hasn't kicked his butt yet is a question I just don't have an answer to.
Uh.... Hmm....

Yeah, all that posturing from earlier was just that. Posturing. I'm... Well, let's say I not satisfied with how I look, so I use comedy and an above average intellect to draw attention away from.... This. :/


Thats the good shot.

Here is the bad one.



Posturing. :/
Wrong pictures!!!

Let's try that again....

Good. And yeah, I'm legally going without the glasses.


Bad. Also, my lip is.... Messed up here. Dunno what went on.

Millenium Joker said:
Ursa-hime said:
Asgdjdlhznskaka Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ n-not me right? Because DA and Snake are so amazing *A* <as well as everyone else>

Er... Yes, that was the point I was trying to portray.

Was.... What the'ell was that first part, some sort of Sorcery? I'm terrintrigueified.

Bahahahaha XD just a general keyboard smash =3=// I'm not worthy of everyone's praise >3< like I said, I'm glad to be surrounded by such good looking rp'ers 0w0b

Big Screen HD TV.....Check!


PS3 and Controller.....Check!

Hat to the back entering beast mode.....Check!

Booze & Snacks.....Coming Later!

Oh yeah today is a video game day!
Ursa-hime said:
Everyone here is so good looking ヾ( ^ω^)ノ So pleased to be rping with good looking people ohohoho (★*U∀Up)♪+゚


(● ̄(エ) ̄●)ゞテレテレ a little embarrassing but meh | |д・) ソォーッ…

Holy shit! A real anime character!

I love your eyes, seriously. <3
Holy shit, now I feel even worse. Compared to the rest of you, its like putting the Venus de Milo next to a tire fire, :/ The joke being, of course, that my face is like a railroad map.
*Alice nuzzles her Hatter* Pretty as always, Hahvy. <3

And, MJ...... BMR is FILLED with VERY good looking people of all kinds. You are now among us all. And I say that not as one looking at you from the inside to the out, but rather as one welcoming you aboard. So, welcome to the awesomeness of BMR!!! WE ALL ARE FREAKIN' AMAZING!!!!!!!
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