Post Your Face!


Because some people STILL ASSUME I'm male. I'm not. I just have a bigger dick.
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:

Because some people STILL ASSUME I'm male. I'm not. I just have a bigger dick.

(If I wasn't a taken man I'd enjoy those boobs.)
Krys (so hard to call you Snakeeeeee!) has the prettiest eyes!!! <33333
Rogue is a pretty baby momma! Love her baby belly. <33333
And Hahvy, you look like a fairy princess! So, lovely. <33333
Lots of <333333 for the ladies.
I always thought you were a lass, Havhoc! No idea why you'd have to prove you were one...

Anansi: I just happened to have my arms pressed closer together than usual. They don't look like that normally.
DA: Thanks, love. <3

Kris: You really do have really beautiful blue eyes.
Don't hate me for this, a friend stole and edited it after I had a little too much to drink...

Rogue's hair is awesome... as is her new avatar. <3

And yeah. Shovel's shirt fucking rocks. Except..... the red shirts always die!!!! T_T *makes it blue*
It is. I'm well aware and hence ADORE it. I'm just sad because those who typically wear red in Star Trek are expendable and Shovel is far from expendable. He is awesome!!! <3
Good, good, because in that particular case wearing a red shirt is good. Though Scotty wore a red shirt...

All the red shirt deaths were sacrifices for his eternal life!
THEY SOOO WERE! I think the only TNG red shirts that didn't die or come back for repeat appearances were the high ranking officers. So, you have to be wary of the little rank symbols on the collar.... make sure there are 3 or 4 there. XD It's so funny.... I've been all Star Trek nostalgic these days too. The coincidence of Shovel's pic appearing when it did was soooo appropriate. KUDOS!!!!!!!!!!! *steals it* <333333333
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