Post Your Face!






Goes to show how much difference hair/facial hair makes, I guess.

Here is one that I just now took. Ignore my crazy hair and my unshaven stubble. It's my day off and if I wanna look like hell then I'ma look like hell!
Anansi said:
The one with super speed was the first to arrive? What are the odds?

I know.. right. LOL LOVE YOUR SIG!!!

Rogue said:
Ruphhausin said:
Nihilistic_Impact said:
Thunder! Thunder! THUNDAR CATS! HO!

Also.. did anyone else who watched the show notice that, in the original.. very shortly after Lion-o said "HO!!!".. Cheetara ALWAYS was the first to get there? lol

Ope, we just figured out her sekrit!

And Anansi, your signature makes me giggle like a mad girl.

I know.. right?!?!

QuietSeductress said:

Here's me!

You are very pretty.

Just throwing this out there... anyone think I should post a pic here??? Just throwing that out there....
TheSoulforged08 said:





Goes to show how much difference hair/facial hair makes, I guess.
I think my favorite is the one of you sitting on the tailgate of the truck :p

Ruphhausin said:
Anansi said:
The one with super speed was the first to arrive? What are the odds?

I know.. right. LOL LOVE YOUR SIG!!!

Rogue said:
Ruphhausin said:
Also.. did anyone else who watched the show notice that, in the original.. very shortly after Lion-o said "HO!!!".. Cheetara ALWAYS was the first to get there? lol

Ope, we just figured out her sekrit!

And Anansi, your signature makes me giggle like a mad girl.

I know.. right?!?!

QuietSeductress said:

Here's me!

You are very pretty.

Just throwing this out there... anyone think I should post a pic here??? Just throwing that out there....

Thank you very much! Sure let's see a pic of you!
TheSoulforged08 said:





Goes to show how much difference hair/facial hair makes, I guess.

Dude.. and please take this in the way it is meant.... You are right up there with Kurt Russell, Alan Rickman, and Jeremy Irons on the list of "guys who would make me consider it....." Seriously... I bet you have women all over you.
@Ruphhausin: Involuntarily celibate for about six months!
Lol a lot of this has to do with my current (lousy) financial situation and having spent a few months getting over the end of a two-year relationship. Back when I could afford to have a social life...yeah, I had a fairly impressive and highly metaphorical "little black book".
Hehehe thanks DA!

Hmm well that Corset with a Skirt was like 30$ on Milanoo...
Nice pics, Sinner... the suit is awesome! Red button downs = <3

And today is a snowy day, so I'm holing up and being all kinds of comfy... and soon I shall have my tea! hehe...

So, here is today's comfy.

And yes, sometimes there's also the silly-blushy.
Heh, love your picture, Lust.

But for some reason your cat seems....not really angry, more defensive of you. As if to say to the camera, "Why are you looking at her! She's mine! Mine I tell you!"
I'm sure your cat is indeed quite the adorable ball of fluff.

I only wish I had some funny captions to offer, but sadly my mind is mush at the moment, lol
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