Post Your Face!

You look quite a bit like a former friend of mine. Cept he's got a perpetual cig in his mouth and a weaker jawline.
Since my last attempt failed, here's another attempt.
Once upon a time, I was made the canvas for a friend, who was entering a makeup contest. The theme she chose for her entry was 'starter pokemon'.


Me with a new shirt I got for Xmas. Guess it's also the first I've taken and put up that has my new phone in it. I don't usually like taken bathroom mirror pics like this, but I'm worse at trying to get decent pictures off without. Looks like I might have put on a bit of weight what with all the Thanksgiving and Xmas stuff so close together, so I'll have to get working on that again.
Hey me! What up? Just being cute? I see. :3
Emmiesaur right hur. ^_~


Mostly posting because I saw Anansi, my spider friend lurking the board. :3
I absolutely loveeeeeeee your eyes in that last picture! I totally tuned out all the bitchin' facepaint and hyperfocused on JUST YOUR EYES, super sexy Rogue!!! ^^

(( I obviously don't know how to quote because whatever I tried totally didn't work out ^^;;; ))
Shashuko said:

Me just before Christmas and no I'm not always this excited for a picture.

OMG!!! Dexter!!! I am so glad to know that you have other hobbies than the one you are famous for!!

(lol.... seriously, dude, you look like the guy in the show.... cool beans.)

sorry could only do this but this is me with ariesdarkmage2 on our wedding day
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