Post Your Face!

I have one matches the corset...I just decided to do pants today. Kinda cold and windy. lol.

And sure thing. Haha. ;)
Shovel said:
Holy shit... can I just say I'm a little hot and bothered right now? Those fuckin' eyes, man.
If you want to stay updated and have full access to all my pictures, I do have a fanpage on facebook. It's neat to see the evolution of my crossdress overtime. I think it gets better and better every time. :D
Since Halloween is getting ever closer, I decided for the first time to do something.....grotesquely beautiful to my face and here is what I have so far, heheh. Sorry for the....lovelyness XP.



I didn't have thick black string, just yarn so I had to make do. I'm gonna get something called flesh scab or blood scab so the blood is a bit more darker. I'm also going to put some liquid latex on my nose so it looked even more....rotten hehe. I'm still playing with how to do my eyes. I'm waiting for my white and red contacts to come in the mail.

I wanted to do like this split personality kind of thing. Like I said, still playing around with this.
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