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Niiiiiiiice....too bad I can't go to anything big like that T-T
I has no money or when I do I has none to spare, blar.

My friend had a Sesshi plush and an Inuyasha one XD
He loved Inu more and I wanted to steal his Sesshi >.>

My most recent picture. I have purple hair now, too. ;D
Con prep. SOOO friggin tired. >.< I have like... 600000 More things to make.

Anyway... this is what I've been up to. >.< For those who might care.

Completely irrelevant to the way I look but. HATS! SO MANY HATS!





I'm trying out making hats. I donno how I feel about the way they are turning out or how to price them but it's fun to do. What do you guys think?

AND sooo much art. >.< Newish style. WIP.

Con season kills free time. Wuddya think peoples?
Sharing a few pics from my trip... (the last pic is a pic of me if you're just looking to see my face x.x)

My first train trip!

Pretty scenery along the ride...

Stopped at Union Station in DC. Was much more hectic than I expected x.x saw a guy jump over a woman while running to his train.

Also walked down to Capitol Hill (on my way back technically).

I'm just a bill, yes I'm only a bill, and I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill!

Over 40 hours without sleep
25 Hour travel time
6 hours of sleep after all of that...
+ Chinese buffet for breakfast
+ Trip to the mall

I was trying to look like a hipster on purpose by the way... my friend bought me those glasses since I like Hello Kitty, so I thought I'd be a hipster.
Mr Master said:
Very sexy dress, DA! You know I love your photos!

DownCast, of course we'll enjoy your pics!

Beautiful pics, Ms.M

And Trink, the hats look great, but I am reminded of this video:


This is insinuating that I do not know what the actual genera is. This is actually very incorrect. Yes, it could be better done, however steampunk is expensive to produce, I did what I could with what I had. *shrugs* But I'll keep the extra bits in mind next time I take a shot at it.

I's a Wolfy for my club's theme night which is Back to Nature/Naughty Desire. I added a bit of silver and white to give more definition to my eyes in the second picture.
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