Post Your Face!

Playing with a cartoon camera app on my phone again. Don't laugh too hard.

*loves on Notte* So happy to see you posting, pretty-pretty.
I love how your make up and stuff came out, Hahvy! Always so pretty! *hughug*

Great piccies everyone. :)
Very pretty, BD. I agree with Hahvy. The red is super nice! <3

So... this morning I guess I felt rather patriotic. Me in reds and blues...AND my glasses, hehe! lol.


Your hair......I love woman with nice long hair. Something about long hair makes woman look beautiful. I mean, don't get me wrong. Short and medium are lovely...but for me...its always long hair that gets to me.

And your glasses. Lovely frames. They go perfectly with your face.
Snazzy Trinket said:
This is insinuating that I do not know what the actual genera is. This is actually very incorrect. Yes, it could be better done, however steampunk is expensive to produce, I did what I could with what I had. *shrugs* But I'll keep the extra bits in mind next time I take a shot at it.

No no no, I didn't mean to insinuate anything of the sort! I love the design, and the artistry is wonderful. I just saw the gear touches, and I'd seen that video recently. Certainly, no offense was intended, I was more trying to share a chuckle. I might have phrased it better.

Cause I get bored with my make up. Also, I had this new liquid green make up but you can't really see it. D: I might have to try a closed eye shot but I thought it looked cool.
Me and my make up-less glory. I always feel guilty posting pics of me with make up on. I feel like I'm being fake for some reason o_O Anywho, the real reason I'm posting this is because I partially dyed my hair :) Just the under-layers. It's teal. Not green, not blue! Teal! Lol. It just looks green because some of the hairs are mixing with my normal hair color.


Martina from inspired me to dye it that way.
Thanks, guys. And love the hair, Muffin. I don't feel fake with make up on. It's fun to enhance features you already have. Plus, it's a way to be artistic.
Oh, by the way I didn't mean to say people wearing make up are fake o: so if anyone who read that felt offended, I didn't mean it like that. I wear it too obviously xP Its just lately I feel like I personally should feel more comfortable in my own skin. Or well, I am trying lol. I love playing with make up and wearing it, but I also want to feel comfortable and confident with a nakey face.

I don't wear much make up like ever. A lot of that is due to laziness, lol. And the rest due to my own awkwardness in how to use/apply it. XD But I do occasionally wear it just for fun. hehe. And on a totally random note, I need to post piccies of my new shoes. I get me some AWESOME heels the other day.
Beautiful Disgrace said:
Whenever BD gets that impish smile she totally reminds me of this.
Also, <3 to you for the Fire Emblem avvy.

Seraph Nicholas said:
Looks like a good time.

Rave said:

Rudolph Quin said:
Agreed, you look like a jungle cat staring down some prey. Very pretty, Hahvy.
I totally agree.

Ms_Muffintops said:
It's teal. Not green, not blue! Teal!
Nice! It looks good. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one in the world that gives teal some love.
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