` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - OOC/Main


May 25, 2009
Here in Your Arms...Stabbing you with Glee



� оwи�я ¦ »­» Princess of Darkness213 »­» Previous on BM ¦ prettylySIN
á?¦ яоâ??â?®Ñ?â??аγ gâ?®Ð¸Ñâ?® ¦ »­»Fantasy
á?¦ â??ιÑ?â?®ÑÐ°ÑÎ³ ¦ »­»Literate to Advanced-Literate

This is going to be a fantasy roleplay filled with violence,
romance, love triangles, chaos and much, much more.
So, prepare for the great adventure that is waiting for you.
Get those wheels in that noggin of yours turning and do a
couple finger exercises to prepare for this, because it's
going to be the adventure of your lifetime!​
Book 1 - The First Shard - P L O T
  • Left in ruins, the world of Marosia tries to survive under the King of Darkness' reign. The people wonders where the noble knights have gone, and while some blame them, some would open their homes for their protection. While the knights trek on the journey to where the first shard is said to have been sent (to the West, through the mazes and towards the Elves), it is rumored that the Treacherous Knight has been sent on a hunt for that shard as well. How many times will their paths cross roads? What dangers lie in the path towards the Western kingdom, and who will achieve the first known shard?[/list:u]

    * I know we're still working on some profiles and some openings are still available. However, this is to get the ball roll. The 2 posts per week requirement will start the coming Monday, 12th of October.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

The Wyyvern is his friend, it is a companion, and whenever he is alone he rides on it's back. He can use if in combat though. Yeah, he is essentially a Wyyvern Rider unit, with focus on spears and all (I havn't edited that part)
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • *spews blood on the thread*

    @...everyone >.>: Yeah, I understand what you guys are talking about <3
    Personally, I don't mind, but it is my first time, so I just had to get some things straight.
    Hm...well, as for overpowering, I wouldn't want that to happen, since that's no fun.
    The plot is basically going to go in the direction of what you guys want,
    but I do have a few points that I've masterfully planed out :twisted:
    *not really masterfully, but let's just say that so that Kitten feels smart <w<*

    @Nymph: You wanted the wolf now? =0 *first time heard* That works. I suppose it wouldn't
    hurt if we took 2 characters each.

    @ Everyone...again: I pondered a bit, and thought - the original group consisted of lots of people that were very new and, while they had expereince, vanished. o.o; Perhaps we're the group that's interested in this, and a bit worried that no one else would join. ^^'' But...that's just me at the moment, so I probably just need to be more patient. As for the youngest knight, I'd like for him to be alive when we start, but fear that we'd drag the wait too long and we'd lose interest waiting for one person. However, I'll relent on attempting him for now, if that's what you guys thinks is best. Work as a group to make this all enjoyable, yeah? <3

    @ Dude: DUDE 8U

    @ Middie: Hm..? ^^ You had something to talk to me about?

    @ Jesus (oh, you know who you are!): Joe's waiting for you...

    @ Goats (if you're stalking like you stalk): ....*beats down*...actually, I gotta talk to you, but I'm going to eat first, then get on MSN.

    @ Me: man, I'm...tired and hyped. Gotta start on my own replies xD *bounces around*[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • I figured as much. That's a pretty cool idea.

    I'm still trying to think of some things to do with
    my characters. I'm trying to stray away from the
    usual Elf cliche's with Ari. She's definitely not going
    to be the kind of Elf you usually see in a fantasy

    As for Ranis? She's. . .all over the place.
    I can't say for sure when she'll pop up, or where, or why
    just yet. I'm holding off on her until it seems like a good place
    to pop her in the middle of things.

    @Kitten: Dude, I don't think that stuff is supposed to spew out
    like that. XD

    I think I feel the same way about things. Kind of worried that no one else would join,
    and that if they did, they might vanish. >>
    But if you think you can manage the youngest knight, that we can do.

    If need be, I'll grab another character too. The Vampire, Angel, and Drow are all left, right?
    I can pick one of them up. . .maybe not the vamp though - as I'm not that fond of them. ^_^;;[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

I was thinking maybe ditch the KoD as a (Playable) character altogether, make him unplayable until later in the story or something like that or just have him as an NPC until major portions of the rp, maybe replace him with an evil sorcerer or something that is more of a threat to the knights on a personal level. (It would still be four versus five)

Of course if that doesn't work I can still play him as a second character.
I need to convert the ******* profile over to BM code though.

Again, Team Evil is outnumbered...
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • It's. . .technically four on four.
    The three knights and the elf against
    the KoD, Annie, Drow, and Werewolf.

    Ranis isn't exactly in the mix yet, and probably won't be
    for some time. And Nao is a Neutral Character too.
    He could be swayed with some cookies to join the darkside.

    It would be five on five then.
    We don't have to use the vamp or the angel.[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • *spews more blood* >8U Oh, it's supposed to!

    Yeah, I'll have to agree with Middie about the KoD being NPC'd. In my mind, I was thinking about NPC'ing him, since I imagined that he was vague and all, so only the kight, wolf, and drow would interact with him. Something like...the others are too low for him to waste time on physically showing himself to them. But, as stated, it's whatever you guys want.

    I don't mind either way, but would you guys like to pop us like it is? Just the four of us, playing a mixture of characters? I do imagine it being easier to combine ideas when it's just four instead of 8 or so. But then again, if you feel that it's too much, it's fine to keep going as is and wait.

    If we did went that way, I'd like to pick up the younger knight. But at the same time, kick off the vampire and re-write it a bit so that he's not involved --- evens out a bit the numbers of good and bad, but also, not a lot of people enjoying doing vampires too much, from what I've noticed >.>''' Still on the same idea of going that direction though, if we did, with Nyphm being the wolf and Dude being the drow, (making our side characters be less screen time to even out the amount of focus), then the good and evil is balanced.

    *trying to work out all possible ideas of where we want to go to make us all happy with the results* ^^'[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • I have to say I like that plan.
    I'll go ahead and start cooking up a
    profile for the Drow. She'll have to wait
    until I finish with my Predator for Oreo's
    RP though.

    It won't take much longer for that though.
    I'll try and knock out as much of crazy Drow's
    profile tonight as possible.

    Tomorrow, I gotta do a bunch of stuff so I'm
    not going to be on until late. It might take until
    Thursday to finish up with the profile, but I'll
    try to get it done ASAP.[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

Yeah, just portray the KoD as a figure hidden on a shadowy throne or sumthing. I would like him to keep his uber disipline and Order-over-chaos routine and the tiered military though, since it gives us something to fight against.

Can Middie have a sorcerer or a necromancer (And middie means Vile Black Demon Magic Necromancy, the really nasty stuff), maybe an old acquaintance of Nao's? Malak is an unpleasant man, evil, sadistic to a very high degree, but strangely charming. HE would be like the King's Court mage.

*Puppy eyes*

If we all have a good and evil character, we can focus on the goodies and their adventure, having little pressure for combat.

That adds a fourth baddie, two neutrals, and four goodies if we scrap the Vampire.

Say, was Dreamie at all interested in this?
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • Hm...well, I think Dreamie saw this, but she's got her own RP going on, so perhaps she's too busy for it? And yeah, we could NPC the King for now. However, I'd like for us to not add in more characters. Kicking out one was just an idea because he seemed like the least liked to be played, but at the same time, a bit of a spare. If you'd like Middie, you could play the angel and darken her, if you wanted the even numbered of good and bad. ^^ The KoD would be a bit of an NPC, so he'll be randomly played by you if you still wanted him.

    Hm...but since Nymph is asleep and unable to add her two cents, I'll say that since we all have 3-ish characters (or might have), then if she desired, we could touch up the Vampire a bit. However, I hope not to change him too much (perhaps his race, as the vampire thing doesn't stroke any of us the right way it appears). We'll have to ask her though, or if she's happy with 2, then we can trash the vamp completely.

    *hopes this is all making sense and not making us confused* XD[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

I am not interested in the angel, at all...

I asked because I have been wanting to play this character for a long time and haven't had a chance to anywhere, kinda a mad scientist of a fantasy world, experimenting with dangerous and evil magics and performing gruesome experiments on people, right up the forces of Darkness's alley. He would be a support to the combat focused Quirky miniboss squad, acting in the King's place on the battlefield.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • That's cool man.
    We'll scrap the Angel and the Vampire then.
    No one is going to touch them.

    Here's where we stand now:
    Val, Lyn, (Young Knight), Ari
    KoD, Annie, Drow, Gerrit ( Werewolf Guy if I remember right ).

    Ran and Nao are both neutral. Eventually, Ran will join the good guys.
    That makes five of them. If Nao becomes evil, then the numbers are even.

    However - Nao has to become evil. I think I've found away to keep things even without adding another character.
    What if you had the King pull a fast one on everyone? The KoD pimpin on the throne isn't actually him, but a double
    of sorts? Instead of making a new character, you could have the King masquerade as the mage? I mean, yeah, he
    would have to hold back and really act his way through a lot, but that helps keeps the numbers even and things
    fair. After all, no one else made a character to add to things, and Kitten is trying to be fair here. Or, instead of it
    being a double, it could be an illusion spell the king casts. Wither way, things are still even, cool, and fair.

    Now, we could have the Mage (KoD in Dusguise), trick Nao into being evil. After switching back into his own place,
    he could offer fake super mage ( maybe some nobody weak dude ) to Nao, let the guy kill him and fulfill his whole
    thing, and then he could. . .do his seduction thing and reel in another powerful ally?

    A bit sketchy at the end, but I'm sure you and Kitten could work out the details provided you're for the idea.[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

I am not really talking about fully adding another character in, at least numerically, I am bringing in a fresh face to replace the NPC'd KoD. Again, I don't HAVE to bring the character in, I can settle for making the king a full PC or just NPC a whole buncha his servants and give him Malak's Sadistic traits.

That runs into one kink, of KoD infiltrates the good guys, he is going to try to kill them, and early on they would have to flee. He is a crafty one, but doing that would be like a colossal waste of time.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • Hm....*ponders*

    Perhaps, he's playing a game? Like, he wants to see what the good guys do, as he also thinks that they know where the shards are, when in fact, they don't (but he won't know). So, he's doing it to keep tabs on his strongest 'dogs', and follow them so that he's led to the shards as well?

    But yeah, we're trying to downsize the number a tiny bit, just because if Nyphm's good with it, we'll be doing just the 4 of us. Overload is going to make us feel hesitant to post and all, especially since we're taking a big bite, and we have other RPs to do. ^^[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

I will have to think about that.

We have already knocked off two characters. and so far I am only confirmed with one, I don't know if you want the King an NPC or not
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • That's true...didn't even think about that turn. *a bit slow with headache* XD

    But hm...alright, we could work with the creation of character though. Just to be fair though, if Nymph decides to take on a 3rd character, you two can create your 3rds as you like, of course, giving them weaknesses and similar status in the side they choose, as whatever's being replaced. (So like, the mage would be like the wolf or drow?).

    Dude and I would loosen a bit for our requirements so it's fair for all four, but hopefully this works out for all? Since the KoD would be a bit of an NPC, you don't need to make a profile for him. I'll post a skeleton for that specific one, if you don't mind? <3

    *hopes this puts us back on the same page?*[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

I can easily introduce my created character later to act for the KoD on the field. I wouldn't really call him a Mage either, he would be more of a warlock, specializing in black magic.

If I am going to play him or set him up at some point, I may as well put down the skeleton so we have his personality and ect set. Creating a profile for him is no problem even if I don't play him often at all, as I have one on my clipboard (Jus been waiting...) Or did you mean a skeleton specific to the king that I can fill out?
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • For the warlock, he'll have the same profile as the others. Hm...well, since you don't plan for him to come right away, and the KoD won't be asap either, take your time on those two profiles, and just work on the Eldest Knight's one. <3 That should take it down a few pegs so you don't get overloaded~

    Here's the KoD I'm thinking of, as there are some things that we "shouldn't" off the bat know, but at the same time, if we're going to semi-NPC him, it's best to be short and snippet. Everything else that I haven't changed (just length really) is the same:[/list:u]


    " Insert Quote Here "

    â?? NAME GOES HERE. â??
    ' Character role here. '

    ��� [ Beneath the title.] ;;
    ��� [ Battle of the sexes.] ;;
    ��� [ Gender is nothing more than a label ] ;;
    ��� [ How high is high.] ;;
    ��� [ Aren't we all the same deep down.] ;;

    [ â? â?? ι g н Ñ? â? ]​

    ��� [ A place to get lost] ;;
    ��� [ Divinely my own.] ;;
    ��� [ Mirror mirror on the wall.] ;; 1 paragraph

    [ â?¦ о я â?¦ ]​

    Six words used to describe your character in IC thread in character section.

    ��� [ The real me.] ;; 1-2 paragraph(s)
    ��� [ The past is history.] ;; 1-2 paragraph(s)

    [ â? d а я κ â? ]​

    ��� [ I'm used to it] ;; 1 paragraph
    ��� [ Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens.] ;;
    ��� [ When the dog bites.] ;;
    ��� [ When the bee stings.] ;;

    [ â?¦ Ñ?нâ?®Ñâ?® саи оиâ??γ вâ?® â?¦ ]​

    ��� [ Feel my wrath.] ;; 2 paragraphs
    ��� [ Cower beneath my blade.] ;; 1 paragraph

    [ â? о и â?® â? ]​

    ��� [ This connection is deep.] ;;
    ��� [ Your sound of death.] ;;
    ��� [ Fulfil your curiosity.] ;;
    ��� [ Show them proudly] ;; .

    Sincerely yours,
    User Name Here.​

    [center]"[b] Insert Quote Here[/b] "
    [b]â?? NAME GOES HERE. â??[/b]
    [i]' Character role here. '[/i][/center]
    [b]���[/b] [b][[/b] [b]B[/b]eneath the title.[b]] ;;[/b]  
    [b]���[/b] [b][[/b] [b]B[/b]attle of the sexes.[b]] ;;[/b] 
    [b]���[/b] [b][[/b] [b]G[/b]ender is nothing more than a label [b]] ;;[/b] 
    [b]���[/b] [b][[/b] [b]H[/b]ow high is high.[b]] ;;[/b] 
    [b]���[/b] [b][[/b] [b]A[/b]ren't we all the same deep down.[b]] ;;[/b]
    [center][ â? â?? ι g н Ñ? â? ][/center]
    [b]���[/b] [b][[/b] [b]A[/b] place to get lost[b]] ;;[/b] 
    [b]���[/b] [b][[/b] [b]D[/b]ivinely my own.[b]] ;;[/b] 
    [b]���[/b] [b][[/b] [b]M[/b]irror mirror on the wall.[b]] ;;[/b] 1 paragraph
    [center][ � о я � ][/center]
     Six words used to describe your character in IC thread in character section.
    [b]���[/b] [b][[/b] [b]T[/b]he real me.[b]] ;;[/b] 1-2 paragraph(s)
    [b]���[/b] [b][[/b] [b]T[/b]he past is history.[b]] ;;[/b] 1-2 paragraph(s)
    [center][ � d а я κ � ][/center]
    [b]���[/b] [b][[/b] [b]I[/b]'m used to it[b]] ;;[/b] 1 paragraph
    [b]���[/b] [b][[/b] [b]R[/b]aindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens.[b]] ;;[/b] 
    [b]���[/b] [b][[/b] [b]W[/b]hen the dog bites.[b]] ;;[/b] 
    [b]���[/b] [b][[/b] [b]W[/b]hen the bee stings.[b]] ;;[/b] 
    [center][ â?¦ Ñ?нâ?®Ñâ?® саи оиâ??γ вâ?® â?¦ ][/center]
    [b]���[/b] [b][[/b] [b]F[/b]eel my wrath.[b]] ;;[/b] 2 paragraphs
    [b]���[/b] [b][[/b] [b]C[/b]ower beneath my blade.[b]] ;;[/b] 1 paragraph
    [center][ � о и � � ][/center]
    [b]���[/b] [b][[/b] [b]T[/b]his connection is deep.[b]] ;;[/b] 
    [b]���[/b] [b][[/b] [b]Y[/b]our sound of death.[b]] ;;[/b] 
    [b]���[/b] [b][[/b] [b]F[/b]ulfil your curiosity.[b]] ;;[/b] 
    [b]���[/b] [b][[/b] [b]S[/b]how them proudly[b]] ;;[/b] .
    [center][i]Sincerely yours, [/i]
    User Name Here.[/center]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

Would you like for me to submit a description for the Warlock like the ones on the first page? (Middie likes being authentic)

Alright... What should I withhold?
I can cut out sections of bio or whatever else there is, powers, weapons, ect...

I am going to be pretty much gone until the weekend, including another dentist's visit on friday and several Essays to do.

I need to finish my profiles
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • Ack...sorry, poofed yesterday @_@ head hurt so bad, I conked out.

    Hm..for the warlock, it's alright we skip that. I'm probably going to reorganize our front page here. But for the profile, everything would be best if it was like the others (the original profile template).

    As for the KoD, the template I posted above has the cut outs and limits. The 3+ paragraphs are limited to 1-2 paragraph(s), and I've removed things that we don't need to know, as it keeps him mysterious.

    Eeps! I hope the dentist visit goes well? =0 The tooth still being a bastard? *pimp slaps it?*

    And yeah, school sucks sometimes. But for this RP, just focus on the Eldest Knight's. We can wait until after we start to have the other two, since you don't plan to introduce them asap. <3[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

The bio I wrote for him is like 2 pages long... waay more than 3 paragraphs ^.^
Middie has to do some serious edits.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

For the warlock? LOL xD Well, it doesn't matter how long his is, since the original profile asked for 3+ paragraphs--no limit. I'm just placing a limit on the KoD.

But I'd like to start us up this weekend or so - like start the 2 post per week thing and get the RP going - so just touch up the Eldest knight's as you want, and we'll figure out from there <3 The beginning would probably be only of the good guys for a bit, so any dark characters or sidelines could be profiled slowly/ at a later date <3

*going to finish replies and then work on the youngest knight's profile*
Once the youngest knight is done and the Eldest knight is touched up into 3rd person, we could start. <3
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

I think I might wait to finish/ post the Werewolf until the RP gets going. In case more people come along.
(Personally, I think we should kidnap Dream and force her to be him. :) )
But yeah.

In other words:
My tummy is hurting and I can't concentrate.
I've lots on my mind and I'm worried about my upcoming surgeries.
It just randomly struck me today.
Prolly 'cause of my pains.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • True, perhaps we'd run into someone who'd want to join, but I think the way this works, is that
    after the first week or two, if no one else joins, it means that they don't want to, or don't get on frequently enough to actually join. However, with the second profiles and all, it's alright to put them on hold, since what we need is mainly the good guys to get the ball rolling. Others could be NPCed a bit for now, like a passing thought or result...etc.
    (Yeah, I think so too >w> But haven't seen Dreamie \o/ Must be buseh~)

    D'aw~! *rubs and massages* I hope you feel better, and that the surgeries go well. ;-; Never fun when the doctor has to get involved with anything.

    [on another note, I'll be back after dinner >.> *tired and hungry after exercising*][/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • Well, I'm hoping things go well for you both.
    Right now I'm. . .wired like hell.
    Two energy drinks and an expresso shot.
    Needless to say, tomorrow is going to suck
    donkey balls so far as having energy goes.

    For today though, gonna get to work on stuff
    and try to finish things. >>[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • *totally was zoning today* >.>

    Oh, I'm going to be in and out a lot for Thursday-Sat...it's my mom's birthday parties,
    since my family can't all settle for one time >.< But yeah...

    So, working on the youngest knight still *took forever to settle with a name*
    I figure the next few days are going to be our recovery time, as we did a good
    number on the profiles ^-^ Hopefully things piece together and we could start
    some posts around Sunday +. Well, crossing fingers and hope everyone
    feels better/gets rest/doesn't get overwhelmed with life~ <33

    Oh, and happy birthday, Middie! In about...*my time* 1 hour! 8D
    Take it slow and relax overall, as we wouldn't want you to burn out <33[/list:u]
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