` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - OOC/Main


May 25, 2009
Here in Your Arms...Stabbing you with Glee



� оwи�я ¦ »­» Princess of Darkness213 »­» Previous on BM ¦ prettylySIN
á?¦ яоâ??â?®Ñ?â??аγ gâ?®Ð¸Ñâ?® ¦ »­»Fantasy
á?¦ â??ιÑ?â?®ÑÐ°ÑÎ³ ¦ »­»Literate to Advanced-Literate

This is going to be a fantasy roleplay filled with violence,
romance, love triangles, chaos and much, much more.
So, prepare for the great adventure that is waiting for you.
Get those wheels in that noggin of yours turning and do a
couple finger exercises to prepare for this, because it's
going to be the adventure of your lifetime!​
Book 1 - The First Shard - P L O T
  • Left in ruins, the world of Marosia tries to survive under the King of Darkness' reign. The people wonders where the noble knights have gone, and while some blame them, some would open their homes for their protection. While the knights trek on the journey to where the first shard is said to have been sent (to the West, through the mazes and towards the Elves), it is rumored that the Treacherous Knight has been sent on a hunt for that shard as well. How many times will their paths cross roads? What dangers lie in the path towards the Western kingdom, and who will achieve the first known shard?[/list:u]

    * I know we're still working on some profiles and some openings are still available. However, this is to get the ball roll. The 2 posts per week requirement will start the coming Monday, 12th of October.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • Don't you just feel the love here? :D[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

I want to be 'raped' by my boyfriend.

I wish.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • Daww
    - hugs -

    Maybe you should bring it up in a
    hint -dothiscrapnao- hint sorta way?[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

Oh, he knows I want it.
He wants to give it to me too.
He just...
Lives in California..
and I'm Canadian...

Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • Yeah, I know how long distance relationships go. . .
    They're friggin' hard. >>
    But at least you have someone.
    That in itself is something to be thankful for.[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

I am sure he would start to like it after a little bit >.>
I like when lefemme are rough, it makes things more interesting, pin his wrists to the wall and give him deep kiss.
Anni could have a crush on Vali, or whoever the youngest is. maybe that is why he hates them so much.

Annie would get pwnt if he attempted to take on all three knights at once.
HE would need Kingy...
I will play Kingy, I have a profile, and playing him is actually quite lucrative since he is an NPC until things start going dwn.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • We gots a final boss! :D
    But we don't have the youngest knight.
    I guess we're going to have to NPC him until
    someone picks him up.

    But there are two knights and a crazy elf.
    Ari might not be one of the knights but she's
    a hell of a fighter in her own right.
    So yeah, Annie would get pwnt trying to
    fight them all on his own.

    But since we have a king, it should all be straight.[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

The king doesn't get much screen time honestly, I speak from experience, I can play him when he is there though.
My king is dangerously Genre Savvy, he would outright kill our heroes if he got the chance.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • Hrm. . .that is a bit of a problem.
    I do want the king and Ranis to come
    face to face on their own once during the story.
    Just because I think that would be an. . .well,
    an interesting meeting to say the least.[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • LOL...yeah, I figured.
    However, if Annie can't take on the 3 knights, even after
    gaining more power after joining the dark, then that's a problem for him
    to have screen time too. Just because the knights would be together
    most of the time or whatnots. Eh, whatever happens, happens.
    I figured it was going to be a hit and miss too, but just wanted to make sure
    a hit was workable. <3

    And ooh, okies, Middie. <3 Once the King's profile is up, I think we should start?
    If wanted, I'd pick up the youngest knight so there's the 3 knights....? *just an offer, but
    wouldn't want to crowd by taking too many characters* ^^

    But okies..gotta go for now. Be back later tonight <3
    *bounces to exercise and will be back later tonight*[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • I dunno. . .
    It just makes sense to me that Annie needs to be able to
    hold his own against the group that's going to be traveling
    together. If he needs the King to come to his rescue when facing them,
    I think that would be highly inconvenient. For the King I mean.
    Ruling over darkness, enjoying his pimp chair, then his General dude is
    in danger and he needs to save him?
    At some point, I can see that happening, but not every time.

    It's like an RPG in my mind. You're facing Annie as a boss, not a
    normal enemy. That would cut down on the King's screen time some.
    At least that's how I'm looking at it.

    I think you should take the youngest knight only if no one comes to
    claim him. We don't want you to have too many characters.

    Aw, Kitten is so health conscious.
    *should probably go work out too*[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

If he could separate Valen from the group or if he could separate them somehow he might stand a chance in single combat.

The thing is, single combat should be uncommon.

The king, as played by me, also has other minions, forces of darkness that can distract and in greater numbers even chase them off.. Annie has a bunch of faceless mooks armed to the teeth to control, and they should be somewhat difficult to defeat, especially in greater numbers unless our heroes go all Dynasty Warrior on them or something.

In order from weakest to strongest.

The Irregulars, bandits and other rabble that serve as cannon fodder. These are the rapers and pillagers, and the King hates them, so he puts them on the front lines.

Regulars, better trained troops, well organized, and well armed that make up the main bit of the King's army. Regulars are way more disciplined, mostly Drows and experienced human warriors.

Then there are the Elites, which should be able to fend off or even beat the heroes in smaller groups. Elites are WAY diciplined, mostly magic users and masters at arms.

The King, Vayne also uses demonic beings called Blackguard as his personal guard, Blackguard's talents would rival that of the Knights in single combat, though they would be rare.

Obviously Annie isn't going to be alone when he fights, the King gives him small armies for tasks like that.

To top it off, Annie has the Drow and the Wolf by his side. So, if you look at it from that point, even if we don't overpower Annie, our heroes are pretty much boned.

I should also note, I play the king of Darkness a little less rape-happy and way more lawful-evil
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • Aye. Duly noted good sir.
    You seem to have things figured out, and in a quite fair and logical way.
    I kind of. . .forgot about the Drow and the Werewolf. . .and the canon
    fodder and what not.

    Sounds straight.
    I'm for it.[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

I was hoping for rape-happy. xP
I'm kiddings.

Though, I'm excited as to how this is going to play out.
I ought to snatch up another character for even-ness sakes.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • I'm sure rape will still come up in some
    way, shape, or form. So no need to
    worry my friend!

    If you want to, I say go for it.[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

Well, the king takes anybody he wants.
The irregulars also do not share the Forces of Darkness's Dicipline, so they rape, steal and murder all they want. The king also allows Regulars to use them for target practice. he can't stand lack of dicipline or disobedience.

And she can still rape Vali ^.^
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

She just might.
I'm also working on the Werewolf Character Guy.

I am feeling kind of like a bad ass mother fucker right now.

Funny too, he's all like, "Bitch, fuck me. Then make me a sandwich.. then clean this hell hole up. NAO."
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

We may want to leave some characters for others...
Then again, I am only taking one and a half (Kingy doesn't pop up that much.)

I need to talk to Kitten when she gets back...

Dude, also, do you think your dragon should know what Vali really is?
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • I do, but she's. . .
    Unless you really want her to, I don't
    see her coming outright and telling him
    what he is.

    She'd be. . .cryptic about it.
    Say something like his dragon style armor
    is "befitting of someone such as yourself"
    and walk away without saying anything more.[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting


Beddie-bye times for me.
I'll finish up Gerrit's Profile tomorrow...
Wif all the purty stuff..

~And~ If more people come to join, I'm willing to renounce the werewolf. I doubt he'll be my 'main' character, if you know what I mean.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • Hey, if pimps can make it happen, so can he. :D
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

Obviously she wouldn't want to tell him outright... The guy has just been through a lot, she would probably cause some damage if she outright told him he wasn't human. She would be the first, and maybe only one to notice, save for the King and Queen. His kind would be pretty rare.

In Pretty's version I had planned to have Vali actually being the Queen's son, and as a result, her heir, I think the Manakete thing is cooler though,

The armor was supposed to have been given to him by Dragons, hell, it could even have been her who did it. XDDD
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • Manakete's are where it's at indeed. 8)

    I was thinking that they could have met at some point in time myself. XD
    He was in the North, she rules up there. Around the time his stuff was
    going on, I think she would have been leaving the castle and going on
    some little "adventures" here and there ( until she was caught and taken
    back ).

    On one of her excursions, I can see her meeting him, thinking him interesting,
    and giving him the armor.[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

I am surprised you got that reference.

YEah, they could have met at some time or another. Vali has a very special relationship with Dragons, he really loves them and could even have a Wyyvern (A non sentient Dragon) as a mount. Vali has also been with the queen much of his adult life, serving by her side, the two were bound to meet.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • I put under her connections section that she knows all of the knights.
    Really well. As you said, because she was so close to the queen,
    they were bound to meet.

    That interesting relationship is something that can be expanded upon
    in some way I'm sure.
    A Wyvern would certainly be cool. Would he fight mounted on it,
    sorta like the Wyvern Riders in Fire Emblem? Or would it just be
    like. . .for transportation?[/list:u]
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