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` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - OOC/Main


May 25, 2009
Here in Your Arms...Stabbing you with Glee



� оwи�я ¦ »­» Princess of Darkness213 »­» Previous on BM ¦ prettylySIN
á?¦ яоâ??â?®Ñ?â??аγ gâ?®Ð¸Ñâ?® ¦ »­»Fantasy
á?¦ â??ιÑ?â?®ÑÐ°ÑÎ³ ¦ »­»Literate to Advanced-Literate

This is going to be a fantasy roleplay filled with violence,
romance, love triangles, chaos and much, much more.
So, prepare for the great adventure that is waiting for you.
Get those wheels in that noggin of yours turning and do a
couple finger exercises to prepare for this, because it's
going to be the adventure of your lifetime!​
Book 1 - The First Shard - P L O T
  • Left in ruins, the world of Marosia tries to survive under the King of Darkness' reign. The people wonders where the noble knights have gone, and while some blame them, some would open their homes for their protection. While the knights trek on the journey to where the first shard is said to have been sent (to the West, through the mazes and towards the Elves), it is rumored that the Treacherous Knight has been sent on a hunt for that shard as well. How many times will their paths cross roads? What dangers lie in the path towards the Western kingdom, and who will achieve the first known shard?[/list:u]

    * I know we're still working on some profiles and some openings are still available. However, this is to get the ball roll. The 2 posts per week requirement will start the coming Monday, 12th of October.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

Not really, I just have to rewrite his appearance and change EVERYTHING to third person...
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

No worries...
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

DudeGuy said:
  • Interesting song choice.
    I was thinking it would be something more. . .
    well, explosive. XD[/list:u]

  • See, I was in a really mellow mood when I picked that out. :)
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

If you want... I can try and put my opening post.
Dunno really how to start it though.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • XD
    Mellow is cool. That song was the exact opposite
    of the mental image I got of her after reading the
    rest of the profile. XD

    Mah second profile is coming along now.
    I'm jumping around like mad in it though. ^_^;;
    Almost finished with the skills/abilities portion.
    Going to jump back up towards the top and handle
    the appearance next.[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • Hm...well, it's a choice of the knights deciding to start off in the tavern or not.
    I left it opened ended for that area, so that if lost, we could all start in a haven,
    but if you guys wanted to start the knights traveling else where, then that's up to you guys. ^^

    But, I posted the intro just so we could have a bit of a working thought to it.
    Perhaps we'll fully start once we all decide it's a good time to do so, and prepared <3
    So, no worries on the whole "two posts per week" at the moment~[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

I am gunna be slightly busy, and my birphday is next week.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

Happy early birfday~!
I'm all squee-y today.
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • Early birthday wishes to you good sir.
    May it be an awesome one.[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

It isn't gunna be till next Thursday
Middie will be 20 :3
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • Meh, next Thursday will be here before you know it.
    Congrats though dude.

    - is almost finished with second profile -[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

-still working on his first, and getting distracted-
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

-T'inks she should make a Second one.-
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • Who are you thinking?[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

I dunno. Neutral prolly...
Not too sure.
Working on Tay Tay's Character Profiles.
(For her RP)
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • (lol...same x'D I'm debating to play one or two characters though...)

    Hm...well, we are RP'ing all over, so I wouldn't want you to overload yourself <3
    Best to give one character a good focus rather than split and get fed up with both, yeah?
    But if you think you can handle it, then oooh, neutral. <3[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • The angel then?
    She's the only neutral character left there.
    It would be interesting to see her involvement
    in things and what ultimately becomes of her.[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

If I did chose a second and neutral character, she'd not come up quite as much as my other character.
I could also play a male (if there are any left).
I only play guys if there are more than one character per person in the RP...

I'mma work on Tay's second character, then I'll come back to this, kay? :D
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting

  • There's the male knight ( the youngest one ), the vampire, the king of darkness, and the werewolf all still free.[/list:u]
Re: ` ℮ с ℓ ι р ѕ ℮ - open and accepting


We'll seee...
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