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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Jake smiled when she said he looked good. "Well thank you baby. So do you." He kissed her cheek. "Let's go. Your man is hungry for some healthy food." He was totally up for walking since he didn't really get a good work out in any little bit of exercise was better than nothing.

He wrapped his arm around her as they walked. "I saw this exercise online that I thought would be fun for us to try. We would need to find a table like a picnic table. And I'd have my hands on the edge of the table and you'd have my legs on your shoulders. I'd go down from a push up as you do a squat then I'd push up and you'd stand up straight. But I think it would be fun while we are here to do a work out together." His thumb caressed her side.

"Want to have some fun tonight?" He smiled at her as he looked at her. "We could bet on each of the fights. Winner gets something good." He shrugged not sure what that something would be yet.
Jake smiled when she said he looked good. "Well thank you baby. So do you." He kissed her cheek. "Let's go. Your man is hungry for some healthy food." He was totally up for walking since he didn't really get a good work out in any little bit of exercise was better than nothing.

He wrapped his arm around her as they walked. "I saw this exercise online that I thought would be fun for us to try. We would need to find a table like a picnic table. And I'd have my hands on the edge of the table and you'd have my legs on your shoulders. I'd go down from a push up as you do a squat then I'd push up and you'd stand up straight. But I think it would be fun while we are here to do a work out together." His thumb caressed her side.

"Want to have some fun tonight?" He smiled at her as he looked at her. "We could bet on each of the fights. Winner gets something good." He shrugged not sure what that something would be yet.
She put her shoes on and locked the apartment behind him. "Then let's get you some healthy food." She put her arm around his waist and listened to his excessive. "That sounds...interesting. Or if I get the mats you can teach me how to fight. Don't you know ju jitsu or something? You can be my sensei." She smiled and looked up at him. She shrugged her shoulder, "could be fun. We can record it and put it on YouTube too. We could start a vlogging channel."

She smiled, "You have work to do tonight. You have a video to record and possibly edit. You have to keep track of who is asking questions, and the questions you're answering. And all of that stuff."

She did like his idea of a bet though. "Well I already have the thong deal so what else could possibly ask of you?" She tapped her shin and thought it over. "I just don't know." She laughed. "I'll think about it though and I'll get back to you. And this time you can't say I cheated because it's all up to the better fighter."
He wasn't sure how she would do learning how to do Jiu Jitsu. "I do know Jiu Jitsu. But you can't cheat like you do in Jiu Jitsu." He teased. "I wouldn't mind teaching you a few things if you are seriously willing to learn. But it can't interfere with my training. But a vlog sounds fun. Would it just be me teaching you or what?"

"I do have work to do tonight." He let out a sigh. "But if I don't get it done tonight I doubt it would matter. I don't want to rush it."

Jake thought it over. "How about whoever loses cooks dinner when we get home as well as gives the winner a full body massage. Whoever wins the most fights wins? Or we could bet on each individual fight and winner gets something like kisses or a massage or dinner. Like if I choose Uriah and it's a fight we bet a massage on, I get my massage." They were only ideas and she didn't know if she'd go for that.

It was nice out and he was glad she suggested to walk instead of drive. "You okay with paparazzi tonight? They will probably be outside the arena when we go in. We don't get to go in the back. But I do want to go see Uriah as soon as we get there, just for a moment to wish him luck."
"I don't cheat!" She put emphasis on don't. It wasn't her fault her rules were a little different than his. "Of course I'd be serious. Jiu Jitsu is serious business. I say we do it. And I don't know. Why don't we just start off with a little training and if we enjoy it we can start doing different stuff." She nodded her head, "Yeah you don't have to rush it but you have the time to do it tonight and tomorrow. With Owen teething you have quiet time here that you wouldn't have at home you can invest more time on it. Make it perfect."

She nodded her head, "Sp what are you going to make me?" She asked cockily. "And I want the warm oils that tingle and warm up. Or the edible, maybe not. That one was sticky. I don't want to be sticky." She agreed, "Fine. We bet on fires but you have the advantage since you know the fighters to pick. So who is the cheater now?" She stuck her tongue out at him.

"I just don't like it when they are physically in my face with the camera. If my hand goes up, I don't feel comfortable any more. Some of them just don't know boundaries." She said softly. "We can call an Uber to drive us to the arena and then to the club to celebrate and then home. If you can find Uriah when we get there go for it. Don't be surprised if you get ignored though, you do that a lot before fights. You zone out and block everyone one out."
"We wouldn't have to limit it to Jiu Jitsu. We could do punch and kicking techniques." He kissed her head. "You know though if he did cry during the video it would show that I am in fact a father..." He chuckled a bit. It would be nice that they could both get a good nights rest because who knew when they will again.

He lifted his eyebrows a bit shocked she was so cocky. "Oh I'll give you an entire menu to make me. The warming oils were nice. Yeah could use those. Especially the ones that heat up the more you rub in. But just plain lotion works too." He grinned. "I'm not a cheater, your future husband is a UFC fighter you have every chance to learn the fighters too. So when I win I won't feel sorry for you."

Jake could understand that she didn't like them in her face. "I will make sure they don't get too close. They shouldn't be. They will have rope or gates up but just a lot of flashing and yelling." He gave her a nod about Uriah zoning out. "I know but at least he will know I stopped through. I won't stay long with him." He was a fighter so he understood but sometimes just having that extra support helps.

They got to the restaurant and went inside and was taken to a table. Jake pulled Adri's chair out for her and then sat down himself. He checked everything out since it was new to him.
"Yeah and that Owen isn't some fake baby doll." She laughed. "People think that's why we hide his face. They don't think Owen is a real baby but a delusion that we both have. It's going to be harder to hide him when he starts walking around." She said softly. "We have a little while still but you should probably think of posting his face soon so that you are the one to introduce him to the world. I don't want the paparazzi to take a picture and boom our son is on some tabloid. You know?"

She chuckled, "Are we doing a full three course meal? I have a few things I might like. I'll keep it easy for you so you don't burn my kitchen down. No grilling for you, sir. You are actually going to be in the kitchen." She frowned playfully, "But there are so many! And then it's confusing how the ranks work. I like knowing the basic rules as in beat up the guy until he gets knocked out or forfeits. So easy." She smiled at him.

She nodded her head, "Yeah they shouldn't be tonight." She agreed. "I probably should have checked to make sure the dress isn't see through though." She looked at her chest and looked at Jake. "My undies are black though so no one will see anything. That's a plus."

They paid for their plates before they went into eat. She grabbed a cup and got some lemon water to drink. She set it at their table nd then went to the salad bar to start off her meal. "I'm going to get an ice team come before we leave."
Jake didn't realize people thought Owen wasn't real. "My son is a delusion we both have? If only they knew he was real when he gets hangry." He smiled and thought about it a bit. "What if go ahead and show him? What do you think about doing it now. Like when we get home. Maybe he could help us with our duet...make it a trio." He chuckled a bit. "I would rather we show him than the media get ahold of him. Plus it's hard not to post pics of him when he's being so freaking cute. Or video of him saying mom. Should we do it babe?" He looked at Adri. He knew he couldn't protect Owen forever but at the same time he wanted to be a proud father and share his son with the world.

"We can do a three course meal. I can handle salad and a fesert. You have no faith in your man. I'm a bit shocked and hurt..." He shook his head. "You could do what Amy used to do and bet on the best looking out of the two." He shrugged.

"I couldn't see anything. And yes...I looked." He smiled and grabbed himself a salad and regular water before sitting down to eat.
"We could do circle of life and he can be our Simba." She said getting really excited about how cute that would be and unashamedly letting her geekiness of Disney show. She smiled at him and gave his hand a squeeze. "We should do it."

She nodded her head, "I do that and now it seems to work with you." She smiled. "I guess I can do that with the other's but I think you still have the advantage. You know who the better fighter is."

"Did you like what you saw when you looked?" She asked seductively and then laughed. "You're all dressed up and sexy. I feel underdressed compared to you. That's kind of a change."
Jake heard her idea and he instantly laughed. His hand covered his face but kept laughing. It was a pretty good idea. "Do we dress him up as a lion or just normal O? I mean I am your king and you are my queen so it does kinda make sense." He shook his head smiling and laughing cause he couldn't believe that he was really going to do it.

"But we could go back and forth with who picks their fighter first. I mean I do call dibs on Uriah but I'll let you pick the first fighter for the first fight then the second fight I pick first. The guys and I do this all the time. Except we bet money or Luke bets pushups or other exercises. It's really fun when I win then." Jake smiled proudly. "Baby we can do it however you want. Either way you are making me dinner. That's why you are dragging your feet on it." He laughed but knew he may not be as lucky with the show the next day.

Jake nodded and wiggled his eyebrows as he started to eat. "I did. I always like what I see." He took a few bites and shrugged. "I need to look good or I could get into trouble with the UFC. I don't want that. Plus it's nice to dress up and not have to worry about it possibly getting blood on it later." He laughed. "It is nice. I just want you comfortable baby."
"We can leave him human since we are human but I think that i show we should do it. He is our little Simba." She laughed.

She laughed, "You are so lucky you are cute. I already took the bet. You, Sir, are going down. I just hope my dinner isn't burnt." She smiled at him and shook her head. "What are you going to make me for dinner? Don't worry I will find the recipes. All you have to do is go to the store get everything on the list and cook it. And if it is ever a tie then we both make the meal. Okay? Or we have Owen make us something." She giggled.

"They are going to roast me alive on the hot or not lists. I let my laziness get the best of me" She shook her head and started to eat too. "Oh well. Unless we can be a tad bit late. Like two minutes while I change. My make up is done Boo. I just need a different dress. I have a Leger dress that I can zip on and be out of the apartment before the Uber gets here."
"Let's do it. I'm game babe." He smiled at her. "You have good ideas a lot. More than I do and that's a lot." He teased.

"I'm a better cook than you think...but I don't have to worry about that." He took a drink and looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Really? O?" He laughed. "I could just see it now. We would have formula and whatever veggies and fruits we have to mash up that day." He chuckled. "Deal on us sharing cooking dinner." Then he stopped. "Or maybe we could convince Amy and Luke to cook for us. Now that is a good idea." He grinned.

" look great. You don't have to get dressed up. You look great." He had a feeling she would still want to change though. "I am excited to just enjoy this with you. We've never done this before. We've talked about it but never have done it. You may be able to teach me something. I'm not on the other side of the cage very much. But you will look damn sexy sitting next to me no matter what you have on." He smiled at her.
She thought about it and or a moment she wasn't going too but then she looked at Jake and it didn't help that she wore the dress on the plane. "I'll be quick I promise." She told him and ate her salad. When they had their fill she grabbed her ice cream cone and they walked home. "Will you get the Uber? Just use my phone." She handed him her phone with the app already loaded. All he had to do was tell the driver where they were going and they were good.

She ran upstairs and found the dress she was talking about. She took off the dress she had and put the new one on. She also changed her shoes to something sparkly since the dress was fairly plain.

She came down as the uber pulled up. She smiled at Jake, "Told ya. Right on time." She pulled her lip stick out of her purse and reapplied it. "I didn't realize how tight this thing was though." She said taking a deep breath and moving her upper body. "I might need help getting out." She told Jake, "I don't want to fall and I can't spread my legs very wide."
He agreed to taking care of the Uber. He used her phone to call for it then he felt like being a big dork and opened her camera and started taking goofy selfies. Like a lot of them and even posted one to her Instagram with the captain, "This is what happens when you hand your fiance' your phone. Love You Q. #DrifterStrikesAgain"

Jake was sitting on the couch looking natural when she walked out. "Hot damn..." He shook his head. "Oh I noticed how tight it is. Damn. Oh I'll help you get out. You'll be able to spread your legs I promise." He grinned and winked at her before getting up. Her phone was handed over and he continued to act like nothing happened.

"So I checked my Instagram and Sam Hunt totally replied to my video of his song." Jake smiled and opened the door for her before getting in after her. He pulled it up on his phone and showed her where he had replied, "Damn Drifter, you sing it better than I do lol."
She rolled her eyes playfully and shook her head. "Thanks Boo. I can always count on you." She rubbed his thigh, "But I meant out of the car." She said just to make sure they were on the same page.

She smiled, "That's awesome Boo." She told him and rubbed his cheek.

"So why don't we start planning the wedding when we get back from meeting your step father? With the SI cover coming out soon, I will have to do some publicity, so I want to start before then, and I actually saw on the list is the Jimmy Fallon Show and that got me thinking, we should hire the Roots to play at the reception! They are an amazing band and I think it would be really cool if we got them. I don't know prices or anything but I can find out. What do you think?"
Jake chuckled, he knew what she meant but he had play with her. "Ohhh that, right. Yeah sure. I'll help you out of the car too." He kissed her cheek.

Planning the wedding after they got back from Colorado would be fantastic. It would help keep him focused on something and not let his step father get to him too much. One of Jake's concerns was to not let up on his training for his fight. He had a big fight coming up soon and he needed to win. There was no way he would let his step father get in his head and let it alter the outcome of the fight. If he would lose, it would lose cause the fighter was a better fighter not cause he wasn't mentally prepared. "That's a good idea baby. We need to figure out where we are getting married before anything else. Where and when."

Music was important to Jake, and his girl had a wonderful idea. "I can live them playing at our wedding. That would be awesome." He looked up prices and when he found a price online he froze. "Uh" He looked at Adri and took a deep breath. "How important are The Roots? Like $75K important?"

It took about a half hour to get to the arena. Once they got there Jake got out and kept the door open for Adri and held his hand out to help her out of the car. Once they both were out a lot of media people snapped pictures. Jake's arm went around Adri as they walked in. A few people yelled questions for Jake, one being who was a better fighter, Bisping or Rockhold. Jake looked at him, "You left me out of that line up." He smiled and once they were inside they found their seats after going through security check. Their seats were next to Rich Franklin and his wife, Beth. Jake introduced Adri to his wife.
"Castle somewhere in the states and I don't have a date yet...But we will figure it out. We could do a spring wedding but I am allergic to pollen so that may not be the best idea. Maybe early summer wedding as long as it is no where too hot. Because I would like an outdoor ceremony with an indoor reception. And I definitely want it all at the same place." She had big dreams for her wedding and it wouldn't be cheap.

"Entertainment is very important." She told Jake and looked at him. "Why?" When she heard the price, she frowned a bit. "Are you sure?" She asked and pursed her lips. "This is why we will make a spreadsheet. Everything important goes at the top of the list and that's the stuff we won't worry about the cost of and then everything else will be budgeted. We do have a lot saved up Boo. I haven't gotten the full check for SI but that is pretty much paying for everything I want Boo. 75K is no problem." The house was paid off so now the money could be put to the wedding.

With Jake's help she managed to get out of the car with out falling on her face. She followed him on the red carpet and put her hand on his chest to pose with him for pictures. To her delight no one told her to step aside so they could only get Jake. She walked with him to their seats and shook hands with Beth.

"Don't forget to go with Franklin luck." She told him and gave his butt a soft pat. While Jake and Rich spoke about the fight, Beth and Adri did some chatting. The did have a lot in common even though she was were Adri started off. They did enjoy talking about the similarities between Jake and Rich though. It seemed like fighter's wives had a lot in common.
"But you need to figure out which castle beautiful. If you are worried about spring, why not late summer, early fall like late August or early September? That way it's still warm but wouldn't maybe be too hot. Or mid September." He shrugged and caressed her knee.

She had a point about what was more important and entertainment was huge. "Alright baby. When we knew where and when we will call them." He smiled and kissed her softly. If his girl wanted them, they would try to book them. "We really should do People. That's two million we could get. We need to do it so they don't think we are stuck up jerks."

Jake didn't mind posing for a few pictures. He was all about getting a good picture with Adri looking all hot and sexy. He gave Adri a kiss on the cheek once she started talking to Beth. "I'm going to go wish Uriah luck. I'll be back." He gave her back a small rub before going back to the back. He wanted to get back to the locker rooms before the fights started.

Once he got to his locker room his training staff let him in and just quickly gave him a man hug and told him to kick Diaz's ass and he'd catch him after the fight. On the way back to his seats he saw a few other fighters and talked to them for a quick minute. He made his way back to their seats and sat down. Jake wrapped his arm around Adri and got ready to watch the fights. "Do you want a drink?" He would buy Adri and the Franklins a drink but he wasn't going to drink with his fight coming up.

The announcer start the night off with announcing the first fight.
"I know, I know and I will start looking. Maybe early Summer would be best. ONce we find the castle and look up general weather activity we can pick a date." She nodded her head, "Yeah we should. I will tell my agent but I feel like this is going to be our last shot with them. If we cancel we are just doomed to be the hard to work with couple."

"Yeah, just one. Umm I'll take a strawberry margarita." Since Jake was a fighter they got the VIP package which meant open bar and unobstructed view of the octagon, unless the guy in front of you wouldn't sit down. It wasn't that big of a deal though. By the end of the fight everyone would be standing, either to boo or to cheer.

When she had her drink she took a sip and then offered a sip to Jake since he wouldn't be drinking. "This is really strong." She made a face and took another sip. "If it wasn't pink I would say it was just tequila."
"Alright babe. We may want to see what is available with the castle too. That may make a difference." She made a lot of sense about it being their last chance. "Just don't plan anything until after 200. I don't ant stuff with Colorado to come up and then my training. That way I'll be done with the fight and can focus on an interview. And that way they could take pics of Owen if they want...if we already showed him ourselves? Why not take couple and family pictures." It was just a thought. He wasn't after more money, he just wanted to be the one to show the world who his son was.

He took a drink. "Yeah it is. Damn." He thanked her for the drink then turned to the octagon. There was a few fighters he knew that sat in front of him and Jake said hello and introduced Adri to them. Some of them would probably be invited to the wedding so he felt it was only right to introduce them. They joked around with her and asked if he was as hard live with and get along with as everyone seems to think.

As the first fight started, Jake turned to Adri and let her pick her fighter. His hand rested on her leg.
"After 200. Got it." She smiled, "And with O. Double got it." She knew for Jake it wouldn't be about the money but since they would be showing his face why not take the better offer for showing his face. People would get a behind the scenes look that paparazzi would never get. It just made sense to make them pay more for it.

Adri smiled at everyone she was introduced too. The odds of her remember I everyone's name were slim but she was trying. She went along with the jokes and let the guys know that Jake was just the worst to live with. Jake was the best father, a great griller when it came to cooking, and had a great body. He was just too perfect.

Adri pointed at the tall one to win, "Him. Out of the two he is the cutest. So he will win." She declared.
It seemed like they would be a good choice to let into their home and have an inside look into their lives. This way too he wouldn't have to worry about someone stealing a photo of Owen. Jake was worried about it and no he wouldn't have worry about it with anyone. It would be nice he could be a bit of a normal father and post what he wanted when he wanted to.

Jake shook his head to him being hard to live with. He told them they'd have to come over to their house sometime, for a poker night or something. Jake could totally go for a guys night of poker with fellow fighters.

"I'm glad you added out of the two." He teased with a smile. "He's actually the better fighter." And just like figured he would, her guy won the fight by submission. "That's only one..." The next guy he picked and they were going back and forth with the winners where it was fairly even. Jake was having a blast with Adri and his buddies. Some of the other wives introduced themselves to her and they talked about what it was like to be married or dating a fighter. The crazy training schedules and diets then the worrying about them and their safety.

Between one of the fights pay-per-view cameras turned to Jake as they announced that he and Adri were in the audience. He smiled and fist. They turned to get Adri in the shot too.
"You know the cutest UFC fighter,min my opinion." She pinched his cheek playfully and gave his lips a soft kiss. She smiled when he picked the correct fighter, or the one most likely to win. She laughed, "Don't worry I will get more."

The mood was completely different when Jake was sitting next to her instead of fighting. She completely preferred this over watching him, although he could be dressed in those tiny shorts and she would be super happy. She had a lifetime of fighting and all of the wives let her know it did not get better with time and when he lost it would be painful for the whole family. It was a day Adri was not looking forward too.

Adri smiled at the camera and ga e them a little finger wave and blew them a kiss. The cameras left and she smiled at Jake. "Don't you want to retire and become an announcer or commentator? Then we can always do this and have fun doing it." She asked but she knew he wouldn't give up his dream. He would be champion and she would be with him every step of the way.
Jake smiled and kissed her back. "Yeah but you will not get enough."

It was nice watching the fights with Adri but it just made him want to be in the cage doing the fighting. It was nice to not have any pressure though. Each fight would just have more and more pressure.

"Uh...babe...I kinda like fighting. Plus I'm good at." He kissed her shoulder. "But...once I retire maybe. Between training other champions like myself." He smiled at her and let his fingers caress her leg.

Before long it was Urijah's fight. Jake seemed to be more into that fight. It was the co main event and also for a championship belt. So it was scheduled for 5 rounds. Jake yelled advice to Uriah a few times. He had a good first round but then the next two Diaz was doing better. "He's not going to win with points. He needs a submission or knockout."
"I know you do Boo." She said softly.

She finished her margarita and it started to go to her head a little bit. She could feel it rushing through her body distorting everything. She probably shouldn't have drank the entire thing. "How do you get points?" She asked Jake. Though she probably wouldn't get an answer until after the fight. She really thoug they just attacked until one was down though.

She put her hand on Jake's back and watched him give advice to his friend. Uriah got adidas in a hold but adidas slipped out of it and kicked his way off the mat. They circled each other and then came back together to grapple. Quite a few punches were thrown, with one good punch landing across Diaz's cheek sending him flying down to the mat. Uriah went to go punch him some more but the ref stopped him and called it a knockout.
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