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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

She nodded her head, "Okay." She said softly and held on to Jake for a little while longer. Biding was a cocky asshole. He wouldn't let a move like that ruin his career. Jake was safe enough but she still worried about him and that fight.

She used her fingers to wipe her I fallen tears away. She laughed a little bit at his ass comment and nodded her head again. "I know you will." She told him and took a deep breath. "I just...I worry about you." It was never really this bad but Bisping got to her. "I'm sorry." She said softly, "I shouldn't have let him get to me."

"I love you Jake. And I don't hate your job. I hate not knowing if you are going to get seriously hurt. Or just get a few cuts and walk out alright." She shrugged her shoulder and laid back on her pillows. "I want to enjoy the rest of the weekend. You can deal with him later." She patted the bed next to her and moved around so she was laying down.
Jake understood that the guy got to her. He let guys get to him too. It was easy to do in his profession. "Now you now how I felt sometimes." He smiled a bit. "It's not always easy to walk away when assholes run their mouth." He raised an eyebrow but had a smile on his face. He was glad he got her to laugh a bit.

"It feels good knowing you love me that much to worry about me. But I know you don't hate my job. You are my biggest supporter. My biggest fan." He kissed her before crawling into bed next to her. " don't have to apologize to me for punching him. I now have something I can use against him." He laughed a bit. "He thought my girl can punch wait till he gets one from The Drifter." He chuckled a bit.

Jake wrapped his arms around Adri. "You sure you are going to be okay doing the show tomorrow with your hand? Plus I have a feeling you are going to be hurting tomorrow. You had a bit to drink tonight." He chuckled a little. "We just need to teach O to not follow in mommy and daddy's footsteps and punch people that run their mouths or we will get a call from preschool." He laughed and was just joking with her to lighten the mood. Jake kissed Adri again. "I love you. Where did you put your ring?"
"Of course I worry about you. Everyone does when you step in that ring it's out of our control. We can do anything but cheer you on and hope you win." She smiled, "He was pretty surprised I punched him." She laughed. "You make it look so easy. That really hurt."she looked at her hand and put the ice back on it.

She nodded her head, "I have some killer pain meds in th cabinet in the bathroom. If it hurts, if anything hurts too much, I can pop one of those and be fine. Hopefully by the time we film the show I won't feel nothing. People are going to have yes toons about my hand though. What should I say? Overzealous training session?"

She pointed at her purse with her good hand. She got out of the bed and wobbled a little bit but managed to pick up her purse and bring it back to bed. She unzipped a little pocket and pulled out her ring. "I didn't want it to get stuck on my hand and then have to be cut off. It came in handy tonight though." She put it on her right hand ring finger where it would be safe for the night. If her hand wasn't swollen tomorrow she would put it back on.
"I don't mean to make everyone worry..." He spoke softly. He busted up laughing when she mentioned catching Bisping off guard. "I wish I could have seen his face. It would have been epic." He was a bit proud of Adri for standing up for him.

"Yeah. I was teaching you to were trying on your own." He smiled at her and looked at her hand again. "I'd just take it in the morning to be safe. That way you don't have to wait for it to start relieving the pain."

Jake could have gotten sick if they had to cut her ring off. "I would have been a bit upset if they had to cut it off your finger. May be a good idea to leave it off for a few days." He kissed her shoulder. "I'm just going to do my video tomorrow."
She nodded her head, "Yeah. I bet. But five carats is really nice to punch with Boo. You picked a pretty good ring and it's beautiful." She moved her right hand around so they could watch it shine in the light. "It looks just as good on my right hand though. This way no one can we are having relationship problems."

She thought about and realized how it could be spun in the tabloids. Her fiancé was a MMA fighter, the could easily say she was defending herself against him. She shook her head, We need to address the hand incident tomorrow morning too. That way no way can say we beat each other." She told him. "I'll just post a picture to Insta saying something like, "Always wear gloves when training." or something." She sighed.

"If my hangover isn't too bad I'll do it with you. You can answer the solo questions while I do my makeup...or I will go makeup less depending on bios I feel and then we can answer some questions together." Last I checked my favorite question was 'What is your favorite part of Jakes body?'" She giggled and smiled at Jake.

"That booty!" She put her hand behind him and gave his butt a squeeze. "So juicy. And cute."
Jake was glad she still liked her ring. "So I did good having it designed just for you? I worry people will want duplicates or ones that look similiar." He shrugged. "I just wanted to use your ideas and have one all yourself." He looked at it and it did sparkle pretty nice. "I do notice celebrities rings a lot on tv and stuff. We need to go look for bands soon."

Jake ran his fingers over her her arm caressing it gently. "I think posting a pic or video would be smart. I just hope Bisping doesn't say something. I don't want to have you called out in a lie." He gave her neck a nip.

Jake shook his head. "I knew you'd pick my butt. What body feature do you like that's not my butt, abs, or chest. Like my smile or eyes?" Jake loved Adri's eyes. He could get lost in them every time he looked at her. "I'm excited for the video. We should do it together. I do like some of the questions about training and my diet. That could help other fighters who trying to better themselves. One was our first date. When I knew I loved you." He smiled at her.
"You did an amazing job Boo. It's perfect and pink." She smiled at Jake and looked down at it again.

She rubbed her lips together and agreed with Jake, "I don't think he follows me. I told him to stay away from me and my family. Not that he is the type of guy to listen." She shrugged her shoulder. f he does say something then I will tell the truth too. He threatened my fiance's career and attacked my character. He deserved what he got and I would do it again in a heart beat."

She turned to face and rubbed his cheek, "I like your smile when you first wake up. There is something about the way the right side of your face curves up and shows that dimple in your cheek, it just makes me fall in love with you all over again. And I like seeing you with Owen because it shows that the guy who can knock someone out in an octagon can be gentle and loving to a tiny human."

She kissed his forehead. "Let's get the cabin booked tomorrow too. I'm excited to go back to Colorado. It is beautiful. You can get more of your cotton candy soda stuff. Faygo, right?"
"It's nice to know you can handle yourself. I'm proud of you. I am." He gave her a small kiss. "My girl can kick ass, in a sexy ass dress and look good doing it. You are kinda like Gina Carano. But totally sexier."

If Jake blushed he probably would have. Instead he just kinda smiled at Adri. He never knew she found him so attractive in the mornings. "You like me with bedhead?" He chuckled. "I love you in the mornings too. With no make up. Messy hair. Just you..." He smiled and kissed her softly. "Of course I'm gentle to a little human. He's mylittle human. I wonder how he is doing. My big guy." He pulled Adri closer to him.

"I'll do it first thing in the morning. I'll book the cabin. Get breakfast. I need to work out baby. I wanted you to work out with me...that probably won't happen." He smiled and let out a sigh. "How do you feel about yoga? Like couples yoga." His fingers ran up her side. "After all that I'll do my video or video then work out."
"The evil chick from Deadpool?" She nodded her head, "I can live with that." She smiled at Jake. "That can be our Halloween costume. Deadpool and Vanessa."

She nodded her head, "I love you with bed head." She put her head on his chest and put her arm around his waist. "Yeah but it's best to watch you feed him and rock him to sleep. The way you whisper to him is just beautiful." She blushed because she thought it was probably weird and corny to watch him feed his son.

"I don't think I will be working out again until I can't feel my heartbeat in the tips of my fingers, okay?" She laughed and kissed his chest. "We could look into couple yoga though. We can do those cool tricks where you lift me up with your feet and everything! That would be the best thing and then people would be so jealous that they can't do that and we would be couple's goals. But we kind of already are."

She thought about it, "Work out and then video. That way I get a little bit more time to sleep. There is a gym downstairs off the lobby if you want to lift some weights and run on a treadmill." She yawned and got comfortable next to Jake with her head on the pillow.
He nodded. "She was in one of the Fast and Furious movies too. The only bad thing about that movie is they didn't show when her chest fell out of her top...just kidding." He kissed her head.

Jake honestly loved feeding him and their cuddle time. "He helps make it so cute. It wouldn't be the same if he wasn't such a stud like his old man." He smiled. "I can't wait to hear him call me dad though. I'm excited for that." He rubbed her side.

"I figured you'd want to wait. I may go out for a run. Maybe early...maybe not." He lauged. "Where is that park?" Jake liked checking out the scenery on runs.
She smiled, "Yeah that's going to be the cutest thing. I can't wait to him say that either."

"It's the opposite way of the soup plantation. Keep going straight and you'll run right to the park. Just be careful of the morning traffic. I don't want yjust u getting hit by a car." She told him and gave him a good night kiss.

She turned on her other side and turned the light off. "Good night Boo." She said softly and after a few minutes she fell asleep.

When she woke up her hand throbbed and her head. She got out of the bed and took a couple pain pills and got back in bed. She took a nap until it went away and then she got out of bed and took a shower. She washed her face and applied a light face of make up. She put on a cute black maxi dress and a gold head band so she didn't have to do her hair.
Jake would probably have to record Owen saying his bsne. It would be the cutest thing. Everything that kid would do will be adorable.

He thanked her for the directions. "Thanks Q. Night bbmaby. Love you." Jake got comfortable and fell asleep rather quick.

It wasn't till after Adri laid back down after getting medicine that he got up and put basketball shorts, an under armour compression shirt and his running shoes on. He left Adri a note. "Went for my run. Will try to find breakfast on way home. -J" He took off for the park. Once he got there he worked out a bit there doing a few exercises. The park was rather quiet, not that he could hear much with his ear buds in.

On the way home he stopped at a place to grab breakfast. He ran back and went inside. He heard Adri in the bathroom. Jake went in to find her. "Hey sexy mama." He smiked and looked her over. "I have breakfast." He rea ched for her hand.
The pain meds kicked in and everything seemed to be fine. The headache was gone but the dragging feeling was there. Once she got some food in her stomach she would be even better. She straightened her headband and smiled at Jake's reflection. "Hello Dilf."

She looked at the real Jake and gave him her right hand like a southern belle would for him to kiss. Then she gave him her left hand so he could see it. "A little bruised and very sore. I saw this bruise hack on YouTube that listerine will get rid of the bruise. So am going to try that out and hope it works. If it doesn't then I will take a picture and post it on Insta."

She walked with him to the kitchen, "What is for breakfast?"
Jake chuckled to her title she gave him and wiggled his eyebrows at her. Once she handed her right hand to him he kissed it, just like a gentleman would. Then he looked at her left. "Ice it some more today. It will help with any swelling. But only 15 minutes on at a time." Jake had a lot of bruises in his day from fighting. "Your makeup would probably work too."

"I got us a big breakfast. I didn't know when we'd eat again. Eggs, bacon, toast, hash browns and pancakes." Jake was starving. "I got it at the little diner place a bit past the park." He gave a small shrug and sat down to eat. "I think I'm going to call Amy after bit and see how our little man is doing." He smile and took a few bites. The food was delicious, even with him running home with it.

"What time do we have to be at the show? I'm trying to mentally plan everything, when I need to shower, do our video, and have time to head to the show." Jake was excited for the entire day, it should be a fun one for the two of them.
"Everything sound amazing. I don't want to look huge in tv though." She frowned at him, "Sabatoge." She smiled at him and grabbed two plates and forks so they could dig in.

"Send a text before you call just to make sure they are up. I'd hate to wake her if she had a log night. Maybe we can FaceTime." She wanted to se her handsome boys too.

"If you haven't already you can get the cabin while we eat." She pulled up the schedule on her phone, that was sent to Jake's email as well but Adri was obviously the one better suited to keep them on track for the day.

"So filming starts at nine tonight. They want us there at 6 to do a final practice with the dance and dress rehearsal and all of that. So we have all day to film and edit. You should shower now though, you did just work out and you won't have to worry abo it later. I can put a little make up Ono u if you want. At least powder to keep you from getting shiny. My foundation is obviously too dark."
Jake laughed a bit. "Now you figured out my strategy. won't look huge. It's impossible. I promise." He kissed her cheek.

His phone was out to text Amy. She had a perfect point if the little guy was struggling with his teeth he may not have gotten much sleep. "That would be nice to. If I woke Amy up she would have killed me. So thanks for looking out for me baby."

He felt bad he forgot to book the cabin so he got up and grabbed her computer. He pulled up the website to book the place. He knew he could pull it up on his phone but it was easier and quicker to just ask his girl.

"Thanks baby. I'll shower after I eat then we can do our video. So we have some time together before having to go. Do you mean make up for me for the video or show tonight?" He went back to eating as he typed in the information for the cabin once it was up he put in what days they would be there and put his card information in. "We are set. The cabin isn't booked for two weeks after we leave, in case we need to extend we can." He shook his head as he took a few more bites. "You mentioned my Faygo. I'm now craving my Faygo. I can't believe you remembered that. Too bad O is so little or I'd let him try some." A huge grin could be shown on his face. "Baby you have to promise me you will try. I can't even drink much with my fight coming up but we are bring some home with us or shipping some back..." Then Jake got the idea about buying some to have sent to him regularly. "
"For our video Boo.Just a little bit of translucent powder and maybe a little lip gloss?" She teased.

She put her pancakes on a separate plate and drowned them in syrup before taking a bite. "You are going to let our son drink liquid cotton candy when he is older?" She raised an eyebrow and shook her head. "You two can have fun with that sugar high. Please make sure I am never around for that because with the sugar high comes the sugar meltdown and it won't be pretty."

She made a face and but rolled her eyes and nodded her head, "Fine I will take a small sip and if I like it I will share one with you if you want. I'm surprised you haven't bought a stock in Faygo since you love it so much." She teased. "Which reminds me, I have a meeting with my agent tomorrow morning before we leave. He has been spreading the word that I want to o a make up collab with someone and he might have some offers for me to check out. I'm hoping for Two Faced or Sugarpill or Tarte...oh don't know. It would be really cool if I could do a collab though.

Amy replied to Jake's text saying the one person to get sleep in the house was Luke and took a picture of Luke knocked out on the couch.

"Maybe we should call and check on them now? And I will text mom and ask her to go relieve Amy and Luke."
Jake shook his head. "I'm not wearing make up. I'll be fine. They will just get the rawness of Jake Daniels. It will be okay." He shook his head again.

"Says the chick who just drowned her pancakes in syrup that is a bunch of sugar." He smiled and stole a bite of her pancakes. "Once in awhile. It will be a treat. Not an everyday thing. I can't exactly let him see Daddy do it and then deny him the goodness of it too. That's fine we will drink our pop and play until we both crash with a nap. Sounds like a fantastic day if you ask me." Jake shrugged and didn't know why Adri wouldn't want to take part in that, make it a family affair.

"You will love it. I'm telling you. Add some Loopy vodka and it will taste like a cotton candy fruit loop. I will buy some vodka too...we ALL just may need it." Jake wasn't entirely family with the make up people. "That sounds awesome babe. I'll be here waiting for you. Maybe I'll use that time to work out."

Jake laughed to the picture of Luke, "That guy is going to be in soooo much trouble. She's gonna hit h im. Maybe she will punch him." He smiled at Adri and took a bite before calling Amy. "Alright. Let's see how our baby boy is."
She didn't have a comeback for his pancake comment. "As long as it's every once in awhile." The last thing she wanted was Owen on sugar. She already knew he would be an active kid. Adding sugar to the mix would just cause trouble. "Soda." She said softly and smiled at Jake.

She laughed and nodded her head, "Okay. I'll try it. I would like my liver to recover from last night though so let's keep that in mind. When I say one drink I mean one drink this time."

Adri agreed to Luke being in trouble. "Big trouble." She sent her mother the text and moved closer to Jake when Amy picked up. She was hold Owen on the rocking chair. He was happily chewing on a carrot and looking around with his blue eyes. "How is it going?' Adri asked with a confused look on her face.

"Your mother told me to do it. He likes chewing on it. Something about it being cold and the pressure on his gums." She shrugged her shoulder. "It works. When he sleeps, or tries to sleep is when the pain becomes a problem. Your mom picked up a bunch of carrots then she picked up ibuprofen for children. He is old enough but I thought I would ask before giving it to him."

Adri looked at Jake and then Amy. She understood why it would seem like the best plan but she didn't have the research on the product and she didn't know what was in. On the other hand it was only one day. "I'd say give him a very small dose before nap time and keep a close eye on him." When they got home she would figure out how to make her boy feel better."
Jake didn't want Owen on sugar either. It was something that they both agreed on and would stick to together. They both ate rather healthy and they wanted Owen to as well. Maybe Jake had Chipotle or things like that but it wasn't cookies or brownies. A treat from time to time was okay he felt. "I promise only once in awhile." Jake gave her a look when she said soda and shook his head. "It's pop. Just ask Aim or dad. They'd tell you."

"That's your own fault you drank so much." He smiled but understood why and kissed her cheek to let her know he was only playing. "Trust will want to go back to the cabin and drink more than one. And I don't mean it's because they taste so good." He made a look with his eyebrows, referring to his mother and stepfather. Maybe Owen being there would be good to help lighten the mood. How could he stay angry with him there laughing and smiling.

Jake smiled at Owen. "Whatever works." He said to the carrot. They were healthy and if they helped his gums why not. Jake also agreed with Adri about the ibuprofen. "If you need a dose call the doctor I'm sure they could give it to you. He looks like he's drooling a lot. Poor guy. Is he eating?" He waved at Owen. "Hi buddy. Daddy misses you big guy."
"Ask my family and we call it soda. Soooda." She said slowly like she was trying to teach him a new word. "You'll get it eventually." She teased and rubbed his hand.

"It won't be that bad." She told him and rubbed his forearm. "And if it is then we will just enjoy the cabin. We have a nice big pool and hot tub and our family. Things will be fine one way or another."

"He eats, that's the only time he gives up the carrot. He doesn't eat a lot in one sitting so we've doubled the feeding times and he eats the same amount as he did before. Maybe a little less."

Adri smiled and nodded her head, "At least he is eating." Owen looked around when he heard Jake's voice call his name. He couldn't quite figure out where it was coming from.

"Hi baby boo." Adri said and Owen started to call her name. Adri smiled happily. "We will be home soon. We hope you feel better."
Jake playfully rolled his eyes. "Well in Colorado it's pop. And it will always forever be pop." He smiled at her.

He hoped she was right about it not being that bad but she was right they would have each other and a nice cabin to enjoy. He gave her a small nod.

"That's my boy. He eats. Of course my son would eat. Us Daniels like our food huh?" He couldn't help but chuckle when Owen was looking around for him. His smile grew when he heard Owen call Adri's name. "Can you say dad? Huh? We will work on that when we get home." Jake swore the kid grew every time they left, even if it was just for a weekend. "Give him kisses for us. And when you smack Luke, I want to see it. I missed the last good punch this weekend." Jake teased with a chuckle.
"I thought youu were us went to the fight?" Amy said and bounced Owen on her lap.

"We did Amy. It's a long story. I'll tell you when we get home." She bumped into Jake playfully. "My mother is coming over to give you a break. Get some rest and some food. She'll take care of our little guy." Amy nodded with a smile, "thank you. Have a fun time tonight guys. Love you." She blew them a kiss and moved Owens hand so he could wave to the camera.

When breakfast was over, Adri picked up the plates and washed them in the sink while Jake showered. She set her laptop up so he could start filming when he got out. She had it plugged into the wall so it wouldn't die on him or anything. She put her left overs in the sink an then checked Instagram for questions that she wanted to answer.
Jake chuckled when Adri bumped him. "Bye guys. Love you big guy." He waved to Owen.

After breakfast Jake got up and gave Adri a kiss on the head before heading to shower. Once he was under the water the feel of the water spraying down on him felt amazing. He stood there not moving for a few moments before he started wash up. Once he finished his shower he shaved and put on jeans and a blue t-shirt.

He went out to the kitchen and sat down with some orange juice. After getting comfortable and getting his questions ready he started recording.

"Hey everyone. So I got all of your questions. There were a lot of them. I know I struggled going through and picking out my favorites. So here are a few." Jake went over some of his things in his diet and training sessions. He also went through what he did on fight days to an extent but not in full detail. He wanted to let his fans into his life a bit so he decided to answer a question a lot of people wanted to know the answer to. "The next did I get started with being a fighter? Well...I grew up with a lot of things going on at home and it was my way of dealing with my emotions. I could get those emotions out in a healthy way. I recommend anyone who needs a healthy way to get out some anger or emotions to take up exercising in general or fighting and it really does help out a lot. The next question is who are my favorite fighters?" This was one a lot of his fans wanted to know for different reasons. "I actually am good friends with Urijah Faber, that I have to give a shout out to for his awesome win last night. Also Rich Franklin. He's been helping me train. He has amazing advice and has also fought in my weight class. Not to mention my future wife likes the fact his wife and her have a lot in common. I love GSP. George St Pierre is honestly probably the best UFC fighters ever. Only two loses shows how amazing of a fighter he is. I would love to train with him and learn a little from him. Randy Couture was one of my original favorites. He was one of the first fighters I watch fight and once I saw him fight, I knew I wanted to do that. He was a bit older in his career so that helps me think I can still do this when I get older."
Adria T on the sidelines and watched Jake answer his questions. She answered some texts and emails on her phone and iPad util he was readyir Niger. He got through quite a few questions and then she decided to crash the party because she was bored. She sat next to him and made sure she looked good on the camera.

"Hello party people." She smiled and looked at Jake. "this feel weird." She laughed but look back at the camera. She was expecting this to be easy but now she was feeling a little shy. "So lik Jake said you guys had a lot of amazing questions and I wanted t answer a few so Jake didn't have all of the fun."

She had a couple questions about her start in modeling and contrary to most beliefs she started before Jake. Her mother took her to the mall when she was young and a talent scout wanted her and the rest was history.

"A really good question I saw was what would I be doing if I wasn't modeling and to that I have to say I'd probably be Jakes assistant. I didn't go to college, which I would change if j could turn back time but I'm working on that now, so my alternative was keeping this hunk of muscle on task. Which wasn't that bad when we got used to each other."

She looked at her notes, "The next question is what was it like learning about and bringing Owen home. And I only want to talk about this to settle some rumors. Jake never cheated. Owen was created a few months before we officially started dating. Learning about Owen was a shock to the system but Jake was really good with not pushing me to be Owen's step mother. Now I can't imagine life without him. He was premature by a month and a couple weeks so it was really scary at first but now that we have him and we can see him smile and hear him say mama and laugh, I wouldn't change a thing. He's my baby boo and Jake is my Boo." She kissed his cheek and looked at her last question.

"And would we ever do a reality TV show? I've seen how cameras in the lives of kids can affect their upbringing and I really don't want Owen to be brought up that way. But I would do a show like Cribs or I'd let cameras in for like a week or two but never long term. What about you boo?" She asked Jake.
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