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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

He stood up and clapped for Uriajh. "Good punch Urijah! Good job brother." He was happy for his buddy. He sat back down with a smile and talked to Rich a moment about the fight.

He then turned to Adri. "You don't know about points? You get points for the jiu jitsu part of the fight. For take downs. For being in control when you are on the ground. It you defend a take down or get into control when you aren't. You also get points for each strike that's connected. So Diaz was punching him and in control mosy of the last two rounds so he was beating him point wise. But it just shows anything can happen. It only takes one punch." Jake liked teaching Adri more about what he did. That way she understood better what was going on.

"Rockhold is champ. Bisping is his opponent. It's my weight class but your pick. Who do you have?" He looked at Adri and looked in her eyes a moment. "Bisping is a cocky dude, but he seems to be a good family man. His eife and kids are over there." Bisping came out first and hugged his family before entering the octagon.

Rich leaned over to Jake, "I hope Rockhold knocks his ass out." Jake just grinned.
"So points don't really matter?" It didn't sound like they mattered if Uriah could punch Diaz and still win when Diaz was the one winning in the first place. Who knew it was so confusing? It didn't help that she had alcohol in her system.

"Can we call this one a tie? I don't want Bisping to win and I don't want you rooting for him either. He's a jerk. Rock hold is champ. Rock hold will win." She hoped. She would rather have Jake in the ring with arockhold than Bisping. Especially after Bisping threatened to end his career or his life. She didn't want to be there if Jake did have to fight him.

She realized that people thought the same of Jake. He had a history of being with a lot of women. He went brought a lot of assistants. He had a kid with another woman. He could be labeled a jerk but the difference was Jake didn't run around threatening his opponents. Sure he said things to get them riled up but he would never intentionally hurt someone the way Bisping would.

She looked at his wife and kids and sighed, "I heard he was a hot head." She said softly and shrugged her shoulder. "Just watch his fight. Don't worry about wins. Find weak spots so you know what to look for when it's your turn to take the championship home."
"No, no they do. If no one knocks the other out or no one taps out it goes to decision. Then the judges point the fighters. Some judges point differently. One may say one won the round while a second says the other guy does. There are three judges so there is never a tie. You always have a winner. Diaz was dominating those rounds." He hoped that made more sense to her. If not he could watch a few fights and show her more.

"Yeah baby. A tie it is. We will cook dinner together. It will be fun." He gave her a small kiss.

Jake turned to the fight and Rockhold seemed a little confident to Jake. Once the fight started Jake tuned everyone else out. It was back and forth and then around 552 seconds in Bisping got a good punch and knocked Rockhold out. Jake was a bit surprised but didn't show it or say much. Bisping's family joined him in the cage. Jake grabbed Adri's hand.
She nodded her head, so the points only counted when the fighters didn't knock each other out. "That makes sense now. Okay. I got it." She tapped her temple and gave Jake a smile. She wrapped her arms around Jake's arm and put her head on his shoulder and watched the fight.

She sat up when the fight started to turn out of Rockhold's favor. And just like that Bisping was new the champ. Adri's stomach turned and she looked at Jake. "I need a drink." She said softly and stood up to walk to the bar. Unless someone else fought Bisping and won Jake would meeting him in the ring. She took deep breaths while she waited for her shots and tried to relax. It wasn't working though. She didn't want to show her fear for Jake in front of Jake. She knew she needed to put a mask on really quick. She downed the tequila shots and bit the lime. She made a face and walked back to where Jake was sitting.

She didn't feel much better but now her body had something to do other than worry about a fight that wasn't schedule yet. They still needed to celebrate Uriah's win. She hoped that Bisping would go home with his family and celebrate with them but seeing as it was a championship fight, it was probably mandatory for him to go to the afterparty for a little bit.

As long as she and Jake stayed away from him, they would be fine. "Are you ready? Or do you want to go congratulate Uriah?" She asked and rubbed his back.
Jake watch Adri get up and head to the bar. He wasn't sure what was going on but he felt like something was off with her but let it go. It wasn't the time or place to being whatever it was up.

He talked to Rich about the fight, thinking strategy already. Jake was debating hiring him to train him with Luke. He fought the same weight class and had been champion. The only thing is he doesn't live in Vegas. He'd talk to Adri about it. But more men in his corner that know what they are doing couldn't hurt.

He kissed her cheek and smiled at her. "Nah. I can hit him up at the afterparty. You ready to head?" He stood up to leave with her. Rich offered taking their car and riding with them. Jake thought it would be great. He held Adri's hand and walked out with her.
Adri nodded her head to being ready to leave. She didn't want celebrate Bisping's win at all. She was surprised he won that easily. Rock hold was supposed to be better than that. She smiled at Rich and Beth when they offered to take them and followed them out of the building.

The paparazzi took a few photos while they got into Rich's car. It felt impossible to get in to his SUV in the tight dress and slightly drunk but with Jake's help she was good to go.

When they got to the club she needed help getting out of the car for the same reasons. She was able to pose for a little bit with Jake. When they walked in she remembered that might see Bising and she went straight to the bar for another round.
Jake helped Adri in and out of the SUV. He posed for a few pics but then when they made their way inside he went to see some fighters who where friends. He kept an eye on Adri.

Urijah wouldn't be there for a bit so he just enjoyed hanging out with everyone else. But he excused himself and went to the bar. "Can I just get a water please." He looked at his girl standing at the bar all sexy. "What's a sexy girl like you doing at the bar by yourself?" He grinned and moved closer. "Wanna take me home with you tonight?"

He turned a little serious. "What's going on in that beautiful head of yours?"
She frowned and moved her head away from him when he asked to take her home, "Don't Jake." She said softly and spun the rim of her glass around. She picked it up and took a sip.

She looked at him and shook her head, "Nothing. I'm fine." She lied and finished her drink. She set it down and looked at him again and sighed. "It's nothing Jake. Alright. We rarely get to party together. I'm having fun. That's all." She picked up her Jell-O shot and raised it to him before taking it whole.

She put her hands on his hips and looked up at him, "What were you asking before?" She asked and thought back to it, "Mmm you want to take me home. I'm all yours tonight." She said changing the subject. "What are ylu going to do to me, you big string fighter?" She smiled and kissed him and he would taste mainly tequila and lime on her lips.
Jake was a bit taken back that she moved away from him, almost in a way he was in trouble. His forehead wrinkled with a look of confusion on his face.

He knew it was more than nothing but wouldn't push it. Not now. He gave her a nod and took a drink of his water. He'd have a drink later with Uriah but not until then. He was training and didn't need to over do it. Jake studied her a bit something was up with her but he had no idea what. Her mood before was playful now she was joking around with him. He wondered if she was mad he didn't talk to her more during the fights.

He gave her a small smile. "Well I was asking you if you wanted to take me home, since it is your apartment. But yeah, I could take you home." He kissed her back. Jake didn't remember really seeing her drink this much before. "Whatever I want to do to you." He grinned and kissed her back. "I like making you moan really loud. Especially my name." He said quietly just so she could hear him. Just then Urijah and a bunch of the other fighters walked in, including Bisping and his wife.
"Mmm who cares who is taking who home. As long as we go home together right?" She rubbed the back of his head and smiled at him. She nodded her head and kissed him again, "Whatever you want to do." She bit his bottom lip playfully. "You could do that here, Boo. Right now." She whispered to him and nibbled on his earlobe.

She smiled at him with a really big smile but then Bisping walked in and ruined the moment. She felt the wall she built up to mask the anxiousness, for the fight that wasn't planned, crumble. The crowd cheered and she looked at Jake. "Let's go congratulate Uriah." She told him and took his hand. And let's hope Bisping doesn't come around.

She took a sip of Jake's water and she shook her head, "Let's do this Boo."
Jake liked how she was talking. He'd pull her into a backroom in a heartbeat to have some time with her. They could knock another place off the bucket list. His eyes looked to her when Bisping entered. He noticed her body language change. It wasn't something he could figure out but would totally ask her later.

He gave her a nod and grabbed her hand. He gave her hand a kiss. They walked over to Urijah and Jake gave him a man hug and introduced him to Adri. "Hey buddy, this is my fiance Adriana. Adge...this is Urijah." Urijah gave her a hug and told her it was nice to meet her. He then asked her if she liked the fight.

Jake and Urijah talked about the fight then they ordered a round of drinks for everyone. Jake got a whiskey and coke. They drank to the win. Bisping saw where Jake and Adri were and eyeballed them a bit. Once he saw Adri look at him he just smiled at her. Urijah wanted a few pictures with Jake and then some with him and Rich. Urijah even made Adri get in a few.
She smiled when he kissed her hand. "Such a gentleman." She teased and followed him to Uriah. "It's nice to meet you too." She was going to put her hand out but he went for a hug and she hugged him right back. "I like your fight but it's always hard watching friends fight. Congratulations, though. You deserve this win. You're an excellent fighter." She smiled.

She actually managed to relax enough to talk to Uriah and have a normal conversation with him. She would have normally cut herself off after the first drink she had but she was this deep in might as well keep going.

As she sipped on her martini she looked around the club and swayed back and forth in her seat. The first scan she skipped over Bisping but when she looked back she got locked up in a stare down. She knew he was trying to get in her head and she shouldn't let it get to her. He made her feel dirty when he looked at her.

She wasn't in the mood for pictures but she took them for Urijah. When those were done she looked at Jake, "I'm going to go get some fresh air. Okay? I'll be right back." She kissed his cheek and went to the patio and leaned against the railing. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
Urijah thanked her and leaned over to Jake, "I see why you held onto this one. And I'm not even talking about how freaking hot she is." Jake just smiled proudly. "She's pretty great."

He gave her a quick kiss back on her cheek. "Okay." His eyes watched her until she got outside. He was a bit worried about her but let her go. Jake went back to talking to the guys.

Bisping also watched Adri go outside. He excused himself from his friends and wife before going outside. He went straight for Adri, "What's the matter? Worried about me demolishing your boyfriend? But that is if he can win his next fight. How's his elbow?" He grinned at her and stood next to her but faced the opposite direction than Adri. "I brought you a drink. You liked like you hadn't had enough." He said sarcastically with a smile.

Jake got up to use the restroom then planned on going out to check on Adri.
she rubbed her lips together and frowned. She looked down at her ring and pushed her self off of the patio railing. "Do you know what the best part of five carats is?" She asked him and before she knew it she threw the punch. It was the ring that hurt him but his jaw that hurt her.

She shook it out and held it to her chest. It looks so much easier when Jake did it and with gloves on. Still with the pain in her hand she glared at Bisping, "Stay away from me. Stay away from my family." She feel her hart beat in her hand.

"Go fuck yourself asshole." She spat and walked into the club.
Bisping looked at her as she started to move away, "What's that?" He didn't see the punch coming. He looked at her shocked as his hand reached up to touch his face where hit him and drew blood. "Damn. Are you training Jake?" He chuckled a little.

"You're lucky there isn't cameras out here...I'm sure the media would love you getting into a bar fight. Probably more than they like Jake getting into one. But fine...I'll stay away from you and your family...that is until I snap Jake's elbow in the cage." He let her walk away.

Jake was finishing up in the bathroom as he washed his hands and dried them before making his way out to look for Adri. He saw her and could instantly tell something was wrong. He put his hands on her hips. "What's wrong?" He looked down at her hand and his head went to someone tried to make a pass and she was protecting herself. "I'll fucking kill him. Who was it?" He looked around with a rage like no other.
"Fuck you." She said softly to his threat to Jake. In a way she felt like she just made it worst. If he did get the chance to hurt Jake, he really would. It wasn't idle anymore.

She jumped when Jake put his hands on her hips. "Nothing." She tried to walk past him and stopped. "No one. I bumped into a door." She lied because that would really get out to the news. She couldn't let him do that. Not to mention Bisping would, could hurt him and end his career.

"I'm tired. I...I can't do this right now. Okay? Let me go." She pulled out of his grasp and went to the bathroom. She didn't want her ring to get stuck on her finger so she pulled it off and put it in her purse. She was able to open and close her hand so it wasn't broken. It just hurt like hell. She didn't know what she was thinking but she was glad she did it.

Now she just had to figure out what she would say if Bisping told someone. She couldn't use self defense but he was being an asshole. That was a good angle.
Jake was so confused about what was going on. She had been acting weird for awhile now and he had no idea what happened. He let her go and sighed. Why did it always seem like they were doing great then something pushed them back. He knew he told himself only one drink but he needed one after everything that was going on. He walked to the bar and ordered a shot of tequila but he didn't chase his down with any lime after.

He looked around and wondered if they should just go home. They had the show and rest wouldn't be a bad idea. But he also wanted to talk to Adri and get to the bottom of what was going on. Jake took off for the bathrooms again as Bisping walked in.

Bisping thought about telling someone what happened, but he honestly would probably be the laughing stock of the UFC, getting sucker punched by a girl. Not any girl but someone who would soon be after his title. He walked to his wife and his wife asked what happened, he just said one cuts broke open and not to worry.

Jake leaned against the wall outside the bathroom waiting for Adri to come out. When she did he looked at her. " ready to go home yet? It's getting kinda late and we have a big day tomorrow. I can call someone to come get us."
Adir washed her hands to get some cool water running on it and help with the pain. She called for an Uber to take her home so Jake wouldn't have to worry about her and could have fun with his friends and celebrate Urijah's big win.

She jumped again when he appeared by the bathroom door, she wasn't paying attention and he spooked her. "I just called an Uber. You don't have to go if you don't want. Stay with your friends." She felt guilty for pulling him away from them. They so rarely got to hang out like this. She was the life she signed on for but goddamn she did not sign on for the head games. She couldn't play head games again.

"You can come with me if you want. I'm just saying don't feel obligated too." She walked over to Urijah with a smile on her face and gave a friendly kiss on the cheek and a hug, "Congratulations again. I'm not feeling well. It was really nice meeting you though."
Jake looked down and sighed a bit. "I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry..." He just nodded to her and followed her over to Urijah.

Urijah was bummed she wasn't feeling well, "Oh thank you. I hope you feel better. Get some rest."

Jake gave him a hug. "Congratulations man. I better go home with her. Make sure she's okay." Urijah totally understood, "Yeah of course man. Be safe tonight. Thanks for coming out man." Jake then said bye to the Franklins before going outside with Adri to wait on the Uber. Once it arrive he opened the door for Adri and helped her in.

"I had to come home with you or you would be stuck in the car." He said with a small smile. He reached for her hand and noticed her ring missing then he saw her knuckles. Jake looked out the window. Jake didn't trust the driver to not report anything to the media so he didn't say a word about it. Once they got home, he helped her out and inside. After they got inside he went to the kitchen and grabbed ice for her and wrapped it in a towel and went to find her.

"Want to tell me what the hell is going on?" He looked at her. "You punched someone tonight and I'm kinda upset I missed it cause it looks like you got whoever pretty damn good." His eyes looked at hers.
"Come to Vegas and we will celebrate the right way. That goes you too." Said said to Rich and Beth. She hugged them goodbye and then walked out front.

It was a cute joke but she wasn't in the mood to laugh. She kept opening and closing her fist to keep it from tightening or something. She didn't know why she was doing it but she needed to feel something other than anxious. When she got home she went to the bathroom and took the dress off. She washed her face and tried to do it with her left, dominant, hand but it hurt too much so she did it with her right which was awkward and clumsy.

"This isn't funny." She put on her robe and took the ice from Jake. She put it on her hand and took it off so she could see it in better lighting. Her knuckles were red and probably bruising and her right hand was a slightly bigger size than her left. She ou the ice back on and shook her head.

"I'm an idiot." She said softly.
He took his jacket off and watched her as he untucked his shirt and took it off as well. After his pants were replaced with a pair of shorts he walked back over to her and moved the ice from her hand to look at it.

"Okay...sorry. But you aren't an idiot." He looked at her. "Do you not remember me telling you to use your first few fingers and not your bottom?" He looked into her eyes. "I have to make sure nothing is broken. Don't...punch me or hate me." He pressed on her knuckles to make sure she didn't break her hand. He pressed on them one by one.

"Seriously though Adri...what is going on? You've been acting weird since the fights tonight. You pushed me away twice. Especially when I was being playful. And trying to help you. What is going on and do not tell me nothing. Did I do something? Are you upset about how much time I was giving the guys?" His eyes searched hers.
"I can move it, it's not broken." She said softly and pulled her hand away from his. It was tender and she really didn't want him to touch it. At the same time he knew broken bones better than she did and she reluctantly handed her hand over. Her foot shook and tensed up when he touched a tender area but nothing caused major pain that would hint at a break. She put the ice back on her hand and put her head against the headboard.

She shook her head, "It's not you." She said after a moment of silence. If she told him he would freak out but if she didn't tell him, didn't warn him, he could get hurt.

"Remember when you took over the fight for Bisping because he was pulled out for medical reasons? We went to the after party and Bisping sat down beside me." She looked up at Jake and back down at her lap. "He told me he could make accidents happen. That he could ruin careers if he wanted too." She rubbed her lips together. "When I went to the balcony, he followed me out and started to talk crap about you. I could have let let it go but I was drunk. I wasn't thinking." She shook her head, "I punched him in the jaw and the ring cut his lip or chin or something."

She started to tear up and she looked at her comforter, "But I think I made it worst because he said he would snap your arm." A fat tear rolled down her cheek. "I don't want you to fight him. I don't want to take that chance. And it's not because you aren't a good fighter. It's because I can't trust that he won't do something that could ruin the rest of your career. It's making me nervous already. I just...I can't see you get that hurt. I don't want to see that." She confessed and the tears started running down her cheeks.
"Just because you can move it doesn't mean it's not broken." He gave it very soft kiss before she put the ice on it again.

He was relieved it wasn't him. But what it was wasn't goof either. He gave her a nod to remembering. His fingertips wiped away her tears as he listened to her.

Jake took her face in his hands. "Adge. There isn't anything to worry about. If I get caught in an armbar I'll tap. I promise if I get into any situation, I'll tap." He kissed her forehead before hugging her tightly. " was probably drunk himself both times. Don't let him get to you. He's just trying to get to me by getting you worked up." He rubbed her back and held her tight.

"Baby don't worry. I'll protect myself. It will be okay. Luke won't let me get hurt in there. He can throw in the white towel at any moment. I can tap and I trust the refs to stop it if it gets out of hand." He kissed her shoulder. "I love you. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going to get hurt that badly." His fingers ran through her hair.
She nodded her slowly and hugged him back tighter than she ever really hugged him. The tears came down harder knowing that he would tap for her. She knew he would but hearing it made her feel a little bit better. She tried to control her crying which made it even harder to stop. She took a deep breath.

She turned her head so her ear was on his chest, "But...what if he doesn't stop? What if he keeps going?" His shirt was getting soaked with her tears and she couldn't make them stop. She had been stressed about it for months and with every fight it just heightened that stress.

His words gave her a little reassurance but she wouldn't really know how the fight would play out until it was all over. "No one else does this." She said softly. "No one else picked on me or used me to get to you. I don't want to be a puppet."
Jake held her tighter against him. He hated that she was so upset. And he felt like it was his fault. He had a dangerous profession. "He will stop Adri." He rubbed her back. "The refs step in the minute they think the other guy is done. If I tap, they step in and will make him let up. Plus if he doesn't he could get fined or potentially kicked out of the UFC for not following the rules. Dana won't put up with that shit and he won't risk any of that while being champion." He kissed her head.

"I won't allow you to be a puppet. I won't allow him to keep getting to you. It stops tonight. He was probably drunk both times. He may not have known what he was doing. I've done my fair share of stupid shit while drunk. I'm not making excuses but saying under other circumstances he may not have done this." He pulled back a bit and took his shirt off, it was wet anyway. His fingers wiped her tears and he moved to place a kiss on both of her cheeks where her tears were. His forehead then rested on hers. "It's going to be okay. I promise you. He won't ruin my career. Even if I get hurt, I'll jump back. I'll work my ass off, the one you like so much, until I'm ready again. And you know that I will. I won't let anything stop me. Especially not him." He gave her a kiss softly on her lips before hugging her again. "We've been having a blast out here...don't let him bring us down. That's what he wants. And I refuse to let him." He let out a sigh. "And...if the worse thing happens...I'm still the luckiest guy on the planet. I have the best fiance a guy could dream of. And a very adorable and smart son. And a family who loves and supports me. I've already won." He kissed her head and let his lips linger a moment.
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