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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Jake walked over and kissed Owen's head. "Love you big gy. Hope you have a better day today." He gave him another kiss and made a face to get a smile from him. "Altight. Thanks Aim. Call if you need anything." In passing he rubbed Max's head.

He got in and looked out the window as she drove them. "I really hope he is good for her..." After she got them there he held her hand walking in. They went through security and then Jake looked around for a place to get something to eat. "You hungry baby?"

He found a Tim Hortons to get a breakfast sandwich. Jake wasn't worried about making weight for his fight but he shouldn't eat junk either. They should be able to make him a rather healthy breakfast.

"I'd be more excited, but I'm so tired. I'm sure you're more tred than I am." He kissed her cheek and stood in line to order his food.
Jake walked over and kissed Owen's head. "Love you big gy. Hope you have a better day today." He gave him another kiss and made a face to get a smile from him. "Altight. Thanks Aim. Call if you need anything." In passing he rubbed Max's head.

He got in and looked out the window as she drove them. "I really hope he is good for her..." After she got them there he held her hand walking in. They went through security and then Jake looked around for a place to get something to eat. "You hungry baby?"

He found a Tim Hortons to get a breakfast sandwich. Jake wasn't worried about making weight for his fight but he shouldn't eat junk either. They should be able to make him a rather healthy breakfast.

"I'd be more excited, but I'm so tired. I'm sure you're more tred than I am." He kissed her cheek and stood in line to order his food.
She shook her head, "Not really." She said softly. "I might get a fruit cup for the plane ride though. Planes don't have the best food." She stretched her arms over her head and put her cheek against his arm. She laughed a bit, "No, I did not get the best sleep in the world but I was happy holding him. If he needs me for comfort I am glad to be there. I almost feel like we should have brought him but I know he is in good hands."

When they were near the fridge she grabbed a fruit cup that looked the freshest and had the most strawberries. "I'm excited though. I like my song choices and I can't wait to learn the dance moves. You're going down Boo." She kissed his cheek and handed him the cup. "I'm going to get us some seats at our gate and try not to fall asleep while I am sitting down."

She left him in line but he was close to the cash register so she didn't feel too bad doing it. She pulled her phone out and played the song Covergirl, she got a lot of looks but she chose to ignore them and work quickly. She did her lip sync to the first verse and then cut the music off. She captioned it, 'What? You thought it was over because we are getting on a plane? #You'reAboutToDriftAway'. She posted it and waited for Jake to join her. Her little show got her noticed by a few people though and they had their phones out like they weren't taking pictures when they really were. She saw one girl trying to take a selfie with her in it and she looked at the camera and smiled for it.
"I think he's like me and just feels better snuggled up to you." He smiled and kissed her head. "Well you can sleep on me on the plane if you want."

Jake rolled his eyes and took her yogurt cup. "You wish. You're just bitter cause I beat you at everything. I'm not one of those guys that just lets their girls win because they are girls." He smiled at her. "Alright. I'll meet you there." He gave her butt a playful pat as she turned to walk away. He payed for their items and Jake couldn't help but get a coffee.

He started to head to the gate but stopped and put his stuff down at another seat and pulled his phone out. After pulling up Instagram he noticed Adri beat him to the punch. He turned on a Sam Hunt song, I Met A Girl, on and started to record himself lip syncing as his head banged to the beat. Instead of doing part of the song he did the whole thing. He knew had people watching him and recording him themselves but he didn't care. It was fun, their little competition back and forth. Plus the song was how he felt about Adri. When he was done he posted it with the captain, "I'm still up for the challenge Q. #IMetAGirl #SamHunt #DrifterBringsOutTheBigWeapons #ShesChangingMyWholeWorld" Jake got up and headed over to their gate.

He handed her yogurt to her. "I almost ate it." He sat down and took a drink of his coffee. "I gave in on the coffee." He shrugged, they could always take a nap before dinner. Or he could catch up when they got home. He took a bite and pretended like nothing happened.
Adri smiled when she saw she had a notification. She watched his video and she was watching it when he sat down. It was very cute so he won that round for being cute and sweet. She had to bring it next time so she won that round.

She rubbed his thigh and kissed his cheek. "You're lucky you are cute." She rubbed his cheek and put her head on his shoulder. She took a selfie and posted it on Instagram, "He met a girl and I met a boy. #MrsDrifter #LoveHim".

She was going to wait to eat her fruit cup but she got hungry after smelling his sandwich and popped it open to eat. "Can I have a bite?" She asked looking at his sandwich. "You can have a bite of mine." She opened her mouth for a bite.
Jake chuckled. "What?!" He shrugged. "It works for Owen so I figured I'd use my cuteness too." He turned his head to kiss her hand on his cheek. "How many weird looks did you get? I got a lot and a few people made their own videos so we may go viral." He chuckled a bit.

He held his sandwich up for her. Once she got her bite he opened up for his. "The sandwich is good. I could definitely eat more than one of these. If you want this one, I did get a second...cause let's be honest, they aren't very big." Jake was thinking ahead, but really he was a guy who worked up an appetite. He was already worried about dinner though. "Where are you having us going to dinner babe?"

"I'm really excited to go watch the fights. I did some training before we got together with Uriah Faber. He's got a big fight tonight. I'm a bit worried though. His opponent is really good. Then not to mention the fight in my class. If I yell a lot...I'm sorry...I will have to remember I'm not at home. Especially during Uriah's fight." He smiled a bit.

A young girl, around ten or so, came up and smiled at Jake before asking for his picture and autograph. It was clear she was nervous and thought Jake was cute. She looked at Adri and told her she was pretty as Jake put his sandwich down. He sighed the paper she handed him. "We can't just take a normal picture. Let's make it cool." They made a goofy picture before a normal one. Then she wanted the same from Adri.
"A lot! Almost everybody turned to look and then some people watched, some people looked annoyed and others just didn't care either way." She laughed and scratched the top of her head. "And then a few people took pictures of me." She shrugged her shoulder. "It happens."

She smiled at him, "I'm glad you are excited. It will be a nice change of pace to watch with you instead of anxiously watch you." She laughed. "It's okay. I know you are excited. There is no shame in supporting other fighters, especially your friends."

Adri smiled at the little girl, "Thank you. You're very pretty too." She signed the paper and took two pictures with her as well, one funny and a normal one. "You keep his autograph forever, okay? He's going to be champion one day and when that day comes you sell it for everything it's worth right away." She winked at the girl and sent her off.

"I should get you to sign a bunch of stuff so I can sell it and make a profit off of you." She smiled "oh I checked my email while I was getting O to sleep and I got some of the pictures from the SI shoot. Want to see?" She asked and unlocked her phone. She showed Jake the pictures. She was wearing a painted bikini in some and with that set there were a few pictures that had the bikini being washed away by the beach. Some had her hair straight and some in its naturally curly state. She did have real bikinis in some of the pictures. They even had a mock up of the actual cover with her in a painted bikini and her hands behind her head with a small 'I know you want it' smirk on her face.
"I had the same thing. It was kind of funny. I didn't really care either. I found it kinda funny though."

"I bet it will be for you. You won't know what to do with the break from having to worry about me. No nerves. You can just sit back and enjoy. Rich is going to be there. He's bringing his wife, Beth. Who is also a model. Not as big as you but I figured you two would get along." He had met his wife only a couple times but he had a good feeling the two ladies would become friends. Rich no longer fought but she had been a fighter's wife so that too would be something else they'd have in common.

He couldn't argue that she was a pretty girl. Jake couldn't help but smile and roll his eyes when Adri talked to the girl about him becoming champion. He loved her for having that much faith and believing in him. "She's right. I'm going to be champ. But maybe you want to keep it and show your future kids..." He shrugged.

"No no no. You are not going to make a profit off of your husband. No. I'll have that in the prenup." He smiled and kissed her. "Just like I'd never make a profit off of you." He leaned close to Adri to look at the pictures. "Baby these are so sexy and beautiful. I love them." He got to the one with the smirk. "Hot damn Adriana. Wow...Damn my girl is sexy. Can you send that to me? I want that as my phone background." He looked at her and looked her over. "How much time we have? Or shall we break in our new membership to the new club?"
"It's sound like I will have something to do then. I have someone to talk too now. I'm sure you'll be busy screaming at the fighters to have a conversation with me." She teased.

Adri laughed and shrugged her shoulders, "I suppose she could keep it and show her kids. Or some Jake Daniels fan will buy it off of eBay and pay for school for her or pay for whatever she wants to do." She rubbed his cheek and brushed so ring off the corner of his mouth. She laughed and nodded her head, "Deal we won't make a profit off of each other."

She rolled her eyes, "You can't let anyone see them yet. They are top secret." She sent he picture he wanted to him. "I don't know about you but I will be taking a nap on our plane ride. Maybe you and your hand can join the mile high club." She teased and kissed his cheek. "That's all the action you're getting on the plane."
He rolled his eyes. "I'm not that rude. Plus we have between fights to talk. The only two fights I won't talk to you during is the two title fights. The main events. Uriah's fight is one of those. And my opponents' is the other." He gave her a 'so there' look.

"There isn't any guarantee that she'd make that much. Unless she sold it my super fan. But I doubt she'd even pay that. Especially when she has the real thing." He grinned at her. "I won't show anyone. It's just for me. Don't worry. Fine I'll wait to make it my background." He sighed.

Jake raised his eyebrows at Adri. "That was harsh. You can't show me something so freaking sexy of you and not expect me to be turned on. I'm not using my hand. Wjen we get back to the apartment then." She really was sexy in the pictures and he wanted her tremendously. "I see how I rate. After sleep. I would have thought Sam Hunt would have helped me get lucky. I even thought about hash tagging that but didn't want people talking. Or if your mom saw..."
Adri gave Jake a look of agreement. Why pay when she could have the real thing." She put her phone away and the attendant said they would be boarding soon. "It's in the contract Boo. Those pictures are for my eyes only. When it comes out that I did shoot, then you can set it as your picture. It's only a couple more weeks before it hits the stands. I'm hoping for a best seller so I will be asked to do it again. It was a lot of fun. I would do it again in a heartbeat."

She nodded her head, "Yeah a little harsh but funny." She nodded her head to doing it at the apartment. "At the apartment where we can be as loud and freaky as we want." She kissed cheek. "Your hair looks good. Did you use something of mine to tame it?" She asked and rubbed a stray piece of hair down.

"Sam Hunt was cute. That whole thing was cute. If you really want me on you like white on rice, you have to wear those cute little, little tiny fighting shorts. The booty shorts. Those are my favorite. And maybe twerk a little." She teased. "Or at least baby oil up and show off those may led you work so hard to keep."
"I know it is baby. That's why I said I'd wait. But this way I have the originals so it will look better on my phone when I can put it on there." He put the photo in a private folder and just kept a picture of Adri and Owen as his background. He hoped Owen was sleeping peacefully or at least happy and not in pain.

He gave her a look with his eye brow raised. "Really loud and freaky? Promise?" He smiled with excitement. He gave her a nod to him using something of hers. "Yeah. All the stuff I have makes it look greasy. I may have to look for something else to use. I don't want to use yours all the time. Glad you like it though baby." He smiled at her.

Jake rolled his eyes. "I'm not twerking. I can handle the shorts and oil but no twerking." He smiled at her and got up to board when the attendant gave the word. He got in line and then handed his ticket over when it was his turn. "Window or aisle seat beautiful?" He took his seat and sat down. "Do you hate what I wear sometimes?" He looked at her. "I know you like to be fashionable and you wanted your model friend to help me out a bit...I don't want to embarrass you with how I dress."
"I thought you'd like that. If that's how you want it." She laughed. "I could always get you your own you know? I don't want you using mine all the time either." She smiled back at him and shrugged her shoulder.

She pouted when he said no to twerking. One day she would get him to twerk for her. "You know, that is something you could do to get into your opponents head. Just start twerking. He'll be like 'what?' and you'll be like 'yeah!' and boom the next time he sees you all he can think about is your twerking and then you beat him. It'll work." She said confidently.

"Aisle seat. You can look out the window at the beautiful city when we arrive."

She frowned at his question, where is that coming from?" She asked and thought about it. "Andre' did more harm than good. You aren't the worst dresser in the world, Boo. Most days you look pretty good. You look even better on fight night's when you are all dressed up." She teased. "Could you use a few pointers, yes but so could every other normal guy in the world. You know how to match and that's all that really matters. And as long as you don't wear any of those old ass shirts, in your bottom drawer, that are faded we won't have a problem. Okay?"
"I just want you baby." He grinned at her. That was an idea for her to get him his own. But maybe be could go shopping with her to see. "You can share...punk."

Jake frowned and shook his head. "I'd be the laughing stock of the UFC. No. Not happening. Nice idea though. I'll just win by knocking my opponents out." He grinned.

"If I'm awake." He grabbed her hand and got out his ipod. Jake liked his music.

He gave her a shrug. "You're getting bigger. More people know who you are and I know you've made comments about my Affliction clothes. But they've endoresed me so me wearing their clothes helps them sell products. But I just dress to be comfortable. I just don't want to embarrass you babe." He kissed her cheek. "But if you think it's okay then we're good."
"You'd be the funny it of the UFC." She corrected and sighed. She would give up for now big soon she would him to do it. "Have you even tried tweeting? Maybe you're a genius twerker who needs to share with the world. Or me, just me" she teased and kissed his cheek, "Jake the Twerker Daniels."

She smiled at him, "You look good. Affliction doesn't bother me. The really old worn out and faded shirts do though. That's why I sleep in them. So you can't wear them out." She confessed her master plan and shrugged her shoulder

"But when it comes to dressing up you always look good. Like really good. American James Bomd good." She told him. And pulled out her headphones and her cellphone. She let Amy and her mother know they were on the plane and that she would text or call whe they landed and then she turned her phone to airplane mode.
"I don't know why you'd want me to twerk in public. You'll have all these women wanting me more than they already do." He grinned playfully at her. "I don't feel right doing something Miley Cyrus started." He rolled his eyes but smiled.

Jake looked her over. "You are damn sexy in my clothes. You should do something for me. I should give you a list of clothes for a photo shoot for just me. Then I'll twerk for you.. in a thong..." He grinned at his compromise idea. He immediately started to think of the wardrobe he'd want.

Jake nodded. "James Bond good...I can live with that." He smiled proudly. He looked back at Adri and watched her a moment. She was beautiful. "I love you Q." He smiled and kissed her before looking in her eyes. Sometimes it was good to just stop in their busy days and look at each other and remember the things they love about each other.
"I don't have anything to worry about with you and other women. Everyone wants to look at you but I have you on lock down." She looked grossed out for a second,"She didn't start it and she doesn't know how to do it. Twerking has been around for centuries. It just wasn't always called twerking."

She laughed, "Yeah sure. If that's what it takes to get you to twerk I will do it. Give me the outfits but I will do everything else. I'm serious. I'll do it. And I get to pick out your costume for my show." She smiled even bigger. Sound fair?" She already had something sexy planned for him. Now he was giving her a couple items to wear for it.

She smiled t him and kissed him, "I love you too." The steward went through the safety as regulation process and Adri turned her music on. Jake would be asleep soon enough and then she could film her rebuttal to their competition.
"You have me on lock down huh?" It wasn't like he had eyes for anyone else anyway. She was all he wanted. Jake chuckled. "Oh okay. You gotta remember though I'm a white boy. White boys don't twerk. At least not well."

He thought about it a second and squinted his eyes. "Hmmm. Private show for you only?" If that was the case he could handle that. She knew a thong would be in the mix for her. She was damn determined to see him in a thong or speedo. "If it's just for you, deal."

Jake put his headphones on and turned on his music. He leaned his seat back slightly to get comfortable. He turned on the airplane mode on his phone before putting it back in his pocket. Before long Jake was asleep with his face turned towards Adri.
"Yeah, they don't jump either but you almost beat me at basketball." She laughed and kissed him. "You'll learn.We could always take a class together." She offered and kissed him again. "Just a thought. Maybe when you are champion you can ask Nicki Minaj to teach you."

Her eyes light up when he agreed. "Okay a deal is a deal. You give me a few of your shirts and do something special with them just for you and I will find you a sexy little thong to wear and you can twerk, as best as you can, for me." She giggled happily and clapped her hands. "We will do it when we get back home. Mine might take a little bit more time than yours though."

Adri looked through her music to find the perfect song. She came up with two and decided on the second song she found. She didn't want to wake him up though. She decided to go through with it and she played How Will I Know with Jake's snoozing face in the background. She got through about half of the song until she felt Jake move and she stopped and waited to see if he woke up and then she ended the video. She captioned it, "How Will I Know if he's really sleeping? #AlmostGotCaught #ILoveThisSleepyBoy #DriftingToSleep."
"That is not entirely true. I can sorta jump. Haven't you watched me jump up when I get in the cage. I'm not horrible." He shrugged but had a matter of fact type of look on his face. "I can't believe they have classes for that. It seems so wrong..."

Jake sighed and rolled his eyes. "You know that if I twerk in a little thong my manhood is going to fall out of said thong." He shook his head but a deal was a deal. " still haven't taken me out on our can't put it off and never do it. And it's more than just shirts. It's a trench coat. Some sexy lingerie. Some of my shirts."

With his own music and headphones on he heard nothing. He slept the whole flight except for right before they landed. He looked out the window and yawned after he woke up andlooked over at Adri. He was so in love with her. It wouldn't be until they got off the plane and he turned his phone on until he would see the video. Once they were getting ready to land he touched her leg. "Babe..."
She couldn't post her video right away but once she got a signal it would post. With her video recorded she was able to relax and try to get some sleep. She was tired but couldn't sleep. She drafted a few emails to get a private photoshoot done for Jake.

She also knew she HAD to take him out on their date so she found the places she wanted to take him and she would take him when they got back. She could not cancel these dates again they would do them right away before they went to Colorado. It would be nice to continue to relax before they went meet his step father.

She opened her eyes when he touched her and stretched her legs out. She pulled her headphones out and raised her eyebrows to silently asked what he wanted.
He smiled at her. He could tell she didn't get any sleep and he felt bad. It was probably better to wait on the sex part and let her nap before the fights. "Getting ready to land babe."

Once they landed and they could get off the plane he got up and grabbed his bag and put his ipod in his pocket. As he walked off the plane he turned the airplane mode off on his phone and with in a few seconds his phone lit up. He watched the video as they started to walk through the airport. "Adriana! While I'm sleeping? Seriously? You know we are going to be talked about on like Jimmy Fallon, the Talk, and whatever other shows." He shook his head and thought of what to do next. If he didn't win the official battle on tv he'd at least win the one on Instagram.

"Adge...Starbucks. Hortons didn't do shit for me. Obviously." He put his phone in his pocket and grabbed her hand to walk through the airport.
She nodded her head and turned her music off. She pulled her head phones out and placed them in her purse and awaited to land. They were the first ones off the plane and the morning air woke her up.

She laughed, "You shouldn't have let your guard down." She said simply and shrugged her shoulders. "It was the perfect opportunity. I had to take it." She giggled. She nodded her head that she knew they would be talked about. Especially since the last video ended so abruptly with the fear of being caught in Adri's eyes.

"Oh yes." She said to Starbucks and they got in line. She ordered a Hot a Chocolate and let Jake order whatever he wanted. She paid for it and they were on their way. They got to the front and Adri already had on her sunglasses. "Are you ready for this Boo?" She asked as the front sliding doors opened for them. The vultures were they taking pictures yelling questions about rumors. They wanted to know about Owen and who Jake was rooting for in the fights. There was a lot of shouting but they made it to their car and the driver put their suitcases away.

Adri shook her head, "I still think being surrounded in New York was the worst. Way too claustrophobic for me." She sighed and looked out the window. The tint was doing everything it could to keep them from takin pictures.
"I was sleeping. Cheater." He was smiling the whole time. He'd get her back sometime. Some how. He knew he would. His thumb caressed her hand.

At Starbucks he ordered a frappicino that they had one special at the time that was kind of like a s'more. "I'm so going to have run this shit off. I'm eating crap." He groaned and let out a sigh. When he was training he didn't eat a lot of junk but he needed the caffeine. Jake put on his sunglasses and squeezed her hand before giving her a nod that he was ready. Part of him wanted to answer some of the questions but instead he just kept walking. He opened the door for her before getting in after her.

"Yeah that was pretty awful. I may stop sometime if we get stopped again and answer some questions about the fights and or maybe I'll make a video for Instagram answering a lot of the questions." He smiled and sighed before taking a drink of his frappe. "Want to try it?"

On the car ride his phone went off and Amy's face lit up his screen. "Shit..." He answered it and put it to his ear. "Hey whats wrong?"

"Nothing. He's finally sleeping. Should I keep him on a schedule or let him just sleep when he can. I feel he will be so tired if I wake him up to feed him and then he cries for awhile." Jake let out a sigh and looked at Adri. "We have him under control. I just didn't know how you felt about his schedule. The teething ring helps and I had Luke pick up a few more so one can be in the freezer while he has the other so we can swap it out. But he just now fell back asleep."

"We'd rather he stay on a schedule but if it's just wearing him out just let him sleep if you don't mind adjusting his schedule. With being in pain he may sleep longer once he's out. Just test it and see. If we have to get him back on one after he's not in so much pain we will. Just do whatever you think is best. We trust you." Jake kept looking at Adri.

"Okay. Have fun. We are fine. Bye."

"Okay. Thanks Aim. Bye." He hung up. "O just got to sleep she didn't know if it would be okay if he got off his schedule. She didn't want to wake him up."
"We can go for a run tonight. Together. It'll be fun. I know a quiet park near the apartment. It's three miles there and back. You can do it twice and I'll do it with you once. You still look good without a shirt." She offered and rubbed his abs happily.

"You should put a post up now letting everyone know that you'll be answering a certain number of questions, but beware of trolls. And then when you have a few questions picked out you can answer them on Instagram or make a video and post it to YouTube." She thought it was a good idea but it would take time for him to film and edit it. "We can use your phone. We can record a video of you telling the people you answering questions about fighting and whatever else and then give it until tomorrow morning before you start answering."

Adri nodded her head after the phone call, "I don't think a schedule matters. She just needs to keep a record of how much he is eating so when it's feeding time he gets the right amount. Poor guy is probably beat down." Adri pouted and put her head back on the rest. "And we have a lot more teeth to go with that one. It's going to suck for all involved."
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