Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


She breathes in his scent deeply, taking as much of it in as she could, "It's fine Alex, it is something I don't think I can just get over. I've been having nightmares since I was a kid, they're just worse now, with Em's cold eyes...and those horrid masks from the bank."

She shuddered, unaware that Shrake had been one of those men. All she knew was that fear they had brought out in her, fear Alex probably didn't understand.

"I'm sure when my therapy starts up in two weeks I can talk to Jordan. Maybe there is some psychiatrist voodoo that can help me."

"Right.. Jordan." He huffs, feeling defeated that he can't even help his own girlfriend with her nightmares. "I feel useless when he's around.. I'm meant to be helping you." He explains to her as he continues to become drunk in her aroma, one of his hands playing with her fiery hair.

She loves the feel of his fingers in her hair, "You should do that more...it's relaxing."

She notices his annoyance though to Jordan, "He's not a bad guy Alex, he really helped with my hip, and he's going to continue helping me for no cost at all, its paid by the government. And you do help love, you help me feel safe when I'm awake."

Alex nods as he continues to play with her hair. "If he gives you any trouble at all, tell me.. Please." He says to her quietly, as if not sure whether or not to trust Jordan with his beloved redhead.

"Mm, government spending money." He says with a laugh before sighing. "I suppose we should get on with our day.. After all it's nearly ten in the morning and we're still naked in our bed."

"Or we could continue snuggling naked in our bed?" she giggled, "But yes, you need to work, and I need to..."

To raise $3000 dollars without stealing it.

But she didn't say that, she just let her sentence die off, kissing him softly.

He smiles at her joke before kissing her back, his hand brushing her hair off of her face.

When the kiss breaks he hears himsekf groan. "Baby, can you give me something to look forward to when I get home?" He whispers to her.

"Maybe a bath or shower? Something relaxing.. Just you and me." He says to her softly, resting his forehead against hers.

"How about dinner and a movie on the couch, with lots of cuddling, and chocolate cake for dessert?" she asked, batting her lashes, "And maybe a shower after."

"Only if we can sneak a kiss during the movie." He whispers to her before nodding. "That sounds fun, you can prepare for it while I'm working." He suggests. He leaves her side and gets dressed into casuals before waving to her. "I'm gonna go to work, see you when I get home!" He says before blowing her a kiss and leaving the apartment.

He works all day, no situations arising which allows him to be home by eight o'clock. He walks into the apartment, looking exhausted. "I'm home babe!" He calls out.

Serena kisses him goodbye then sets to work. After making a few calls she realizes she can't just hand over the money, not without sending Alex to jail. Not wanting that, but unable to even touch the money she decides to give it to charity, particularly to one of the charities helping veterans, knowing Alex would like that.

Next she sought out a way to make $3000. By luck she ends up on a scholarship page, and a couple apply to her. After some calls, applications, and a lot of hours she steps back from the computer, happy with her progress. Searching up recipes she prints a couple off and gets to work on dinner, deciding on chicken parmigiana, with lemon rice and chocolate cake for dessert as promised.

When Alex walks in the door she is just finishing serving the table, smiling over to him. She's still wearing nothing more than her underwear and one of his black shirts that hung off her shoulders in waves. Serena hadn't felt the need to dress.

"Hello love."

He runs to her and wraps his arms around her, resting his forehead on the top of her head. "I missed you today.." He says to her softly. "I like the look, underwear and my t-shirt.. Nothing is a better sign that a man has claimed you than you wearing his shirt." He says with a grin.

"Sorry about your shirt and skirt, I had to throw them away after tearing them to shreds." He says with a grin, reminding himself of their makeup sex the night before.

He inhales the scent of her cooking. "What's for dinner?" He asks.

She kissed his chin, then pulled his head down to kiss his mouth, "And that is why I love wearing your clothing. Besides I look so much better in it."

She led him to the dining table, showing him the meal, "Steamed vegetables, lemon rice, and chicken parmigana. And there a cake in the fridge for dessert later. You get to choose the movie, okay Alex?"

Pulling her hair back into a messy bun, she pulled out her necklace from under her shirt, making sure he could see that she had been wearing it. The two bullets clicked together as she jostled it, making a sweet ringing sound.

He kisses her back, his body sighing when she pulls away. He looks over the meal before motioming for her to sit with him. He sits down and starts to eat, enjoying the meal thoroughly.

"Your dinners keep me going." He says with a chuckle, placing his silverware down when he was done eating. He looks over at her and nods. "I don't know what movie to pick, you should choose for me.." He says to her while standing and stretching.

"You let me choose and we'll end up watching the Notebook," she laughed, finishing her plate, "If you clean up the dishes I'll go look at what we've got."

Leaving him to clean up, she hobbled to the couch and collapsed on it, grabbing the remote from the coffee table. Turning on Shaw on demand, she started rifling through the movies, wondering absentmindely when Alex would realize the stolen money was gone from his bank account, and if it would lead to another fight.

"There's the new Star Wars movie," she calls over to him in the kitchen from her spot on the couch, "Or we can go with an army movie..."

"If we watch the Notebook I expect it to be in 4D!" He calls over to her, laughing as he does the dishes, washing the food from each plate before dispensing them into the dishwasher,

He walks over to the bedroom where he gets dressed into a comfortable pair of pajamas, taking his shirt off and leaving it off, allowing his dog tags to hang at his neck.

"Come cuddle," she begs, patting the couch, "Ooooh I love you shirtless. Okay, Notebook or Star Wars? Either way, I'll end up paying more attention to those lips, than to the movie."

He considers the choice before sittimg down next to her, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her deeply before breaking away, licking his lips.

"Pick." He whispers to her.

She shrugs, turning on the Notebook, "We won't be paying much attention to it."

Relaxing into his chest she kisses him again, giggling as the movie starts, "You're going to regret letting me pick the movie by the end of this. It's allllll romance."

"We must live in that movie, then." He says with a chuckle before kissing her again. He wraps his arms around her front, his hands locking together over her belly button as he nuzzles into the top of her head.

"I love you." He whispers to her as he kisses the top of her head softly.

"I love you too," she sighs, melting into his embrace as her fingers played with her necklace, "I'm sorry I ever took this off Alex."

She kissed his chin again, then nestled in to watch parts of the movie, often getting distracted by him. Eventually she got up, serving them cake before settling back into his arms.

"I baked it from scratch," she grinned, "Hope you like it."

"If you're going to take it off, at least don't throw it at me." He says with a chuckle, not even paying atttention to the movie.

He takes a bite from the cake before nodding. "This is excellent, you're amazing.." He says to her before kissing her again, this time not breaking away from it, his tongue tracing along her bottom lip.

She leans into his kiss, her teeth grabbing his bottom lip and pulling gently. Finally she breaks away, forking a piece of chocolate cake and offering it to him.

"Well at least we know I make a good house wife," she jokes, feeding him cake.

He grins when she pulls at his bottom lip, groaning quietly when she breaks away from him.

He laughs at her comment and allows her to feed him the cake. "I don't know how you did it, but it's amazing Serena, this is a helluva thing to come home to after work." He admits to her.

"When I'm working from home I can do it all the time," she smiled, "I mean, it won't be every night, but I could get the hang of this if you like me doing it so much."

She finished her cake, feeding him half, then worked on his slice, the movie playing in the background.

"Fuck the movie," she laughed as they finished, "Want to go take that shower?"

He grins and nods. "Sure, let's go."

They shower together for around an hour before Alex turns off the water, afraid of the heating bill. He takes her hand and helps her dry before leading her to the bedroom, not even bothering to get dressed.

He lays down with her and wraps his arms around her, kissing her goodnight.


Kyle had been gone for about two days now, his patrol hanging around Baghdad for just a little bit longer to ensure no Hadjie with an IED would roll through.

They had a checkpoint set up, cars would stop and Max would sniff the cars, searching them thoroughly for anything dangerous or illegal that could be found, most of the time finding nothing.

To keep Arya from worrying Kyle frequently sends pictures of him and Max, mostly Max in action.

Her life was crazy busy, and the only time she could check her messages from Kyle was during quick five minute meal breaks. After two days she should be worried about him, but his frequent photos keep her calm, knowing he was safe for the time being.

Come back to me safely.

She texts him then stores her phone, hearing someone yelling her name, probably for another soldier who had gotten hurt. This one turned out to have stabbed his own hand, and after stitching him she lectured him on safety protocols then sent him away, sighing.
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