Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


He ignored her request not to know, telling her anyways. Her stomach becomes lead just hearing about it and something, something doesn't sit right.

"Yeah I should shower," she murmurs, grabbing her phone and leaving her purse, "Thanks."

She can't even look at him, turning and limping away to the bathroom. Before he can follow she slips inside and closes the door, locking it. Normally he'd join, to make sure she didn't fall and because she liked the company, but today Serena actually wants space from him, still hurting from being lied to.

Slowly undressing, his words continue to churn in her head, her mood spiraling as things get worse. A part of her warns that its the withdrawals making her so unhappy, that she's being paranoid. Another voice in her head begs to understand why all of it feels wrong. Sitting on the edge of the bathtub she decides a bath might be better instead, most of her clothing taking the brunt of the water so her skin was merely damp and smelt bad. Turning the tap she waited for it to rise, trying to ignore the fact that Alex was just in the other room.

Grabbing her phone to play on she slipped into the tub and relaxed, letting the hot water soak into her pores. She pulled up the internet and started web surfing for fun, but somehow found her way on a news page. Serena's fingers keyed in the words before she realized what she was doing. Why am I looking into this? Why can't I trust his word?

Because he lied. Because he lied and he could do it again.

It wasn't too hard to find articles on it, a mass explosion at a bank being one of the more unique robberies. She scrolled through a couple articles, reading reports and facts, each word making her heart sink more and more. Finally her eyes snagged on a word and she practically fell out of the tub as she got up, storming out of the bathroom in only a towel and her necklace, her phone still in hand.

"ALEX!" she stormed, finding him in the living room. Grabbing the necklace around her neck she snapped it off and threw it at his face, furious.

"You lied again!" she yelled, dripping water onto the floor as she stood there, "YOU LIED! To me! No one got killed by you? Then explain the autopsy report for one of the cops stating he was shot down by A SNIPER! A sniper Alex! You want to keep lying to me? Tell me how the birds did it now, or he just fell into your bullet."

Serena took a step back, disgust on her face, "Have your damn bullet shell back. You're no hero. All I asked for was trust and honesty. And I can't even have that."

Turning away she stormed into the bedroom and slammed the door, making the walls rattle. Immediately she locked it before falling onto the bed, her hip screaming and her eyes blurring with tears. Serena sobbed into her pillow, uncaring if her could hear her cries as her body was racked with heartbreak.

Alex watches her run into her room, he grabs his folder and key, walking out of the apartment and closing the door behind him. He decides to report to the SWAT HQ, changing into his gear and training with the team, hoping that a call comes through so he can take his mind off of his now broken relationship.


Shrake and two other men sit inside of a van outside of San Francisco National Bank, getting ready for their next job, weapons in their hands.

Crying was doing her no good. After an hour of steady crying she got up, wanting to approach him and talk. More like scream some more, but nevertheless she knew hiding away would solve nothing. Except, Alex wasn't home. He had left while she was in the bedroom, leaving no note to where he had gone. Anger flared in her again, angry that he hadn't tried to talk things over, angry that he lied. Angry and hurt.

Looking around for a clue to where he had gone, all she found was a debit card to the bank, the card he had put on the counter the night before, offering her the $3000. Her hopes to go back to school seemed trifle now compared to the gaping hole she felt in her heart, barely able to breath if she even tried to think of what would become of them.

Staring at the card a little longer she scooped it up and found some clean clothes, before heading out. If he wasn't going to do the right thing, than she was. Serena had no plan, no idea what she'd do. But she knew where to start: the National Bank.

In half an hour she was there, stepping through the glass doors into the bank. Tentatively, she stepped into the line with a dozen others, wondering what she would say when she got to the till.

Shrake and his men get out of the van, masks cover their faces as they enter the bank, one of the four men bars the doors to keep them from opening, while the others raise their weapons in the air, firing a shot to get everyone's attention.

"Everybody on the fucking ground!" Shrake yells, his voice distorted by the mask over his mouth.

They all move in unison, walking over to the tellers and shooting anybody going for an alarm, leaving four bank teller's bleeding on the ground, crying out for their families and their lives.

Three of the masked men disappear into the vault, loading duffel bags full of money while the last man stays back, keeping every single hostage in check.

She doesn't realize whats happening until the shot fires and absolute terror seizes her, for a split second forgetting she was in a bank and thinking she was back in Bolivia, scared for her life. Then she's back, her heart hammering as her eyes tear around the room frantically, taking in whats happening. People are kneeling, and those who aren't are being forced down. Serena starts to lower, but takes too long and one of them shove her down, knocking her cane away as she lies on the ground gritting her teeth. Fumbling for her phone, she goes for 9-1-1 but sees one of the masked men walking her way. Instead she speed dials Alex, pressing one then call, and praying he picks up as she curls in a ball, hiding her phone.

He feels his phone buzzing in his pocket, he stops working out for a moment before pulling it out, seeing Serena's name and pressing the red phone option, sending her immediately to voice mail before continuing to lift weights, his gear sits next to him, sweat runs down his body as he pushes himself to lift more.

She hears his voicemail, squeezing her eyes shut as she shakes.

"Alex," she whimpers when the beep hits, "Alex I'm in trouble."

She hits end and looks around, cringing as the masked man sweeping gaze passes her. There's only one of them now watching them, making it harder for them to find out she has a phone. Again she hits speed dial, not even able to look at her phone as she prays she's pressing the right number. In the back of her mind she knows calling the cops would be smarter, but that part of her that's terrified, that part that is absolutely beside itself in fear remains stuck in the flashbacks of Bolivia, where the only safety she knew was Alex.

She calls again, praying this time he might pick up, or at least listen to her voicemail. Anything that could save her life.

Alex feels his phone buzzing, he presses the red button again before shutting it off.

"All SFPD SWAT members report to the lockers, 11-99, again, 11-99." A lovely female voice says over the loudspeakers.

Alex grabs his gear before walking to the locker rooms, getting dressed into it and grabbing his sniper rifle, putting it over his back before following his team to the SWAT van.

They drive to the bank, Alex is dropped at a vantage point across the street from the bank, he surveys the area with his sniper, marking the robbers.


"S, we've got cops!" The robber in the lobby yells, he walks over to Serena and grabs her by her shirt, lifting her up and tearing a nice hole in the front of her shirt while he does so. He wraps his arm around her neck and presses his pistol against her head, starting to move backwards towards where the bank tellers would be.

'Officer Miller, we've got a hostage, take the shot.' He hears over the radio. He aims and sees Serena, his finger hesitating around the trigger before finally the rifle fires, the bullet breaking the robber's mask.

The SWAT team moves in and starts securing civilians, a team goes down to the vault, gunfire erupting before the three bodies of the other robbers are dragged up to the lobby.

Alex packs his rifle before walking down on to the street, his eye catching Serena's before he's in the SWAT van, closing the door behind him once his team is inside. The van drives off.

The bullet whizzed past her ear, and just like that it was over.

Everything then became a blur, men moving in and out, securing people, taking statements, and sending everyone home. She was one of the first out of the bank, escorted by a kind officer who checked her for injuries. As she walked out the doors she caught sight of Alex climbing into the SWAT van. Her breath caught but he barely acknowledged her, closing the door as the van drove off. Biting back tears, Serena held herself together the best she could through the questions, finally being released to go home.

But she didn't even know if she had a home anymore. It was obviously, plainly obvious to her that their relationship was in ruins. Not even her life being at risk was enough to prompt a reaction from him.

the kind officer who had helped her out of the bank drove her home, making sure she was safely in her apartment before leaving. Once alone the tears began again, her small sobs racking her body. She'd cried far too much in the past several days, but it felt like her tiny world was falling apart, and she had no one to turn to. No family, and the closest friends she had were friends of Alex's too. I can probably crash at Kayley's...she'll understand.

In everyone's haste her cane had been left in the bank, so Serena relied on the furniture and walls, leaning against them to slowly limp to the bedroom. Her suitcase was in the closet and it took effort to pull out but eventually she got it onto the bed. Then more tears came, and Serena had to pause every few minutes between packing to let her sobs out, still dealing with that rush of fear she had felt in the bank, and the heartbreak tearing her apart.

He stays at the SWAT HQ, leaving his gear in the lockers before walking into the bathroom, holding his head in his hands. He grabs his phone and turns it on, deciding to call Serena, hoping that she will pick up.

She finishes packing her bags before calling Kayley, who agrees to come get her straight away. As she gets off the phone it rings again and she's about to answer when she sees the caller I.D.

"No," she snaps, clicking the reject button and wiping tears off her cheeks, "You can listen to my two terrified voicemails if you want to talk to me."

Her second voicemail had been worst than the first, Serena practically blubbering into the phone in tears, begging him to come and help her, telling him she needed him. And what did she get? A cold shoulder and not a care at all from him. He'd been there, and he hadn't been bothered to check on her.

Grabbing her crutches that she'd kept just in case she managed to drag the suitcase while using the crutches out of the apartment, locking the door behind her. Shuffling to the elevator she got to the main floor as Kayley arrived, helping her with her bags and into the car.

"You sure about this?" she asked as Serena climbed in, "I haven't met the guy but you seem pretty upset over him. Maybe you can talk it over before rushing out the door?"

"I've tried talking," Serena sighed, "He doesn't want to listen."

He hears the phone go to voice mail.

Okay.. I deserved that..

He walks out of the room and takes an early leave, activating the 'Find my IPhone' app on his phone, clicking on Serena's phone and smiling when her location pulls up on his GPS. He walks to his car, waiting for the tiny symbol to stop for good.

When she stops moving he drives towards the symbol, deciding not to confront her immediately. He makes a quick stop at his apartment, grabbing the bullet casing necklace from the table and retying the string, nodding to himself before walking out again.

He gets into his car and drives to Kayley's house, parking his car around the corner before slipping into the basement, hiding in a dark corner and staring at his watch, waiting for night time.

When they get back to the dorms Kayley unloads Serena's bag while Serena hobbles out. Once they settle into the house Kayley brings her a tea, and a few tylenol.

"I can't," Serena rejects the drugs, "I'm on a strict drug-free diet. But thank you."

"So are you ready to tell me where you've been this past year?"

"Not really."

"What about the boy? Can you tell me about the boy?"

Serena opened her mouth, but then started to cry.

"Oh sweetie I'm sorry. Nevermind my nosiness. You don't have to tell me anything."

"I'm not good enough!" Serena sobbed, "I was never good enough."

"You think he had high expectations?"

"Higher," she sniffled, "He kept comparing me to Emberly. He never told me he did, but I just knew it. He...he..."

"Why would he compare you to your sister?"

"He, uh," her eyes got wide, realizing her mistake, "Um..."

"Oh my god he dated her didn't he? Are you dating an older man? What, he must be like twenty six, twenty seven?"

"Twenty six. And I was dating him. I'm pretty sure we...we...b-bro-"

"Stop hurting yourself Serena. Don't think about it. The guy's an idiot if he gave you up. Your any guy's dream."

"You're saying that to make me feel better."

"No, I'm saying that because its true. You don't need to be Emberly, you're amazing as Serena."

They continued talking, Serena venting to her friend about the man she had fallen in love with who had broken her heart. Neither of them had any clue they were being listened to.

Alex sits in the basement silently until it is dark, his attuned ears do not hear movement above him. He snakes upstairs and finds her passed out on the couch. He watches her, this lovely Angel before him, the woman he still loves, but still hurts him.

He remembers her speaking about her fears to her friend, he whispers to himself, as if directed to her. "You're better than Emberly." Before snaking to her, wrapping the necklace around her neck, the two bullet casings on it clicking together quietly.

He sneaks back down into the basement, deciding to keep this going a little longer.

She wakes halfway through the night needing the bathroom. Finding her crutches she hobbles to the bathroom, turning the light on. As she stands to wash her hands, she looks at herself in the mirror, and her brows furrow.

"What?" she whispers, touching the necklace hanging low over her breasts, two bullets hanging from it instead of one.

Stumbling out of the bathroom she looks around, a little disturbed.


He stays silent, blending in with the shadows of the basement as he listens to her call out, a smile touching his face as he listens to her.

"Romeo, Romeo, where art thou romeo?" He whispers to himself, chuckling softly as he listens to her call out again.

"Go back to sleep." He whispers, hoping that he can mess with her some more, this was becoming fun.

"Everything okay?" Kayley stood at the top of the stairs to the second floor, rubbing her eyes.

"Just going crazy," Serena sighed, "Sorry."

She stumbled back to the couch as Kayley went to bed, curling up under the blanket. Alex must have snuck in somehow and snuck out. But how'd he find her?


She turned her phone off then before rolling over. She didn't need him stalking her.

Alex once again waits for the commotion upstairs to die down before sneaking up there, slipping his hand into Serena's pocket before setting an alarm on her phone, a small message attached to it. He slips back into the shadows of the basement, the alarm goes off.

The message on the alarm displays. "Serena, if you still love me like you say that you do, check the basement. -A"

Since he is in the shadows he is basically invisible, he plans an ambush for her when she comes down.. If she comes down.

Serena wakes with a start, staring at her phone.

You've gotta be kidding me, she thinks, groaning. Shutting off the phone, she drags her ass off the couch towards the basement door, staring down the long stairs.

"You're a dick, you know that?" she sighs out loud, unsure if he's even around.

The stairs are near impossible for Serena, each one taking her a full minute. By the time she's in the basement its been ten minutes and she's sweating. Looking around in the near pitch blackness she could not see a thing and it made her shiver.

"Okay mister alarm clock, you made me come down here. What the hell is he up to now?" she asked, her voice slightly irritable from walking down all those stairs.

Alex appears out of the shadows behind her, wrapping his arms around her and resting his head againt the crook of her neck. "Sorry, did I wake you?" He whispers to her.

"Serena, I promise to never lie to you again, if you come with me we'll live in full honesty, I swear on my life." He says to her quietly, kissing the side of her head gently.

She freezes, her body locking as a set of arms wrap around her. But then his voice, soft and silky, speaks in her ear.

"It's not going to be that easy," she whispered angrily, "You can't just speak some soft words and think I'll be okay. You robbed a bank and killed a man then lied about both. And i had to fight the truth out of you. Then...then when I needed you most you didn't pick up. You didn't come for me, you came because your job told you to."

Tears threatened to spill again, those emotional wounds still raw. All she wants is to collapse in her arms, aching for that familiarity in his embrace. But she had to stay strong for herself. She had to show him he had hurt her.

"And you threw the token I gave you when we first met into my face, I thought you hated me." He says to her quietly. "When you called me I got to thinking, that's why I took the shot." He says to her, closing his eyes.

He opens them and looks at her, her pale skin being lit up by the moonlight from through the window. "I fucked up, and I broke your heart.. I don't deserve you." He says to her quietly. "But if you give me another chance, I can make things right, or die trying."

She turned in his arms to look at him, "My heart says to take you back, but my brain says to end this now, before you hurt me more. I'm confused and I don't know what to do."

"Then allow me to influence your body." He says to her softly, leaning forward and kissing her neck softly, nipping at the sensitive flesh, trying to bring out her other side.

He pulls back and grips her chin with his hand, touching his lips to hers, a sweet and innocent kiss until he starts to become a little rougher with it, trying to ease her into the kiss.

"Alex I-" she started but her words were cut off as he kissed her, her neck still tingling from his kisses.

She wanted to fight, to tell him off...but god were his lips enticing. She rose her hands to push him off, trying to keep focus. Instead she balled them into fists in the air as his kissing got rougher, Alex teasing her with the way she liked it.
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