Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


"Not the editors silly, the university. For those courses. But I... I don't want to take money from you. We need it for the lease, until I can help pay. I was hoping you could tell me what you did to make that money so fast, and then I can go do it too. I know you were telling me before we left Bolivia that you didn't have a lot saved, and Emberly's checks she sent to me were only enough to keep me from drowning, they were never that big."

She gives him her best puppy dog eyes, imploring him to spill his secrets, unaware of the illegal activity he had to do to raise the money.

He places his fork down before looking over at her. "You remember in the hospital you talked about being so guilty that you can't handle the pressure?" He asks her.

"That's where the money came from, there's plenty of it so just take from it, alright?" He says to her, the topic seeming to back him into a mental corner.

"Alex," her eyebrows cross together, looking confused and mostly worried, "What did you do to get the money? Why...why won't you tell me? I thought we kept nothing from each other."

"Just let me worry about it." He says to her, standing up and placing a hand on her shoulder. "Today was exhausting, I'm gonna get some rest." He says to her before walking to the bedroom, closing the door behind him. He lays down on their bed and curls up into a ball, staring at the window.

Serena doesn't like it. She doesn't like how he only ate half his supper, or that he refused to talk about it. And she doesn't know what to do. I've never done this, I've never been in a serious relationship. Do I yell? Do I storm in there? Do I leave him alone?

Getting up she cleans the dishes, confused and somewhat hurt and being pushed away. When she finally settles into the living room to unwind her brain can't stop thinking about how closed off he became. She didn't have many friends to talk to, and she was sure most of their inner circle would know about as much as she did. I'm so confused...

Grabbing her phone she calls the number in her contacts, listening to it ring four times before he picks up.


"Uh hi, Jordan? It's Serena."

"Serena, how are you?"

She sits through pleasantries, then finally gets to why she's called. She explains the conversation, how he reacted and how she feels. By the end of it she'd more wound up than she was before, trying not to get emotional.

"What do I do?" she asks, hoping for his support.

"Confront him," Jordan replies, sounding sure of himself, "Confront the problem so you can find a solution and move on. Don't let this become a wall between you two."

Thanking him, she hangs up, unsure of his words. Confronting a Ghost operative was like asking to lose your fingers. She'd seen how angry he could be. Still, Jordan was her phycatrist, and she knew he knew best. Getting up and hobbling to the bedroom she knocked quietly before entering.

"I need to know what happened," she stated, confronting him like she'd been told to do.

"Serena please, leave it alone." He begs, sitting up and staring at her, he looks torn. He finally speaks again. "I begged Katerina for a loan." He lies. "I figured we could live off of it until I got the money to support us." He explains, feeling awful for the lie.

"That's a lie!" she snapped, seeing it in his eyes.

She'd been dating him almost a year now, and she knew this man better than he obviously thought she did. Her cheeks flared as a stab of anger hit her, feeling like she had just been slapped in the face.

"You just lied to me, to my face," she exclaimed, looking hurt and angry, "You lied to me Alex. I thought we were honest with each other. You had promised!"

Turning on her heel she stumbled out with her cane, trying to storm out before he could see how hurt she felt.

"I'm staying at Arya and Kevin's!" she called over her shoulder, limping to the door.

She couldn't say anymore so she opened the door and took one step out and paused, wishing he'd fight harder for her.

He watches her go before his face falls to the floor, had runs a hand through his hair as he thinks, deciding to just sleep it off. He pulls himself under the covers, snuggling against his pillow and falling asleep as the breath leaves his body.

Max was lying in the grass at his master's side when something perked his attention. He knew better than to disobey his master and move, but that something was familiar...and it had a ball...

He waited as long as he could, but master was not seeing what he was. And he needed to. Why was master talking to this man in matching clothing when he could be looking over there, at that person? Finally Max decided to take action, standing up and abruptly sprinting away, effectively getting his masters attention, and seeking out that person with their ball, who was turning and sprinting away behind a building.


Kevin was more than happy to let her bunk for the night in his apartment, giving her Arya's deserted room. Sleep that night was near impossible, her mind working too hard to understand why he would lie to her.

Finally around midnight she couldn't stand thinking about it. Sleep wasn't coming, and if it did she was sure her nightmares would only wake her back up. So she pulled her clothes back on and slipped out without leaving a note, hoping she'd be back before anyone noticed.

Serena didn't have a license, so using a car was out of the question. But she knew the bus routes well, having grown up in this city, and it didn't take her long to hop on one, travelling through the city till she got to the city college she had once been a student for.

Finding them would be the hard part, since most of her friends lived in the dorms, meaning they would be moved to new rooms every semester. With how long there was no way to track which dorms they had moved to. Instead she went to the dorm supervisors, a few of them even recognizing her. She made up a story that she'd been asked to come over but they never gave her a room number and weren't answering their phone now. Some of the supervisors bought it, others didn't. Eventually she snagged a room number and snuck in. It was nerve racking to knock on the door and expect to see someone who hadn't seen you in close to a year. But she did it anyways, and the result was bigger than expected.

Kaley was the friend's room number she had found and luckily she had answered the door, her jaw practically hitting the ground before she squealed and pulled Serena into a hug. After that all her friends were called over to welcome back the red head, asking about her injury, talking about her time away. They had all stayed friends even when she had disappeared, and the gang had lots to catch her up on. They stayed up well through the night and into the morning, barely registering that the sun was rising as they continued to catch up. Serena didn't notice or she would have called, knowing by now Kevin would be up and finding the apartment empty, and if Alex found out she was missing all hell could break loose. But none of that passed her mind, too focused on her friends to realize the time.

It hadn't taken long to get to camp, and after dropping her bags off and changing into uniform she searched high and low...for him. She found him chatting to a couple marines, Max at his feet. Pulling a tennis ball out of her pocket she caught his attention then called to him with a hand gesture, as Kyle had taught her. Poor Max looked confused, torn between staying at Kyle's side and obeying her command. But he could trust her, and she beckoned him again then tossed the ball, watching him jump up and sprint towards her.

Immediately she ducked behind the building she had tossed the ball behind, scooping it up and waiting. Seconds later Max turned the corner and tried to tackle her, panting happily.

"Shhh boy," she whispered, "I'm surprising Kyle."

Giving him the ball as a reward she waited patiently to surprise Kyle when he rounded the corner, chasing after his dog.

Kyle turns and sees Max's tail disappear around the corner of a building, he follows, calling out to the dog before turning and seeing Arya, surprise striking his face.

"Wa- What are.. What are you doing here?!" He finally gets out, his mouth hanging open as he looks at her. "Arya, it's not safe here like it is in the States.. I wanted you to be safe and with you, but not here, not in this hellhole.."

Arya rolls her eyes, "Stop mothering me already and kiss me."

Striding the distance between them her arms wrap around his neck and she kisses him hard, always hungry for his lips on hers. Releasing him she gave him a dazzling grin.

"There. And if its so unsafe here, then I don't want you here either. But you are here, sooooo, now I am too. The idiots running around here calling themselves doctors almost lost you. Twice. I read the reports. If your going to run around getting shot, I'd feel better if I was here to patch you up."

Or to say goodbye.

She pushed the negative thought away, "You are stuck with me Kyle. And want to know the kicker? They took in my credentials[/align] with the Ghosts and military background and hired me as Lead Doctor, or supervisor. I run the med department now."

She was overly excited, "And the bonus is, I get my own quarters. Nice, secluded quarters all to myself."

He kisses her back, his arms wrapping around her and pulling her against him. When she breaks away he whispers. "I love you.." To her.

"You know I can't go into your quarters, that would be bad if I got caught." He says to her quietly. "And I feel much safer with you here." He admits.

"I love you too Kyle," she sighs, listening to his next words, "Drat...I had hoped that would be alright. Well I guess getting that puppy is still on the table again."

It was a joke, and she winked at him afterwards, "Don't worry my focus will be on my job. And the less I see of you when I'm working the better. Not to say I don't love that smile, but if I see you while I'm working, it usually means you've gotten yourself shot. Don't do that."

"Doctor Culling," someone called, a man rounding the corner in military uniform, "We need you in medbay one."

"I have to go," she couldn't very well kiss or hug him with others looking so she mouthed the words I love you instead.

"Oh..." she whispered, turning back to him, "When you can't take it any longer, my quarters is directly behind the medbays, can't miss it."

With that she jogged off, work already demanding her attention.

He watches her go, remembering her quarters for later before joining his team for the daily patrols. At the end of the day his team comes back, he gets changed into his regular fatigues before walking back to Arya's quarters, he steps inside, hoping to see her.


Alex cries out in his sleep, jumping up and looking around, a cold sweat running down his body. Where is Serena? He starts to panic as he looks around for her. He walks out to the kitchen before grabbing the phone, dialing her number and calling it, sweat running down his face.

She covered in sweat and blood, and for some reason she's still smiling like an idiot. She liked this kind of work.

At the end of her night she steps wearily towards her new "home". It's a fair sized tent big enough to hold a bed, nightstand and thin dresser, as well as a table for her to use as she saw fit. Stepping through the closed flaps she finds Kyle waiting patiently, Max lying asleep in the corner.

"I didn't expect you this soon," she grinned, laughing, "I thought it be a few days before you'd come sneaking in here."


Eventually Serena had realized the time and had to say a rushed goodbye, exchanging numbers to meet up later. One of her friends offered to drive her home and she accepted, grateful not to take the bus again.

Her friend pulled over in front of the condo complex, letting Serena out, although she was careful to watch for traffic. It didn't help that it had rained overnight, leaving the ground wet and hard to walk on with a cane.

"Careful!" her friend called as Serena got her two feet planted on the ground, just in time for a car to veer by.

It didn't slow down, speeding past them and through an enormous tunnel, spraying Serena from head to toe with murky street water.

"Fuck," she sighed, grossed out, "I have to go. I need a shower now. And new clothes."

Hobbling across the street, Serena heard her phone buzz but she was too wet to rummage through her purse, deciding it was easier to call back. Thankfully their apartment building had an elevator, making Serena's life easier as she got off on her floor and stomped to the front door.

Her phone rang a second time as she went to unlock the door, stepping in to find Alex hovering over the phone, looking distraught as sweat beads his forehead. She probably looks no better, soaked head to toe in dirty water, her make up smeared, and her hair limp.

Kyle shrugs. "I got back from patrol half an hour ago, and I figured if I could see the woman I love I might as well do it." He says while standing up, walking over to her and placing his hands on her hips. "How was your day?" He asks.


Alex had been panicking, she wasn't picking up the phone. He lets out a sigh, believing now that he's lost another girlfriend, another woman he had poured his heart out to and then fucked up some how to make them hate him.

But when he hears the door open he turns and sees her covered in water. He drops the phone and runs over to her, basically tackle hugging her.

"Serena! I'm so sorry." He sobs to her, burying his face into her neck, not caring about her dirtiness. "I fucked up and I don't want you to ever leave again, please forgive me.." He says to her quietly.

He practically tackles her into the wall and as hard as she's trying to be angry at him, seeing him crying also melts her heart.

"Baby! Baby!" she tries to cut through his ranting, "I was gone for one night, not a week. I wasn't leaving you. I'm just angry at you for lying."


Arya kissed his cheek, careful not to stain his clothes.

"I should change. I'm covered," she moves away and to her dresser, beginning to strip out of her clothing, "Work was eventful. Not as crazy as the hospital in San Francisco was, but definitely as stressful. I like it though, I saved three lives today."

She dropped her stained shirt and pants into a pile by the dresser before turning back to him, smiling playfully, teasing him, "This is the real reason you came in here though isn't it? to watch me undress?"

"I don't care, every second without you is a personal hell." He says to her softly, trying to stop his crying, he must seem like a baby to her. "I lied because I am ashamed, you wouldn't love me if I told you." He says to her. "I don't want that to happen, I would rather die." He says, not letting go of her as he speaks, he is obviously in extreme distress, guilt clawing at his mind from her words to him last night.


He watches her undress before blinking. "No.. Well yeah.. But no, it's definitely a bonus, though." He admits.

He walks over to her before kissing her. Hard, his arms snaking around her hips as he enjoys her company more thoroughly, a part of him is glad that she was here.

Kyle breaks the kiss for a moment before speaking. "I love you, I can't keep my hands off of you." He admits.

"I love you too," she murmurs back.

She kisses him again, her own hands running through his stubbly hair, basking in him.

"I like that you can't keep your hands off," she giggled, "Makes me feel hot actually. Besides, I can't keep my hands off of you."


She pulled his head back, kissing him hard, "I'll love you, even if you kill the damn Pope. Every day in that hospital I spent thinking about you, waiting on you, hoping you'd visit. How could I ever leave you? Sure Alex, I'll be upset, but lying to me hurt worse than anything you've done so far."

He sighs into the kiss as he feels her hands on his head, her hands on him making him smile.

"I'm glad you're here.." He says to her, his lips fluttering against hers as he speaks. "But I want you to be careful, alright?" He asks her, his hands moving to the side of her head, brushing her hair back.

"We can't do anything while we're here, if I get caught I'll get discharged." He says with a chuckle. "So I might have to leave now, but that doesn't mean I won't be back every night to kiss your beautiful lips."


He kisses her back, tears still dripping down his cheeks as they kiss.

Alex listens to her words, his forehead against hers before nodding. "Shrake told me he had a job for me, we were twenty thousand dollars in debt for your hospital bill so I was desperate." He explains to her.

"He and two other guys robbed a bank, and I helped with fire support, I got five hundred thousand in return." He says softly. "I'm so sorry.."

Her eyes studied his for any lies then nodded, "Thank you. For telling me. Alex what you did was wrong; you did something illegal, against the country you swore to protect. You stole money from others who have worked hard for it, and I don't even want to know if you hurt anyone."

She moved away from him to put her things down before turning back, "If Shrake calls you again, you give me the phone alright? And that money you have left, we are giving it back. We can make an honest living baby, without making short cuts."

It was the most mature thing she had probably said in her lifetime, Serena channeling what she would think Emberly would say.


"I'm careful," she replied, "I'm not even leaving camp. And I understand love, I would rather you not be discharged. You should go now, just to be safe. Max, you take care of him, okay?"

Alex shakes his head. "If I return the money I'll be arrested, they're still looking for convicts." He says to her softly. "I can take the sentence if that's what you want me to do, otherwise we can store it away and use it as a cushion in case something happens." He offers.

He feels ashamed, watching her his eyes flick to the floor, as if he were a child being scolded by his mother.


Kyle nods, kissing her quickly before whistling to Max, walking out of the tent with him.

He rushes to the barracks where he pulls his shirt off, leaving his dog tags on before laying down in bed, his hand hanging down and keeping constant contact with Max while he sleeps.

Watching him leave she dresses in pajamas then promptly goes to bed, knowing she'd be up extra early when duty called.


"Did you guys hurt anyone? Kill anyone? Don't-don't tell me. But I want you to find there families. Give them the money. I lost my parents and when I did I lost everything. Emberly lost everything. If you loved her, if you love me baby then do those families a give them the money. There could be a little girl out there who lost her daddy because Shrake's stupid job."

There was fire in her words, her eyes blazing, but not with anger. She loved this man, and she wanted to see him do right. To be the hero she always saw in him.

"You can do that Alex. You can do right by those families."

"I don't know how many officers died, one of Shrake's goons set off an explosive vest and lit up an entire line of police cars, but I didn't have to kill anybody." He says to her, biting the bottom of his lip. While he did lie, he makes sure not to allow the fact to enter his voice or any expression on his face. "I wouldn't know how many are dead, wounded, or alive." He explains.

"Baby, we can talk about this later, do you want to take a shower?" He asks her softly.
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