Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


His tongue traces along her bottom lip, as if asking her for her permission, as if.. Unsure whether or not it can trespass within her lips,

His hands move down to her hips as the kissing continues, planting themselves there firmly in order to keep her and him on balance. He breaks the kiss, his forehead against hers. "You were saying?" He whispers.

She closed her eyes, trying to regain that steely tone she had moments before.

"Don't think you can distract me with smooth moves," she murmured, her body betraying her though as her heart beat raced and her breath remained caught.

"Distract you from what?" He whispers, his lips fluttering agaisnt hers. "I'm simply expressing my love to you.." He starts to kiss her neck again, nipping at the sensitive flesh before biting into it, feeling her blood rush into his mouth, he moves back to her lips, allowing her to taste her own blood on his lips as her new wound slowly drips blood down towards her shirt.

He breaks the kiss and cleans her up by licking her, the wound stops it's bleeding temporarily. Alex kisses and licks the wound, smoothing his tongue over it to seal it better.

"I'm in love with you Serena." He whispers into her ear, his hot breath hitting her ear as he speaks.

She shivers as he begins to kiss her neck again, wanting to tell him to stop. But her thoughts were diverted when he bit down, coursing ecstacy through her viens as she held back a groan. God, he knew her too well. His lips crashed back to hers, tasting of iron and dripping wet as he smother her with a kiss and she caught herself leaning into it, her hands reaching to pull him in closer.

No. Stop that! she ordered herself, Don't give in...

He breaks away and looks into her eyes, the once wonder filled beautiful eyes he once knew replaced with cold defiance, his eyes flick down to the ground.

"Do you not love me anymore?" He whispers to her, his eyes beginning to fill with sadness.

He rests his forehead against hers, her skin now feels foreign against his, as if he didn't know her. "In Bolivia I told you that I was broken, that I needed someone to love me, and you asked me to protect you.. Which I have done." He says softly.

"Serena, without you my life has no meaning, I'd rather kill myself than live a life where the sun can't shine through our apartment window, lighting up our room and allowing me to see your beautiful self next to me.." He whispers.

She looks him in the eyes, "There is not a single atom in me that does not love you. But I'm not going to stand here and say nothing is wrong. You want me back? You're going to have to prove it. Every damn day. Because I can't trust you anymore, not after you lied. I want to...but I can't. Not until you gain that back."

Her hands moved to his arms, finally touching him, "You know...my neck's still bleeding. Mind cleaning it up?"

"I'm indebted to you, there won't be a day that passes without me trying to make it up to you." He says softly, resting his forehead against hers, tears streaming down his cheeks as his arms around around her, pulling her into a hug. "I'll clean it in a moment." He mumbles to her as he continues to hold her tightly, tears dripping down on to her neck, causing the blood to wash away.

"Please come back.." He whispers. "I need you Serena, I can't function without you by my side, you're my flashlight in the dark."

"Please don't cry," she murmurs, her own tears starting to form, "No more crying."

She kisses his ear, her teeth grazing the lobe the way he loved it, "Clean up that bite mark, okay? You want to know the best part about ending a fight?"

He sniffs when she tells him she shouldn't cry, he leans down and cleans the bite mark, making sure no more blood would arise, licking his lips to get the blood off of them.

He shivers when her teeth graze his ear lobe. "What's the best part? I've never had a fight with my girlfriend." He admits, listening closely to what she had to say, his face still buried into the crook of her neck, his tears staining her porcelain flesh.

"The make-up sex," she purred into his ear, the noise music to his ears, "Hot, angry, rough."

Her eyes were dancing now with life, "Take me home baby. Take us home. Let me fuck you raw, and end this fight."

"You really know how to set me off." He mutters into her neck. "If you keep talking like that I'm gonna get really horny." He says with a chuckle.

He nips at her neck before he moves his head back, looking into her eyes. "You choose the position and get undressed baby." He says to her before getting changed out of his clothing so that there is nothing in between them but their skin.

"We shouldn't be doing it here," she murmurs, still speaking into his ear, "We should go home, where Kayley and her roommates can't hear us."

But his body was alluring, and she starting to run her hands down. She started pulling her shirt off when there was a soft coughing sound.

"Shit," Serena swore loudly, dropping her shirt in time to see Kayley looking less than happy. She pulled Alex behind her to hide his naked form.

"I can explain this one," she promises, only to see Kayley smirk.

"He came crawling back I see," she laughed, "Not in my dorm apartment guys. Take it home. Please. He's cute though Serena. I can see why you like him. Big co-"

"We will leave," Serena cut in before she could finish that word, blushing fiercely, "Thank you Kayley."

Alex blushes before quickly getting dressed, grabbing Serena's hand and helping her upstairs before grabbing her packed suitcase and helping her leave the house.

He helps her into the car before putting the luggage in the back, driving back to their apartment and dragging her luggage into the apartment, leaving it by the door.

"You know, we haven't had sex on the couch yet.. Or in the shower.. We have to christen this place." He says with a laugh.

"Right," she nodded, looking around, "So couch, shower, kitchen, table, and then bed. Sheesh, we have quite the night."

It was a joke, not actually thinking they could "christen" every surface. As she spoke though, she tossed off her shoes and her coat. Then she grabbed his collar, roughly shoving him into the wall as she leaned against them.

"Hot, angry and rough," she snarled, her eyes dancing, "And kinky. I love when you get kinky."

Her mouth smothers his, her tongue forcing itself into his mouth without permission, setting the mood for the kind of make-up sex this would be.

Alex nods at the list as he takes his boots and coat off, leaving them by the door where they would usually go before she's forcing him against the wall.

"I could tie you to the bed." He suggests when she talks about him being kinky. When her mouth smothers his he kisses her back with all of the intensity she was putting into it, his tongue dancing around with hers.

His hands scramble for her shirt, not even caring about it and just ripping it off, tearing the shirt in half, his hands desperate for her skin. He lets the tattered remains of her shirt hang at her waist while he kisses her, putting his hands on her neck as he kisses her and moving slightly, tripping and falling backwards on to the couch, taking her with him.

He giggles when she lands on top of him before pulling his own shirt off, not bothering to rip it up before discarding it, feeling her breasts agaisnt his chest as they continue to make out.

Without a shirt she was left only in a skirt, and quickly her bra was flung across the room. It was still difficult to straddle him, but it was getting easier, her hips spreading a little more. Her lips smothered his, her hands directing his up to her breasts to tease and fondle her.

"Loose control," she purred, "For me."

His hands grope her breasts as he continues to kiss her, but he quickly moves to claim his prize, not bothering with the buttons of her skirt, instead just tearing it off again, eager to get to her. He slips out of his BDU's before wrapping his arms under her armpits and lifting her, making sure her legs could straddle his waist before walking with her.

He walks with her into the kitchen, continuing to kiss her as he does, roughly slamming her back into the table, his cock near the entrance of her pussy before he slips into her, immediately striking up an animalistic speed and intensity, fucking her hard against the table. If she wanted him to lose control, he would do it.

Her legs can barely wrap around his waist but she makes due, both of them careful not to over extend her hip. When he slams her into the table its all she can do not to unravel right then and there, turned on by the dark look in his eyes. Quickly he thrusts inside, claiming her on the table as he moves quick and hard, never slowing his pace.

"Glorious," she cries, her eyes rolling back, "Baby you feel glorious. Oooh god don't stop."

She was enjoying him out of control, his movements rough and violent, finally causing her to climax, knowing it would not be the last for the night.

Alex continues to fuck her against the table, but once she cums he lifts her up again, pinning her against a wall this time and continuing to fuck her into oblivion. Rinse and repeat, they do this all over the apartment against every surface that could be applicable.

Finally when they are worn out he carries her to bed with him, laying down and moving her legs from his waist, breathing heavily as he pulls her close to him, her breasts pressing to his chest as he closes his eyes, as if trying to sleep from the exhausting and exilerating sex.

"Rough," she sighs, curling into a ball in his arms, "And hot. Check...and check."

Exhaustion pulls at her, but not before she kissed him briefly, snuggling up close to him.

"I love you," she whispered, "Never forget that, even when you are being a jerk. We will work this all out okay?"

He kisses her back before muttering. "I try not to be a jerk.." He says softly as his eyes tug at him, beseeching him to sleep, which he gladly does, his body curls around her, as if he were a shield protecting her at all times. His face is buried into the crook of her neck, his hot breath hitting against her neck as he sleeps.

When morning comes she wakes with a jolt, her mouth open as if she's screaming. The nightmare clung to her, causing beads of sweat to drop down her face as she shook, trying to rid herself of the horrid images. She'd made no noise, in this dream suffocating. It had been horrible, unable to wake or scream or move, trapped in her nightmares all night.

"Alex," she shook him desperately, needing him, "Alex please wake up."

His eyes open before he looks at her, noticing her sweat and scared expression. He wraps his arms around her again and pulls her into him.

"There's no need to be scared, I'm here." He whispers to her, nuzzling her head with his before softly kissing the back of her head.

Serena melts into his arms, sighing in relief as he washes the nightmares away.

"Thank you," she whispers, "I barely feel like I slept."

Rolling over, she kisses him softly, "So...do you work today?"

She still feels like the relationship is rocky, and she doesn't want to bring up the money again, or anything around that. If he was going to work she would deal with the money, and then they could move on.

He nods. "It's mostly just gonna be sitting around in the station though, so I can call of you want." He says to her softly after returning her kiss.

"Baby, I want to help with your nightmares.. I have them too, I see Derulo and Em, all of those who died around me, but being with you makes them go away." He says softly. "Tell me how I can help you sleep through the night." He says while nuzzling into the side of her head, his eyes closing as he listens.
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