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Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


"I can imagine two kids, a girl and a boy, the girl taking after your looks, and the boy mine.. Then we raise them after getting jobs maybe, and then we've started a family.." He says quietly.

He lifts his head out of her neck and kisses her softly. He pulls away before speaking to her. "Baby, I don't have a ring but I want to marry you." He says to her softly.

"And what if the girl takes after you and the boy takes after me?" she asked with a laugh, "Then what?"

Kissing him softly, her whisper vibrates across his lips, "I will marry you a hundred times over if that is what you want. And we don't need a ring, your promise is good enough for me."

"They'll still be beautiful." He says with a chuckle, nuzzling against her neck one more time before moving away from it.

He kisses her back passionately, feeling her lips vibrate against his. "We should get married then, it could be small and private, wouldn't even have to rent out a church." He whispers to her.

"I'd like a church," her eyes were watching his, "A small one. But I...I don't really want to make it a big deal. I just want to be able to say I'm married to you. We can find a cozy little church, maybe just invite the gang. That's all I really need."

For someone who loved dropping expenses on everything, this was one area she felt no need for it. Sure she'd buy a gorgeous dress, but it was more about being with him than it was the venue, or the guests, or anything.

"Sounds like a plan." He whispers to her, unable to contain his smile. "I thought that would be a lot harder." He admits, chuckling. "In the morning you can see what's up with the church, I've got work with Alex." He explains.

When Katerina had first come home he had joined the SWAT team with Alex, they had only been on one raid with him but they were enjoying being officers together.

She kissed him deeply before rolling over, "Sounds like a if I can just...go back to...sleep..."

She dozed off then, wrapped in his arms like before, happy to be his.

He kisses her back, his arms still around her as she rolls over again, he buries his face into the crook of her neck again, gently kissing her soft flesh as to not wake her, just as a reassurance to himself.

He looks her over, smiling as the realization comes to him, this is his woman, and he was her man, nobody could step between them, it makes him feel.. Safe.

Morning came and Serena dragged herself out of bed along with Alex, making sure he had a lunch before he left, then set to getting herself ready. By ten she was across town at the clinic, waiting in the sitting room to be called. When the secretary called her name she stood, nervously striding after her towards the familiar office.

Jordan waited, as always, in his one brown chair, the couch opposite him free for her to use.

"Hey," the corners of her mouth tilted upwards but she could barely smile.


"Yeah," she nodded closing the door.


When she woke Kevin was gone -off to work as usual. Katerina got showered and dressed, grabbed a bite to eat and called in to work for the day. Then she got onto the computer and started planning, looking up churches and fees.

Kevin and Alex go to work for the day, working out together and going to the firing range, putting magazine after magazine down range to further hone their skills.

When the day has been completed they go their separate ways on their way home to their girlfriends.. Or in Kevin's case, fiancé ( which he had mentioned to Alex, of course )

Kevin wasn't even halfway home when Katerina was calling him, hoping he'd pick up. When he picked up she wasted no time.

"Kev? Baby are you with Alex? He needs to come right now."

She flinched and over the phone they could something banging and then a shatter sound, then another crash before Katerina spoke, "Serena's lost it! I saw her go into her apartment next door and now all I can hear is stuff breaking. I tried knocking, but she has it locked and isn't responding. Tell Alex get home asap."

Alex listens to what Kevin has to say before rushing home, jamming his key into the lock before throwing the door open. "Serena!" He yells, looking around for her frantically.

He runs through every room until he finds her.

The house is a mess.

Lamp are broken, dishes thrown at walls and shattered on the ground. Pillows are tossed, cushions upended. He finds Serena in the bedroom crying on the floor, all her clothing torn or shredded, laying in bits and pieces all over the room. Her hands are covering her face, hiding it from view as she sobs. Even though she heard him, she feels no effort to call back, or even lift her head. All she'll see is disappointment. Disappointment in her.

"Don't look," her voice shakes through the tears, her hands unmoving from her face, hiding the bruise on her jaw, and the black ring covering her left eye.

His eyebrows furrow together as he looks at her, he takes a step forward to see what she would do before kneeling down next to her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close to him.

"What happened?" He whispers to her.

"I...I..." she can't even form words, but his hug causes her to drop her hands, wrapping them tightly around his waist as she hold him for dear life, crying into his shoulder.

If he pulled back he would see, and he'd be mad. Just five more seconds, let me hug you for five more seconds.

He rubs her back as he hugs her, not noticing the bruises.

"Baby, please tell me what happened.." He whispers to her, resting his head against hers. "It's your turn to be honest with me."

He pulls away from the hug before anger flares up within him, he brushes his fingers across her face.

"Who did this to you." He demands. "Serena, you need to tell me right now.. Was it Jordan? That bastard!" He yells, automatically making assumptions.

She only nods, choking out another slob, "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry."

She winced when he touched them, curling up, "Please...please don't leave me. I'm s-sorry."

He stands up and opens the drawer he stores his clothes in, pulling a small pistol from it and slamming it into his waistband, he grabs his Karambit knife and shoves it into his boot.

"Serena, I'll be right back." He says before leaving the apartment, calling Katerina.

"Kat, Serena is hurt can you take care of her, maybe call Arya?" He asks over the phone. "I'm going across town to kill the fucking bastard who laid a finger on her." He says before hanging up, getting into his car and driving to Doctor Jordan's building.

"Y-your leaving?" she asked, tears streaming down his face.

Her eyes got wide, one of her hands reaching out for him, "P-please Alex. Don't leave me. I'm sorry."

But the door closed, and she was left all alone.

He was right. God...Jordan was right. He can't love me anymore...

The pain was too much to bear, and Serena could barely process a thought as she stumbled to the kitchen, grabbing her purse before lurching at the door.

"I just have to get away," she mumbled to herself, completely beside herself, "Just leave."

But as she opened the door Katerina appeared, trying to hinder her.

"Hey, whoa, easy Serena. Sweetheart I'm not about to let you leave," Kat one hand touch Serena's arm, trying to settle her, "How about we-"

She was knocked back, a flying fist to the face. Serena's face was beet red and furious, her fist still pulled back for a second hit as her other arm rose and shook Katerina off.

"Don't fucking touch me!" she snapped, turning and running down the hall.

"What's going on?" Arya was just coming off the elevator with Kyle, looking confused as Katerina held her bleeding nose down the hall cursing and Serena jogged straight towards them.

She didn't even speak, brushing past both of them as Katerina yelled out to stop her. But Serena was gone, dashing into the elevator, tears still streaming down her face as the doors closed, and she disappeared.


"Fuck," she snapped, holding her broken nose as Arya came up, "Did you get her?"

"No she got into the elevator before we could. She's gone. What happened?"

"Beats me. One minute she's throwing furniture and having a meltdown, next thing I know Alex is racing out seconds after coming in, and then Serena just freaking broke my nose. Fiery freaking redhead."

"Who would have thought she had that in her."

Kat gave her a look, "Can you call Alex and tell him we lost her."

Arya sighed, pulling out her phone, "If she's this bad, why'd he leave? Do you think they broke up?"

Kat shrugged, "By her performance, I'd say yeah. He was in and out of his house in a minute, and did you see her bruises?"

Arya blanched, dialing his number, "If he laid a hand on her, he's going to have hell to pay."

"From the both of us."

He picks up the phone.

"Hello?" He asks, walking into the clinic as he speaks with them. "Who is it?" He asks.

He finds his way to Doctor Jordan's room, grabbing his small pistol from his side and aiming it at the man. "Jordan! You and I are going to have a talk." He calls out, still on the phone.

"Alex?" he picked up the phone and Arya's tone was already none too happy.

"What the hell did you do to her? And who's Jordan? Serena just broke Katerina's nose and fled, so where the fuck are you?"

Katerina reached out and snatched the phone, "What did you do to her Alex? We saw the bruises. We know you two broke up. What the hell is going on?"

Arya snatched it back, "We can't assume they're over Kat, it just looks that way. Alex? You need to get your ass back here."


Jordan turned, his phone in one hand, a cloth in the other as he cleaned up blood off his lip.

"You can't come in to my office waving a gun around Alex," he snapped, putting the phone down, "The police are on their way, and if you were wise you'll leave before they arrive. I've already been attacked by your psycho girlfriend, unless you came to finish her job?"

He too sported a bruise on his jaw, and claw marks down one arm.

"Buddy, I am the fucking police, get your fucking hands up." He snarls, walking forward with his weapon raised. "Alls I have to say is that you charged me and I'm off clean, so what's it gonna be?" He asks the man infront of him.

He hangs up the phone, sliding it back into his pocket.

"Seriously, first she attacks me, now she sends you to arrest me?" he snaps, putting his own phone down, "Don't I get a say in all this?"

"Look man, we were having a session and she came on to me. Whatever she told you was a lie. She was talking about her second kidnapping in Bolivia -about the men who touched her. And she grabbed my hand to show me. I initiated nothing. I'm a respectable and reputable therapist, not a pervert. When I tried to push her off me she tripped and hit her head on the table. I tried to help her up but she punched my jaw so I dropped her in pain, and she caught her jaw on the couch corner. Nothing happened Alex. I got her to her feet and she threw another punch, cut my lip, then she ran off."

"So you're calling my girlfriend a liar?" He asks coldly. "Jordan, I doubt that you are respectable, any psychiatrist would know that the first thing you fucking don't want to do is remind the victim of their experiences." He says to him. "I very seriously fucking doubt that she would attack you with no good reason, now get on the ground." He says to him.
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