Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


He takes a step into the bathroom, stripping himself of his clothing, he steps into the shower and looks at her, he doesn't look confused or on edge. "I'm not confused." He says to her quietly. "Figured we could try something new." He says, the words not coming out exactly flawlessly but at least it's more than only one word at a time.

"I can leave if you want me to, I just figured.." He cuts himself off, expecting her to answer quickly.

"Kyle!" she squeals, trying to pull the curtain around herself to hide her bare body, embaressed by her own looks, "Oh my god, you're naked! This is new, this is definitely very new. Please Kyle, I promise you this won't bring back any memories."

She clamped her eyes shut, ignoring the temptations to look and take in his muscular and finely built body. Arya knew better than to do that, or it would be all over. One look and she'd be putty in his hands. He had no idea how badly she wanted to kiss him every time she saw his face, or how often she missed his hugs. He was pushing too hard for these memories, and Arya was doing just the opposite, trying to push all hers away so it wouldn't hurt so hard.

Don't look. Just don't look. He thinks this is what he wants but it isn't. He's a marine. He's going back. C'mon Arya, just tell him to get out. It's what's best for him. Even...even if it doesn't feel that way. Even if he's naked and only inches from you and all you have to do is step forward and you could kiss him. No. No, I can't be selfish with Kyle. I can't be selfish.

"Arya, I remember Bolivia." He says to her quietly. "I don't want any other memories back, I want to make new ones, with you, here in the States." He explains to her, not moving forward to touch her or anything, wanting her to come to him. "You told me that I loved you, and I want to love you again, but I also remember about the whole thing where you wanted to wait, so we wouldn't actually do anything.. Just let me help you clean yourself off, or let me hold you again.." He says quietly, biting the bottom of his lip.

He knows? How did he figure it out? It's only been a day, can memories come back that fast? Was he lying? Why would he lie? What's happening?

Her brain was a flurry of questions, but none of them helped her understand what to do. She had a man in the shower with her that wanted to touch her, and she was shying away from him in some attempt to be selfless. But was it selflessness when they wanted something and you denied it?

"Don't do this me," she whispered, the words just slipping out so quietly she even barely acknowledged that she was speaking her mind, "Don't make me fall for you again, and then leave me. My life has been torture for the last two weeks, thinking you were dead. Don't...please Kevin. Please, I'm trying to make your life easier. You don't need me, you're a marine."

Her breath was still stuck in her lungs, her heart pounding. What the hell was she doing? Ending something before it starts again. Saving both of us from heartbreak.

Both? Or was she just saving herself?

Arya took a shaky step closer to him, not to touch him but cut off the space he had in the shower, hopefully prompting him to get out.

"I know you're going back Kyle. Tomorrow you have therapy, and when they see how much you've recovered...they'll probably deploy you back to Afghanistan within the next week, cutting your time here short. That's no time at all to love me again. That's no time at all for anything."

A single tear rolled down her face as she spoke.

"I want the time to love you." He says quietly before his eyes flick down to the ground, he steps out of the shower, quickly slipping on his underwear and pants to cover himself. "Sorry for intruding." He says before moving to walk out of the bathroom, she obviously wanted nothing to do with him.
(my link isn't working at the moment...will be using another till I can fix it)


She heard the sound of him leaving and immediate regret washed over her body, Arya taking several steps after him as she dropped the curtain, her head looking around the other side on the far end of the tub as he got dressed. She knew what she was doing was wrong -she couldn't push him away then chase after him- but her heart couldn't help how desperately she loved him. And the desperate love was what pushed her to keep him at arm's distance, knowing all too soon he'd be gone and back where he felt comfortable, with the marines. She'd become a distant memory for him, and Arya, Arya's heart would mend. Hopefully.

As he finished dressing he murmured something then turned to leave. If he was to look back or even glance in the mirror he'd catch her watching him, her eyes wide and full of pain. He probably thought she didn't love him anymore. On the contrary, she loved him too much, and watching him walk away from her hurt deeper than a flesh wound.

He walks into his room and closes the door behind him, letting it click shut before his thumb pushes on the locking mechanism, the door locked from the inside now. He walks over to his bed and sits down, putting his head in his hands.. She didn't love him.

He feels like he wants to cry, tears welling up in his eyes and gently spilling over his eyelids, tracing their way down his cheeks before falling on to the bed without a sound.

She turned off the water after rinsing her hair, no longer wanting to shower. She felt awful. As the last of the water drained away and the house became silent once more she caught the sound of sniffling, almost too quiet to hear. Her heart stuttered and she climbed out of the bathroom, wrapping a towel around her wet body without drying it, letting her hair fall in dripping strands around her face.

Padding out of the room, she takes two steps and presses her ear to the door, hearing one more soft sniffle.

"Kyle," she whispered, "I'm coming in."

Trying the knob she finds it locked.

"Kyle unlock the door. Let me explain. Don't make me ask Max to unlock it for me."

He quickly wipes his face with her hand before standing, turning the knob so that the door unlocks before opening it slightly, leaning against the door frame slightly.

"Yeah?" He asks quietly, his head starting to hurt again with the thoughts rushing through it. "What do you need to explain." He says to her quietly, his eyes locked with hers.

She pushed against the door, getting inside and brushing past him in only her towel. It slipped a little, revealing a couple scars on her back before she pulled it tighter on her body. Turning she pushed the door closed and tugged him towards the bed, making him sit. She knelt in front of him then, this gorgeous beauty in nothing but a towel, water still dripping off of her, the yellow towel wrapped around doing little to hide skin. It sat halfway up her breasts and only an inch below her crotch, so if she lost her grip on it she'd be giving him quite the view.

"Kyle," she sighed, deciding to be fair with him, "I didn't mean to upset you. I'm just trying to protect you."

Her eyes dropped to his lips for a split second then back to his eyes, her brain trying to stay focus while desire began to wheedle its way in with how close she was to him.

"Protect me from what?" He asks her, his eyebrows raised at her. "I can only remember parts of our deployment, and everyone is without a face in those memories, but I can remember spending time with someone, and I know it was you, I thought that you loved me, that we had something special." He says quietly, holding his hand up to his head.

"Am I hallucinating? Did you not tell me about the times we spent together?" He asks, obviously starting to become confused with the whole situation.

She couldn't handle seeing him sad, it broke her heart. Her mind screamed at her to stop, to be rational, to not be selfish. But Arya didn't want to care, she just wanted him.

"Of course I love you!" she cried out, her shoulders sagging as she let her walls down, "I'm trying to protect you from me! Baby I just want what's best for you and I don't want you torn between me and the marines. God, I want to kiss you right now!"

He stands up and cups her face before kissing her, his eyes closing while he does so, it was as if he'd been waiting awhile to do it. He sighs against her lips, the feeling of them on his revitalizing.

She stands up as he does and suddenly his hands are pulling her face in, his mouth lowering to hers. Her heart flutters and her breath stops, her mouth pressing to his hungrily as everything else melts away. She feels his sigh and leans more into him, forgetting all else as she wraps her arms around his neck to pull him closer. Her towel falls away but for once she isn't thinking about her decency. Arya's missed him too much, feeling like it had been years since last she had kissed him, when it had only been weeks.

He breaks away for a moment, his forehead against hers. "Your towel." He says with a chuckle. "Arya, I'm not torn, I have both, you and the Marines, I promised to be faithful to both of them." He whispers to her, his lips fluttering against hers as he speaks.

"I don't care about the damn towel," she growled, pushing her body against his while her eyes searched his for that confusion, wanting to see if this was all just a fantasy.

A flicker of doubt hit her, that logical side of her wanting to scold her for what she was doing, how selfish she was being with him.

"Just kiss me," she sighed, wanting to stop the voices in her head, to find clarity, "Kiss me Kyle. Show me I just made the right choice."

He raises a finger before pulling her shirt off, grabbing her and pulling her back on to the bed, so that she is laying on top of him. He then continues to kiss her, after all it is what she wanted him to do. The feeling of her skin against his makes him visibly shiver, the ecstasy of it all too real for his body not to react.

The realization that she's never been naked in front of a man finally hits her.

So does the realization that her breasts are pressing into his bare chest...and it feels wonderful. Her whole body shivers, her heart racing and her lungs screaming for air as she forgets to breath again, her mouth smothering his. Electricity seems to dance between them, her hands running down his arms to his hands and pulling them up, placing them on her bare hips.

"Swear you'll be mine forever," she whispers against his lips, "Kyle, if your memory is coming back, tell me the one thing I want to hear. Tell me it, and I will give myself to you, heart, body, and soul."

He feels the electricity between them, the forgetfulness to breathe, the nervousness of messing up, all of it hitting him at once. He feels her move his hands to her hips, and then she's speaking to him.

"Arya, I could never love anybody else, I'm yours through life and death." He whispers against her lips. "But didn't you want to wait until marriage?" He asks softly, that was sort've what he wanted to do as well.

She laughed, "We don't have to have, you know...sex."

She says the last word so feebly, obviously nervous even speaking about it. A blush rises on her skin, covering her head to toe.

"But," she whispered leaning down to his ear because she felt her next words were too intimate to be heard too loudly, "I want us to take a step past kissing. We can do, uh, other things without sex right?"

Arya was adorably awkward, but all reason had shut off in her mind. She was a puddle of love and heat now, wanting nothing but him.

"Is it bad part of me wishes I'd never told you to wait?"

He bites the bottom of his lip before raising his eyebrows. "What sortve things?" He asks her, not really having any experience in the matter to understand what she was hinting at.

"It is a little bad." He says with a chuckle. "Considering we are both virgins and the Bible says we ought to wait." He admits.

He kisses her lips a single time before laying his head down. "So what do you have in mind? This is your operation Doc." He says with a laugh.

"I have no idea," she giggles, "It's not like I've read books on this. I was hoping you knew."

She listened and shrugged, looking guilty, "I've never read the bible. My parent's were more religious than me. But I think talking about Bible's while I'm naked and cuddling you is...weird."

Arya thought about it, excited to go further in their relationship, and more than that ecstatic to have him back. And all hers.

"I've always loved when you'd rub my legs," she tried, "I've never felt someone's hands on my naked skin, but...maybe that. What about you? I could do this..."

She lowered her head a little, her body shimming down as she did do. Her lips pressed down to his bare chest, his skin cool to her hot lips. Arya was widely aware that she was making him peer down, meaning he could now take in her naked backside down to her round ass sticking in the air.

He nods before watching her kiss his chest, the feeling of her lips on his chest makes him shiver again, she could probably feel it this time.

He finds himself staring at her ass, transfixed by it for the moment before he looks down at her face again. "Whatever you want to do, I'll do it." He says to her quietly.

His hands move from her hips to her long hair, his fingers separating strands of her wet hair as he plays with it, mostly messing it up but entertaining himself in the least.

"That feels nice," she purrs against his chest kissing it again, "I've always liked when you play with my hair."

Arya's cheeks are still hot and red, the entire experience new and somewhat surreal. Wiggling back up to his face she kisses his lips, the only safe territory she understands. While logic is screaming at her to stop all this nonsense her heart has won this round and is begging her to do more, to make it enjoyable. But Arya's unsure if Kyle's interested in that, seeming more entertained by her hair than anything. Her tongue slides out and runs against his lips, begging for entrance as her feet dig into the bed to push herself upwards more to kiss him harder. Instead Arya looses her footing and falls against him, her breasts slapping against his bare torso as her hips hit his. She expected it to hurt as her hips connect to his but instead something in her lower stomach blossoms, an odd sensation that she's not sure of, but definitely wants to explore.

His mouth opens slightly, his own tongue coming out to meet hers, dancing around with it in the space between their intertwining lips.

He feels her fall against him, causing his heart to flutter as he feels her completely against him. He breaks the kiss and puts his hands on her hips before standing up, allowing her legs to go around his waist before he pins her back against the wall of the bedroom.

He lifts her slightly higher than him so that he has access to her body, lightly kissing the area around her belly button, his tongue swirling along her stomach as his barrage of kisses continues.
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