Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


"Kyle," she relaxes more, seeing that its just him.

Listening, a small smile touched her lips.

"You brought me lunch?" there was no reason for it, but its almost too good to be true, and she leads him into her office as she speaks, diving into the lunch quickly as her stomach growls in anticipation, "Why'd you come all this way with lunch?"


She pouts when his lips pull away, but his words please her all the more.

"A family means marriage. And a house, and yes, jobs," she wrinkled her nose, "But I do want to come home to you. Desperately. So your not mad at me? For the...incident?"

He shrugs. "I am sort've angry, and that fact should prompt you not to repeat your error." He says to her. "And yeah, that's what settling down means." He says with a laugh.


Kyle walks with her, trying to find the words to explain. "Nice.. Gesture." He says as they enter the office, he motions to the lunch. "For you." He explains to her before sitting down on one of her spare chairs.

She starts eating, finally eating, and it tastes delicious. She murmurs thank yous over and over, finishing the entire packed lunch and draining her coffee with no buzzing from her pager.

"Thank you Kyle," she repeats again, "I needed that. More than you know. Is there anything I can do for you? I can call you a cab, or if you want to hang around the hospital for a few more hours, I can drive us both home."


She looks at her hands, ashamed at what she had done, and knowing the withdrawals were still not over. She could feel them even now, although she didn't want to tell him and worry Alex at all.

"I won't mess up again. Jordan's been helping me learn to channel my anger and pain through other outlets. He's really good Alex."

She wasn't sure if he had met Jordan yet, her new therapist. After her rebound they had added a psychiatrist to the list of doctors she needed to see, wanting to make sure she left the hospital sane. He was a nice guy, who was very calm and patient with her antics, but she found him a little too flirty at times with the female patients including herself. Not that Serena would tell Al that either and make him worry.

"Last week was meditation, and this week he's letting me play guitar to try and get my mind off being stuck here. I can't wait to come home with you Alex. I do want to settle down, and do all those things with you."

He watches her eat before nodding to her last option, pointing to himself as he speaks. "Wait." He says while pointing to himself to tell her that he will wait for her to drive them home. He sits back down and watches her, expecting her to leave.


Alex listens to her and nods. "Should only be another week, I'm sure you'll be alright." He says to her with a grin before pulling her lips to his again, closing his eyes and resuming the passionate kiss, a party f him wishes they could go further, but he remembers their location and we hip injury.

She doesn't budge from her seat, instead keeping him company and getting some paperwork done before her pager goes off.

"Ah Jimmy's condition isn't stabilizing. I need to go run some tests, get a few blood samples. Want to tag alone Kyle? Maybe you can help.


She pull him down into the bed suited for one, wanting nothing more than his sweet lips.

"So tell me." she exclaimed as she broke the kiss to catch her breath, the life in her chocolate brown eyes retuning as she looked over at him, "How'd you get the nurses to say yes to a visit?"

He groans when she breaks the kiss, her being on top of him now as she speaks. He feels a grin touch his face. "This isn't exactly an authorized visit." He admits before touching his lips to hers again. "I want to kiss you as much as possible before I leave." He says to her quietly.

"I've missed you a lot, I wish you could leave with me now, but we both know that's not exactly the best idea." He says before kissing her again.


Kyle just shakes his head, knowing that he won't be any help in the situation.

Her lips pressed to his hungrily, showing him how much she missed this too. But she couldn't help the smile growing as they kissed, finally breaking away to speak.

"You snuck in here for me?" she smiled.

Footsteps sounded outside the door and she froze, afraid they'd been heard. But they continued by without pause. Serena decided to lower her volume, leaning down to his ear so she could whisper, "That's very badass of you. Like always my sniper comes to save the day and make me smile."

She kissed his ear then, purring "I love you" softly to him as she enjoyed the blessed few minutes she had with him.


Arya stood up, nodding to him.

"The boy is ten. His name is Jimmy and he recently had an accident that caused him to lose all his memories, just like you. He fell in front of a car that hit him when he was on his way to school. And the reason he fell is because he has cancer that is making him too weak to stand. I'm not telling you all this to make you sad. I wanted you to come along to meet Jimmy. Like you, he can't remember much and he's having a hard time talking."

She moved to her office door, looking back, "You can still come if you like, or you can stay here. My shift ends in a couple hours."

Kyle bites the bottom of his lip before standing, nodding to her. "Go." He says as he begins to walk towards the door, expecting her to lead the way to the boy in question.


"Yeah, I'd do anything for you." He says to her quietly, closing his eyes when she kisses his ear. "You know, when you purr like that it really turns me on." He mumbles to her, his face turning bright red.

A thought in the back of his mind reminds him that the money used to pay for this treatment isn't his, it's the banks, the bank money he had stolen with Shrake and his lackies, blood money if you will, guilt starts to ripple through him, what would she think of him if she knew?

She smiles, leading him out. She notices he's dressed in army fatigues and a marine t-shirt, his other clothing he came with obviously being washed.

"You don't have to talk to him," she continued to speak as the walked down the halls, "I just want him to see you, to see someone he can look up to facing the same problems he's facing. Jimmy is really struggling with that right now, I'm not even sure he has any fight left in him. The poor boy has had cancer since he was seven."

They get to his room and she knocks lightly before entering.

"Hey Jimmy," she smiles softly, the small boys blue eyes turning on both of them as they come in, "How are you feeling today?"

Her hands move as she speaks, using sign language along with her words to relay to him. It was the only other language she spoke, and she'd been taught it in med school to help her with the deaf or mute. Now she was teaching Jimmy some of it, so he could talk with the nurses if he needed something.

"I brought someone here to meet you," she explained, signing as she spoke, "He's a Marine from Afghanistan."


"And I would do anything for you Alex."

Serena didn't notice the guilt running through his mind, that was probably evident on his face. She was too busy nibbling at his ear, flirting with him.

"It's been weeks since I've seen you," she whispered, "I have lots of teasing and flirting to catch up on. But I'm glad to know when I purrrrrrr..."

She rolled the 'r' softly on her tongue, making an actual purring sound in his ear before giggling.

"...it turns you on."

Alex grins as she purrs for him again. "We can do plenty of catching up once you are home." He whispers to her, moving his face to her neck to softly kiss and bite at the soft flesh.

He feels himself shiver when she plays with his ear, she really understands what makes him tick, he likes that in a woman.


Kyle awkwardly waves to the boy, not understanding the sign language that Arya was using, or the sign language the boy was using in attempt to talk to him.

She moves her head back so she can kiss him, her eyes checking the clock on the wall as she does so.

"Shit, it's almost lunch."

Her lips hit his hard in one last kiss before she pulls herself up, "The nurses come by with my meal at one pm every day. They uh, don't really let me out of this room anymore."

The sadness in her voice is evident, guilty for what she did, and tired of staring at the same four walls.

"Have you ever done something you regret?" she asked quietly, "Something that makes you feel guilty, but as much as you want to apologize, no one will listen? They just see you for what you did, even when you know it was wrong? Alex, I'm really sorry about those drugs."


She smiled, "Jimmy I haven't taught him sign language yet. You will have to use your white board and markers to talk to him, like you do when your mom visits."

He asked her a question in sign language and she nodded back, "He's a...friend. He just came back for a couple weeks, and I thought you'd like to meet a real Marine. He's like you sweetheart, he lost his memories too."

He nodded, grabbing it from the table beside him as she moved around him, getting a tray ready with needles and a few tools. As she stepped around Kyle, she spoke to him softly.

"There's a second white board and marker in the little nightstand beside him. Please just keep him distracted. This always hurts him, and its nice to see him excited for once.

She moved away and Jimmy turned his board around, the words written 'My name's Jimmy. That's what my mommy says. What's yours?'

Kyle starts to write on the whiteboard, explaining his name and everything, he writes down stories about Max and his experiences in Afghanistan, just to keep the boy distracted while Arya gave him his shots.


He kisses her back lovingly before she breaks away from him, he listens to her speak before nodding. "I've done a lot of things I regretted, but I promised myself to never repeat the same mistake." He whispers to her, wishing he could stay longer.

"I forgive you, I love you too much to be angry at you." He whispers, his forehead resting against hers. "I don't want to leave.. But I have to.. I love you Serena, more than the sky and the sun." He whispers to her before kissing her forehead and getting up, walking out of the room.

He slips out of the hospital and goes to the hotel, he had already reserved an apartment close to the one Winters and Arya were staying in.

Arya gives him his shots watching as Jimmy asks a million questions, and Kyle is patient and answers each one. For once the young boy is smiling when she is done, not crying. The drugs work fast, putting him asleep as she takes his wrists and nods to the door to leave. Even the small touch sends electricity through her and she has to let go to keep from blushing. She's unsure if he can see her cheeks redden but she moves away, cleaning up the boards and markers before leaving.

"Thank you," she murmurs, "we think he might have two, maybe three weeks left. The accident made him weak and the cancer has progressed. I've only been working here a few weeks, but that's the first time I've seen him truly smile. Where did you get all those stories? I thought our memories were gone."


She watches him leave, the words "I love you too," falling from her lips before he disappears. Five minutes later a nurse arrives with her food and good news.

"You got a week left Hun. Your blood tests ran clear of any drugs and your able to walk with just crutches now. The rest of your therapy can continue outside the hospital."

"A week?"

"A week left. You can do it."

He bites the inside of his cheek before tapping on the side of his head. "Remembered." He explains, his eyebrows knitting together as he tries to form more words, he remembers Bolivia, and her.. But not being able to speak has rendered him useless in telling her, so he points to her, and then to himself. "Together?" He asks her, trying to express their relationship with one word.

She looks over at him, smiling warmly when he says he remembers. His next word confuses her and she's not sure what he's asking. Probably something to do with where they were going, or so she thought.

"Just let me poke my head in and tell them I'm leaving an hour early. I need some rest. Anyways, I'm glad it's starting to come back Kyle, even if it's just Afghanistan. And with the help of your therapist I'm sure your speech will come back too. In no time you'll be back with the marines..."

She bit her tongue, jealously running through her. Stop it. You can't be selfish with him. Not with this. Let it go Arya. Let him go.

"...where you're meant to be."

He bites the inside of his cheek before nodding. He stands up and leans against the wall, ready to go home whenever she was ready.

It took only minutes to find her supervisor, then sign out, grabbing her stuff from her office and heading down with Kyle to the parking lot. She didn't say much as they walked, knowing he wouldn't be able to reply anyways.

Arya's new car was nothing flashy, just a used black SUV that she had got for a steal. Unlocking the doors from a few steps away she pointed it out.

"What do you think? It's actually my first car. I never needed one before the military, and now I do."

He walks outside with her, eyeing the car for a moment before looking at her. "Good." He simply says as he opens the door to the passenger seat, sitting down and buckling his seatbelt.

He leans against the door, staring out the window as he thinks to himself.

She got in the car, starting then engine then turning to look at him.

"Kyle, you alright?" she asked, knowing he was normally quiet now but something more seemed to be off, "Hey, how about we get burgers for dinner. My treat."

She pulled out of the parking lot and drove down to the nearest Mcdonald's, rolling her window down. She didn't even ask Kyle what he wanted, instead ordering for both of them. As she pulled down the drive thru she looked over to him again.

"Trust me, you'll love what I just ordered. You don't remember but when we got back to the States you and I can't making midnight runs to Mcdonald's when we got real hungry. I sort of memorized your order, it's silly I know. You kept teasing me about it, trying to memorize all the little things about you that were no big deal. Well, it helps now. And I got a plain cheeseburger for Max. He loves those."

They rolled up to the window, paying and taking their food. she passes it all to him then drives them the rest of the way home.

He takes the burger in his hands and eats it quickly, disposing of his trash in one of the cup holders before staring out the windshield, wanting to say something but his head just hurts too much to deal with at the moment.

The memories begin to rush back to him again, he feels his ability to speak given and taken away over and over until he can't speak anymore, the pain just too much,

When they get back she can see he's in pain, and Arya can't help but intervene to help. Getting out of the car she jogs around to his side and pulls him out, her fingers intertwining with his. She leaves the garbage and stuffs the one bag with Max's cheeseburger in her purse before kicking the door shut.

"C'mon Kyle," she murmurs, squeezing his hand, "Just let me lead you, okay? We will get upstairs and you can take a nap. I have some tylenol if you need them."

She knows better than to be touching him, her heart constricting at the feel of his rough hand in hers, the heat of his palm, the...

Stop torturing yourself. Focus on getting him into the condo, and to bed. Before he passes out from exhaustion.

The elevator doors open and she pulls him along with her inside, hitting the button to their floor.

He gets out, feeling the warmth of her hand on his, he squeezes her hand lightly in an attempt to explain that it was okay for her to hold his hand. He walks with her into the elevator, Max follows them, his claws clicking against the floor as he walks beside them.

When they get into the condo, he walks to his room with her, he motions to the bed before speaking one last word to her. "Stay." He says to her quietly, as if he didn't want her to leave him in the room by himself.

Once they got into the condo she fed Max his burger and found no Kevin, guessing he was out job hunting. She led Kyle to his room to get him down for a nap, only to be told to stay.

"You need to sleep," she argued, "I can't sit here and watch you all afternoon, now can I? Take a nap, and then I'll come back in. I need to shower anyways. I'll just be across the hall."

She was being literal -the bathroom was directly across from his room so if the door remained open he could see the entire bathroom from his bed.

"I'll come back after my shower okay?"

She patted his hand and finally released it, her heart crying out to hold on just a few more seconds. Ignoring it she went into the washroom and like the SUV kicked the door shut. Or so she thought. She heard the click, but the door didn't close entirely, not that she noticed. Undressing and stepping behind the beige shower curtain, Arya remained unaware as the door fell back open again slowly. She was too focused on humming a song as she scrubbed shampoo into her raven black hair, having no idea he had a perfect view of her naked silhouette behind the curtain.

He stares at the ceiling for a couple of minutes before sittimg up, noticing that the door wasn't all the way closed, he slowly opens it, peering through at her, biting the bottom of his lip softly.

He steps back into his room, the memory recovery had been completed, his head settling down as it remembers. He bites the inside of his cheek before stepping up to her door again, knocking on it to get her attention.

"Mind if I join?" He asks just loud enough for her to hear.

All is quiet except her humming until she hears the smallest knock. Suddenly his voice cuts out clear and concise and she practically falls in the slipperly tub, surprised and shocked to hear him stringing more than one word together. Her thoughts are churning now a mile a minute, trying to wrap around the situation.

"Kyle?!" she gasped, trying to cover herself even though there was a curtain between them, "You're supposed to be asleep. Look I know things are confusing, and you were told we were together as a couple, but we never showered together Kyle. It won't bring any memories back, and I can assure you it will be more awkward than anything."
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