Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


Winters holds himself back for the moment, allowing her to ride out her climax as he smashes his lips against hers, his body quivering as it wants sweet release.

He breaks away from her, his forehead agaisnt hers. "I'm gonna cum." He says to her softly. "Where do you want me?"


Kyle grins at her words. "You don't look too bad yourself.. If you want I can get changed into something a little less flashy, grab some BDU's or something and make you look more prepared." He offers.

He hears Katerina yelling, he turns his head in the direction of her sounds. "I think they might be having some fun in there." He says with a chuckle.

She laughed, hearing Kat too.

"Those two seem to have a lot of fun these days," she smirked, "And no BDU's. Lose the suit jacket and then we will be equally sexy."


Her breathing was ragged, her lips crushing his feverishly. She only broke away so he could speak before kissing him again, riding the tidal wave crashing through her. Katerina left it up to him to decide, too caught up in her own Ecstasy.

"But I like my BDU's.." He complains before stripping off the suit jacket, leaving him in his dress shirt, tie, dress pants and dress shoes.

"Out of the two of us, you're probably the sexiest." He admits, placing his hands on her hips, his eyes locked with hers.


He pulls out of her and gets on to his knees so that he is over her, presenting his member to her mouth so that she can finish him off.

She took him in her mouth at once, pushing him deep down her throat, her head bobbing fast and hard, wanting to finish him off. Kat loved to please her man.


Without thinking she stood up on tiptoe, kissing him longingly. As much as they fought, her heart still belonged to him. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she pulled his head down to her to deepen the kiss.

He closes his eyes and groans in pleasure, the feeling of his member in her mouth is one of pure esctasy.

"I'm cumming." He warns as he does so. "Holy fuck, that was great.." He says before falling back onto the bed.


Kyle kisses her back, completely enticed by her lips on his as they continue to kiss.

He breaks away. His forehead agaisnt hers. "I don't want to fight with you anymore." He says to her quietly. "I'm really sorry.."

She pulled him to the end of the bed, sitting down hip to hip with him.

"I don't want to fight either," she whispered resting her head on his shoulder.


She smacked her lips together, swallowing him cum then jumping up for a glass of water, wanting to get the taste of it out of her mouth.

Coming back into the room her eyes landed on the clock.

"Shit, baby its fifteen to eight. We have reservations with the rest of the group. Shit shit shit, we are going to be late."


"I look silly."

She wheeled herself in front of the floor length mirror, staring at the gold dress Kat had loaned her, which looked off with the wheelchair.

"It's a gorgeous dress, but I look ridiculous with this wheelchair," she complained, fixing her hair that she had put in a loose bun high on her head, her red curls looking great.

"It's gonna be hard, but we're gonna get through this." He says quietly before pulling her in for a tight hug, his chin resting on her shoulder.


"Fuck.. Well I'm exhausted." He says with a laugh before sitting up, looking around. "Do you think just BDU's and a t-shirt would be appropriate?" He asks her.


Alex walks out wearing a leather jacket and jeans, he looks her over and raises his eyebrows. "Actually, you look amazing." He compliments. "And really clean too, I wonder who did that." He says before kneeling down next to her, kissing her on the top of her shoulder gently.

"We're gonna do a lot together once you're out of this wheelchair, only a week or two to go, right?" He asks her while whispering.

She looked up at him, chocolate brown eyes adoring him, "Two weeks love. My extensive physical therapy starts tomorrow. I'm still not sure how you got me the best therapist in the city, for free, for the next few months. I know you did something, because my doctor doesn't like you."

There was a low ringing sound in her deaf ear, and she played with the hearing aid, tuning it till the sound went away. She was still growing use to being half deaf, but Serena was grateful for having a man who loved her unconditionally.

"Plus this hearing aid is supposedly top grade. You can't get any better. How'd you swing that?"

Talking about it was getting her mind off the wheelchair, making her happier.


"Nope," she shook her head, rummaging in their dresser and throwing him a pair of jeans, a dress shirt and a black tie, "Get dressed handsome. We have fifteen minutes."

She decided on something a little less flashy but still hot, going for a white mesh tank with a small collar that showed off her midriff, and a black skirt that hugged her hips, ending short on the thighs to show off her tattoos. Off duty meant wearing what she liked, and she looked damn hot.


"We'll get through it," she murmured, "Max better keep you safe."

Arya grinned then, trying to ease the mood, "Maybe I'll get myself a puppy, to keep me company. It can be Max's little brother."

"Max is kinda competitive around other animals, other trained K-9's can fend for themselves, but a regular dog might get its throat ripped out." He says with a chuckle.

"And Max is pretty good at his job, so I'll be fine." He says with a smile.


He looks at the clothes she threw at him and sighs. "Damn.." He says quietly before starting to get changed into them.

The last part he needs is the tie. "Baby, can you help me put this on?" He asks.

She strolled out of the bathroom, hair blow dried and brush, make up perfectly applied. She hadn't been this dolled up since she joined the Ghosts, never having need to. But they were having a celebratory dinner now that Serena was out of the hospital and they could celebrate all together their victory.

"Come here handsome," she purred, sidling up to him and tying his tie, "I'm one lucky gal. You're going to be the hotest man in the restaurant."


She wrinkled her nose at him, "Well Max won't be around to bother my puppy. I'm serious Kyle, when I find a place, I think I want a pet. I have to have someone to keep me company."

She checked the time, "We can talk about it later. It's five to eight and we should get down to make sure we get our table."

Winters grins at her when she speaks, watching her put on his tie. "You really think so?" He asks her quietly.

"I'm gonna be on the arm of the most beautiful woman Brasil has to offer, and I'm gonna treat you better than Skull Face did, you're more than arm candy." He says to her softly.

He kisses the top of her forehead, hischands on her waist. "You look stunningly gorgeous, every guy there will be jealous."


Kyle grins. "Fair point, but I might let him loose in our house when I come home." He says, realizing after that he said 'our house' as if he had been thinking about living with her.

"Let's roll out then." He says before sweeping her up in his arms, calling out the traditional military convoy sign. "Convoy Oscar mike!" He yells before charging with her through the door with her in his arms wedding style.

He can't stop laughing while he jogs through the halls with her.


"Well my love, when a man loves a woman so much that he is willing to drop everything to be with her all the time, he finds himself doing anything and everything within his power to make his lovers life absolutely perfect." He says to her.

"I swore that you'd have a good life.. And I also threatened to kick that doctors ass if he didn't get a national hero her hearing back." He says with a grin.

She was all grins.

"You already do," she sighed, "what I had with him was fake and horrendous and..."

Her voice cut off, those wounds still unhealed. She cleared her throat, her eyes looking down.

"Never mind that dead asshat. Tonight's about us. We should get a move on, before they all beat us downstairs."


"Let me goooooo," she whined, wiggling in his arms, "Kyle I'm wearing a dress! Please before someone gets a view of my underwear!"

She wasn't upset, but her cheeks were flame red as he continued to carry her.

"Please let me walk Kyle. Pleeeeeease."


Her heart couldn't expand any bigger, feeling high from his words alone. She's never dated a man like him, never had someone so caring. Her last relationship had been ages ago and it had ended badly. She just never though she'd find a man like Alex.

"I'm no national hero. What I did was to save you, and that's all that ran through my mind."

They headed out, talking as they walked down the hall.

"Alex? I was hoping if your okay with it to make a trip over to San Fransico soon. It's where I grew up, and all my friends live there. I know the rest of you were pronounced dead. I overheard Arya. But I wasn't ... I've just been missing for months now. Me and Em only ever had each other and our friends, and some of mine were like family. I want to let them know I'm safe. You haven't said anything about what happens next and I...I understand if you have to leave again for your ghosts or the military. I just hope I can take you with me first, to you know, uh, show you off."

She blushed at the last bit, knowing how immature and girly she sounded, wanting to show him off. But she did. He was her hero and she wanted to show off the man who'd saved her life more times now then she could count.

He nods, completely understanding where she is coming from. "We can go, but first we're going to the White House tomorrow and then I'm gonna look into what happened to Shrake, then we can go when we have the money to support a trip there." He promises.

He walks with her into the lobby and waits for the rest of the team to show up.


Winters grins and loops his arm through hers, walking with her out of the room and to the elevators. He rides it down with her into the lobby where he walks to Al and Serena.

They start a conversation about the award ceremony tomorrow.


He keeps running with her, laughing and breathing heavily as they reach the elevators where he finally puts her down.

He grabs her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. "Better?" He asks with a smile.

"Better," she murmurs back as they decend, the doors opening to the group waiting for them. Arya caught the end of the conversation between Al and Serena, her voice low as she mumbled something about, "We can discuss the details later."

"Sorry we are late," she smiled, joining the other four.


Katerina caught sight of Arya.

"It's fine. We still have two minutes. C'mon, we should get our table."

She led the way, having been the one who made the reservation. The hostess was polite, recognizing her before Kat could open her mouth. She nodded to a waitress who grabbed six menu's and beckoned them to follow. The hotel they were staying in wasn't some high class, five star, luxury resort, but it wasn't shabby either. The rooms were clean and nice, the foyer was beautiful, and the restaurant was a well renowned Italian spot. Plus she could put the entire bill on her hotel room -which the government was graciously paying for.

The waitress led them through the restaurant towards the back where the small private dining rooms were, held mostly for business meetings. Kat grinned over her shoulder as they entered one. The room had a wooden table set up in the middle, with six chairs. There was already a pitcher of beer on one end and a glass of champagne on the other, pre-ordered by her.

As they took their seats the waitress left the menus at the end of the table and disappeared, closing the door behind her. Kat chose the chair on the far right end with Arya on her right and Winters straight across from her. Serena wheeled in the opposite left corner from Kat, leaving the chair between her and Kevin for Alex.

"I ordered a private room because they're soundproof," Kat smiled, "And we really don't need anyone eavesdropping on us. It was just a precaution."

Kyle just nods as he picks up his menue, chewing the bottom of his lip as he thinks about what he's going to order.

"So what's gonna happen tomorrow? We get a medal or something and then just move on?" He asks,

Arya shrugs, looking through her menu, "I'm not quite sure. Al? Winters?"


She intertwined her fingers in Alex's, leaning her shoulder into his to share their menu, just because she could. She was started to get used to the gold and black dress with the ripped sleeves, her edgy look fitting in with everyone else's classy but not formal looks.

"I'm just going to support Alex," she replied to Kyle's open question, "I'm pretty sure I'm not getting any medal. Getting kidnapped by the cartel because you were looking into your-"

She cut herself off before she said sister, realizing none of them still knew. No one had asked yet for her last name, luckily. They'd learn soon enough.

"..looking into a juicy story for a piece doesn't necessarily qualify you for a medal," she finished, switching her words up.

"I'll just have whatever Kat's having." He says with a shrug as he pursues through the menu.


Alex smiles before facing his feet, as if trying to conceal it as his fingers brush tge back of her hand, he listens to her words before adding in. "But you did save my life, that's worth something." He says with a chuckle.

"It was worth you," she whispered into his ear, her hot breath blowing on his skin.

In a louder voice she added, "Maybe I'll get a medal for being in a wheelchair and half deaf from a war I wasn't meant to be in."

Kat laughed, "I hope they put that into consideration."

"And you were helpful," Arya piped in, "Without your translator skills, we wouldn't have hit up half the compounds we did."

The waitress appeared then, asking them for their orders. Kat ordered two steak dinners with mashed potatos and steamed vegetables, for her and Kevin. Arya ordered the halibut with fresh coleslaw and a salad.

"Order for me babe," Serena smiled warmly at her man, "Surprise me."

He scans over the menu with his eyes before nodding, putting it down on the table. "Lobster for me and her." He says, motioning to Serena as he speaks.

When the waitress walks away he raises his eyebrows at her. "If you tell me you don't like lobster, you put me under a lot of pressure." He says softly to her with a chuckle, his hand holding hers.

She squeezed his hand, "No worries, I love lobster. I'm not really picky when it comes to food."


They passed around the alcohol as everyone settled into conversations, animately talking. Kat waited for a quiet moment, when everyone was pausing so she could speak.

"So...does anyone know what's happening with Shrake?"

Alex tenses up a little bit when she talks about Shrake, but he shakes his head anyway, a voice in tge back of his mind is screaming at him to tell them.

Finally he can't take it anymore. "He was released this morning." He says. "But he's been discharged dishonorably and he's only contacted me." He explains.

Serena looked at him, surprised he hadn't told her this earlier.

"Alex..." she started, looking slightly hurt about being left in the dark when Arya and Kat cut in with a million questions.

"Is he okay?" "Why did they discharge him dishonorably?" "What happened?" "What's going to happen with the Ghosts?" "Is it over?"

"Listen, if the team is ever coming back together, which it isn't, Shrake won't be leading it." He explains to them. "There's no point in telling you anything, he asked me not to anyway."

Arya caught the upset look Serena was giving Al and decided to drop the topic, before it led to a fight.

"I guess this is a good time as any," Arya shrugged, "to tell all of you that I'm going back into my field."

"You're going to be a doctor?" Kat asked and Arya nodded.

"Kyle is returning to the marines," there was a hint of emotion behind her words, their earlier fight still lingering, "So I'm going to focus on my career and find a job at a hospital."


Kat listened before her blue eyes looked over to her partner. They hadn't talked much about plans, other than wanting to take a break and stay in the States for a bit. She had proposed that they look into California, and it was for more than just the beaches.

"Well since we are all sharing, Kevin and I are looking into moving to California. I have some money saved-"

"Lots," Arya corrected.

"-and I want to buy a house."

Alex feels his phone buzz in his pocket, he grabs it and turns it on, looking at the message before standing up. "I gotta go, emergency." He says to them before quickly running out.

He closes the door behind him and makes his way out of the lobby and to his car, starting to drive to the point he had been asked to go to.


Shrake watches Al pull up in the drive way, greeting him with a firm handshake.

"Whatsup?" Al asks.

"You were talking about financial troubles earlier?" Shrake asks softly.

"Yeah, Serena wants to go to San Francisco and my Spec Ops paycheck can get us a small apartment in Baltimore if we're lucky." He admits.

"I have a solution, if you're interested." Shrake says.

"And that is..?"

"Meet me back here tomorrow at four pm, don't be late." Shrake says before motioning for Al to leave.


Kyle watches the man leave before returning his attention to the table. "Well, this has been sufficiently awkward." He says while rubbing the back of his head.
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