Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


"Noooooo Kevin noooooooo," she whined in his ear, nibbling harder on his lobe.

Her hand moved to his erection, stroking it ever so slowly to tease him as he was teasing her.


"Two weeks!" she snapped, curling more into a ball as her heart broke further, "I'm losing you in two weeks!"

She uncurled and stormed to the door, throwing it open so he could see her red rimmed eyes, "I thought we had something! I thought we'd be together for...for...god, I don't know. I really loved you! Just, just leave me alone! I need to be alone."

"I understand that you want to be left alone." He says to her carefully. "But you don't understand that I.. I need you, I love you and I will still love you no matter where I am at any time of the day. We still have something and me going on a deployment isn't gonna change that." He says to her.

"You know me, I can't die, I have a magnet that leads me home every time I leave it." He says quietly.


He feels her hand over his erection and he groans quietly. "You ready?" He mumbles to her as he takes his hand away from her entrance.

"We could try it in the tub, or we could get out." He suggests.

"You can die!" her voice rises, "No one is invincible. What will you say when a bullet hits you in the shoulder and you bleed out, or one goes through your heart? Nothing, you'll say nothing because YOU"LL BE DEAD. And I'll get some formal call to tell me that the man who stole my heart and then ran away is dead, and I won't get to say goodbye, or even hold him one last time! This is what it means to be in the army, and I was so stupid to think I could have a normal life with someone. I told myself never to fall in love, for this...exact...reason!"

She's hyperventilating, her hands shaking with how angry and upset she was. Arya didn't know whether to scream or cry at this point.


"Bathtub," she breathed, unable to wait any longer, "I've never had sex in a bathtub. Let's make it our first. Please Kevin."

"Sounds good to me." He says with a grin on his face as he moves closer to her, positioning his member against her entrance and looking into her eyes. "Ready?" He whispers.


He seems at a loss for words, feeling his shoulders sink. "Have a nice night." He says to her quietly before walking back up the hall towards the elevators.

He steps inside of one and rides it back to his floor where he goes back into his room and lays down, his back facing tge unlocked door.

"Do you even have to ask?" she murmured back in a reply, pushing her hips down to feel him begin to slip in, "You know me too well handsome. I'm always ready for you."


Serena and Alex were on their way back to their room after a relaxing day at the museum when they caught the end of the arguement.

"I'll talk to Arya. it sounds like she needs a shoulder to cry on," Serena exclaimed, "Can you check in on Kevin, make sure he's alright and find out whats going on?"

She pulled him down for a kiss then wheeled off, knocking lightly on Arya's door.

"Hey it's me, let me in."

The door swung open moments later, a tearstained Arya coming into view.

"Need to vent?" Serena offered, "I'm a great listener I was told."

Arya broke into a sad smile, catching the ironic joke of Serena's words, "Please."

When Alex comes down, Kyle just shoos him away, which the other man respectively does before walking back to his own room and sitting down on his bed.


Winters lets out a pleasured sigh as he slips into her. He immediately strikes up a rhythm, going as fast as he can without making water spill out of the tub.

Serena stayed with Arya till Alex swung around to grab her.

"Talk to him," Serena concluded, "Let him know how you feel."


Water splashed and danced as he thrusted into her. She could care less about the floor, wrapped in the perfect rhythm he had.

"Give up on splashing water," she groaned, "Faster baby. Haaaaarder."

He bites the bottom of his lip before nodding, starting to pick up the pace as he slams into her over and over again, beginning to breathe heavily as they continue.


Katerina is putty in his hands, bouncing on him as he continues to grind, faster and faster. Leaning back she pulls the drain plug, letting the water disappear as she remains wrapped up in him, her focus solely on pleasing him. Her lips crash into his, her tongue teasing his lips as it asks for entrance, her hands wandering his perfect body.

With the water gone she abruptly sits up, pulling him out and scrambling out of the tub playfully.

"Chase me," she purrs, her body wet and her hair in wild tangles, framing her gorgeous face as it disappears out of the bathroom, "Come catch me!"


They went back to their hotel room, Alex being a gentleman as always and lending her a hand with whatever he could. The first thing she wanted was a shower, to rinse the stink of hospital off her skin. And then she really wanted some sleep.

"Help me please?" she asked calmly, "There's no way I'll be able to stand on my own in the shower."


It took Arya another hour to calm down enough to approach him, waiting till she no longer felt like crying. The doctor rarely cried as it was, except when it came to family, and as it turned out heartbreak.

Going back to their room, she knocked softly, unsure what this conversation would hold, or where it would leave them.

Winters kisses her back feverishly, his tongue swirling around with hers in the space that often opens between their connected lips.

He jumps out of the tub and jogs out after her, his head scanning around the apartment looking for his lover as she had run away from him.

"Awh cmon, I was enjoying that.." He complains as her teasing continues.


Kyle looks over at the door before calling out. "It's open." Before staring at the unlocked door, unsure of who is on the other side of it. He still assumes that Arya is too angry with him to see him, another ripple of hurt hits him.


Alex nods before leaving her side in the hotel room, she is still in her wheelchair so he assumes she will be alright for the moment. He turns on the shower and walks back into the main room. He lifts her out of the wheelchair and helps to get her completely undressed, leaving the clothes in a pile on the bed.

He then undresses himself and leaves his clothes next to hers. He picks her up and walks her into the shower before planting her feet on the ground, keeping his hands on her hips to keep her steady and from falling.

Kat popped up from behind the bed, smiling evilly, "But I love to teaaaaaase you."

She turned and wiggled her ass at him then jumped on the bed, "Gonna catch me?"


She stepped in the room, closing it and locking the door. She sat on the unoccupied bed, still looking crushed.

"We should talk."


Serena giggled as the warm water hit her breasts, leaning against Alex. She had no strength in her hip yet, so she was completely relying on him to keep her up.

"You're the best boyfriend a girl could ask for, you know that?"

He smiles behind her, feeling her body against his and nodding. "I've been told before, but you're honestly the best woman I've been with." He admits to her.

He softly kisses her on the top of her head before helping her clean herself off.


He jogs towards the bed she is behind, jumping on to it and sitting on the edge, looking up at her with his eyebrows raised.

"Nowhere to run to baby." He says with a laugh.


He nods watching her sit down on the bed.

"I didn't mean to hurt you." He says quietly. "You gotta understand that I'm not myself when I'm in the States, and Max is the same way.. We both have jobs to do put there and I thought you knew that." He admits to her.

"So you think," she laughed, doing a tuck and roll off the bed so quickly he didn't have time to grab her then bouncing up behind him and playfully pushing him, making him fall into the bed, "Whoops, missed me!"


She looked down at her hands, "I know that. I thought you'd be staying with the Ghosts though. I know Shrake's gone, but they can always find us a new leader and I just thought-"

Her words cut off then as she shook her head, "Never mind. If the marines want you, it means the chances of our team remaining assembled are slim. And I've already got plenty of job offers in the medical field, but I've been ignoring them. I guess I should book some interviews now..."

Arya wasn't sure what else to say. She couldn't say she'd wait for him, because she wouldn't. From how Kyle was wording it, military was his life and all he had planned for himself. She couldn't wait around for a man who would probably never come back, and even if he did, wouldn't be happy. She didn't want to wait around a phone for his calls, or flinch every time a doorbell was rung. Spend her days alone, and her nights cold, hoping one day he'd come back, if only for a fleeting month, or just a week...for that briefest time with him. And even then, she thought, If I get a job at a hospital I'll never be home to take those calls. I'll never be able to drop everything when he comes home to spend that time with him. Our lives would be so busy we'd forget each other.

Finally she looked up, staring at him and imploring him to say something.

"We can stay together Arya, I understand that you'll have a job and maybe you won't be home when I call or even when I come home, but I'll wait for you, late at night when you come home, I'll always be there for you and I swear I will always come back." He says to her, sitting on the edge of her bed and holding her hands.

"I have two things in my life that complete me Arya, I have the military and the thrill of battle.. But I also have you, if you love me like you say that you do, I want you to wait for me, I want to someday settle down and have a family, maybe I'll become an officer and we'll just move around the States, but for right now I would love it if you stayed with me.." He says to her softly.


Winters laughs when he gets pushed back. He watches her in anticipation before shrugging. "Alright, I guess I'll just have to go to bed." He says dryly before hiding himself under the covers, moving his head under a pillow and rolling over to face away from her.

Her eyes glued to his, "What kind of life will that be for either of us Kyle? Me waiting on a boyfriend I never see, praying every night he's still alive. You working harder than ever to stay alive, just for a fleeting moment to see me, if I'm even home? I can't move around the country Kyle, once I have a job I'll be grounded to one area. I want marriage, and a family, and a house. I did my time in the military, now I want to do my time with the phD I got. How will our relationship survive all that?"

She wasn't saying no. Arya was praying he had all the answers.


She yanked the covers hard, exposing his wet naked body. Then she jumped on him, pinning him down to the bed as she kissed his nose. Her fingers tickled mercilessly at his sides, wanting to make him laugh.

He laughs hard as she tickles him, the feeling of her lips on his nose still evident to him even after she had pulled them away.


"Arya, I won't die, I'll be perfectly safe and you know that. I've got Max to watch my back." He explains to her. "We don't have to move, I want a family too, I want someone I can come home to who will be happy to see me." He says to her softly. "I love you."

"You're not invincible Kyle. The last person who told me they wouldn't die...he was a member of my team, back before you came. And he died. Horribly. Everyone is mortal. I just, I don't know how we can do this."

She took his hands then, rubbing her thumbs on the back of his palms, "I love you too. If it means this much to you, then I'll give it a try. But I can't make any promises that this will work. I can only say I'll try."


She had him pinned, and it only turned her on more that he couldn't struggle. His erection pressed against her thigh and she shifted, angling him towards her entrance.

"Round two?" she purred.

He nods. "Thank you, I swear to you that this will work.. Plus we have two weeks to be with each other, it's not like I'm leaving right away." He says to her with a smile.


He raises his eyebrows at her. "When did round one end?" He asks with a grin.

"I guess not," she smirked, grinding her hips into him without a moment's notice, pushing him deep within her, "We best finish round one then."


She nods, still biting her lip, "You know back when we were in Bolivia, how I talked about my...erm, values, and that I wanted to wait till marriage? When you agreed, I always had this small voice thinking that when we got back to the states we'd settle down a bit, and after a while you'd propose and ya know..."

She ran her fingers through her hair, "It's girlish I know. You can cram as much military training into a girl as you'd like, but there's still small part of them that remains, that little girl dreaming of her white dresses and prince charming. Anyways Kyle, I did pay for the room and all my stuff is there. I think I'm going to go back upstairs and send a few emails. We can have dinner with the others at 8."

Arya stood up, kissing him on the cheek and patting Max's head before slipping out, wanting to book a few interviews now that she knew she needed to.

"Yeah.. Yeah we should." He says between groans as she pushes him inside of her. He grabs her hips and starts to move with her, feeling his climax already beginning to grow.


Kyle just shrugs. "You never know." He says to her. He closes his eyes when her lips are against his cheek, sighing softly as she pulls away to walk out.

He watches her go, Max looking up at him with a confused look as he just continues to stare at the door, as if unaware that she is gone.

She bounced on his hips, her wet hair flying everywhere as his hips bounced hers and her moans filled the room.

"God yes," she growled, getting closer to her climax.

Leaning down her mouth found his, then down his jaw to his neck, playfully nipping at his skin as she rocked fast and hard on him, her moans now muffled.

"Holy fuck..." He groans as she bounces on him, the feeling of her entrance squeezing around him drawing him closer and closer to his climax.

Her lips moved back to his, hungry as ever as she rode him, desire pooling quickly in her.

"I'm going to cum," she mewled in a breathless whisper into his ear.

Sitting up, she dug her knees into the bed and moved even faster, slamming her hips down then pulling up, over and over as his hard member pushed against her inner walls. Katerina was on the edge, trying to hold off a little longer to pleasure him.


It takes her till seven thirty to send out emails, before dressing in something clean and going back downstairs to find Kyle. She let herself in without knocking, standing in the doorframe.

"Kyle? You ready? Our reservation is at eight for six downstairs."

He kisses her back with desire, when she says the magical words to him he can't help but grin.

"Go ahead, beautiful." He says, feeling her walls tightening around him.


He walks out of the bathroom wearing a suit and tie, raising his arms and looking at her with his eyebrows raised.

"How do I look?" He asks her, twirling around a little bit so that she can see the full piece.

His words were her undoing, unravelling her as she orgasmed with a fevered cry, calling his name out to the heavens. Her walls tightened and her nails dug into his chest as she climaxed.


She leaned against the wall in her dress and leather jacket.

"I under dressed," she whined, giving him a once over, "And you look hot in a suit."
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