Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


Alex looks over at his girlfriend before nodding to the doctor. "We can just get her into the SUV while Winters and Kat answer questions from the press." He says to her quietly, not paying attention to anything happening around them.


The agent quickly walks next to Katerina before grabbing her shoulder, leading her down another hallway from the rest of the team.

He presses a pistol into her lower back. "Move or call out, and you're paralyzed for the rest of your life." He says to her quietly, knowing that Katerina could really care less about death, as all from South America tend to do.

She watches Katerina turn a corner ahead of them and disappear from view. Minutes later they turn the same corner only to see an empty hall. Aryas best guess was she sped up more or stepped to the side. Either way she couldn't focus on her one fellow team mate when another was worse for the wear.

"Kyle, Kevin," she whispered under her breath looking back at both of them, "Serena not faring well. Can you two deal with press while we get her into the van?"


She knew it. She bloody knew it.

Her heart slowed, her eyes becoming slits as she glared at him. There was an accent there reminding her of the ex Russian ops Narcos had employed to kidnap the girls. Then again, she knew the CIA had operatives from all over the world working for the U.S.

"You with the cartel or CIA?" She hissed under her breath, showing no signs of fear and worry. She'd been trained well, not just by the CIA, but through the Ghosts and everything Narcos had taught her. Katerina feared little, except when it came to Winters.

"You're stupid if you think the cartel could get anywhere near the White House." He says to her as he walks her into a small room with several other agents, he motions for her to sit down in a small chair in between all of them.


The two men nod and walk out to distract the press while Serena is wheeled to the SUV.

Kat takes the seat begrudgingly, unconcerned. If they were going to kill her, then there was nothing she could do. If they weren't going to kill her, like she suspected then all she needed to do was buy time for the rest of the team to get the hell out. Her priority was on Winters, not herself.

On the bright side the cartel hadn't caught up to her yet. She wasn't stupid enough to believe it was truly over. There would be those wanting revenge, and she was sure Narcos had probably a few tricks up his sleeve if he died. But it didn't matter at the moment; what mattered was the passed off agents circling her.

"What's going on?" She demanded staring at them one by one.


They got her in and Arya took Serena's shades off, checking all her vitals. Her heartbeat was slower than average, her skin clammy, and she felt cold.

"Not enough blood flow," Arya commented as she went, "explains the pale and clammy skin. The drugs are slowing her heart rate making her body tired, and I'm guessing she's been feeling nauseous too. It sounds like she's been miss prescribed. The drugs are too heavy and these aren't side effects of any pain medication I know of. Do you have the pills on you?"

The agents around her grab her wrists, handcuffing them to the back of the chair before stepping away and bolstering their weapons, stepping aside to allow someone through.

The Ghost Handler steps into the room, he adjusts his suit before looking down at Katerina.

"While you did get several agents killed while you were dealing with our little problem, I'm offering you a new assignment in a country where we have a little bit more jurisdiction." He says to her, watching her carefully.


Alex shakes his head. "They are back in the room, for now let's just deal with the press." He says to the doctor before getting out of the SUV, immediately getting bombarded with questions.

Arya hangs back, knowing what Serena needed was a hospital but not able to relay that to Al before he's outside answering questions. She could care less about the press.

Pulling her temp phone from her pocket she called the hospital, asking for the doctor Serena had.

"Sorry we haven't had any patients by that name," the woman over the phone replies, "Are you using her maiden name?"

"Serena Thorson," Arya repeats, "that's the name she was submitted under. Look up Thorson. T h o r s o n."

"Sorry ma'am. The only name we have in our system is for an Emberly Thorson. She was admitted and released recently, under Doctor...Derulo. I don't think I've heard of him before-"

She tuned out the rest her heart hammering like a drum. This has to be a joke.

"W-what drugs was Se-Emberly put on? I have her here and she's reacting poorly."

"Ma'am that's sensitive information and we cannot disclose-"

"Just tell me the damn prescription. I'm her doctor now and she could die if I don't know how to treat her. So open that file and give me the drug name."

The woman made a sniffling sound but argued no more, listening the drug before Arya hung off.

She rolled one of the windows down just enough to call out to Al.

"Al," she yelled over the reporters, "code blue."

All the ghosts knew code blue for Arya meant lethal poisoning. She'd termed it after one of their team mates almost died from a snake bite years ago. Al was smart. He'd know she was referring to Selena and they didn't have much time before his girlfriends condition got worse.


"You expect me to drop everything and run off to another country? This is so not protocol guys. I'm not an idiot."

Alex waves off the press and his worried teammates before jumping back into the SUV with Arya. "Right, so she's in need of a hospital?" He asks.


The Handler raises his eyebrows at her. "So you're telling me the man known for sending men with suicide jackets on into markets and killing themselves is a joke?" He asks.

He looks at one of the men in the corner. "You were right, she's not worth it."

She wrinkled her nose at him, "Baiting me now? Mature. Look I don't know who you are, or what the hell is going on here but this isn't protocol for a new mission. Just because I spent the last six years in hell doesn't mean I don't know my shit. Now get me out of these stupid handcuffs and show me some papers if you actually have a mission for me."

Not that she actually wanted to take it. Katerina had been eyeing a job outside the ghosts and CIA recently, one she was qualified for and would be more than happy to get. There was still that uneasy gut feeling around these men, like something was off about them. The fact one of them threatened her sat wrong with her, and the handcuffs seemed to be an odd measure. All in all, she didn't like this.


"If we can make it to one," Arya replied, looking worried, "Where's the rest of the team? We need someone to drive."

The media parted then, letting the other two men get in while Katerina remained missing.

"We don't have time to wait, she can meet us at the hotel. Just drive! And take the highway to the hospital down south. We can't trust the one near our hotel."

She checked Serena's pulse again, noticing her heart rate was now speeding up and her clammy skin as turning hot. With what Arya knew she understood the symptoms now, and all she could do was pray they could help her in time.

While they drove to the hospital Arya explained, "I called when I realized her symptoms were not average side effects to pain medication. The nurse looked in the database for Serena, and instead Emberly's name showed up, like some fucking cruel joke. I'm...I'm sorry to bring Em up Al, I know you've moved on and all but this was a threat. The file was put under Emberly's name and the doctor was filed as Derulo. Whatever drug she took was no pain medication. Someone is playing a game with us here, and Serena's been targeted first. The drug she was taking, its benzoylmethylecgonine. We all know it as cocaine."

The Handler looks at her and raises his eyebrows. "This is protocol for our division actually, we weren't sure if you would start shooting up the place." He says to her calmly.

"This job isn't from the CIA, it isn't from the military, it's from the FBI, the official case file is only there for if you want the job."


Alex raises his eyebrows. "You're fucking with me, right? Who the fuck on earth would do that? Cocaine is deadly from the first dose, and she had four fucking pills.." He says whole they drive, putting his hand on his forehead and dragging it down his face.

She watches him, unsure what to say or do at this point. Finally she just sighs, caving in.

"Look I put my resume into the FBI for the crime department, the one that works inside the U.S. I don't want to spend my entire life outside my country. I think there was an honest mistake here."

She knew there wasn't, but the prospect of being dumped in yet another country miles away, cut off from Winters and her team was not a high selling point for her. she could see they weren't budging either.

"How long will this be?"


She could see the stress in his face, knowing her words were no help.

"They had to dilute the pills in some way, make it so it built in her system slowly, undetected. That's why she started growing nauseous and drowsy. Was there any other symptoms? Irritability? Paranoia? I need to know how much its effected her, to try and estimate how much is in her system. You said she took four pills recently, that has to be what knocked her unconscious. Cocaine can cause brief loss of conscious and often times-"

Serena's body jerked hard, her head snapping forward as Arya pressed her into the wheelchair to keep her from hurting herself any more than she already was.

"-seizures. Which she is having right now. Kyle step on the gas! Please! If Serena overdoses on this she's done."

Alex feels himself pushed back in his seat as the car speeds up, behind them sirens begin to blare as police take notice of their speeding.

"Kyle, ignore those sirens, that's an order!" He yells up to the front before turning back to Arya. "She was paranoid, I don't know about irritability." He admits.


"As long as it takes for you to gain his trust and find out exactly what his next move is." He says to her. "You would save thousands of innocent lives, and hundreds of U.S. Soldier lives, you date a soldier, don't you?" He asks.

"You would be helping him, and that Marine you have in your unit, he's getting deployed to the same country in about a week, I can imagine you wouldn't want to widow his girlfriend by not doing your part." At this point he's just showing off what he knows.

Arya could care less about the sirens, more worried about her comrades life.

"If we can get her into Emergency, they can pump her stomach, and hopefully stop any more damage from occuring. Kyle next left!"


"Can someone please open these handcuffs?" she snapped, getting tired of playing this game, "Want me to help? Release me. Because your doing yourself no favors here. And bringing Winters in - not cool. He's none of your business."

Her stubborn attitude was flaring, knowing exactly what they wanted from her. 'Getting to know him' was what they had said about Narcos, and she had ended up in his bed.

The Handler notices the flare. "I understand you don't like to sleep with your targets, honestly the worst this guy will do to you is strap you with explosives and send you to America." He admits. "So unless you really want to, there's no sleeping with him." He says before ,I tioning to the agents again.

They un cuff her and grab her, lifting her out of the chair. "So one of two options, you either agree and its: 'Welcome to the FBI!' Or its you disagree and if you ever speak of this meeting you'll have a red laser dot on your head before you can say the word irony." He says to the woman in front of him.


Kyle slams on the breaks, skidding into the left turn, causing all of the occupants in the SUV to swerve and bump into each other.

"I'm going as fast as I can!" He yells. "Hard to drive under pressure!"

She bit her tongue, staring him long and hard in the face.

"I'll do it on one condition. When I get back, no more missions outside of America. You do that, and I'll run this errand for you."


She held on tight, the hospital looming in the distance.

"Just keep driving!" she demanded, the sirens getting closer, "Kyle, Kevin...when we get there the police will be on our asses. We will need you to to hold them off so we can get Serena inside."

Minutes later they served in front of the emergency doors, and Arya jumped out, pulling Serena's wheelchair out. Sirens screeched around them but she ignored them, needing to get the redhead inside.

"Help!" she called out as she rushed through the door, "My friend has been drugged and I think she's overdosing!"

Kyle nods, jumping out of the car and keeping the girls at his back with Kevin and Al as they get inside, the three men blocking the door, their dress uniforms and medals are still on.

"Freeze! Hands in the air!" A voice on a megaphone yells at them.

Kyle walks forward with his hands in the air, allowing the police to get a better look at him, confused mutters spring up through the lines of officers.

"We can explain!" He yells. The officers put their weapons down, the highest ranking one walking forward and questioning the Marine, understanding why he was speeding after the situation was explained.


"After this mission, you'll be begging for more missions, you're a very fortunate agent, not all of our agents have received such high intelligence medals." He says, motioning to the medal on her chest. "I'll think about it, and I'll pull some strings if, and only if you pull this off flawlessly."

Three nurses rush forward, taking the wheelchair as Arya explains as quickly and shortly as possible. Two of the nurses whisk her away while the other gets her statement.

"Will she be okay?" Arya finishes with and the nurse purses her lips.

"We will do our best. With a situation like this though she will need to stay with us for further monitering even after she stabilizes. We cannot let friends in, only immediate family. Have you contacted her family?"

Arya paled, "No, she doesn't have any. Not that I know of. Her boyfriend is outide though-"

"It needs to be immediate family."

The conversation ended there, and Arya walked back outside to fill in Al.

"They took her in," she sighed, "They think we got there in time, but they won't give us updates because we aren't immediate family."


She could do flawlessly.

"So what's this entail?" she asked, "Do you need him eliminated? Or is this another information grab?"

Her voice dragged with the latter question, making her opinion on being sent for another intel mission rather clear.

"As I said, you're to find out his next moves, I don't care if you find out where he gets his coffee every morning, we need some reason to send in a team to kick his door in, and a way to prevent any future bombings." He explains.


"Immediate family my ass." He says as he walks into the hospital, shoving past a doctor trying to calm him down as he reaches the stretcher Serena is on. He grabs the Karambit knife from his side and shows it to the nurse before following them into the room.

He spins his knife on his finger as he watches them work, glaring at anybody who so much as looked at him wrong.

"if I get a shot, do I take him out?"


Arya watched Al walk into the hospital with a huff before turning to the two remaining men speaking with the cops. She was just as worried about Serena, but now that she was in the care of doctors, Arya's new worry was who drugged her.

"No, leave that to our SEALs." He simply says. "You ship out in a week, you can inform Winters and your team that you're going away for a job, you're not permitted to tell them anything about it."

She nodded, taking her leave. It wasn't long before she realized she'd been ditched, and after a short phone call with Winters she called a cab to take her to the hospital.


Time passed and Kat arrived, eventually the four of them found themselves in the waiting area, wanting to know how Serena fared. Whoever had done this was meticulous, organized, and above all out for blood. If Arya hadn't caught on Serena would have mostly certainly died.

Alex walks out of the room, tired of terrorizing the doctors. He walks into the waiting area and sits down. He puts his knife away before rubbing the back of his head as he waits.

"How she doing?" Arya asks, disappearing for five minutes after he arrived then returning with a steaming cup of coffee for him, knowing he must be stressed, "Did they say anything yet?"

He shakes his head. "They're still operating, I just couldn't watch." He says quietly, taking the cup of coffee from her and nodding to express his thanks.

They all sit in silence for a few minutes before Arya gets up and sneaks past a few nurses to check on Serena, looking through the window into the operating room. When she returns she looks pale, and shakes her head at the questioning eyes following her.

"It looks bad," she murmured, "She stable though. And that's a good thing."

He puts his coffee down and runs a hand through his hair. "I don't understand what's up with the bad guys always fucking with my girlfriend." He says quietly.
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