Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


"Because she's the easiest target," Arya explained gently, "She has no training, no family, and the only person she is tied to is you. Whoever did this wanted you to hurt, knowing she's at the brink of death and there is nothing we can do to save her except to leave her in more capable hands. She's always going to have a target on her back with your name on it, just Kat has one for Winters and vice versa. The only difference is, those two can take care of themselves in a bad situation. Serena...Serena just needs to stay out of the spotlight, and she'll be okay."

Alex bites the bottom of his lip before nodding. "Listen, Ive got somewhere to be, I gotta think this whole thing over amyway, I'll see you guys around." He says before getting up and walking out of the room.

He hails a taxi and goes to meet Shrake.

He walks up to the man, eyeing him for a moment before raising his eyebrows. "You have a job opportunity?" He asks.

"You'll need the money since Serena is in the hospital, yeah?" Shrake asks, three other men behind him.


"Get these clothes on and pick a sniper rifle, we've got a plan set up." Shrake says, motioning to the rack of rifles and a stack of black clothing.

Alex puts on the clothing and the ski mask provided before grabbing a silenced M27 rifle.

They get into a van and drive off.

Alex is dropped off at a construction site, he sneaks in and climbs the large crane on the site, setting up his rifle at the top of it, staring down at his target, the Washington National Bank.

Shrake and his three men are armed with rifles and have suicide vests on, just in case the plan went badly. They breach into the bank, alarms going off as they get everyone on to the ground.

Within minutes police cars pull up outside, beginning to form a perimeter as a news helicopter airs the robbery on national television.

Arya watches him leave, knowing he should say but having no authority to tell him to. She turns to Kyle for comfort, noticing Katerina and Kyle having a rather intimate conversation in the corner of the waiting room that seems rather heated.

"God I hope she makes it through," she sighs, rubbing her forehead, "The poor girl."


"I'm taking the opporunity Kevin. I shouldn't be gone more than a couple weeks, and it could land me a great job. A job that I could settle down with in the U.S, and buy a house with you. I know we didn't really talk this over, but I think this is good."

Kyle nods, tapping his fingers against the arm of his chair. "For Al's sake, I hope so to, she's already been through hell and back."


Kevin bites the bottom of his lip. "I'm gonna miss you." He says to her quietly, placing his hands on her hips, not wanting to argue with her any more.


He holds his breath before firing a single shot, one of the police cars begin to leak fuel, which travels along the line over time. Another shot, this one leading to an explosion, causing the evening to light up with flames, at least thirty police casualties.

SWAT is called in, he can hear someone climbing the crane. He turns and domes the officer climbing up, causing the body to free fall to the bottom.

He spots Shrake and the others running out guns blazing, duffel bags on their backs. One of them tosses his bag to Shrake before running to the SWAT officers, jumping into them and taking about ten shots to the chest before exploding, allowing Shrake and the other man to getaway.

She understands, rubbing her thumb along his cheek, "I'll miss you too, but we need this. While I'm gone you can go house hunting. We can set up a joint account and I'll pool some money into it, to keep you floating. While we are on the topic -and I don't want to stat another fight- what are your plans now? We'v been avoiding the topic Kevin. Are you returning to Ghosts, or looking for a job within the the country? Military? Police? You'd make a cute SWAT member. i just need to know love."


Arya opens her mouth to reply when a nurse strolls up, beckoning only Arya to follow. They move to Serena's room where's she hooked up to several monitors and tubs, still fast asleep.

"She's stablized, and as you can see she'll recover. The man-"


"-we could not find him. We wanted to update your group. She will need to stay with us overnight for observation, but she can return home tomorrow when she wakes. You understand that she was mixing cocaine with her prescribed pain medication for the hip injury?"

Arya hadn't realized there was actual traces of medication in her system. The drugs must have not been just cocaine.

"We found out today. We will watch her closely."

"The first few weeks of withdrawal will be the most work. Addicts normally turn on those around them, the cravings growing worse before they get better. She will be short tempered and easily moody, so you will all have to be extra patient with her."

"I understand. Thank you nurse."

Returning to Kyle she filled him and the other two in on the news.

"Cocaine," Kat breathed in disbelief before standing up, looking upset and angry, "Excuse me. I just...need air. I'll be right back Kevin."

While she went to blow off steam over the news, the three of them talked about the best strategy for Serena. Of course Al would have a say too, but he still hadn't returned.


Katerina got outside and turned right, walking along the side of the building towards the emptier part of the parking lot where she couldn't be overheard. Whipping her phone out, she dialed an old number she knew by heart but hadn't used in almost a year.

"Ello?" the voice was gruff, the thick spanish accent almost impossible to distinguish english from, "Who is this?"

"Katerina," her accent fell into place with ease, the spanish roots in her never far gone, "I need a favor."

"No. Too much hassle. Narcos dead anyways."

"Yeah, and yet you don't seem surprised I called. You know something, and I bet it pertains to my situation."

There was a pause then a sigh, "Remember Hawk?"

How could she forget. He ran the Miami portion of the cartel under Narcos thumb. She had assumed the CIA or FBI had stepped in and cleaned up Miami after Skull Face's death though, resulting in Hawk being arrested. Now she was worried that wasn't the case.

"Why is Hawk attacking my team?" she snapped, not bothering to ask if he was at large. Kat already knew.

"Your team ruined his livelihood. Stop asking questions. What's your favor?"

"That was my favor. My teammate is in the hospital from cocaine overdose and Hawk has the means to do that. I'm surprised he hasn't run off to Bolivia and tried to take over the cartel. He's the only one with the guts to try I'm sure. I assumed he was dead till now."

"Not dead. Plotting. Hawk can't be leader when Narcos had a successor."

"His unborn children? None of them will be the next cartel leader I assure you. Look, it doesn't matter. We ended the cartel in Bolivia. Now its just scattered remains. I will deal with Hawk-"

"Not children foolish girl. You. You the successor. In his-"

"Will," she finished for him, "He wrote me into it two years ago, but only to take over till his oldest son was of age. He never suspected it would be needed. But I thought he'd have changed that after I revealed myself."

"Not according to Hawk. You stand in his way."

That didn't sound right. One last trick from the grave for Narcos, sending Hawk on a man hunt? Or maybe he planted his original will somewhere to be found. He was too smart not to write her name off the will, and this felt like another game. One that was baiting her and Hawk into a stand off.

"So...take me out, rebuild the cartel. Great plan. Not going to happen. Thanks."

Hanging up she returns to the other three, keeping her mouth clamped shut as she devises a plan, willing to fill the others in later. If Hawk was after them then this was no laughing matter. The man wasn't as smart as Narcos but he was as cruel. They needed to put him down, before one of them ended up in their grave.

Alex feels himself breathe easier when the van slips away, he climbs down the crane and runs off into the night, the sounds of sirens still behind him.

The van picks him up and Shrake hands him a bag of cash before dropping him off at the hotel, and hands in the sniper rifle but keeps the pistol before walking back to his room.


Kyle pulls Arya aside, his hands holding her shoulders. "It's really late, we should get back." He says to her softly. "We can't do Serena any good by exhausting ourselves over her unconcious body, they'll call if they need us." He says.


She nodded, looking over at the other couple, "C'mon guys. They have my contact information."

All four of them walked out, returning to the SUV that one of them had parked and driving the long trip back to the hotel.

Kyle nods and follows her out to the SUV, the rest of the team follows. They get back to the hotel and split their separate ways.

Kyle takes his uniform off and slips on a pair of pajama bottoms, keeping himself shirtless.


Arya slips out of her clothes, showering and changing into pjs before returning to Kyle. Exhaustion has gripped her at this point and all she can do is curl up and fall asleep.


Once they are behind closed doors Kat explains the situation with Hawk, and the likeliness that he'll go after someone else in the team next.

Kyle lays down next to Arya, kissing her lips softly before pulling away and wrapping his arms around her, closing his eyes and quickly falling asleep.

Morning came and after a quick breakfast everyone filed in to the rental car and whisked off to check on Serena. Arya had tried asking Al where he went the night before but she got no answers so she let it be.

Arriving at the hospital they were just in time as Arya phone started to buzz.

"They said she's starting to stir," Arya summarized as they jogged through the entrance, "Al you better go in first. We can wait till she's ready."

Alex nods and walks ahead of the group. He walks into the room and looks at the body of his girlfriend who seems to be waking up.

He approaches her and sits down next to her, taking one of her hands with both of his hands,

Kat left the group to grab coffees, coming back with four of them, unsure if Al would want any. She passed them out one by one, offering cream and sugar with them.


It felt walking through sand, every inch she got closer to waking felt harder, her skin boiling, her brain pounding. Finally she felt her dreams slip awake and she woke although not with ease. Now it felt like she was drowning, lost in a sea of hot water, her body aching for peace.

Serena's eyes fluttered as her memories surged back; the last thing she could remember was being at the White House. And the pain in her hip flaring, her headache getting bad enough she wanted to pass out...

The pain was still there, and growing worse the more she woke. Still still felt like she was drowning, more within the pain now than anything. Her throat felt dry and parched, her lips cracked.

"Help," she groaned, her voice gravelly, "I need...m-medication. Drugs. P-please."

She hoped to hell someone was listening, still unable to open her eyes yet.

"Trust me baby drugs are the last thing you need." He says to her softly. "Someone put you on cocaine, we're going after him but that means you have to get over this addiction, that means some pain, but I know you can handle it." He says to her while still holding her hand with his.

His words sounded slow, but that voice was undeniable.

"A-alex?" she croaked, feeling his hands squeezing one of hers and trying to squeeze back.

"Yeah, it's Alex." He says to her softly before resting his head on his hands which still hold her hand.

"Everything is gonna be fine."

"It...hurts," she sighed, her eyes fluttering as she cracked one open, the light searing, "Everything...hurts. Please help me Alex."

Finally she opened her chocolate brown eyes, duller than ever, her head flopping to the right so she could stare at his tired face.

"You just gotta be strong." He says to her quietly, watching her as she turns her head and her eyes meet his.

"It'll be over soon." He assures her, rubbing the top of her hand with his thumb.

Her upper lip quivered, tears threatening to spill. The pain was overwhelming.

"Please. Please Alex make the pain stop. I need my drugs."

She still was confused as to where she was, and more confused as to why he wouldn't give her the pain meds. She heard him say that she had injested cocaine, but it couldn't have been that much. She couldn't worry about that now. She needed the pain to stop.

He reaches over to the bag attached to her arm, starting a morphine drip for about two seconds before turning off.

"That should feel better, but no more, this stuff is addictive." He warns her.

She relaxed only for a second before the headache kicked in, making her moan.

"Not enough," she whined, but she could see he wasn't going to give her more.

"Water?" Serena squeezed his hand, "Please Alex."

He nods and grabs a small glass of water from the table next to her, pressing it into her hand and watching her carefully as she takes it.

With shaking hands she lifts it to her mouth and sips at it, taking away the ache in her throat. She finishes every last drop then hands the glass back, her eyes fluttering shut.

"Better," she coughed, her breath slowing, "I'm just going...to rest for...a...second..."

She fell asleep then, her body pulling her back under.

He looks down at her before letting go of her hand, sitting down and watching her as she sleeps, anxiety ripples through him for when she finally decides to wake up, if she ever does, for all he knows that was the last time her eyes would open.

After half an hour Arya found Al sitting over her, watching Serena sleep.

"I want to say she looks better," Arya sighed, stepping up to the foot of the bed, "But I'd be lying."

Serena was paler than ever, as if the life was drained from her. She was barely on morphine or any drugs because of the cocaine, so her body had to fend for itself as it dealt with a shattered hip and withdrawals.

"She's going to make it," she murmured, seeing the anxiety in his eyes, "You gotta keep telling yourself that."

But in truth Arya was unsure. Serena wasn't a ghost, or military. She was just a young girl who got tossed into a war she never wanted to be part of. Arya knew enough of her now to know she used to be a journalist, and that she was only 19. She was still so young. Arya prayed she had the strength and will to push through, but from a doctors perspective Serena's life was going to be hell for the weeks to follow.
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