Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


"Nooooooo," she laughed, already knowing she was going to hate the nickname, and yet some part of her liked that he had something special to call her.

They settled in and watched the rest of the movie, and when it was over she asked for another. As Kyle went to pick another movie the doors opened and Serena and Al appeared.

"Hey guys," Serena waved, "We saw the theater and wanted to see if it worked. Can we join?"

Kyle goes up to get the movie. "I don't mind!" He calls down to them as he picks up another scary movie, the movie: Alien. He presses the play option before running back down to sit next to Arya, putting his arm around her again.


Al puts his arm around Serena and leads her to a secluded corner of the theater, knowing that the movie Alien was quite scary. He sits down and motions for her to do the same before he puts his arm around her back. "You ready? This movie is pretty scary." He warns her.

"Wait," she turned to Kyle with accusing hazel eyes, "Did I just hear Al say this is a scary movie. Another one Kyle? Do you like watching me flinch or something?"

'Or something' being she continued to hide in his shoulder, practically curling herself into him with every jump scare.


Serena looked exhausted, and she felt it. Last night she had tried to sleep but nightmares continued to wake her. Some of them were her reacurring dream of her dead sister, one she had finally told to Al so he understood why she woke screaming. And last night a knew one had played itself over and over, where Serena fell into a sea of hands, all of them touching and poking and grabbing her till she drowned within them.

Now Alex was trying to distract her from her sad thoughts and lift her spirits, and the movie theater seemed a good way to brighten the day.

"I don't mind scary movies," she shrugged, "Saw this one when I was a teen, although its been forever. That's not to say I don't want to curl up in your lap right now because - shit!"

She jumped, knowing there was a jump scare but not prepared for it.

"To answer your question, yes, I do enjoy watching you flinch, really brings out your adorable side." He admits to her as he watches the movie. He wraps his arms around her, keeping her face hidden when scary parts in the movie began to happen.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you safe." He mumbles to her, kissing the top of her head lightly.


Al listens to her rant about not minding scary movies, then laughing his ass off when she was scared by one of the first jump scares of the entire movie.

"So, you were saying about curling up on my lap?" He asks with a grin on his face, enjoying seeing his girlfriend taking her mind off of her troubles.

She wrinkled her nose to scowl at him but she wasn't paying attention to the movie and when there was a sudden scream she found herself diving into his lap, her legs curled up with her.

"Okay I watched this when I was eleven and haven't seen it since," she revised, "So I don't remember it. I'm not scared, I swear. You're just more comfortable than the chair!"


"Yes please protect me from the big bad movie screen," she laughed and rolled her eyes, nuzzling his hair with her nose as her hot breath breathed into his ear, "Next movie I choose, okay?"

Alex begins to giggle quietly, unable to contain himself as she dives into his lap. He strokes her hair softly, speaking to her in a teasing tone. "Awh, it's okaaay."

He leans down and plants a kiss on her lips. "Ive missed your lips." He says quietly to her, not even paying attention to the movie any more, it appears that he has his priorities perfectly straightened out for this situation.


He turns his head so that the tips of their noses are touching. "You got it, babe." He says to her quietly before planting a kiss on her lips. "Now be careful, scary part incoming." He warns her, getting ready to protect her from the scary movie as the jump scare arises.

"I'm good, I got thi-"

She almost screamed, coming out instead in a how pitch whistle as she jumped then grimaced at the amount of blood on the screen. Looking away she caught sight of Serena and Al cuddling in the corner of the theater, not even paying attention. The only one who seemed invested in the movie was Max, who hadn't taken his eyes off of it.

"I'm going to find the cheesiest romantic movie up there when its my turn," she threatened, "one that will make you want to gag."


"And I've missed yours," she murmured, her focus turning to him as he effectively distract her, "Thank you for waking up with me so often last night. I'm sure your tired of hearing me scream in my sleep. It was easier to relax when your massaging my hair though."

She adored when he stroked her fiery mane, it always calmed her in any situation.

He starts giggling uncontrollably. "A romance movie will only make me want to pay more attention to you, darling, and I'm loving this scary movie, really seems to be driving you up a tree." He says to her quietly before giggling again.

"By the way, I have the smallest of feelings that you probably don't got this." He suggests before grabbing her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. "But that's why I'm here, to support you."

"Another scary part, watch yourself."


"I'll do anything for you Serena." He says to her quietly while continuing to stroke her beautiful hair.

He leans down and presses his lips to hers, closing his eyes while in the process, they seem to be in their own little bubble now, nothing on the outside is able to reach them.

She can't take it any more as she jumps again, her heart beat cranking up another notch.

"Maybe I should check in on Kat," she murmured, pointing back at the doors, "I can see this movie another time."

It was a terrible excuse and he could see through it immediatly.

"How about we leave the movie to the lovebirds over there," she whispered, being more truthful, "And go explore some more. Please Kyle? I'm - fuck! C'mon movie stop with all the alien scares! God!."

She huffed out her breath, mad at the movie. Squeezing his hand she pulled him to his feet and kissed his cheek, wanting him to lead her out of the theater even though he was enjoying watching her squirm.


"Have I told you yet today that I love you?"

Her fingers massaged his scalp, the hair on his head getting longer and longer.

"Would you like me to cut your hair?" she asked, running her fingers through it, "I know in the military they like it short."

He feels a smile beginning to light up his face. "I love you too, baby." He says to her quietly, enjoying the feeling of her fingers roaming throughout his hair.

"I end up just cutting it myself, I don't need to really keep it in regulation since I'm a Special Operations Soldier." He explains.

"But enough about that.." He says before looking around. "Arya and Kyle ditched us, you wanna find a closet somewhere and allow me to express my feelings for you?" He asks with a mischevious grin on his face.


He plants a single kiss on her lip before nodding, he motions for Max to follow them as he leads Arya out of the theater and away from the scary movie.

"So, where do you wanna go next? We still have two stories to explore." He says to her as they stroll through the halls.

"Well let me cut it this time. I want to, and it'll give me an excuse to play with your hair."

She listened to his words, a grin beginning to grow on her rosy lips, "Yes please. A closet...or upstairs where the film reel is for this movie. We can stop the tape and lock the door."

Her red hair fans out around her face as she leans down to kiss him, strands of it tickling their faces, "I definitely want you to express it all handsome."


They walked hand in hand, an odd feeling for Arya's whose been a Ghost for years.

"How about we check out the second floor, see what there is up there. It might also help if we have a good idea of the layout in this mall, in case we get attacked again. I don't want a repeat...of yesterday."

"It's been three days, Arya." He reminds her. "And I'd like to take my mind off of combat for a little while, I wanna hang out with you, get to know you better, all of that stuff we never get to do because we're soldiers." He explains.


"Fine, you can trim it." He says to her with a small chuckle.

"And we can go to the film reel, if we go out into the hallway I might just lose control and rip your clothes off." He says to her huskily.

He kisses her back hungrily for a couple of seconds before breaking the kiss and picking her up wedding style, carrying her up to the projector room of the theater. He turns off the movie and sets her down before closing the door and locking it behind them.

She smiled sadly at him, "I want that too, but in this world, we never get that. And letting your guard down could mean our deaths. But just think, when all this is over and we can go home, we can spend as much time as we like. C'mon. I think I see a candy store up ahead. Maybe there is some left."


Even as he locked the door she slipped her shirt off to surprise him when her turned back around. This morning she had been able to grab what clothes they had brought for her from the hotel, happy to have more than just the flimsy dress. Now though she didn't want clothes, stripping of her shirt and bra so she was only in her fatigues as he locked the door and she waited for him to turn back and notice.

He turns around and he sees her, his grin only growing wider as he strips of his own t-shirt, casting it aside before stepping into her embrace, kissing her hungrily again, his tongue slipping into her mouth, wanting to explore her.

The passion between them is undeniable, constant flames heating their relationship and pushing it to its limit.


Kyle just nods. "I understand, I just thought we could have a day off, y'know?" He asks as they enter the candy store.

He looks around before finding a box of Twizzlers, he grabs a piece of licorice from it before walking back over to her, offering to feed it to her.

Her lips collide with his, her arms dragging him closer as she wraps them around his neck.

"You're the best distraction I could hope for," Serena compliments, noting how easily it was for him to get her mind off of certain things.

Dropping low, she works on his belt then his pants, undoing them in turn and letting them both drop. Wanting to please him she takes one hand and strokes him till he's hard enough to stick in her mouth and begins to suck and lick, her head bobbing back and forth in time with her hand.


"As Shrake likes to remind me, we can have all the days off we like...once Narcos is dead. At least we can spend time together right now."

they enter the candy store, but Arya finds nothing, not like Kyle who scores. Seeing him trying to feed her the candy she opens her mouth to except it, smiling happily at him,

He puts part of the Twizzler in her mouth and part of it in his mouth, he leans forward and touches his lips to hers before breaking off his piece of the candy.

"I didn't even need the Twizzler, your lips are candy enough." He compliments.


Al holds the sides of her head as he watches her work, he closes his eyes and groans in pleasure. "Fuck that feels good.." He groans.

He twirls his thumbs through her hair, as if still trying to explore her, he uses his foot to nudge at her pants, as if signaling for her to take them off.

Arya blushed, chewing on her half of the Twizzler. She didn't know what to say back, unused to getting compliments.

There wasn't much candy in the shop except the Twizzlers and a few chocolate bars so the scooped all those up and left to wander some more.


She never broke her rhythm as she wiggled out of her pants, now dressed in only her panties as she continued to lick and suck, pleasing him. Her hand stroked as her head bobbed back and forth quickly.

He does the same thing with his foot, nudging at her panties as he continues to groan in pure pleasure, loving the feeling of her mouth around him.

"Don't stop..." He says quietly while watching her continue.


He grabs her hand again, leading her out of the store to explore some more. "So, where to next, Princess?" He asks with a grin on his face.

She wiggled out of those too, playfully throwing them up at his face as she sucked harder, her head bobbing faster and faster.


"Okay one rule to that nickname," Arya rolled her eyes, gripping his hand tightly, "You can only call me that when no one's listening. I don't need the rest of the team to start calling me it too."

She noticed a music store and dragged him in, grinning wildly, "C'mon, maybe they have some fun instruments in here. Hey look a guitar!"

She picked up the acoustic guitar, blowing the dust off of it, "I should bring this to Serena. She was telling me once that she plays. I only play piano."

The panties get caught on his nose, making him laugh as he flips his head to the side, letting them fall to the floor. "Babe, I can't take much more, I need you." He says to her quietly, hoping that she will stop with only pleasuring him.

Alex is the kind of person that likes giving or likes having equality.

"Or I could try doing the same thing to you.." He says mischievously to her, a grin making its way on to his bright red face.


"Nobody is around but Max, besides, I think they'll like the name." He says with a laugh, allowing himself to be dragged into the store.

"I used to take guitar lessons, but I dropped it." He admits. "And yeah, we could take it to her later, I think she and Al are having some alone time, just from the way they couldn't stop making googly eyes at each the entire time." He says with a chuckle.


She pulled back, looking up at him.

"Strip down Alex and come join me. I'd love to feel your mouth...down there," she murmured, blushing.

She made a makeshift bed with their clothing, lying down and waiting for him.


Did you?" she smiled, "I took piano lessons till grade ten, I actually got pretty good. Do you see a piano in here. I could show you."

He strips off his pants, underwear, boots, and socks so that he is completely naked before he crawls over to her, positioning himself between her legs. He moves down to her pussy, kissing the area around it gently, as if trying to tease her on purpose.

"I like a woman who begs." He admits to her between kisses, a grin finding itself on his face.


Kyle points out a dusty piano sitting in the corner, moving over to it and leaning against it. "Will this do?" He asks her, his eyebrows raised in her direction, even though she is across the store at this point, maybe even out of hearing range, though he doubts it.

She goes to where he is, placing the guitar down before sitting in front of the piano.

"Let's see if I can," she smiled, cracking her hands together before turning it on.

She hit a few notes, then began to play a soft melody, one that was easy to learn. She hoped he liked it as she played.


Her eyes rolled back as her toes curled to his kisses.

"I really like the feel of your lips on my legs," she whispered, almost embarrassed to tell him, "I've always liked when you massage my thighs, or touch my legs."

His hot breath tickled her nether curls and she groaned, spreading her legs a little wider, "Touch me Alex. Please touch me."

He continues to plant kisses around her entrance, smiling at her requests. He finally moves into her entrance, planting a kiss in the center of it before running his tongue up and down her slit, making sure to do it painfully slow for her, so that she can get every moment of pleasure from him.

"You taste delicious." He compliments, smiling up at her before pulling away, using his hand to slide a single digit into her, beginning to pump in and out slowly.


He leans on his two hands, his chin resting on the palms as he listens to her play, he smiles at her to let her know that she was doing well. "You're really good." He admits. "Way better than I would have been."

Serena lets out a perfect groan, entranced by his tongue.

"Let me please you," she begs, wanting to suck on him while he ate her out.


She beamed at him, beginning a new song, just as beautiful as the first but longer, "thank you. I always loved playing the piano when I was young. It's nice to do it again. I was too shy to go to any recitals or talent shows though. I've never shown anyone else my work though, other than my family. Consider yourself special."
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