Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


While Alex went to get them some food she decided to grab them seats with the other two, hopefully not imposing on them.

She took a seat beside Lion, smiling at them, "How was your guy's day?"


She froze for a second, stuck on his words. It wasn't odd for him to say it...they'd been side by side for months now, due to their injuries. Practically since the day he'd arrived they'd been around each other, sleeping in the same room while they recovered. After so many months, Arya was realizing the feelings she'd been ignoring for him, the feelings he had just expressed.

"I've fallen too," she whispered, leaning her forehead into his, "It's an amazing feeling isn't it?"

Lion just shrugs. "It was just fine, picking up stuff from the old base and all of that." He says while continuing to eat the food in front of him.

Shrake looks at her and nods. "Good. How was yours?" He asks.


He nods. "I've never experienced anything like it before, I just.. I want to spend everyday with you now, it's not an obligation it's a need.." He says to her quietly, pecking her lips once before leaning over to her ear. "I want all the time in the world with my Princess." He says with a grin before sitting back.

He lays down on his back on the blanket, staring up at the stars.

She lay back, staring up too, "I like the sound of that. How about we stay up here. All night. Sleep together, under the stars?"


"My day's going exceedingly well. Did you know there's a movie theater in this place? Works and everything too. Hey, what's that?"

She spotted the guitar in the corner with a note and her name scrawled on it. With a grin she jumps up and grabs it, sitting back down with them.

"Arya must have found this," she explained, "I told her once I play. I've been playing since I was a kid. Does anyone want me to play?"

"That's a good idea, it's getting cold though, so if you don't hold me tight I might be an ici-Kyle but the morning." He says with a laugh before moving on to his side, wrapping his arms around her and burying his face into the crook of her neck.


Alex walks over with their food, sitting down next to her while the rest of the team rushes over to hear the redhead play her guitar, all of them watching her intently.

She got comfortable, grinning at her audience, "Okay bear with me I haven't played in months and this might be out of tune."

She played a few notes, hearing the sound come out horribly wrong, "Okay give me five. I need to tune this poor thing."


She curled up with him, giggling at his joke, "Oh suck it up princess, its not that cold."

Alex and the team just nod and get back to eating and conversing, waiting for her to finish tuning the guitar before she could entertain them with music.


"You're the only princess here, babe." He says with a laugh before lightly kissing the sensitive flesh of her neck, he sighs against her neck before closing his eyes. He yawns loudly before he begins to drift off into sleep, perfectly content with staying on the roof curled up with Arya.
(play the link :p)

Finally finishing tuning it she began to played the first that popped in her head, knowing it usually was played with a ukelele, but it worked with her guitar. Her eyes glued to Alex's, wanting to sing for him.


Snuggling close she calls Max over to her other side so that she can pet him as she slowly falls asleep, their beautiful day coming to an end.

He grins when she starts singing, taking in the beautiful melody with his ears as he watches her play, noticing that she is watching him while she plays.

He feels Shrake nudge his arm, he turns to see his friend raising his eyebrows at him, Alex just gives him a grin before returning his gaze to Serena.

She finished, sighing happily.

"Here's another one," she could barely keep her eyes off his smile, caught up in her love for him, "It's called Parachute."

Before she begins playing, Serena hears feet scuffle at the door and Kat appear with Winters help.

"Heard music," Kat looked tired but happy, using Winters to help her shuffle to a seat, "You play?"

"Mhm," she hums, beginning to strum the guitar as her melodious voice chims in.

The whole team minus Arya and Kyle sit around the table, listening to Serena sing with her amazing voice while they eat their military grade food, all laughing and having a good time with music to back up their quiet conversations.

"I take requests!" she calls out after her second song, taking a break to eat a little. It felt way too good to have a guitar in her hands again and she can't help but go back to strumming, trying to think up another song.

"How do you like my singing?" she asked softly to Alex, knowing Shrake could probably hear her beside him.

"You're doing great." He says to her with a smile. "You could become famous one day for doing covers of songs on the guitar." He says with a laugh, smoothing his hair back with one of his hands.


"Babe, I'll be right back." Winters says to Kat before giving her a single kiss on her lips. He approaches Serena.

"Hey, can I use that?" He asks her, motioning to the guitar. "I wanna play something." He explains.

"Sure," she grins, handing it over, "It's tuned now. I didn't know you played, Snowy. If you know any duets, we should sing together for the group sometime."

Winters just shrugs. "Maybe, but this is a solo song." He says to her before standing up with the guitar in his hands.

"Yo! Everybody look here!" He calls out, effectively ending all conversations around him. "We lost a teammate the other day, so this song is dedicated to him." He says before beginning to play this song.

Katerina watched him, her head swaying with his voice. He'd never sung for her, she actually had no idea he could. It made her smile though, and she knew she'd be making him sing to her more. Her wounds hurt from all the movement it took to get to the mess hall, but it was worth it, able to enjoy some music and eat with her teammates.


Serena found a seat beside Alex, tucking into her food as Winters sang, the team quietly listening to his song.

He finishes the song before placing the guitar down. "Thanks everyone, that's all for me, I've already embarrassed the hell out of myself." He says with a laugh before finding his seat next to Katerina, putting his arm around her as he sits.

With the night almost at a close, and everyone winding down, Serena nudged Alex, whispering in his ear that they should go find a place to sleep. Honestly she wanted to go back to the mattress store, enjoying the seclusion, especially with her nightmares she was getting more and more frequently.


Since they had returned, Kat hadn't been able to chat with Lion much but now she sat at the table across from him, Winters arm around her tightly.

"Been exciting since we got back," she joked, winking at Lion, "Never a dull moment with the Ghosts huh? How's your day been kid?"

She didn't call him kid because she thought he was young or immature. It was just one of those terms that stuck in her head, using it here and there, but mostly with Lion. In truth she considered him a close friend, one of the only people she had known through the training, and now someone she trusted completely with her life, besides Kevin.

He shrugs. "It's been fun, and my day's been fine, nothing has really happened so that's alright, but the peace is kinda nice for a change." He admits.


Alex nods, grabbing her hand and intertwining his fingers with hers before slipping out of the mess hall with her.

He leads her back to the mattress store, where he had stashed some pillows and blankets earlier. He grabs them and brings them over to their corner, setting up a King sized mattress before spreading the blanket over it and putting the pillows on top.

He flops down on top of the covers, arching his back as he stretches for a moment.

She nodded, "It's been pretty peaceful for us too today. Just card games and naps, at least till I heal."

She chats with him a little longer before sleep tugs at her and she says goodnight, whispering a word to Kevin to help her up so they can return to the medbay where she could sleep.


Flopping down with him, she wiggles until her head is pressed under his jaw, where she loved to cuddle most. Her one arm wraps around his chest as her eyes close and Serena lets out a long soft breath, ready for sleep.

"Goodnight handsome," she whispers, "Pleasant dreams."

"Serena, wake me if you have a nightmare." He whispers to her quietly. "I love you baby, good night." He whispers before closing his eyes, sleep pulling at his conscience.

He falls asleep with her cuddled against him, the heat from their bodies allowing for an easy and pleasant sleep.


Winters picks up Katerina wedding style before walking her back to the medbay. "You wanna sleep next to me or by yourself?" He asks casually, already pretty much knowing the answer to that question.

"Do you really have to ask?" she raised an eyebrow at him, "Beside you, of course. I spent four long months alone in a bed. It was cold and awful. Please join me love."

Winters grins at her. "Of course I will." He says before setting her down on the mattress in the medbay, he grabs a glass of water from the sink before drinking it.

He sets the glass down before walking over to her, slipping into bed next to her, wrapping his arms around her and pressing his lips to hers for a long kiss.

She kissed him long and hard, till she was out of breath.

"I love you," she whispered, catching her breath as they cuddled up closer.

The words were still new to her, something she had never thought she could say out loud. At least not until she had thought her time was up, and Kat didn't want to leave this world without knowing her knew how much she cared. But now that she had said it once, the words flew from her lips with ease.

"I love you too." He breathes to her before nuzzling into the crook of her neck and falling asleep with relative ease.


It only takes a week for another mission to arise, and this one is the big one, the grand finale on this entire operation.

Shrake gathers the entire team in the mess hall before showing them a picture of Skull Face. "He is our primary target for this mission, he is wanted dead, so make him dead." He says to them.

"He is currently held up in his secondary mansion in Bolivia, heavily guarded, lots of traps laying around and lots of corrupt political figures, kill whoever has a weapon and whoever gets in your way." He says to them.

"We move out in ten minutes, gear up." He orders.

Kyle, Winters, Lion, and Alex run off to grab their gear, fully loading themselves out before putting on their Kevlar and uniforms for the squad. They all meet back at the mess hall.

As everyone rushes off, Serena lags behind, waiting to speak to Shrake. She's not a soldier, and she still has no training with the standard weapons the rest of the team uses.

"Shrake?" she asks as the room empties and its only them, "What would you like from me?"


Finally being medically cleared by Arya, Kat is eager to jump in, running off with the boys and Arya to get geared up. Arya seems excited too and she can understand why. Out of everyone it was her, Al, and Shrake who have been in Bolivia the longest together, other than Kat's lengthy six years. Everyone on the team wants this to be over with, and many want to just go home.

Gearing up, Kat meets back in the mess hall, falling in line between Lion and Winters while Arya slips over beside Kyle.
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