Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


Max barks loudly and jumps up into the air, catching the ball in his mouth before jogging over to return it to Arya.

"That's something he likes." Kyle says with a laugh. "But I've trained him only to play with someone he likes, so I guess you're good in his books.." He says with a chuckle.

"And if you didn't know, the whole deal with him hating everybody is so that when a terrorist throws a hand grenade at us he doesn't catch it in his mouth and bring it back to the terrorist." He says with a laugh. "That would be bad."

Arya smile only grew, "After spending two months with you I'd hope he likes me. I'm just glad he's good at his job, or you would have never found me that day at the gas station."

She bent down to grab the ball, throwing it out of the store to play fetch, "You both saved my life that day, and I don't know how many times I can thank you."

Max scampers out of the store, searching for the ball that Arya had thrown.

Kyle watches him go before placing his hands on her hips and smiling. "I'm glad that I found you." He says to her quietly. "When I first kissed you, your lips were.. Enticing, that's a pretty big word for a Marine who trains dogs." He says with a laugh.

"But anyway.. I kinda wanna experience that again, y'know?" He asks her softly, his eyes locked with hers.

She leaned up on her tiptoes, her lips pressing to his as sparks flew between them. It was only brief though, as a wet nose touched her hand, Max waiting to play more fetch. Taking the ball she tossed it again, then looked back up at Kyle and wiggled her finger at him, beckoning him to kiss her again.

He groans quietly when she breaks away, he opens his eyes and sees Max there, the situation nearly makes him burst out laughing.

He watches his K-9 companion run out of the store again before he turns back to Arya. He leans forward and touches his lips to hers again, closing his eyes as he does so.

She pressed into him, the kiss growing steamier as her arms wrapped around his neck, her chest pressing into his. She could feel a wet nose on her hip this time and broke their kiss for only a second to toss the ball once more before returning to Kyle.

"He's going to keep coming back," she explained, kissing him a third time.

He takes one hand off of her hip and presses his index finger on to her lip. He turns his head. "Max! Stay!" He commands, the dog lays down, chewing on his new ball as he does so.

"Not until I tell him to." He says with a grin before kissing her again, the kiss becoming a little more heated.

The heat between them surged, Arya standing on her tip toes as she leaned her entire body into him, wrapped in his arms. Her lips pressed to his as her fingers explored his hair, running through the short locks. She wasn't quite sure what to do with herself but this seemed the most natural.

He uses his arms to lift her off of her feet, so that way she didn't have to stand on her tip toes any longer, he backs himself up into a wall, using it as a support while their kissing continued.

His impressive strength lifted her with ease and her legs automatically wrapped around his hips, hoisting her up better. A sigh escaped her mouth as her heart began to race, his kisses sending fire through her.

He breaks the kiss for a moment, his forehead pressed against hers. "Remember, we're not gonna take it too far." He says to her quietly before kissing her lips a single time, his eyes locked with hers. "You're a great kisser, though." He grins.

His eyes flick around them at the store they're in before returning to her eyes. "Do you wanna maybe go some place a little darker, with less colorful shelves and animal pictures everywhere?" He asks with a laugh, just now noticing the open environment that is around them.

She nods, her feet landing back on the ground, "We can wander. Let's go look for that movie theater you were thinking of. Or maybe there's a blacked out store around here. We should grab Max either way."

Kyle nods before taking her hand again, his fingers intertwining with hers as they walk out of the store. "Max, on me." He says, the dog jumps up with the ball in his mouth as he follows the couple.

It only takes them a couple minutes of walking to find an old movie theater, Kyle leads her into one of the theaters and motions for her to sit down. Max sits down in the chair next to her.

Kyle moves up into the movie booth, taking a look at the hardware before loading a tape on to it, it begins to play a movie. He turns the volume down so that it could only be heard in the theater. The movie begins playing, the title of the movie shows up on the screen: 'Predator'

Kyle sits down next to Arya and puts his arm around her. "Ohh, this movie is awesome." He says with a laugh. "I just grabbed a film from the back and it did this!"

"Never seen it," she admits, placing one hand on his knee and the other on Max's neck, petting him.

The screen before them goes dark for a second before it begins to play, and Arya steals a glance at Kyle, "Med school didn't give me much time for leisure, and there isn't a lot of movies when your in the military. As a kid I watched t.v, but my parents only let me see cartoon movies. I saw a few minutes of a horror movie once when I was sixteen and practically pissed myself I got so scared. I'm not good with jump scares, they always make me scream. This isn't one of those, is it?"

Just as she asks a loud noise comes from the movie, the image of a man with all of his skin ripped off hanging upside down appears.

"Uhh.. Sorry Arya." He says, giggling as he watches for her reaction to the first of ,any jump scares that the movie had to offer.

Arya squealed, burrowing her head into his shoulder so very un-ghost like as her hand moved to wrap around him, seeking comfort. It took her a minute before she could sit normally again, her shoulders tense, waiting for the next scare.

"Kyle!" she whined, "This is a horror movie, isn't it?"

He starts laughing hysterically as he wraps his arms around her, using one hand to pat her head. "There there, Im here to protect you, princess." He says to her teasingly as the movie progresses.

"Invisible aliens can't hurt you while I'm around." He whispers to her, continuing to comfort her with hugs and a shoulder to hide in whenever a scary part arose.

"They're invisible," she snapped back, not at all amused with the movie, "How can you protect me when they are literally invisible? Just because your called a Ghost doesn't actually mean you're a ghost."

She was bugging him now, not really upset except for the new nickname he had for her.

"I'm not a princess," she muttered glaring at him playfully and adding in a teasing tone, "And you better be protecting me. I'm valuable material here."

He points out a part in the movie where the alien is un cloaked by the protagonist. "See? I could do that!" He says with a laugh as he continues to watch it, the feeling of her silky hair on his arm glues a smile to his face while he sits there next to her.

"You're a princess in my eyes. You're elegant, beautiful, graceful, all the things a princess is meant to be." He says to her, smiling in her direction before planting a kiss on her forehead. The movie ends with the alien being killed by the last survivor of the squad.

She could care less about the movie's ending, her face turned up towards his, her eyes closing softly as she leans forward and kisses him for his compliments. The kiss is soft, her lips brushing his and then pulling away.

"Thank you for being my knight in shining armor then," she replied back, kissing his cheek, "Would you like to put another movie on?"

He grins and kisses her back, when she pulls away he can hear himself almost sighing in complaint at the loss of touch.

"Yeah, I'll be sure to grab a scarier movie this time." He says as he jumps up, the feeling of her lips on his cheek still staying with him as he walks up to the booth.

He picks out the movie Tower Heist and puts it up on the big screen, the comical movie should be a good break from horror.

He jogs downstairs and sits down next to her, putting his arm around her back again before turning his attention to the movie screen in front of them.

He disappears before she has a chance to complain. With only the dog at her side she waited for Kyle to chose his new movie that would probably torture her.

Hurry up," she called out, "I'm not watching horror movies without you."

She kinda liked the excuse the movies gave her to bury her head in his shoulder and cuddle.

The movie title: 'Tower Heist' appears on the big screen. Kyle watches the movie with his arm around Arya the whole time. He looks over at her. "So I guess that you're my girlfriend now, right?" He asks quietly as the movie progresses.

While his arm is around her he uses his fingers to twirl her long hair, enjoying the entertaining value behind the whole idea of it, almost like a habit.

She listens to his words, considering it before looking at him, "I wouldn't technically call us just friends with all this kissing, would you? Is that what you want Kyle? Because its what I want."

"Of course it's what I want, I just wanna make sure we're on the same page, sometimes there's confusion in relationships and neither partner understand exactly what they're doing or why." He explains with a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his head with his free hand.

"I think I'm gonna be calling you princess for as long as we're together." He says to her with a loud laugh. "It really suits you, and your face is really cute when you get annoyed."
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