Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


"It was the alcohol talking, I shouldn't have drank so much.. And I'm sorry for not saying.. It back.. I gotta explain myself." He says to her quietly. "Emberly told me she loved me, and I told her the same.. And I lost her the next week.. I don't know if it's a coincidence or something.. I don't want to lose you. Ever." He whispers before planting a kiss on the top of her shoulder.


Winters nods, resting his chin on the crook of her elbow. "She said that she loved him, it was kinda cute." He says with a chuckle. "Do you think it was just the alcohol talking?" He asks her quietly, as if not wanting to wake anybody.

He wraps his arms around her belly, enjoying the feeling of her pressed up against him. "I love you." He says to her quietly.

She sunk deeper into his arms, listening to him, "I'm not sure. I was noticing a lot of signs between them all night. It looks like Al might have moved on. Which is good for him. And at the same time horrible in this line of work."

His next words made her smile. God did she wanna say it back. She felt it, she knew it was there. But something held her back -fear. Fear that if she said it out loud then it would be final, and if she lost him Kat would lose a part of herself. She just didn't think she could handle that pain.

"You too," she mumbled instead, embarrassed about her internal struggle, "Your the best thing to ever happen to me."


She rolled over to look him in the eyes, "Alex, I'm not Emberly. I-"

Suddenly her radio made a high pitch whistle and several voices came through, all speaking in Spanish. Serena sat up abruptly, listening intently to them as the blood drained from her face.

"We have no cover," she whispered in horror, turning to Alex, "Babe there's no one on patrol. The cartel is outside right now! They're planning an attack! They-"

The hotel shook as a bomb went off, one of the thugs setting them off. Then another, and another, as more died stepping on minefields. For a brief second Serena thought they might be safe, and then she heard one man in the radio yelling that he found the path and to follow. Another called out once the door's in the main lobby were opened.

"They're inside," her body shook, "Fuck Alex they're here. Shrake! Shrake is on the first floor!"

She jumped up, rushing to the radio and tuning in to their frequency, "Mayday, mayday. Breach on main floor of Casper! Cartel moving in hot. Everybody wake up! "

Her frantic eyes looked over at him before tuning back into the cartel frequency so she knew where they were, "Alex go. I'll be safe in here. You need to protect Shrake."

He nods and gives her a quick kiss before speaking. "If anything happens, I love you." He says to her before running out of the room. He runs into his room and grabs his sniper rifle, putting it over his back before grabbing a Vector SMG from the closet. He quickly loads his weapons and fills his chest carrier before slipping it on.

He runs down every flight of stairs until he reaches the bottom floor. He sweeps the hotel room to room, not finding anything or anyone. He runs over to the camera console, flicking through every camera in the hotel before sighing.

"Team, they have Shrake and Harris is dead." He says over his walkie before slamming his hand down on the table. "Fuck!" He yells.


Red woke to the sound of gunfire, instantly on his feet then almost collasping with dizziness due to the alcohol. In minutes he's geared up an running out the door. On his floor is Harris and Shrake, and it doesn't take more than a couple seconds to find their captive dead and men trying to break into Shrake's room. With a yell he opens fire, shooting three down before they realize and turn their efforts on him.

It was another three against one, but even as he took two down the third got a shot in his knee and he went down. With the alcohol in his system his aim was shit, and it was taking several bullets to take one man down. Still he fought, refusing to give up even as another dozen thugs rushed the corridor, guns all aimed at him.

"Die you son's of bitches!" he yelled, catching two in the head even as they gunned him down, his efforts in vain as he died out slowly.


Arya woke, groggy as ever as the alarms went off and Al's voice could be heard. But even as she stepped out of bed to get her things on her door crashed down and three men in gas masks stormed in, more graceful and silent than any normal cartel thugs.

"Female," one of them spoke and another nodded pulling a canister from his pocket and activating it.

She didn't even have time to rush them as one moved forward and hit her in the gut with the hilt of his rifle and the room began filling with smoke. Pain screamed from her scars, the hard hit causing her nerves to explode. All Arya could do was double over and scream as the gas entered her lungs and she felt herself passing out.

"Uno abajo, dos para ir," one of them said, another lifting her weak body as she passed out.


She could hear them over the radio, and while the assault downstairs was normal cartel thugs, there were men inside that weren't. She heard one of them mention them and instantly started playing with frequencies, looking for this hidden team. She found them after a minute of searching, still listening to the assault below as Red died and Al came moments too late with Shrake gone. As she hit the frequency she heard a deep Spanish voice talking, is voice grave.

"One down, two to go," she translated.

She wasn't sure what it meant but Serena rushed to her closet to grab anything but the dress she was wearing. Just as she reached for a pair of pants there was a squeak outside her door of someone stepping on the wood. Serena froze, going absolutely still.

Maybe they are searching the floors...maybe they won't look in he-

The door burst open, splinters flying everywhere as Serena screamed, tucking herself into the closet. Three men in gas masks burst in, one throwing a canister as gas filled the room and leaked out into the hall rather quickly.

"We got noise on the second floor," one of them spoke in Russian that her ears translated easily, listening in to a radio, "Ghosts are catching on."

"Drop a second canister on this floor," the tallest one ordered in English, although he too had a Russian accent, "They can't follow us without masks. Delta, grab the girl."

"Dos abajo, uno a ir," the third man laughed, his accent a mixture of russian and spanish that she had heard over the radio.

The gas was beginning to catch in her lungs and she could feel her energy draining. With a vain effort she lunged at the radio equipment, desperate to get some message out, to reach out to Alex. She tumbled into the desk, but her hand caught the radio as she went down, kicking at the man.

"There's sleeping gas in the corridors!" she yells into the radio, her voice already fading fast, "Don't go upstairs!"

And just like that, she's out.


Just as Katerina spilled out those words, her ears caught something happening on the radio, and a loud boom shook the hotel. Both of them jumped up, and she grabbed the closet clothing for her -which was no more than black jeans and her blue top. Yanking them on she rushed out to the radio, needing to know what the hell was happening.

Al's voice came through, explaining that Shrake was missing and Harris was dead. Seconds later Serena's voice piped up about a gas assault, and even as Kat looked up at Kevin to tell him to get ready their door broke open, flying into the room.

"It's an all out assault!" she yelled, dropping to the floor as splinters flew and three men came in.

It wasn't just one group sweeping the hotel, it had to be four, maybe even five, all attacking at different points all at once, causing utter chaos. And Katerina and Winters had no gear on, having just gotten out of the bath. Luckily Winters kept his gun always near him, but it wasn't enough as the three men kicked him down and beat him, knocking him unconscious. Kat rushed to his aid with a snarl, but one of the men turned on her, gun aimed at her head.

"Hands where we can see them, or we'll knock you out too."

The accent was Russian, surprising her. Kat did as they said, knowing she had no tactical advantage at this point. With Winters down all three turned on her, tying her hands behind her back and gagging her so she couldn't make a sound before shoving her out the door. Her heart felt like it was tearing in half, seeing him lying there and being unable to help. As the men took her towards the stairs one of them tossed a sleeping gas behind them, lighting up the whole corridor so no one could follow.

She had expected for them to go down, but instead they went up, making their way to the roof. There they met two other teams of three, both with their own captors. In the middle was Shrake on his knees, a gun pointed at his head. Another helicopter had landed, and while the other men loaded Arya and Serena's sleeping bodies onto it, two of them branched off to cut the gas tank in the helicopter, destroying any chance of them being followed.

"Move it," the man behind her shoved, "Get in that helicopter with the girls, or your leader is shot in the head."

Without blinking she did as told, climbing in the helicopter in a vain attempt to keep Shrake alive. They needed him, now more than ever. From the looks of it, they were taking the three girls on the team -the medic, the translator, and the spy. Not only were the other two girls extremely important to the Ghosts, but she was sure Narcos had some cruel punishment for her yet again.

The helicopter was big enough to fit nine men and three captives, and all too soon the blades started up, and Kat's stomach dropped more. A gun remained level with her head, so if she so much as tried to make a motion they'd shoot her. The man outside with his gun to Shrake's head didn't seem to be moving from his station, but finally he bent low, speaking just loud enough for Kat to hear too.

"Don't move a damn muscle until we are out of sight. You do, I will pop a bullet into your head."

With that he moved away, climbing into the helicopter as it soared up and away, kidnapping the three women from their base.

Shrake fumbles for a sidearm before firing a single shot into the back of the bird, he feels a grin coming on.

"You fucked with the wrong Ghost." He says quietly before sitting down and waiting, staring down at a small screen in his hand.

Al, Lion, and Kyle all run upstairs to see what's going on, only to find Shrake there by himself.

"I'm tracking them." Shrake simply says as he watches the screen.

Katerina stayed awake the entire trip, her mind stuck to Winters and if he was alright. With how high they were flying and how many guns were cocked and ready Kat didn't have a hope of getting them out alive until they reached ground, so she didn't try to cook up any plans until she knew where they were.

Morning came and they were still flying. They had landed once to fuel up before taking off again. The other two were still fast asleep as they continued to fly North. With the amount of time they'd been flying, Kat realized there was no way travelling straight North, after coming from near La Paz, would keep them in Bolivia. They had to be in Brazil by now. A thought passed, wondering if the Ghosts could still go into Brazil or if they needed clearance. Surely that was the game plan Narcos had, hoping the Ghosts couldn't follow. Chances were they could, but even Kat was 100% sure.

The sun was well into the sky by the time they started descending. Kat could see the newest built compound below, set on the edge of a cliff with nothing overlooking it. Meaning snipers couldn't get the upper hand, without being airborne. The compound itself was small, just two white buildings and a tall concrete wall surrounding it. Not meant to ship or take cargo then. This place is was made as a safe house, and now their turning it into a prison for us.

Shrake and the remainder of the team wait for the helicopter to stop, they end up waiting a day or so, but finally it sets down in Brazil. Shrake takes note of the location before motioning for the Ghosts to get into the blackhawk. Over the past day or so, Shrake had repaired the bird, it only has enough fuel to get them to where the girls were being held, but by then they might have a better chance at getting another helicopter.

They take off and fly day and night, preparing themselves for what came ahead.

When they finally reach the outskirts of the compound, they touch the bird down and sneak up to the outer edge of the compound. They wait while the day shifts slowly into night, wanting a dark advantage over any guards inside of the compound.

The compound is small and compact, but built sturdy for any assault. Once they touch down all three are moved into a cells, kept apart. The first to wake is Arya, looking groggy and in pain. Serena wakes about an hour later, and starts crying once Kat explains. Out of the three, she's had no military training, and she's terrified. Curling into the corner of her barred cell she holds tightly to a necklace, praying for their rescue.

By night on the first day Katerina can hear one of the russian men trying to contact Casper. He's using the wrong frequency though, and after another hour of configuring that, they get no reply. Kat's heart sinks, and the looks on Serena and Arya's faces mirror hers.

"They're looking for us," Arya sighed, "Not waiting around the radio."

"It could mean our death," Kat replied quietly, "If they can't negotiate, then we become useless. Useless property won't be kept around."

Serena's red rimmed eyes looked up, "H-how long will we have?"

"Tomorrow," Kat's eyes look sad, "They'll try again in the morning, and if no one's around then we'll be executed. It'll go from a hostage situation to making us examples."


Her scars were on fire. The sleeping gas had irritated them, and the beatings hadn't helped either. Arya found a spot against one of the bars and stayed there, moving only to keep from her legs falling asleep. As night went on Kat and Serena fell asleep and Arya kept watch, letting Kat rest and knowing Serena was in no position to do much.

Night became morning and the men were back at the radio...and again no reply. Noon came and went, and finally near what they could only guess was evening they returned...for them.

"Looks like your team doesn't want you," one snickers as they opened the cages and dragged each of them out.

Serena immediately started crying and yelling, the men pawing at her in her small green dress. Kat was on her feet at the gate, her hands in front of her knowing the drill. Arya got up and let them drag her, her head hung and refusing to make a noise.

All three were taken into the small courtyard and forced to their knees. None of them had yet to see Narcos, but Kat had a feeling he was playing from the shadows, or waiting for the right time to show himself. The men transporting Serena got a little too handsy and Serena let out a scream, forcing Arya's head up. Launching forward she tackled one man down before three got her back in control, forcing her down to her knees beside Kat. Serena was forced down too, but they pushed her hard enough that she fell over, lying shaking on the cold dirt floor.

"So your just going to shoot all three of us?" Kat snapped looking over her shoulder.

"Unless you want to tell me that your team suddenly wants to negotiate, then yes."

Three men stood behind them, their rifles raised and pointed at their heads, safety's off, "Who's first?"

Al climbs up on top of the helicopter, a .50 cal sniper rifle in his hands as he zooms in on the courtyard, he can only see the heads of the Russian men. He mutters to himself, the sniper rifle with the locket on it sits on his back, ready to be fired at any given moment.


Shrake holds his radio up to his mouth, he had heard the attempts to negotiate over the last day or so, he gets ready to speak, knowing that Al has him and the rest of the team covered as they got into their positions around the compound.

Each team member excluding Alex and Shrake climbs one of the walls, pressing a heat scope against it and lining their sights up with the enemies in the courtyard as they get ready to peek and shoot, unless negotiations went smoothly of course.

"Hey, I'd like my team members back, if that's alright with you." Shrake says into his radio, hoping that they would hear him before they started shooting.

Kat heard the radio buzz and relief washed through her. Shrake's voice.

"Chose the last second to want them," one of the guys barked back, "As it is we have three men standing in position ready to kill them. If one gets shot, the other two have orders to kill two of your team members. So, you can either play a game of chance on who survives, or you can negotiate.

Shrake chuckles before going back to his radio. "And what exactly are your terms in this negotiation? Money? Weapons? What exactly do you need that is worth the lives of my teammates?" He asks them as he motions for the team to get ready.

"Ahh, I see, so you think that we're gonna up and leave our orders just because you captured three of our teammates? Honestly, if we leave, how do I know you won't just shoot them?" He asks them. "How is there any way that I can guarantee their safe transport?"

He motions for his team to engage.

In the distance, there is a loud boom. The lead executioner's head explodes in a wave of crimson as his body sinks to the ground. On all of the walls of the compound, the Ghosts jump up, the other two executioners are down in an instant, and then a fire fight breaks out with the rest of the Russians as the Ghosts take them down one by one.

The place becomes utter chaos, bullets flying everywhere. One hits Kat's side, enough to make her bleed as she pushes the girls to go. Arya bolts, knowing they need to get out of the line of fire, unaware that Kat is bleeding. Serena is harder to move, shock and fear freezing her to the ground.

"C'mon," Kat yells, dragging her, "We need to get out. Think about Al. We need to get to him."

Finally her feet move, and they race across the courtyard, staying low to avoid stray bullets. Kat holds her bleeding side with one arm, while her other stays wrapped around Serena's shoulders. As they reach the gate and run under the arch a guard jumps out and sends a high kick to Kat's stomach, forcing her back as her breath whooshed out. Her arm drops Serena and the girl takes several steps back.

"You'll be dead in seconds," Kat growls threateningly.

"Long enough to kill you," he snaps, "Narcos sends his regard."

He aims for Serena and Kat lunges at him, ignoring her wound as she hits his arm, sending it up even as he pulls the trigger and the bullet misses, hitting the roof.

"Serena run!" she orders, watching the red head bolt away and into the jungle that covered Brazil.

She struggles for the gun, hitting him hard in the nose with her elbow before stomping on his foot. He counteracts with a fist to her face that stuns her, and then a knee to her injured side, sending her back more steps. With the gun in his control he aims even as she lunges again, pulling his aim down as the trigger pulls and the bullet hits her clean through the shoulder. With one fist she breaks his nose, and with the other she fights for the gun, aiming it low and triggering it into his foot. Punching him again, the gun drops and she unsheaths her knife with seconds between them, slashing his throat. Even as the assaliant falls to his knees with death in his eyes so does Katerina, her blood loss too great.

Lying there, on her side she grips his radio, knowing the frequency was still on the Ghosts one, "Al...S-serena. She ran into the...the jungle. Scared. She...she can't make it out there."

Blood began coughing up, spilling out of her mouth, "Winters...winters I love you."

Al throws the rifle over his back and takes off after Serena, crashing through trees after her as he catches sight of her. He continues to sprint towards her, gaining ground very quickly as his feet hit the jungle floor.

"Serena!" He calls out as he runs after her.


Winters runs into the building where Katerina is, he collapses to his knees next to her, applying pressure to her wounds. "Nononono.. You're not dying!" He yells to her, he feels like he's getting ready to cry. "You can't die.." He says to her quietly.

Within minutes the compound is clear, all of the Russians either dead or fleeing from the place.

"Kevin," she gasped, struggling for air with the blood clogging her throat, "Kevin help me."

She didn't want to die either. She wanted to stay with him. Blood pooled from her shoulder and her waist. She could hear foots running towards them and sure enough Arya came into sight, looking worse for wear but not injured.

"We can save her," Arya breathed, dropping to her knees, "We have to stanch the bleeding and keep her awake. Don't stop talking to her Kevin. Keep her conscious while I apply pressure."


The only thing she could hear was the high pitch ringing from the gunfire. And the sound of her frantic heartbeat. Everything else was drowned out, and she ran frantically through the trees, terrified that they might be chasing her.

Up ahead was a boulder and around the side of it was a few logs that had fallen and dirt had begun to build up around it, making a den. She fell to her knees and slipped inside, her chest rising and falling rapidly to take in air as she huddled, scared for her life.

"Stay with us Kat, c'mon, you gotta make it back to the States, remember? You gotta do that for me.." He says to her quietly. He continues to talk to her while Arya works, trying his very best to keep his girlfriend awake while she slowly dies of blood loss.


Alex stops in the clearing, looking around for any sign that Serena was around here. "Serena!" He calls out, trying to get her attention. "It's Alex, you're safe, you just gotta come out, I can't let you stay out here!" He yells around him. He feels his shoulders sag when there is no response.

Minutes feel like hours, but soon she can hear Arya saying she would be fine. She just needed to get back to base and rest.

"N-o," she coughed and spluttered, "S-serena. She's...in...the...jungle. Help...Al."

"I'll grab Shrake and get her back to the helicopter," Arya nodded, "Someone should go help Al. I'll take care of her. Go."

Grabbing Shrake, they transported her on a stretcher to the helicopter before Arya explained the situation with Serena. Lion and Kyle were there with Max, listening in.

"I can watch the copter and Kat," she explained, "If you want to go help the other two."

When no one was looking she gave Kyle a look to hang back so she could speak to him for a moment. It had only been overnight but she had a lot of time to think, and the entire time she had been thinking about Kyle. she needed to talk to him, not wait till it was too late.


Serena had her eyes squeezed shut as she cried, curling up in her hidden den, her ears screaming. She could feel blood trickling from them, the gunfire too loud for her eardrums. So she sat there, scared and in pain, praying Alex would find her.

Kyle watches them all leave, he hangs back and sits down in the helicopter, watching Arya as he does so. "You left me very confused the other day." He admits to her, waiting to hear what she had to say.


Alex hear's the sound of crying, he runs in that direction and notices the small den. He offers his hand to her, as if trying to lure her out.

Arya stood in front of him, waiting till they were alone to wrap her arms around him. It was only a hug, but she needed it. She heard his words and she wasn't sure how to respond, confused herself.

"If..if there is anything between us for you, now would be the time to show me," she whispered next to his ear, unsure if she was reading his signals wrong.


Serena saw the light dim in front of her and opened her eyes, seeing only a hand extended. Shaking, she looked up into the face...of Alex.

"Alex!" she whimpered, scrambling out and using his hand to launch herself into his arms, completely beside herself in tears, "I...I can't hear anything. All I can hear is this ringing noise, and I'm so scared. The men were...touching me, and they wanted to kill me, and oh thank god you're here!"

Kyle accepts the hug before he listens to what she had to say. He nods and moves his head back, he closes his eyes and touches his lips to hers.

He hadn't exactly been in any relationships before, and he has no idea if this is a sign that he wants her, but for him that's what it meant.


He hugs her tightly, closing his eyes and resting his head against her shoulder as she speaks. He nods and motions for her to follow him. He grabs her hand and leads her out of the jungle.

Relieved that he's found her, she follows him with her arms clothing his, refusing to let go. They quickly find the others and turn back, letting Al do all the talking since Serena feels nothing but shame for losing her calm, and embarrassment for not being more helpful.


His lips are hot and welcome, and she kisses him back until she can't breathe.

"We can talk more when we get back Kyle," she whispers, rubbing his cheek with her thumb before pulling away, "I should check on Kat before the others get back."

Alex gets Serena to the helicopter and sits down next to her, his arm around her as he tries to calm her down. He grabs his Karambit from his side holster and cuts off a piece of fabric from his shirt, using it to wipe the blood from her ears.


Kyle nods before watching her go, wanting to kiss her again but knowing that he can't for she is needed in a situation of medical emergency with one of the girls who was wounded. He steps into the helicopter and hugs his legs together, waiting to get out of here.


Shrake grabs several cans of Aviation fuel and makes several trips, using one of them to fill the helicopter while putting the others in storage compartments, now they will have enough to last them awhile.

Everyone was climbing into the helicopter while Arya kept a watch over Kat's condition, the blonde sleeping now. She was stable, and as long as there was pressure to her wounds she would stay that way.

Kyle watches Shrake get into the pilot seat after Katerina was loaded into the helicopter. Kyle motions for Arya to sit next to him as he closes the door to the helicopter. He leans against the closed door and rests his head against it.

"We're finally going home.." He says quietly.


Shrake pilots the helicopter to the hotel, the country passing below him as he begins the long flight back to Bolivia.

He knows they can't stay at the hotel, he remembers an abandoned super market, looted to the brim for anything of value, but there is still room there, and the looters won't be back, knowing there is nothing else there for them. That is where Casper Main will be.
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