Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


She kissed him back in earnest, her hands wandering down his chest towards his boxers, telling him without words to go further. Her mouth moved along his jaw, kissing down to his neck then up to his ear, biting it again playfully.

"Only if you promise to protect me," she whispered, "I need to know I have my badass hero watching over me here."

He helps her pull off his boxers, revealing his erect cock to the cold air of the room.

"I promise to always protect you, no matter where you are and no matter where I am, I'll always be there for you." He says to her softly, his arms still wrapped around her.

"Tell me what you want me to do." He whispers into her ear.

One hand reached down and stroked him the other stayed on his chest. Her mouth stayed near his ear, enjoying his shivers she could feel as her tongue and teeth grazed his earlobe. Her desires grew stronger and soon enough she directed him towards her entrance, waiting for him to thrust inside her.

"Fuck me Alex," she groaned against his neck, her soft, innocent voice growing a new dark seductive tone, desire pooling inside her.

He squirms under her as she plays with his ears, his desires beginning to influence his actions as he feels her guide him towards her entrance. He thrusts into her and groans in pleasure, loving the feeling of being inside of her.

"Holy fuck you feel amazing.." He moans to her. "Serena, keep playing with my ears.." He orders her before beginning to kiss and bite at her neck again.

Her eyes roll back as she groans with him. God it had been forever since she had been in bed with another. Hearing his request her tongue slid up the side of his ear before she nipped at it with her teeth once, and her other hand moved up to massage his other ear. Feeling his hands on her body excited her, even as he thrusted deeper within her.

"God yes," she hissed, "Don't slow down Alex. Please. Explore me...touch me everywhere. Anywhere."

His hands explore her body, his fingers nestling in the crooks of her deepest scars as he explores her, memorizing every feature of her that he possibly can as they continue to fuck.

He doesn't slow down, if anything he speeds up, desperate to please her. The attention to his ears makes him groan, making him speed up as fast as possible as he fucks her. "Don't stop.. That feels amazing." He groans to her.

His thrusts grow faster and deeper, and Serena does all she can to stifle her moans, not wanting to alert anyone. Instead she breaths out her groans right into his ear, her teeth pulling at his ear as she sets out to please him.

"Don't stop," she hisses as she feels her climax growing closer, tension low in her stomach ready to explode, "Oh god yes Alex. Jesus your amazing."

All at once she explodes, her breath whooshing out in a long sigh as her teeth release his ear and she shivers within his arm, her orgasm unraveling within her.

He closes his eyes when he feels her climax, he pulls out of her and does the same, his seed splattering against her stomach and her breasts. He breathes heavily as he reaches over, grabbing a towel and cleaning her off.

"So? Good? Bad?" He asks with a chuckle, still trying to catch his breath.

"Great," she sighed, letting him clean her off as she sunk deep into her arms, "It was amazing. Hopefully for you too. I'm utterly exhausted thought now. It can't be later than noon by now, and I'm already tired. I think...I think a nap is in order. Will you stay with me?"

He smiles and kisses her on the lips again, passionately before breaking away, he seems unable to get enough of her. "Of course I will stay with you." He says to her quietly.

He moves her off of him with ease and gets out of the bed. He walks over to her door and locks it. He walks back over to her before laying down next to her, wrapping his arms around her and nuzzling his nose into the crook of her neck.

As Serena and Alex's relationship blossomed time flew past. In the next two months Kyle and Arya healed, spending most of their days together in the medbay rehabilitating. While they healed the rest of the team spent their days lounging or assaulting compounds and cargo shipments, thanks to Serena's information from her radio. After a half dozen of successful assaults the team was at an all time high, everyone's spirits up.

With how busy they all got, Christmas rolled around without anyone expecting it. And with Christmas came an even bigger surprise...

"Snowy!" Serena rushed down from the roof and into the hall, her feet pounding as she made her way to his room and knocked loudly, "Winters wake up! Wake up! Christmas came early!"

She'd been upstairs keeping Alex company when the helicopter had landed. Their two teammates had not been scheduled to come back for another two weeks but sure enough they arrived early...and with presents. As Serena continued to knock she could see Katerina slipping down the hallway, her finger to her lips warning her to stay quiet. She snuck up and hide beside the door, so that Winters would only see Serena when he opened it until Kat jumped out and surprised him.

"Winters!" Serena called, "Waaaaaaake up!"

Winters clamps his hands over his ears, groaning tiredly as the redhead outside continuously attempts to wake him up. Finally he gets up, wearing nothing but boxers and walks over to the door, opening it and seeing Serena standing there.

"What the fuck are you spouting about?" He asks her, rubbing his eyes as if still trying to recover from getting woken up.


Kyle wakes up in the Medbay, he reaches down to pet Max on his head, but his hand only finds empty air. He had been trying to reach the dog in the space to his right, where there was only a wall, he looks in the opposite direction and notices the K-9 sleeping between him and Arya's beds.

He gets up and walks over to the doctor, placing his hands on her bed and leaning over her. "Hey, you oughta wake up doc, it's been six hours since I've seen your beautiful eyes." He says with a laugh before backing up and reaching down to pet Max.


Shrake wakes up in his office, having fallen asleep in his chair. He gets up and locks his door so that nobody would come in before grabbing his phone, turning it on and dialing a number he had not contacted in a long time.

The phone is picked up and the sound of a soft female voice says hello.

"Brittany. It's me, Ryan.. I'm not dead." He says through the phone.

He can hear her crying. "Why? Why would you joke about this? Who is this?" She asks.

"It's really me baby, how's Carly?" He asks her. "You gotta tell her Merry Christmas for me, alright? We're doing well here, we were proclaimed dead to protect our secrecy, but you gotta stay strong, we're almost done here." He says before hanging up.

He sits back in his chair, putting his hand over his eyes and beginning to cry softly.


Al gets out of bed before opening his door, noticing the ambush set up across the hall. He patiently waits for them to be finished with whatever they were doing, as he is excited to greet his girlfriend on Christmas.


Lion steps off of the helicopter, his duffel bag thrown over his shoulder as he walks back towards his room to get everything set up again. On his back sits an AUG with an ACOG sight and a suppressor on it.

He walks to his room and unpacks his things before looking at himself in the mirror. While he kept tge glasses, the skinny man the team had known is now very muscular, a signature from his Ghost training. He also seems silent, more disciplined now.

Nodding to Lion as he slipped past her into his room, Katerina waits excitedly as the door opens and a very sleepy Kevin stands in the doorway.

"Surprise!" she yells, jumping into his view and grinning widely, a giant present bow on top of her head to signify she's his present, "Merry Christmas baby!"


As Kat jumps into view Serena takes a few steps back, catching Alex in the corner of her eye. Waiting until it was polite to make her leave, she snuck over, careful not to be caught pushing him back into his room. They were still sneaking around, although one or two people seemed to be catching on that Alex liked her. They just hadn't caught on yet of how far these two were enwrapped with each other.

"Merry Christmas," she grinned, closing the door softly before kissing him.


At the sound of his voice she wakes up, her eyes popping open and a small smile lifting her lips.

"Morning you," she whispered, looking down at Max, "Morning Max. Still with those pick up lines Kyle?"

She was only teasing him; he knew she loved the compliments, and with the amount of time they spent together recovering they'd grown close. However there was still a gap between them, Arya refusing to fall into anything romantic. After seeing Al when Ember died, and knowing how hard it was for her to let go of her family, she wasn't sure she could open her heart to another and risk it breaking again.

Still, the doctor couldn't reject his flirting, and he was cute so she let it play along, unaware of the feelings she was already beginning to grow for him.

"We get our rooms back today, " she grinned, "Merry Christmas to us."

Winters jumps in surprise before grabbing her and pulling her into his embrace, kissing her as if he was desperate for her touch again.

He breaks away, his forehead against hers. "I missed you so much.." He says to her quietly. "Best Christmas present ever." He says with a quiet chuckle.


"Oh yeah, best Christmas ever." He says with the roll of his eyes. He sits on the edge of her cot, looking down at her. "So, you got any plans for the party tonight? You just gonna go by yourself or do you have anybody special to take, y'know with the large amount of choices present within this hotel." He says with a chuckle.


Al grins when she closes the door, he places his hands on her hips and kisses her back before breaking away. "What's my gift this year?" He whispers to her, his eyes locked with hers as he speaks.

He plants another kiss on her lips before moving away slightly, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a bullet casing from a sniper rifle. "This is the bullet that allowed me to save you, the best day of my life." He says to her quietly. "Merry Christmas, Serena." He says before pressing the casing into the palm of her hand.

The casing itself has a hole in the middle of it, a string laced through the middle to make a necklace out of it. The inside of the casing has been cleaned, along with the outside which makes it shiny.

She laughed, "I almost forgot about the party. And I think I'm going by myself. I'm assuming your taking Max?"


Her lips crash into his as she pushing him back into the room, closing the door with her foot.

"I missed you more," she sighed, wrapping her arms around his neck, "And you haven't even unwrapped your gift yet."

She wiggled her shoulders playfully, gesturing the her clothes were the wrapping.

"We got a few hours before someone comes looking for us and you have a present to tear open and play with," she winked, pulling him closer.


Her eyes grow big, staring down at the handmade necklace speechless. Pulling the string over her head she let the bullet casing rest coldly on her skin, the string long enough that she could hide it under her shirt, nestled between her breasts.

"Now my hero is always with me," she exclaimed, her freckled cheeks blushing fiercely with emotion, "Oh Alex, it's perfect. Thank you."

Kissing his cheek she snuck past him and pulled a package out from under his bed. Turning she handed it to him with a dazzling grin.

"Open it babe."

Inside was a new pair of pajamas, since he often slept in the clothes he wore that day and it drove Serena crazy that he didn't have anything comfy to sleep in. On top of that was a long chain to be worn as a necklace with a lucky rabbit's foot attached at the bottom and a small oval locket with a picture inside. The picture was the two of them, her head resting in the crook of his neck and both of them smiling.

"Remember when we found that burner phone in one of the compounds and started playing with the camera? Well I saved this photo and thought you could have a picture of us when your out saving the day. A little extra luck for the best badass sniper around."

He opens the box, removing the contents from inside. He laughs at the objects inside, a smile plastered on to his face. "I love it. All of it. But Im gonna keep sleeping in combat gear, just to drive you crazy." He says with a laugh.

He walks over to his sniper rifle, leaning down and grabbing the center mass of the rifle before throwing it up into the air. He reaches up and grabs the rifle mid air before cutting the string of the rabbit foot with his Karambit knife and sliding the locket on to it.

He then wraps the string around the rifle, tying it off before showing it to her. "There. Now I can be reminded of you whenever I shoot, and my shot will always be lucky." He says with a laugh. He places the rifle down against the wall before walking back over to her, wrapping his arms around her again.

"Best Christmas ever, babe."


He grins down at her, pulling the bow off of her head before pulling her t-shirt off and motioning for her to take off her pants.

After an hour or so of hungry, love filled sex, Winters sits back down on the bed, breathing heavily. "Best Christmas ever." He says to Katerina with a grin on his face.


"Oh no, Max isn't used to everyone being around him at once, he might freak out and start biting people. So I was planning on leaving him on guard and going alone.. Unless you wanna go with me? We can dance a little, drink if you're up for it.. You kinda owe me anyway." He says with a laugh, rubbing the back of his head. "I did take on a mob of corrupt cops for your benefit.. And I got the wounds to prove it." He says, pulling up his sleeve to show her his bandages.

"So what do you say? You wanna spend some time with me for the first joyful night we've all had as a team?" He asks.

She fell into his embrace, grinning widely, "You're welcome. And I love where it is. It'll make me feel a little better when your out there, in the line of fire."

She kissed him one last time before pulling away.

"Want to share a long shower to get ready for the party later?" she asked with a playful wink, leading him into the bathroom, wasting the afternoon away with him.


Turning over, her naked body lay under the sheets, one arm draped on his chest as she listened and watched him.

"I'm quite the gift eh?" she joked, flipping her hair over her shoulder, "So what's this talk about a party?"


She sat up, pulling her stiff bare legs so they hung over the side of the bed. She wore loose clothing, her stitching long gone but the scars still healing. She would always have a long white scar down her torso now and across her stomach, a permanent reminder of her mistake at gas station.

"So now I owe you?" she grinned, leaning forward and petting Max who had decided she was 'good company', "Well I guess in that case I have to go with you. Just make sure your wearing something nice...and clean," she joked, "I think this is one of the few nights we can dress up a little and not wear all our gear."

Kyle grins. "I can promise clean, but I can't promise nice, alls Ive got is gear, t-shirts, shorts, jeans, and BDU's in my bag." He admits to her. "So don't expect me to pick you up in a limosine while wearing a tuxedo." He says with a laugh.

Max sticks his tongue out and pants, his tail waggling as Arya pets him. The K-9 hadn't received much attention over the last couple of weeks, as he had been guarding the two unconcious bodies of the only two humans he knows he can trust.


"Oh, it's a bunch of actually nice food, the team gets together and we celebrate Christmas together, and of course you'll be my date to the party." He says before planting a kiss on her lips. "I wanted to talk to you about something." He says to her quietly.

He puts his arms around her and rests his chin the crook of her neck. "When we get back to the U.S. I know we're going to be living together and dating and everything, so I was wondering if you had any family back gome.. And what the plan is, if we're living at my place, your place.. You did say you had money saved up." He starts to talk about the life ahead of them.


He grins. "You know me babe, wherever you go, there I am." He says before allowing her to pull him to the bathroom where they spend the rest of the afternoon. Once their shower is over, he kisses her on her cheek gently before stepping out and getting dressed in his BDU's and a t-shirt.

He lets his dog tags hang out of his shirt and he combs his hair back, which he never really needs to do since he always wears a hat. He finds her and grabs her hands. "Are we gonna tell the team tonight? About us." He asks her.

She laughed, "I don't need a limo, I just like cleaniliness. Now I'm going to go slip into my own bedroom and have a long ass shower before getting ready. Want to come grab me around six?"


She cuddled into him, listening to his words.

"My only family is my uncle, and he thinks I'm dead. I don't care to enlighten him. And I do have a trust fund that the CIA was putting money into every year for my work. They won't be putting any more money in, but the trust fund is still mine. I was hoping...well I was kind of hoping I could buy a house of my own. My uncle ran my life before the military. And I was hoping you'd move in with me."


She slipped out while he got dressed, returning in a beautiful green halter dress that flowed around her knees. She had bought it in La Paz when she had gotten his rabbit's foot, one of the rare times the team had gotten half an hour of downtime outside the hotel.

Returning to him, she leaned in the doorway and waited for him to turn and look at her.

"Well I think after you see me in this you'll never want to let another man so much as blink at me again," she laughed, "On the other hand, I think we should hold off telling anyone till there is a few drinks in their systems."

He eyes her in the beautiful dress, her elegance making him wish he had gotten something nicer to wear other than BDU's and a t-shirt. He walks over to her and places his hands on her hips, locking his eyes with hers. "You're beautiful." He says, almost as if he is stunned. "And yeah, you're right." He chuckles.

"Sorry that I don't have anything nice to wear, I've been in Bolivia for too long to even remember his to dress nicely, and my paycheck doesn't exactly allow me to buy out a nice suit whenever I want to." He says to her, taking one hand off of her to rub the back of his head.


He nods. "Of course I'll move in with you, the only thing I could afford with Military benefits would be a tiny suburban home." He says before laughing nervously.

He plants a kiss on her neck before sitting up. "I'm gonna get ready, you'd best do the same, gorgeous." He says before reaching down to grab some clean clothing from his duffel bag in order to get dressed for the upcoming party.


Kyle nods. "Six sounds great, I'll go get ready." He says to her before getting off of her cot and grabbing his things. "Cmon Max." He says to the dog on the floor. The dog eagerly jumps up and follows his master to his room where he prepares for the party.

Serena smiled, "Thank you. And I like what your wearing. You look like a hero, as you should. And besides..."

She ran her fingers through her hair before kissing his ear, "...it's nice to see your hair for once."


"Here," she jumped up, grabbing her suitcase and opening it, "Did you really think I'd bring only one gift? Me and Lion brought a bunch actually for everyone. Yeah I may have dropped chunk of money, but I think this team deserves it. Lion has most of it, but I have this one for you..."

What the team didn't know was Kat had brought a small christmas tree boxed up, along with gifts for everyone, and enough alcohol to get them all wasted. She also brought all the fixings for a big turkey dinner, and she'd left a message with Arya asking her to cook since she was great at it.

In her suitcase was a small shoebox that she handed to him, with fresh BDUs and a few black tshirts fresh and pressed. She knew most of the team were stuck with the same clothes for months, and she thought it be a nice gesture for them.

Going to her room, she found a note taped to her door. After reading it and smiling, she had a nice bath then dressed in her nicest shirt -a half sleeved red one that hugged her perfectly- and black pants. Walking down to the kitchen she began to work on dinner, excited to surprise the rest of the team with the turkey dinner Kat and Lion had planned.

Winters takes the shoebox and opens it, sorting through the contents with a grin on his face. "Nice, now I don't have to wear beat up clothes." He says before changing into his new shirt and pants, looking at himself in a mirror.

"Thanks gorgeous, you've really outdone yourself." He says before walking over to her, kissing her on her forehead. "Did you deliver the food yet?" He asks.


He returns her smile, enjoying the feeling of her hands on his hair. "I could stare at your hair all day if I was allowed to." He admits to her. "I'm glad that I get this time with you, you've turned my life around for the better.. Thank you." He says to her quietly, resting his forehead against hers.

She had told him about it at some point in the afternoon, and he seemed excited for a full dinner, complete with stuffing and cranberry sauce.

"Yeah Lion got it down there. I was a little preoccupied," she winked and added, "Yeah know, couldn't really deliver a turkey when I have my hands down my boyfriends pants."

"Okay," she got up, kissing him, "As much as I'm used to these BDUs and army fatigues, tonight I would like to be in some of my old clothes."

She smiled wider, "Which one would you like more, slim black dress or that cute blue top you love me in?"


"Your welcome," she murmured.

After a few minutes she clapped her hands, ready to do something.

"Katerina told me we had to go down to the kitchen at exactly six, so we have...an hour left. One round of poker?"

"How about blackjack this time? You might have better luck at that game." He says with a chuckle. "Any catch this time? What're we gonna bet considering you're all dolled up and we just had a shower." He asks, raising his eyebrows at her.


"Blue top, this won't be a formal party, so you might as well dress casual." He says to her before offering a retort. "I like your hand when it's down there." He says before winking at her. "Anyways, I'm gonna hit one last guard duty before the party, I'll seeya then.. Love you." He says to her before kissing the top of her head.

He walks out the door and upstairs where he sits on the roof, watching out for any enemies below that might want to ruin their celebration.
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