Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


"Things here are great, we got a new translator and a dude with a dog, the offensive against Skull Face has never been stronger." He says through the screen, smiling at her. "I like the new look, makes me miss your body." He says to her.

He looks down and realizes that he is only wearing boxers, as he usually sleeps. "I'm not exactly decent right now, but I'm sure you don't mind that." He says with a laugh.


"You won't be seeing much." He says with a laugh, grabbing another two cards from the deck. He places them face up on the bed. "That's a straight, babe." He says to her with a grin on his face, as if he knows he has her beaten.

She grinned, "No keeps to just your boxers. I miss that body of yours. I'd do a little undressing myself for you but we have to share rooms here with multiple people so I can't even lock the door."

Lying back in the bed she took in his gorgeous body through the screen, "So sounds like you have a full house over there. Will there be any room for me and Lion when we want to come back?"


She looks at her cards then the smile on his face.

"Fold," she shrugs, pretending she lost even though she easily has the cards to beat him, "You win this round."

Grabbing the hem of her shirt she tugs it off, once more showing the smatterings of cuts and scars on her white skin.

"Next round."

He nods and reshuffles the cards, passing them out to him and her. He places the cards down on the bed and looks at his cards. Jack squat, the worst cards he could've possibly gotten.

"Shit.." He says under his breath. The cards have the same house, but they are a jack, a three, and a seven.


"Damn, I wanted to see those beautiful breasts." He says with a cheeky grin on his face. "And there's still plenty of room here for you and Lion, we just got these two new operatives by chance, we all still remember you two." He says to her.

"Also, I think Al got over Emberly, he's been making googly eyes at the new translator." He says with a chuckle. "She looks almost exactly like Em, though, she has freckles and brown eyes instead of clean face and green eyes, y'know?"

She grinned widely, "Good cuz I got three sixes. Looks like I get to see you shirtless."


She grinned wider, "if you ask nicely maybe I'll send you a few nudes. To tide you over. And is he now? Well good for him. He deserves to have someone in his life even if she looks like Em."

"Send me them if you want to, it's completely up to you, babe." He says to her, his smile only growing wider as they continue to catch up.


Al shrugs. "I've always enjoyed showing off my abs to pretty women." He says with a laugh, pulling off his Casper t-shirt, revealing his bare front, which is covered in scars and old wounds from his time in the military. He throws the t-shirt away and reshuffles the deck again.

He passes out the cards, he sees the faces of three kings in his hand. "Fuck! These cards suck!" He bluffs.

"Mine too," she lied, staring down at the start of a straight flush, "do you fold?"


She giggled, promising to send some desirable pictures later. They continued chatting, finally getting to catch up.

He shakes his head. "I still have a chance if I grab some cards.." He says while grabbing two cards from the deck. He places his three kings down face up. "Looks like I might get to see some panties." He says with a grin.


He grins when she promises him the pictures before yawning. "Hey babe, I gotta get some sleep.. I love you." He says to her, getting ready to turn the laptop off.

She grinned, "Maybe," as she picked up two cards, one being the one she needed.

"Flush," she laughs, revealing her cards, "Drop them pants boy."


"Goodnight love," she blew him a kiss, "I'll have a present sent to you when you wake."

Waiting till he signed off, Kat then got up and moved to the bathroom, locking the door before having her own little risque photoshoot for her man, sending him a dozen photos. There was only two months left, and she reminded herself of that everyday, counting down to the day she'd be able to see him again.

"You're soooooo lucky!" He complains before slipping out of his BDU's. He grabs his Karambit knife from his pants and spins it around his finger before throwing the pants across the room. He passes out the cards using his free hand before looking at his hand, laughing his ass of as he looks at it.

"Just fold now, beautiful, I'm gonna be seeing those panties." He says with an evil laugh to add on to it.

Serena giggled, looking at her poor hand and putting it down. Then standing up she wiggled out of the pants she was borrowing from Arya, now left in only her black lace bra and panties.

"What do you think?" she asked, dancing in a circle for him to look. There was more scarring on her legs, none of them looking old like the rest of her cuts.

He looks at her in her underwear, he continues to spin the knife as he seems mesmerized by her. "Hey, to keep this going for a little while, how about the loser shares where they got a scar from." He offers. "Unless you wanna be completely naked in two turns." He says jokingly.

He passes out the cards again, getting three tens. He smiles down at his cards, as if trying to make her fold right off the bat.

She grinned, and sat back down.


Taking her cards, she stared at them and tried not to frown. Another bad hand. Even after taking two more cards she still had nothing good.

"Fold," she sighed, unable to bluff seeing his cocky smile, "What would you like to know?"

He motions for her to come closer, taking the face of his knife and dragging it along one of the scars on her side. "What is this from? Considering you were a journalist, I'm surprised you have to many scars.." He says while pulling his knife away from her delicate pale skin and starting to spin it again.

He leans forward, ready to listen to her story about the scar he had chosen on her side, interested in how she had possibly gotten any of these nasty scars.

"Well if we go one at a time that will take all night," she smiled, but her eyes are sad, "This scar comes with all of them on my hip."

She rubbed the scars, the scabs gone leaving only puckering pink skin, "I tried to escape the cartel once and they sicked two dogs on me to bring me back. One of them lunged at me and these were from their claws and this-"

She showed him her other hip where there were more scars but in a long oval shape, the scabs from canines sinking into her flesh.

"-is where it bit me."

Serena's eyes moved up to his, "Want to keep playing?"

He nods. "Let's keep playing." He says to her, while he continues to spin his knife he hands out the cards again. This time he gets a royal flush.

"I fold." He says, placing his hand down on the deck. "What do you want to know? The most interesting ones are on my back, just for reference." He says to her, watching her while he spins his Karambit on his finger.

He nods. "I was a Marine, before I joined the Ghosts, it was on my first deployment against the Taliban in Afghanistan. I went into a house, a Hadjie jumped around the corner and slashed at me with his knife, luckily it only hit my cheek, gave me an opportunity to shoot him." He explains to her. He places his hand over hers, letting his knife drop to the floor.

"One more hand, loser strips everything." He says to her, staring into her deep brown eyes with complete seriousness.

"Hold on," she murmured, continuing to rest her hand on his cheek, "I want you to know the rest."

Serena moved into his lap, her legs on either sides of his hips, her hand still with his on his cheek. She took his other hand and ran it along her leg, letting him feel the scars along her legs.

"These, and the ones on my back are from whips. They whipped us when they felt like it, not because we did anything but because they liked to hear us scream."

She moved his hand to her arm, looking even sadder, "These were...self inflicted. Em and I didn't grow up in the best place, and I grew really depressed during my childhood. There weren't this many cuts though. One of the men in the first compound I was at thought my scars were funny and decided to give me more. They were shallow cuts, but I'm stuck with them forever now."

"Want to do the last round now, or did I kill the mood?"

He nods before placing his hands on her sides to keep her steady he begins to tell her about his scars after she was done talking about hers. "The ones from my chest are just bullet and shrapnel scars, nothing too interesting." He admits to her softly. "And the ones on my back are from whips.. The Taliban would use knives on their whips to make them more painful, they almost killed me searching for information, but I refused to break, which is why I was screened to be here, in the Ghosts." He says to her quietly.

"Serena, once we get back I'm going to help you achieve the life you deserve." He says to her. "You didn't kill the mood, we can do that last round if you want." He then kisses the area above her belly button lightly.

"They suit you," Serena whispers, running her hands along his chest, "I wish mine were gone, but its nice not being the only one with scars."

Smiling, she wiggles out of his hands and grabs the cards, dealing one last round. Looking at her cards, she sees she has three tens, and her chocolate brown eyes gaze up to gauge Alex's reaction, wondering if his hand is any better.

Alex grins at her and lays down three tens. "What've you got, lovely?" He asks her, grabbing his Karambit from the floor and spinning it around his index finger. He notices her eyes peering up from her cards.

Secretly, he hopes that he won.

She places her cards down slowly, face down so he can't see. Then in one fluid motion she shoves the book and the cards off the bed, hearing them clatter as she launches into his arms, kissing him hungrily. Their bodies fall back so she ends up on top of him, her lips pressing to his. That voice in her head telling her this is wrong has long ago given up, realizing she didn't are if it was wrong, when it felt too good being in his arms.

"I lost," she whispered into his ear, her teeth grazing the soft skin of his ear lobe, "Would you like to do the honors of claiming your prize and stripping me down?"

He grins into the kiss and falls back into the bed, his hands draped over her ass while they kiss. When he feels her teeth graze his earlobe he feels himself shaking with arousal.

"I once told a woman I love that she drove me crazy when she played with my ears." He whispers to her. "And yeah, I think I'll claim my prize." He whispers before using his hands to slowly pull her panties off. He throws them across the room before unhooking her bra and throwing that away too.

He starts to kiss around her neck, sometimes lightly biting at her skin. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks her quietly, his lips tickling her ear as he speaks to her.

She shivered as the colder air touches her bare skin, now nude on top of him. At his words her head pulls back to look into his eyes.

"I'm the naked one here. It's not me you should be asking, its you Alex. You sound unsure. If this is going too fast tell me and I can give you space. I just thought...since we were stripping it might lead to...you know..."

He strokes her hair softly as he speaks. "I'm not unsure, I want this.. I just need to make sure that you want this.. And that you won't leave me, Serena, you gotta understand.. I'm broken, my inside is dead.. I need you to help me." He says to her quietly, his eyes threatening to spill over with tears.

"I don't need space, I need you." He says to her softly before pulling her closer, pressing his lips against hers, the electricity between them making his mind buzz, almost as if he is drunk.
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