Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


She agreed to blackjack, with nothing to bet other than gloating rights. An hour later Serena dragged him out and joined Lion and Katerina in the hall as the four descended to the kitchen.

Kat stopped in the kitchen doorway, blocking everyone from getting or looking inside till the team was all ready. Once they were all assembled she moved aside with a soft smile.

"Merry christmas everyone," she cheered, opening the door to a beautiful Christmas dinner set up for all of them, Arya putting down the last plates.

"Oh my god that looks amazing," Serena drooled, standing beside Al while refraining from taking his hand, as badly as she wanted to.

Winters sits with Katerina while the food is being served, when it is passed out everyone digs in, excited to eat something other than protein bars and other cheap foods.

Shrake sits at the head of the table across from Lion, while Al sits with Serena, Winters sits with Kat, and Kyle sits with Arya with Red thrown in there somewhere. The majority of the male population drinks until they can't even say Merry Christmas without giggling like a Japenese school girl.

The night went on perfectly, everyone enjoying the food immensely before breaking into the alcohol. Kat stayed glued to Winters side, happy to be with him after four long months. She noticed Arya was getting a lot of attention from the new guy, Kyle, and Lion. Spending four months with the kid pushed Kat and Lion closer and she considered him a close friend now, having confided in him many times during the long training. He'd confided in her too, particularly about a crush on a certain brunette at the table.

"Hey!" she piped up when everyone looked quite drunk and the table had been cleared off, "Any of you played spin the bottle before?"

A whole bunch of answers pop up, and since Katerina in next to Winters, his answer is the only one she would be able to hear clearly. "Of course!" He says with a laugh before sitting back in his chair, making sure to take another swig of his drink, emptying it out.

"Follow me!" He says loudly. He sits down on the floor, the team forming a circle based on his position, everyone is in the circle. "We play for kissing, nothing more, if it's two guys or two girls they can decide if they wanna kiss or hug, considering special forces regulation is quite homophobic!"

Kat shrugged, leaning towards Winters and giggling, "I've never had a problem kissing girls. Are you sure your okay with me kissing other team members?"

They all have formed a circle, Kat wedged between Shrake and Winters. Red was to Winters right, followed by Lion, Arya, Kevin, Al, and lastly Serena who completed the circle to Shrake's left.

"Okay who first?"

Winters shrugs. "As long as you don't start fucking them I'll be fine with it." He says quietly, chuckling afterwards.


Lion raises his hand. "I'll go first!" He says before spinning the bottle. It lands on Arya.

Drunk and happy, Arya leans to her left and kisses him, her soft lips pressing to his for a few seconds before breaking away. Instantly a blush rose on her cheeks, partly from the alcohol and partly from his reaction, unsure how Kyle would feel about it.

"My turn," she whispered, twisting the bottle and watching it land on Red. Oh not him.

Leaning forward she kissed him more briefly than she had with Lion, her lips barely brushin his before pulling away. Turning she looked at Kyle to see how he was reacting.

At first, Kyle had been alright with the idea of the woman he had grown to like kissing other guys. But when she kissed Lion, it wasn't nearly brief enough. He feels himself staring off into space,chose fists involuntarily clenching up.


Lion kisses her back, enjoying the long kiss with her. When she pulls away he can hear his body sighing, as if it wanted her to keep going.

Seeing hi fists, Arya reaches out and touches one, her head swaying from the alcohol. It didn't look flirtacious or romantic, it was simply a comforting touch. At least to the rest of the group it looked like that. She felt the heat between their hands though, and something budding in her stomach that she was unsure of. Probably the alcohol, her brain hummed, as she got comfortable once more, smiling at Lion when she caught him staring.

"My turn!" Red breaks the awkward silence, spinning the bottle and landing on...Serena.

It was all too obvious Red had a thing for Serena, although the red head seemed content on ignoring any man's advances. There wasn't a lot anyone knew yet of the new translator even after a few months, but she certainly didn't seem interested in Red. If Arya had to guess out of everybody, the only person Serena seemed to chat with most was Al -but there couldn't be anything there.

Getting up, Red teetered over to Serena and bent low, grabbing her chin with one hand. It was such a soft and romantic gesture that Arya looked away and blushed, feeling like she was interupting something.


Serena bit her tongue as the bottle landed on her, realizing Al and her had yet to open up to the team about their steady relationship. And now was the worst time, because everyone in their drunk states would think she would be simply making excuses. Her deep chocolate eyes shot to Alex's face, worried he'd be less than happy about this. Suddenly a hand pulled her chin around and she was staring at Red's face inches from hers. His touch was too soft, lingering too long.

Fuck, just get this over with, her thoughts cringed, her eyes squeezing shut as she leaned forward and kissed him quickly. It was a soft peck, but as she pulled away his hand slipped behind her neck and pulled her in for another, reading all her signals wrong.

Shit. Wait...no no no.

It takes two seconds for Alex to be standing, shoving Red back down to where he was sitting. He looks down at Red before speaking. "Don't break the rules bud, you get one kiss and that's it until you spin it again." He says before sitting back down.

"It's Serena's turn." Is all he says before becoming silent again.

Leaning over, Serena placed a hand on his arm, trying to comfort him as she whispered for only him to hear, "Thank you."

Spinning the bottle, relief washed through her as it landed on Alex...and then a flare of jealousy. After she kissed him, he'd have to spin the bottle and kiss someone else. She had to stomach it, as much as she really rather not.

"Guess its you," she smiled, leaning in and planting a long soft kiss on his perfect lips, perhaps slightly too long.

"It's a kiss, not mouth to mouth," Katerina piped up laughing as Serena broke away, "Okay Al, your turn!"

Alex kisses her back before sitting down again and spinning the bottle, watching it spin around and around. Honestly, he doesn't want to kiss any other woman, Serena was enough for him and he hopes to God that it lands on her.. Which it does.. Not.

The bottle stops on Katerina, Al stands and gives her a quick peck on the lips before sitting down, the kiss meaning nothing to him. He looks over at Serena, giving her a 'sorry' sort've look.

Really? Al?

It wasn't like there was still an awkward tension between them or anything. Stuffing her emotions down she kissed him, making it as brief as Arya had with Red. Now that it was her turn, Kat didn't really want to spin the bottle.

"Okay..." her breath blew out, spinning it and hoping it landed on Winters, "My turn."

To her surprise it landed on Shrake. Laughing and hiccuping, she drained the last of her beer before leaning to her left and kissing him quickly and with a lot of giggles.

"I think I'm cut off," she gasped between her fit of laughter, "Sorry Shrake. It's...it's your turn."

Her body swayed back up and then to the right, leaning onto Winters as her head rested on his shoulder. While the rest of the team followed protocol about relationships -and she knew she should too- Katerina had just spent 4 months without him plus she was drunk. She really didn't care if they saw her cuddling him.

Shrake just sucks it up and kisses her before spinning the bottle, it lands on himself.

"I don't know how to fucking handle this, do I hug myself or something?" He asks while laughing. He spins the bottle again, this time it lands on Lion.

Shrake gets up and gives Lion a hug. "Good to have you back!" He says loudly.


Lion spins the bottle and it lands on Serena. He awkwardly gets up and leans down, kissing her quickly before sitting down, feeling the heated eyes of Alex on the side of his head as he does so.

As Serena goes to have another turn Kat interrupts, something perking her curiosity.

"Hey, since we are having the full high school experience here, why no a little truth or dare? Unless you'd all like to continued kissing each other." she offers, seeing mostly nods or shrugs, "Great. I'll go first. Al. Truth...or dare?"

"Uhhhh.. Dare?"

He immediately feels stupid for his drunken decision, knowing that Katerina will probably give him a hard time with this one, considering that she seems to come up with all of these evil ideas outside of games, what will she come up with for truth or dare?

She had been hoping for truth. Something was going on between him and Serena -she just knew it. But he had chosen dare.

"I want you..." it took her a minute to think up something, then she got up and grabbed one of the fresh bottles of tequila from the table, "Drink half of this in one go. No breaks."

He makes a face at the bottle, he's obviously not a fan of hard liquor. He stands up and grabs the bottle from her, tearing off the cap and taking a swig of the bottle, closing his eyes as the liquor goes down his throat, giving him a buzz.

He feels his legs give way before he collapses, unconcious, the bottle breaks on the floor.

Serena's on her feet immediately, screaming his name.

"Alex?! Alex wake up!"

"Fuck," Kat's face is pale, "It's just tequila. I didn't think he was that drunk."

"Alex? Please wake up!" Serena leans over him, shaking his shoulders.

Arya is at his other side suddenly looking much more sober than before, rolling him onto his side as she explains, "We don't want him choking on his own vomit. Someone help me get him upstairs. I might need to pump his stomach."

Serena's eyes shot up, her face paling, "Is he going to be okay?"

"It all depends on whether this is alcohol poisoning or just a blackout. As long as he's unconscious, we have to assume the first."

Alex opens his eyes and looks up at them, starting to giggle hysterically.

"Gotcha!" He yells while continuing to giggle, that amount of alcohol obviously having a serious effect on this decision making process.

"Ask.. Ask me more questions.. Kat!" He says loudly before sitting up, looking around at the team.

Arya leans back shaking her head, looking like she both wants to laugh and cry. Kat is in utter shock, and the rest of the room seems quite compared to Serena. She's waking him hard with her hands, yelling at him.

"You ass!" she ranted loudly, tears rimming her eyes, "I thought you were hurt! Hurt! You! You scared me! You can't do that! I thought I could lose you! You stupid jerk! Why would you do that to me?"

She paused, seeing him open his mouth and hit him in the shoulder again, continuing, "You could have been seriously injured! I could have lost you! Don't you get that I'm in love with you...you...you...dumby!"

He doesn't say anything, his drunk mind clouding his vision and his senses as he sits there, dumbfounded by her words, and by her hitting him.


Shrake steps into the crowd of teammates before speaking loudly. "Alright, we're wrapping this party up, everybody get to your rooms and sober up." He says before adding in. "That's an order!" He watches them all go to their separate rooms.

Al quickly goes up to his room, shutting his door behind him and holding his head, a piercing headache suddenly hitting him. He walks into his bathroom, crouching over the toilet as if ready to throw up.

Grabbing Winters, she's quick to make an exit, knowing its better to listen to an order from Shrake then to try and stay any longer. Obviously they were all becoming too drunk.

Slipping upstairs to their room, she offers the idea of a bath with him before bed to unwind, wanting to enjoy the night as they could.


She gets out along with Red, Lion, and Kyle. Red says his goodnight's and disappears, whileast she's still with the other two.

"Want me to walk you to your room?" she asks Kyle after saying goodnight to Lion.

Not giving him much of a choice, Arya leds him back to his room he hasn't been to in months. At the door she stops both of them, looking up at him with soft eyes.

"That spin the bottle game ended too early," she murmured, touching one of his hands, "I was hoping to do this."

Leaning forward and on her tip toes, Arya gives him a long hard kiss before pulling back. Without a word she walks away, knowing tomorrow she'd have a hangover like everyone else, and some sleep was in order.



Shock was the only thing registering with her, and Serena stumbled to her room, forgetting to say goodnight to Al as she collasped on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

Did she actually love him?


Would he remember all this?

Probably not.

Her fingers wrapped around the shell casing attached to her neck, staring at it. What would he say in the morning? What will he do? she thought as she fell asleep, dreaming about turkeys and dogs.

Winters grabs Katerina's hand, leading her into the bathroom before getting the bath ready, turning on the hot water until it fills up the tub, he then turns the water off and gets undressed, slipping into the water and waiting for his girlfriend to do so as well.


Kyle kisses her back, beginning to lean into the kiss until she breaks away and walks off, he extends a hand towards her, as if it would stop her from leaving, but it didn't. He walks into his room and rubs Max behind his ears before collapsing on his bed, almost immediately falling asleep.


Alex finally stands up, accepting that he was not going to vomit. He opens his door and slips out before entering Serena's room, snaking his way over to her before slipping into bed beside her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling himself against her. He rests his forehead on her shoulder before whispering. "I'm sorry.."

Slipping her own clothes off she joins him, relaxing in his arms with the hot water lapping at their skin.

"Well tonight was fun," she laughed, "Until I almost killed Al and Serena lost it. Did you here what she said?"


Cuddling close to him, his words made her a little less worried.

"Its' okay," she whispered, "Just don't scare me like that again. Please."
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