Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


Andy hugs her back, burying his face into her neck and listening to her speak to him. He climbs into the window and sees his mom, hugging her tightly against him. "I missed you.." He mutters, keeping her against him, he had grown taller than her.
Serena hugged her son tightly, tears rolling down her face as Dakota helped Iris in.

"How was it? Did you guys make it alright?" Dakota asked, worried about thier night away from safety, "I've been worried sick about you Andy."

Andrew nods. "We were just fine, we're finding a new place to relocate, but we got a message on the terminal that Iris figured she should show you guys." He explains, moving out of the way so that Iris could speak.
Pulling the terminal off her back she turns the screen in to show Dakota, "the UN is getting desperate it seems. But this means all civilians are in danger now. Everyone here. It won't be long Dakota before someone thinks bombs will work faster. Andy and I are leaving New York. You should too."

Andrew nods. "That means we'll probably be separated for awhile, but I have that handheld radio you gave Vanessa awhile back, so if you ever need me you can call me." He says to her. "Maybe we can go to Canada, or see if it's like this out west." He says, mostly to Iris.
Thier mother, Serena, looked confused, "Andrew why would we separate again? We just got you back sweetheart. There is safety in numbers."

"Mom we know what happened. Andrews being safe. Collin..."

Serena have her twins a look, one they knew all too well, "I am not choosing another boy over my son. As much as I love Collin and his family, you two are all I have. Collin has his parents and Nicki. They will be fine."

Dakota sighed, "moms right. If I talk to Katie she will have the entire rebellion on its way out by tomorrow. Mom and I can slip out and meet you. There's no reason for us to be separated."

He bites the bottom of his lip, something he had inherited from his father. He nods at the comments. "Well, we can easily head out to find a good place, then call you on the handheld and tell you where we are." He offers.

"That'd probably be easier than following us all over the state." He says before leaning against the wall next to the window he had climbed in through. He slips his hand into his pocket, grinding his teeth together in thought.
Iris rolled her eyes. God, Andrew could be stubborn.

"We want to go all together," both Iris and Dakota said in unison, Iris adding, "There is safety in numbers. You know that."

But Dakota saw something in his eye, that stubbornness they had both inherited from their father, "Don't try Iris...his mind is made up and he isn't listening to our reason."

Serena tried to step in but Dakota shook her head, "It's okay mom. Andrew's an adult, if he wants to refuse help he can. Iris? Will you be staying with us?"

She knew speaking directly to Andy would do nothing, but if Iris agreed to come with Dakota, it might sway Andy then, always wanting to please the brunette.

"Yeah. I am," she looked at Andy as she said it, "If we leave tomorrow morning when everything gets hectic we can avoid Collin and slip out. Steal a car and be on our way out west."

Andrew sighs, it's three against one. "Fine, I'll stay." He says quietly, running his hands through his hair. "What do we do between now and tomorrow?" He asks Dakota, his hand instinctively grabbing Iris'
"Ive got to find Vanessa and tell her what's happening, and then go speak with Katie. Mom do you want to join?"

Serena nodded, kissing her son on the cheek, "I'm so glad your alive and safe."

"We will be back in a couple hours," Dakota explained, heading to the door, "You two just stay in here, where your hidden. Collin won't come down, I'm sure. He hasn't talked to us since the incident."

Andrew closes his eyes when his mom kisses his cheek, he nods to Dakota and watches them leave. He looks over at Iris. "So what do you want to do now?" He asks her, raising his eyebrows over at her as he speaks.
Dakota left the door unlocked, in case her mother needed to come back sooner than Dakota or Vanessa. Iris watched them leave before pulling Andrew towards the bathroom.

"A shower, I would love a freaking shower. And you are joining me."

Half an hour later Iris is racing out the bathroom giggling up a storm as she races to the guest room in nothing but a towel, running from Andrew whom she'd just whipped on the ass with her wet towel.

"I regret nothing!" she squealed, disappearing into the room. Dropping the towel she grabbed a bra and panties to put on quickly, then a shirt and clean jeans before Andrew could hunt her down and retaliate.

He had kinda been enjoying the shower, but then of course she whipped him. He charges out in a towel, throwing on a t-shirt and boxers before charging after her, tackling her and pinning her to the floor. "I've got you.." He teases.


Collin had been laying with Nicki, he hears the commotion downstairs and slips out of bed, not wanting to wake her. He had calmed down a little since Willow's death, Nicki had been really supportive. He walks down into Dakota's apartment, calling out. "What's going on down here?" He calls out, finding the two. His eyes narrow.

He lunges forward, grabbing Andrew by the throat and throwing him against the wall before kicking him in the gut. "You fucker!" He yells before hitting him again.

Iris squeals and laughs as she gets tackled, at the mercy of him, "I'm not sorry baby! It was just too tempting!"

She continues to laugh, even as they hear the door open, assuming its Dakota. But suddenly Andre is flying off of Iris into the wall beside them, and then Collin's stepping over her, grabbing him by the throat and lifting him up to slam him into the wall again.

"Stop!" Iris screamed, jumping forward and yanking at Collin's arm, "You'll kill him! Collin stop!"

He throws Iris off of him. "Back the fuck off." He growls before slamming Andrew's head into the wall again, the man has passed out at this point.

He lets Andrew go and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a switchblade and holding it at Andrew's throat. "Now you'll know how it feels.." He growls.

"Leave him alone!" Iris screams, rushing him again, only to be pushed down once more. Tears are streaming down her face, her heart in her throat.

Suddenly a shot rings out, clear and deafening. Iris screams, unsure where the bullet is coming from, or who its intended target is. Her head flings back to see Dakota standing in the doorway, gun raised at Collin's head, the most deadly glare in her eyes that Iris has ever seen before. The bullet had hit his hand, causing the switchblade to be dropped.

"Don't give me a fucking reason to end you Collin," she growled, her mother behind her eyes wide and horrified, "You may be one of my oldest friends, but that is my brother and YOU WON'T LAY A FUCKING HAND ON HIM, DO YOU HEAR ME?!"

Collin looks at her and growls again before letting the boy drop to the ground. "I could've said the same about my sister." He says before spitting on the form of Andrew. He knocks the gun away from his head and storms out.
Tears stream down Iriss face as she crawls over to Andrew, trying to shake him awake. Fear is coursing through her, scared he might be hurt. Dakota is right behind her, looking over worriedly. Mrs. Miller is at her side also worried about his son.

"He wasn't wrong," Dakota whispered, "What Collin said. If roles had been switched I'd never forgive him for killing Andy."

"We should leave," Iris croaked, rubbing tears off her cheeks

"Katie knows and Vanessa's almost off work. We will leave tonight, when Andy is okay to move. I'll go warn Katie the five of us are heading off. And I'm locking the door this time."

She headed out and Iris and Serena continued sitting over Andy, trying to wake him.

Andrew gasps for air, waking up to see the concerned faces of Iris and his mom.

"What happened..?" He groans, the last thing he had remembered was pinning down his girlfriend while playing around.. And then a whole lot of pain.

Serena swooped in and pulled her baby boy into a big hug as Iris squeezed his hand and explained, "Collin found us, and lost his shit. Dakota shot him in the hand to keep him from stabbing you."

"We are leaving tonight Andy," Mrs. Millers sighed, "Dakota's preparing everything and we will be gone before morning."

"You were right," Iris wiped more tears away, "I'm so sorry baby."

Andrew hugs his mother back with his free hand, feeling Iris squeeze his other hand that she had captured with her own. "Oh.. So that's why my head hurts." He says with a chuckle, breaking away from his mom to rub the back of his head gingerly.

He looks over at Iris. "You've got nothing to be sorry about, once we're out of here we can look back and regret.. We just gotta keep on our toes for now, we should've expected him.." He says quietly, though.. Having Iris pressed up against him in the shower had certainly been an ample distraction.

He sits down on Iris' bed, looking up at the two concerned women. "I'll be alright, I just need some time to recover my thoughts." He explains.

Iris and Mrs. Miller help him to the spare room they were sharing, then Serena kissed Andrew on the head.

"I'll go make some supper. How about your favorite dish?"

She left them alone then, closing the door with a soft click. Iris sat down beside him, kissing his cheek before resting her head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Andy, we should have been more careful. If you had gotten hurt..."

She hugged him tightly, sighing in relief, "I'm just so glad your okay."

Andrew puts his arm around Iris, resting his head against hers, blushing a little when she kisses his cheek. "You can kiss my wounds to make them better." He mumbles to her.

He keeps his arm around her, pulling her tight against him.

Iris laughs, kissing his forehead first where he got hit, then his neck.

"Anywhere else?" she giggled, hugging him tighter, "I just want you feeling better."

Andrew smiles when she kisses the areas he had been hit in, he lays back with her as she hugs him.

He sighs, his head resting against hers. "I love you.." He says, realizing it afterwards that it was the first time he had said it to her.
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