Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


She giggles in pleasure as she bounces harder and higher, her knees digging into the carpet. Her pace quickly speeds up, craving him more and deeper.

"Take over," she gasps, her eyes rolling as she feels herself on the brink of an orgasm, "Show me...what you've got handsome."

"I'm.. I'm not very good.. At t-taking over.." He stutters before closing his eyes and taking a breath, just letting his instincts take over. He pushes against her so that his body is lifting up, basically throwing hers off of his so that she is on her back. He grabs her hands and pins them by her head with his own before moving on top of her and starting up a faster pace, his primal instincts kicking in.

Iris squeals when she's lifted off, then happily groans as he thrusts back in, filling her once more.

"You're very good," she gasped, loving the feel of his hand pinning her wrists down, "Very...very good. Ooooooh."

He just grunts in reply, continuing his pace and never letting up, feeling himself running towards the edge of pleasure at this point, never really a long lasting guy. "I'm gonna cum soon.." He admits sheepishly, his face growing a little red after he spoke the words to her.

She lets go at that point, crying out his name as her juices soak him, her body shaking with the effort of her orgasm.

"Cum for me," she growls into his mouth as she smothers him with a kiss, "LEt go Andy."

Andrew groans as she cums on him, he nods to her words as he kisses her back, pulling himself off and rubbing himself before he cums, groaning into her mouth as his seed goes on to her stomach.

"That's it baby," she sighs, feeling his release on her stomach and somehow even more turned on by it. Kissing him once more she pulls back to find something to clean her off, giving him a dazzling smile.

"Sex makes everything better," she purrs, finding a towel and wiping off, "And the best part after sex is the cuddlinf. Or in this case, sleeping."

Pulling her new favorite blue button up of Andrew's that she liked to wear to bed, she pulled a blanket from her bag too and set up a makeshift bed, wanting to curl up and sleep with him.

"We can plan tomorrow. Come on Andy, you look exhausted."

"Sex with you makes everything fantastic." He says with a grin, pouting a little when she pulls on a shirt. "Damn, I wanted to feel you against me again.." He says before pulling her against him, burying his head into her neck, his lips brushing against her skin. "Good night.." He mumbles before slipping into sleep, easily doing so as the sex had worn him out.

She passed out in his arms only to wake the next morning, humming happily as she realized she's snuggled in her arms. She could get up but she was too comfortable and all too quickly she fell back asleep, snoozing through the morning.

Andrew wakes up, his face still buried in her neck, he just sighs against her skin before going back to sleep, her body heat lulling him into his dreams.

Hours later Iris stirs, stretching her lean body in his arms as she listens to the world around them. The perfect quiet sounded so weird, unused to not hearing someone just outside the door.

"Andy. Wake up," she whispered, wanting to fill the silence with words, "we slept in. We should get moving. Hanging out in one space too long is dangerous."

He groans as he wakes up. "Five more minutes.. Please.." He whispers to her, not wanting to wake up. It seemed like sleep is the escape, you don't have to face reality when your eyes are closed.

The Terminal Iris has been carrying beeps, a message appearing on it. 'All UN personnel, Operation Black Winter is now in effect, kill everything.' Before the terminal beeps, as if letting them know there's a message.

Iris jumps at the sound then looks around, staring at the terminal amongst their clothes. Pulling away from Andrew's warmth she crawls to it and reads the message.

"Andrew. Andrew get up. Something's happening, and it doesn't look good!"

Andrew rolls on to his stomach and crawls over to her, reading the message and furrowing his eyebrows together.

"Why would they do that?" He mutters to himself, really confused.

"Who knows. But if this is serious then we, and all our friends are in a lot of trouble. They hate Dakota...they've been hunting her down, and if they find her with the group...god they'll kill everyone."

"You and I both know that I can't go back there.." He says to her quietly. "Dakota's smart, she'll catch on and get them out of there, we gotta focus on getting ourselves somewhere safe." He says to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Please." He says, his eyes locked with hers.

She shakes her head, looking at him with a furrowed brow, "those people are our friends. Our family. I'm not risking it. I have to go back and tell them, and you should come too. Splitting up is bad."

She grabs her clothes and starts stuffing her bag to leave, "Don't make me choose Andy. You've been my best friend as long as Dakota has and now your my boyfriend, but that doesn't stop her being my best friend. And Collin. And hell, your mom is there. We have to go back."

Andrew bites the bottom of his lip. "I don't want you to choose.. But Collin is going to kill me if I get close to him." He says to her softly, grabbing her upper arms and staring straight into her eyes. "I killed his sixteen year old sister, he's not just gonna drop that.. As much as I want to go, I can't.. You can go, maybe I can meet you somewhere, but I'm not going." He says to her. "If you'd come with me it'd make everything the better, as I said Dakota know's what's going on, she's smart and strong, she can take care of herself." He says.

He moves away from her and starts packing up his things, what little he had brought to their little safe house. He puts his backpack over his shoulder and looks over at her with his eyebrows raised, as if telling her to choose.
"Andy please. Can we just skip back and leave a note. A warning. They need to know."

She finished packing and pulled him into a kiss, trying to sway his judgement, "we can sneak in. Tell Dakota and sneak out. Please."

He sighs when she kisses him, how could he say no to her? He wraps his arms around her and pulls her against him. "Sneak in and out.." He mumbles to her, running his hands through her hair.
"Thank you," she kisses him again, "and later I'll make it up to you."

Grabbing his hand she pulls away the barricade and they are out, racing down the stairwell and into the afternoon air. Iris wants to be back as soon as possible, so they can leave just as quickly. If the UN wanted everyone dead, it wouldn't be long before bombs began dropping, and she didn't want to be in New York for that.

He helps her pull down the barricade before running out with her, taking mental notes of the areas around them.

He breathes in a breath of the cool air, it fills his lungs as he runs up the street with her, headed back towards the camp he swore to never go to again.
When they arrive they find it deserted. Its twilight and the sun is setting, and Iris is running out of time. They check everywhere, finding nothing. Just as she's about to give up Iris spots something glinting in a window - Andrews apartment bedroom window to be exact.

"Cmon," she calls, running ahead into the apartment. Getting to thier floor she races down the hall and into the empty apartment, bursting into the room. Attached to the window is a small round pocket mirror, one Iris recognizes as one Dakota used to carry around in high school. It wasn't the same one, but Iris got the message. Below on the floor the carpet looked disturbed and Iris dropped to her hands and knees, feeling the edges.

"She left something," she explained, knowing Andrew was behind her as she felt thin paper and pulled it out from under the carpet, "she hoped we'd come back."

On it was a small crudely drawn map of where they had relocated. It also had a conviently put it drawing of where the fire exit was to the new apartment, so they could sneak in unaware.

"Smart," she breaths, folding the paper into her pocket, "let's go."

It's only a half hour walk and by the time to moon is rising they are there, staring at the fire exit.

"Who first?"

He walks with her back, keeping on edge the entire way until they find the camp deserted. He bites the bottom of his lip as they enter their old apartment and find the note. He sighs and runs alongside of her to the new location.

"Ill go first.. If I see Collin I'll stay down here." He says to her softly. He pulls her into a hug, kissing her cheek. "Just in case I don't come back.." He mutters before climbing up the fire escape, peeking through the window.
Iris watched him below, seeing him pause. Then suddenly there was a flash of red and Dakota was leaning out the window, hugging her brother fiercely. Iris quickly jogged up the fire escape to join them.

"I'm so glad your safe," Dakota breathed as Iris joined, "mom and I have been worried. Please come in, she'll want to see you. Don't worry Andy. Collin and Nicki are a floor above us. They wanted thier space."
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