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B&B: The Saga of Cyanea

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Each blow lands true instantly killing three of the brigands. They all go flying backwards from the force of Cyanea's blows.
Damage: 20, 14, 11

The Chief Brigand simply presses the attack further with another swing and miss.
OOC: result -3

Feeling brave, Kortallus stabs at the forth Brigand with his dagger. It is a lucky stab instantly killing the man as well! Now the chief is alone.
Attack result: 5 Damage Result: 14

Round 3
Cyanea: Jack of Hearts
Chief Brigand: 5 of Clubs
Kortallus: 2 of Hearts
"You are sure you don't want to yield?" Cyanea asks the brigand leader, waiting a second for his reaction and observing him intently as she does. If the brigand leader chooses not to surrender she will strike out at him again.

First attack: Roll on Fighting: d10 / d6 : 3/2 : 3
Second attack: Roll on Fighting: d10/ d6 : 9/5 : 9

Damage is again d6+d6 plus possibly bonuses from raises.
"I yield... You win this time blondie!" says the Brigand Cheif. He then turns tail and starts to run away like his ass is on fire! Does Cyanea let him go or stop him?
"I haven't given you leave just yet, first I want a few questions answered"

And so Cyanea starts to chase after the fleeing bandit, intent to trip and disable him. She is aware, though, that he might just try to goad her into a trap, and so her charge is not headlong.

Notice: ( d6 / d6 ) +2(Alertness edge) : 4/2 +2 : 6
ooc you can have your attacks go off when he started to run to stop him. She was on hold.
OOC: The main intent is to overwhelm the bandit leader in a way that allows subsequent interrogation. If I can merely knock him unconscious with my unarmed attacks instead of killing him I will do that.
OOC: Because you are using fists/feet you can simply say you are going for knock out blows instead of lethal.

The kick to the back knocks the brigand chief on the floor. He is still awake yet prone. "Gods damn it woman. Why won't you leave a man in peace. Fine then ask your questions," replies the Brigand. His weapon was just out of reach.

"Well you sure showed them who is boss," said Kortalus with a laugh.
"A tip for the future: When you want to be left in peace, don't ambush others on country roads. That activity is detrimental to personal solitude." As she spoke Cyanea casually sauntered over to where the bandit leader's weapon was lying on the ground and gave it a kick that sent it skidding into the underbrush, way out of everyone's reach.

"But since you are more cooperative now, why don't you tell me about the venerable Magistrate Phrakus and the reward he promised for my safe return. One of your men let slip that he currently is not staying in far away Tricarnia but much closer." She had come to a halt now, towering over his prone form despite her not so impressive stature, and expectantly looked down at him.
"You do realize you are near the border of Tricarnia? A week or so travel will put you with in that country's borders," said the Bandit Chief. He then relented, "Pharkas is a mere two villages awaqy from here. On your travels to Gis I am sure he will cross your path. He offered a chest full of more moons then I ever saw to bring you back alive. I now understand why he offered so much."
A chest full of moons ...

And Phrakus that close, a mere two villages away ...

A plan was forming in Cyanea's mind.

"Just tell me which village exactly and how I get there, and you can go. Just make sure to never cross my path again in a detrimental way ..." she eyes the bandit leader, waiting for his reaction.

"Oh, and don't even think about returning to old Phrakus and telling him about what happened here. For your own goood, if nothing else."
"Fear not blondie, I have had my fill of tricinian magics for a life time. I hope to never see Pharkus or you ever again. I am going back to robbing caravan's because that is honest banditry," explains the Brigand Chief.

The thing is villages rarely have proper names. They are referred to as 'The village near lake such and such. Or south of such and such town." But the Brigand leader gives you exact directions on which village and how to get there. After that he gathers things and any living brigands and heads in the opposite direction of where you travel.

"Well how do you wish to play it Cyanea? I don't lknow who this Pharkus is, but I gan gather he is a shadow from your past that will follow you if not dealt with. It might be best just to meet the man and be done with it," Kortalus added.
"He is indeed. I was once supposed to marry him" Cyanea freely admits, smiling to herself as she thinks back. "That was the start of my adventuring career.

But you are right, we should not let this opportunity pass. You heard the bandit, a chest full of moons is up for grabs. You definitely should turn me in and claim that reward."
Now her smile grows into a wide grin.
At first Kortalus was confused, then the true meaning sunk in. A trap! That is brilliant. Why we could lead you right into his den then take him by surprise," Said the alchemist apprentice.

Kortalus then says,"I can make fake manacles for you to wear. They look strong but anyone can break them with some effort. We should probably stop at the closest village first and gather supplies for our ruse. What do you think?"asked the older man.
"That is a splendid idea, my dear Kortalus." Cyanea beamed back at him. "Though I am not entirely certain what exaclty my goal will be. I definitely want to talk with him first. There are just too many unknowns ...

Off to the village let's go to build some of those fake manacles."
The pair makes it to the nearest nameless village before Pharkus. It was a tiny farming village. There was a black smith, a general store, and a Inn slash tavern. The tavern is where the people seem to gather to socialize while not working. "I can get the supplies for the manacles from the black smith. Maybe you should ask around the tavern? They may have news on Phrakus," Suggested Kortalus.

OOC: If she goes to the tavern, I'll need a notice roll.
"They may have indeed. They also may huse other bounty hunters eager to earn Phrakus' moons." she remarked "But the two of us stick out like a sore thumb anyways, and if there are they have noticed us by now, so why not?"

With a smile and a wave Cyanea left Kortallus at the blacksmith and headed over to the tavern.

Notice: ( d6 / d6 ) +2(Alertness edge) : 6+1/4 +2 : 9
As Cyanea walked into the door she saw a site that was shocking. Sitting at a table was Pharkus himself! He had aged so,me, but there was no mistaking him. Apparently he was not content to wait in the next town and took up the search himself. He was talking to a Valk man and has not noticed Cyanea yet. What does she do?
Cyanea's first instinct was to walk straight up to Phrakus with a casual 'Hello, how have you been' on her lips, if only to see his reaction. She caught herself at the very last moment, since that way she would forfeit any chance at the big ransom for turning her in. Better rich for a while than cool for a moment.

So instead she tried to slide back out of the tavern unnoticed and to get back to Kortallus as quickly as possible, so they could adjust their plans. If worst come to worst, they would have to replace the fakemanacles by some loosely tied rope.

Stealth: ( d6 / d6 ) : 2/2 : 2
Let's hope that stealth roll was not really necessary due to her quick thinking ... :)
Once outside the tavern Cyanea quickly picked up her pace making headway over to the blacksmith, where fortunately Kortallus was still to be found.

"Change of plans." she whispered, stepping up close to him. "Phrakus is sitting right in the tavern over there, probably got a bit antsy and moved here. How long will you need for these manacles?"
Kortulas had a look of shock. He then responded,"They are done. Since they are fake it takes less time to make." He then presents Cyanea the fake manacles. The man puts them on Cyanea to give her 'prisoner' outfit. Once preparations are complete he said,"Okay, let us do this. Shall we go?"
"I am ready when you are." Cyanea replied with a grin as she carefully moved her hands within the metal bonds to test their weight. This had the potential to become a very exciting meeting. She had not seenthe man for seven years, but seeing how much effort he poured into this he definitely had not forgotten about her. How would it all turn out?
Kortulas led Cyanea to the tavern. The woman had her hands shackled behind her back. The lotus master spritzed Cyanea with a potion that smelled sweet. "It is a fake potion. The story is I hit you with a hypnotize potion and that is why you haven't kicked my head off," he explained. The duo then boldly walked into the tavern and approached Pharkus. Kortulas cleared his throat then said,"I belive I have someone you are looking for."

The entire tavern fell so silent you could hear a pin drop. Pharkus stood there in pure shock for a moment. "How did you do this?" the Noble asked. Kort then replies with a sly grin and says,"I slipped a compulsion lotus in the wine and offered her a free drink. She came to ask me to appraise a book I found. I believe you were offering a chest full of moons for her return to you?"

Cyanea sees Pharkus's expression change and gets a bad feeling.

OOC: Make a notice roll.
Cyanea tries her best to stay calm. For now ...

Notice: ( d6 / d6 ) +2 (Edge: Alertness) : 6+5/1 +2 : 13
Cyanea notices that Pharkus's goons are starting to circle and reach for there weapons. "I have no intention of paying you. I never had the intention of paying anyone, I was going to simply kill who brought me Cyanea and take her," explained Pharkus.

OOC: You may perform one action before cards are dealt.
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