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B&B: The Saga of Cyanea

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Aug 27, 2015
Our gorgeous heroine Cyanea was born the daughter of a High Tricarnian noble. More out of a nunch at a rather early age (say when she was five or six years old) she bought herself an elderly Lhobanite slave name Luan Li. Maybe it was because she was impressed by the gentle dignified demeanor he exhibited even under such unfortunate circumstances. A bit later she observed him doing some strange practice sessions, and not much longer after that she convinced him to teach her these secret skills of his. Again in secret, of course. Sadly a month after her thirteenth birthday Luan died of old age, but by then he had taught her all the fundamentals she needed to know.

A bit more than a year later, however, disaster struck. Apparently her family, due to a scheme gone wrong, was in dire financial straits. And her father tried to remedy this by marrying Cyanea - by now blossomed into an exemplar of beauty - off to Magistrate Phrakus, some very wealthy merchant, who also happened to be an old and overweight lecherous horn dog. At that time her darker kinks were not yet developed, and so she showed the natural reaction of utter revulsion at the first sight of her husband to be. Which led to an improvised departure from her homeland in the middle of one of the following nights. Since then Phrakus has tried to reclaim his prize by sending bounty hunters after her to kidnap her and bring her back so he can satisfy his carnal urges with her body, but so far she has eluded capture. Phrakus obsession has grown to a point where he is willing to travel abroad himself once a good lead shows up.

Meanwhile five years have passed, and in no small part due to Luan Li's teachings, Cyanea has had a rather successful career as adventuress, traveling the world, meeting interesting people and alternating between killing and fucking them.

This is her story.....

This scenario is best suited for a group of heroes, but can also be played by a Lone Wolf hero.

Cyanea is a mercenary at the service of Baron Grotho of Grimdell, a bannerman of the Count of Felantium. A few months ago, the Baron left his castle and his only daughter, Lia, in the care of Gilastius, a learned man as well and Lia’s personal physician. At the request of his lord, he fought the Cairnlanders in Northeim.

Now Grotho is returning home. As he approaches his castle, he can hardly believe the news. During his absence Gilastius revealed himself as a wicked Lotusmaster and has used his dark arts to create a legion of minions. He has proclaimed himself lord of Grimdell and forced Lia to marry him.

Baron Grotho has laid siege to Castle Grimdell, but the fortress has sturdy walls, is surrounded by a moat, and its northern side is protected by the mountains. Gilastius has closed the gates and his small army of foreign soldiers has been resisting Grotho’s assaults for three weeks.

Cyanea is among Grotho’s infantrymen. As the scenario begins, she is standing in chains in the Baron’s tent. Grotho is drinking wine from a horn and looking at her with his piercing eyes. In a booming voice, he says:

“The sergeant told me you quarreled with another soldier and killed him. You know the rules: kill and be killed. You will all be beheaded at dawn. But he also told me you are among the toughest women in my army. Our scouts have reported Syranthian mercenaries approaching.

They number twice our size, and will be here in a day or two. Gilastius — may the crows devour his black heart — will pay them with gold from my own coffers! We cannot stand against them. If we don’t conquer the castle tomorrow, we’ll all be food for worms. I need a heroine who will sneak into the castle, kill the traitor, and save my daughter. Without their leader, Gilastius’ army will surrender.

The mission is dangerous, but if you succeed, you’ll be spared and rewarded. Refuse and the executioner’s axe will show you no mercy. Tonight is moonless, and this will give you an advantage. The choice is yours, but you must decide now.”
Cyanea looks back at the baron calmly and the chains clink momentarily as she adjusts the position of her wrists. Her opinion on the baron has taken a nosedive since that incident. That pig of a soldier had insisted on her sharing his bed, and when she had refused he had charged her with a knife drawn. So she had caved in his skull. What else was she supposed to do?

The barons mind was set on his stubborn set of rules, though, and she had no desire to lose her head in the morning. So she had to weigh whether it was easier to escape tonight, or to fulfill that suicide assassination mission. The latter at least carried the promise of a reward.

"Let us stop pretending this is really a choice." she therefore started, her voice unexpectedly calm considering the circumstances. "I will attempt this mission of yours. I will venture into the castle and slay Gilastius. If you want me to succeed, though, it would be helpful if you told me all you know about the castle's layout and the lotus masters potential whereabouts. Secret passages included."
"Yes. I will give you lay the lay out and and aide against the Lotus magic itself," explains Baron Grotho with a nod. As soon as The baron said that,a pale man steps out of the shadows and the Baron introduces him as Sviss Vann, a skilled Lotusmaster at his service.

“You must be very careful,” Sviss says in a whispering voice. “Gilastius has mastered the Lotus arts of illusion and shape shifting. I wonder where he learned such forbidden knowledge. Take this Lotus Pearl, it will help you see through his deceptions.”

He hands the Cyanea a small glass ball full of milky liquid. It is a White Lotus of Truth, a powerful concoction having the dispel power (Arcane skill d10). It must be broken against the target to dispel any foul sorcery, and can double as sling projectile if necessary. Or simply make a fighting check to smash it against a target. This item can be used in various ways during the adventure, but the heroes have only one and should not waste it.

Castle Description

The castle vaguely resembles a traditional medieval fortress. It is a mix of traditional Imperial mansions and rough Northeim buildings, consisting of a large, two-story tower protected by a stone fortification with battlements. In the courtyard there is a well (fundamental during sieges), the stables, and a smithy. The entire complex is surrounded by a moat full of water. The drawbridge is activated by a mechanism located in the tower above the gate.

Grotho gives the heroes their gear back and offers his help in making a plan. There are two ways into the castle, from above or from below.

Castle Grimdell’s northern side is bordered by the almost vertical face of a mountain. With the right equipment, the party can climb up the mountain and reach the castle’s battlements. The daring feat must be accomplished quickly and silently, because there are sentinels patrolling the walls.

As for the second way in, Grotho knows there is a passage somewhere under the moat leading into the castle’s dungeons. The problem is no one has ever seen it or used it. It might have caved in, or now be the lair of some terrible beast. This plan is not as daring as the first, but the heroes must swim underwater across the moat without alerting the sentinels on the battlements, then dive to the bottom and find the passage, if it exists.

As a general rule, the party sets off in the dead of night (1 AM) and the mission must be completed before the sun rises (5 AM).

“You have until dawn. Then I attack, whether you have killed the sorcerer or not.” Lord Grotho says as you leave.
There is a third way in, Cyanea thinks to herself. It is no wonder that Grotho has not mentioned it, though, since that third way is only available to individuals with the capacity to jump very high. As fortune would have it she was one such individual, old Luan Li be blessed once again for his most fruitful tutelage. She will keep this as a last resort, though, and ponder the other two options first to save the inner strength powering her for a quick escape if necessary.

The secret passage would have the big advantage that she would appear in the castle's dungeons. Even if someone noticed her arrival there, it would not be able to alert the whole fortress that quickly and she would have options to take out the retainers. The main downside, though, was that she was not a very good swimmer and unsure whether she could pull off that extended diving maneuver.

The clim in from the cliff face was the more natural approach, even though from her vantage point the cliff face looks quite steep. She also wonders whether Gilastius really has not taken any percautions against this approach. Quite some risks involved again.

Probably resorting to her special powers at least to a small extent is the safest bet, after all. Swimm across the moat in silence and then jump up onto the battlement at a suitable moment. This aproach also has the advantage of being unexpected, similar to the approach through the sewers.

So she begins her preparations. Since she will have to swim and she is no great swimmer she needs to minimize her encumbrance as much as possible. She retrieves a dancer's outfit from her belongings that she obtained in her travels and that has proven useful on several occasions. It is basically a ocean blue bikini withsome slight golden embroidery along the seams. Displaying that much of her bare skin has the added bonus that, should she come across any guards, they might bei completely distracted by her womanly charms or even mistake her for a pleasure slave. Better than having the threatening apparel of an armed invader, for sure. For additional equipment she stows a lantern and a dagger into a sealskin to be carried with her.

Her equipment finalized she then sets out under the cover of night to approach the moat in secrey, to observe the patrol pattern on the battlements before making her move.
After observing the guards atop the battlements for a while, long enough to feel confident in discerning their patrol patterns, Cyanea finally slides into the water of the moat. It is cool, but fortunately also very calm, so crossing it, even in silence, is no problem for her, and shortly thereafter she finds herself at the bottom of the castle wall, her back pressed to the stone as she listens for steps on the walkway above her.

None can be heard, and so she breifly focuses inward, an act of concentration that has become as routine to her as the flexing of a muscle, and with the Qi power couring through her she jumps upwards, reaching the top of the battlements in a single leap and landing in a crouch, her feet making no sound as they come in contact with the stony ground. Briefly her eyes dart to the left and to the right, trying to get an overview of her situation.
Cyanea lands silently from her great leap, and no guard notices her. There are 4 twisted guards on patrol of the battlement. She can dispatch them quiely, or simply try to sneak pass.

Twisted Guard
This ugly humanoid only vaguely resembles a man. Through his evil Lotusmastery, Gilastius has created many of them, each with a different animal feature. One has a long rat-like tail, another a pig’s snout, and so on. When a Twisted Guard is killed, his features revert to those of the castle servant he was before. They carry polearms or maces and wear light leather armor.

In the Castle

The castle isn’t very big, so no map is needed. The description of each location includes its connections, i.e. how to access nearby areas. Some are obvious (like walking through a door), while others are more subtle or complex (like climbing a wall and breaking a window). As a general rule, NPCs need 3 rounds to move from one location to the next. Unless otherwise stated, the doors are made of wood and reinforced with bronze bars (Toughness 8), whereas the rooms are in Dim light cast by sparse torches.

Castle Court
Battlements.The castle is surrounded by a fortification with battlements on all four sides. The guards patrol the battlements throughout the night and end their shift one hour before sunrise (4 AM). If the
replacements find their comrades dead or missing, give the players three Detection Tokens.

Connections: Courtyard (down the stairs), Stables or Smithy (jumping onto the roof: Agility roll to avoid falling, which causes 2d6 damage), Laboratory (Climbing (–4) roll to scale the wall; window has Toughness 7), Armory (jumping to reach a narrow Ground Floor window requires a Strength roll; falling causes 2d6 damage), then an Agility roll (with –2 if the hero doesn’t have the Small Hindrance) is needed to squeeze through).
After surveying her options Cyanea decides to start with the easiest option. Keeping her eyes open for the patrolling guards she begins a slow and stealthy descent down into the courtyard.

The central Courtyard is empty except for a well and a broken catapult, which someone has hopelessly tried to repair. As Cyanea enters the courtyard a lone guard is crossing from the Gates to the main hall. The guard is shocked for a moment and just stares at her in disbelief. Then oddly he begins to smile and adopt a relaxed stance.

This guard had the ears and tail of a wolf. He spoke casually,"A beautiful woman in the courtyard dressed like a harem girl? You must be the entertainment Gilastius had promised. How about we have come fun before the others get a chance to play with you." Clearly the guard mistook our heroine for some one else. Does she play along or punch his lights out?
Uhh, entertainment?

It took Cyanea a moment to react, but then she got her wits together. Wasn't this one of the reason she had chosen her particular attire for this mission. Seems it was working better than expected. Only to keep up the ruse a bit more investment from her side would be required. She probaly would not have time to entertain everyone, but hopefully that would not be necessary, either.

With an enticing smile she beamed back at the guard, and making her voice as sensual as possibble, words rolling from her lips like sweet promises, she inquired. "Maybe I am. What is your name?"
"My name is Koga. And what do I call such a vision of loveliness such as yourself," Said the wolf boy trying o pour on the charm. He has has mace holstered and then leans in while Cyanea speaks and tries to kiss her on the lips passionately.
"Well met Koga." Cyanea replied, her tone slightly more hushed now, and she gently puts the tip of her right index finger on the approaching pair of lips. "I have indeed been sent by Master Gilastius to specifically reward you for your excellent service. Don't you know of a more intimate place where we'd be safe from your less deserving fellows?"

Mostly she is trying to buy time with these distractions, while her thoughts are racing. If Koga agrees she will have a great opportunity to take him out without anybody noticing. Only, how long will it take before he is missed by his peers and suspicion is rising? The alternative would be to ... carry on with the pretense for a bit longer ...
Koga was sopped by the index finger. The wolf boy almost let out a soft whine. But when he heard that she was for him alone, His face lit up like a boy getting a Christmas present. "Ah yes, I'm the one that told Rukk to quit being so damn creepy. Gilastius would reward me for that," responds the wolf man. His ears twitch in thought then he adds,"The smithy is abandoned and private. It is perfect. This way."

Smithy. The smith died a few weeks ago and the forge is cold and empty. Besides some furniture, the only useful thing the heroes can find here is a large hammer (Str+d8 Improvised Weapon).
Connections: Courtyard (through door), Stables (door).

Koga leads Cyanea to the stmithy. His back is turned to her as he tries to light some candles for mood lighting. "Don't worry, these walls tend to hold in sound. You can scream your pretty head off and no one would hear it," he adds.
Good to know Cyanea thought to herself. His readily presented back was a good opportunity to take him out quickly and quietly, but her concerns from before still held valid. What if Koga would be missed? That might not be overly likely, but why take the risk, seeing how the alternative was not that bad, either. As long as they would not take too long.

So while the wolf-man guard was busy lighting up candles to speed things up she quickly slipped off her bikini top and tossed it onto the smith's old work bench. That way at least it would not get torn in the heat of the action. With her upper body bare now, her weighty breasts hanging freely from her chest, Cyanea silently waited for Koga to finish his task and turn to face her again.
Koga looked to the bench where the flimsy garment was tossed. He then turns to Cyanea and his face changes His expression becomes more primal. He practically leaps on Cyanea His hands grab and roughly squeezes her breasts He pops the right tit in his mouth and begins to suck on it hard. His hands move to grab Cyanea's firm ass and gives her a hard squeeze. "On your knees girl," Koga ordered.
Secretly she had hoped he'd just bend her over the bench and plough her right away, but apparently Koga insisted on at least some foreplay, and with the yarn she had woven there was hardly a way out of it. So instead she lets out loud,audible moans whenever his fingers dig crudely into her supple titflesh or her pert buttocks. That does feel good, after all, and some part of her likes men who take what they want. And order her around.

"As my master wishes" With a sensual smile Cyanea breathes her response even as her knees give away and she slowly begins to sink downwards, extracting herself from his hands and mouth until her knees touch the dusty ground, and she is sitting on her heels, looking up at the guard expectantly.
Koga smiled as the girl sank to hi knees. He pulled out his hard cock and pushed the tip against Cyanea's lips and in her mouth. "I'm going to make you my little bitch," Koga said. He then slapped his cock against Cyanea's face a few times and orders her,"Okay bitch. Suck my dick." The wolf man wanted to fuck that pretty face then her beautiful pussy. A shame he gets her to himself.
"Oh, what a tasty looking dick you have..."Cyanea purred up at Koga, even flashing her pearl white teeth at him for a moment. If that one survived the night she would have to have a talk with him about the moral ramifications of making someone his 'bitch', but now was not the time.

Keeping her grin Cyanea extends her tongue and runs it along Koga's length, starting at the base and leaving a wet trail of her saliva until she reached the pink flaring tip. All the while her hands continue to rest casually on her own upper thighs, the organ merely supported by its own rigidity. Letting the tip of her tongue run along its ridge for a bit she finally parts her lips and slides the mushroom head slowly between them, making sure to produce enough suction all the time to be truly felt as more and more of the wolf man's genital disappears into her mouth.
Koga didn't speak as he felt Cyanea's tongue ensnare his rigid cock. She didn't use her hands and left them in her lap. Koga took advantage of this The wolf oy grabbed Cyanea by the sides of her head and drived his dick in her mouth once she took him past her lips and started to suck. "Oh gods, you harem girls are the best. I don't know why the lord wastes his time with that Baron's daughter," says Koga. Koga moes his hips to work his hard an hot dick in Cyanea's mouth, but not deep enough to mke her gag. It was more like he was using her pretty mouth.

Our heroine would taste drops of precum as Koga reluctantly pulled out of her mouth. "Bend over the table, I think you deserve some fun to," said Koga. He wanted to fuck Cyanea for real before blowing his load.
Cyanea pulled back slwoly, a thin strand of saliva and precum hangingbetween the corner of her mouth and the tip of Koga's organ, glittering in the torch light until it finally evaporated. Thankfully the wolf man had been considerate enough not to ram his cock down her throat, and so all she had had to during this facefuck with her head between his paws was to keep her lips tightly around his shaft and flicker her tongue here and there when enough of his tip was inside her.

That is over now, though, and his further intentions are quite clear. Well, backing away now would be sort of ... inconsequent. So Cyanea gets to her feet wordlessly and takes the one step needed to reach the table, it's edge gently pressing against her hips as she begins to bed forward. Finally her upper body gets to res on her elbows and lower arms, her massive breasts pulling downward, slightly brushing the rough surface. Her rear is propped up, her two firm buttocks flexed invitingly, and only the cloth of her loincloth like bottom piece is covering the treasures between her thighs.

Truning her head she looks back at Koga, and with a grin she asks "Like that?"
"Just like that," replied Koga. The wolf man licked is lips as if he was going to dine on a fine meal. Thankfully Koga still had a human cock, so there would be none of that knotting nonsense like with canines. He simply pulled aside the loincloth to expose Cyanea's pink and fleshy treasure. Then without any grace, he shoved his cock inside her pussy. "'re tight," Koga hissed as he took a moment to simply take in her feel. The Wolfman then braced his hands on Cyanea's lovely hips and started fucking her proper.
"Gnhh... ahhh ... yes ..."

Cyanea tried her best not to be too loud while she was properly ploughed by the guard. The whole act was crude and primitive, her partner's focus clearly on the sating of his own needs, but that simplicity of their rutting turned her on even more. Hadn't he mentioned his fellows? For a moment the lovely girl was tempted, before she remembered that time was an issue, and overt exposure would put her mission at an unnecessary risk.

So her hands gripped the opposite side of the table edge to give her some support, but even so her whole body shook and her udders swayed back and forth every time Koga hilted himself into her, his hips slapping audibly against her bare buttocks. Whenever an all too loud moan was building up she firmly pressed her lips together to stifle it.
Koga just went full tilt into fucking the sweet Cyanea. The wolf man did not try to be quiet. As a matter of fact he was purposely loud.As he fucked Cyanea, he would howl with delight. Koga was far from an experienced lover, and after several minutes of vigorous thrusting he declared, "I'm going to cum inside you, my bitch!"The wolf man then sprays his hot spunk inside Cyanea with a long growl.

OOC: Cyanea has the drop on Koga.
By the time Koga unloaded into her Cyanea had already had a climax of her own. The wolf man's excessive vigor combined with the unusual and titillating circumstances had served better at heightening her arousal than any however skillful ministration in a run of the mill bedroom would have, and so she had shuddered underneath him in the throes of her orgasm, riding it out over his relentless thrusting. Which afterwards had given her a bit more time to think.

Her original plan had been to let Koga go, but now she was not so sure this was a good idea. He seemed the naive and boastful type, and even if he woudl not drag her to his fellow guards himself, he might tell enough to stoke their curiosity. And then one of them coudl get suspicious. Better to take the lower risk, hoping that Koga would not be missed immediately.

"Ohh, how virile you are, granting me such a copious amount of your seed ..."

With him still weged inside her Cyanea turns her upper body to look at him with a seductive smile and give him another good look ather massive jugs, right bevore her fists shoot forward for a quick one-two punch to his face.
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