A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Forbidden Fruit)

Tommen sighed staring out from out of the walls of the city's gates. Two days ago, Sansa had left him. Sansa was the last member of his 'harem', and she had left him because another woman had conned him into kissing her. He was all alone, with no friends by his side. His wife, Margaery Tyrell had been killed. His Grandfather, Tywin Lannister, had been killed. His uncle Jaime was apparently in Dorne, trying to receive Tommen's sister Myrcella. His other uncle, Tyrion, had killed Tommen's Grandfather in his escape because he had apparently killed Tommen's older brother Joffrey. Tommen never believed he did, but due to the murdering rampage Tyrion went on before he left, it was hard to see why not. Tommen's birth father was Jaime, but the man who treated him like a son, Robert Baratheon, was also dead. His mother was stuck in a whorehouse where she belonged.. Tommen could always use her for comfort, but apparently she wanted him dead now too. And finally there was Ygritte, who left on her own free will as she was basically a prisoner anyway.

After all those people had came and gone for one reason or another, Tommen was alone. No one to love or to love him, no one to make him smile.

With everyone gone, what was the point? No one would care if he died, no one would mourn his death. Life would go on, and a new king would be announced... It would likely be Myrcella and the boy Tyrion sent her off to. Myrcella always thought of herself as a princess, and finally she could be queen.

Softly sighing, Tommen climbed up on top of the wall and looked down, seeing the dirty and muddy water drip into a dam-like area. The fall would kill him instantly, which was exactly what Tommen wanted - a quick painless death so he could see his wife once again... why did he have to be afraid of heights?

Inch by inch, the boy's feet shuffled forward, ready to fall when his feet met the end. He would have made it too, if it weren't for a hand on his shirt, pulling him backwards onto the safe ground. It turned out to be Varys, the wise bald man from the small council, and the master of whispers. "King Tommen, I beg you not to do this. Do not waste your life away. I, of course, have no say in the matter, so if you must do this, go right ahead. But please wait until tomorrow, as there is an urgent matter that needs your attention. Daenerys Targaryen has arrived at King's Landing. With her is an army of Unsullied, some Dothraki, three dragons, and... your uncle Tyrion seems to have joined their ranks." Varys explained hesitantly. "We need a plan." The man told the boy, but Tommen shook his head. "I've got one." Tommen said and walked off without another word.


Tommen wanted to die, but even he wasn't allowed that luxury. So if he couldn't kill himself, maybe someone from Daenerys' camp would help him? Finding a horse, the king ordered that no one was to follow him. When he received an affirmative, Tommen rode out to the camp alone. Along with the casual clothes the king had been wearing, a crown was now on his head, meant only to show that he was the appointed king of King's Landing and the rest of Westeros.

When he arrived, Unsullied surrounded the camp, and threateningly rose their weapons. "I come looking to make peace. Feel free to search me, I have no weapons of any kind. I wish to speak to Daenerys Targaryen, preferably alone but I know that will likely not work, so she may have people guarding or advising her if she wishes." Tommen knew these people could kill him at any moment, but he wanted to make sure that no one in the castle was harmed.
Dani Targaryen​

The unsullied warriors surrounded the young king as he surprised them with a visit. Daario Naharis was over watching the men dig up trenches and set up camp. Tyrion was hearing reports from scouts they had sent up ahead. A smile lit up on his face when he heard that the capital city wasn't offering any resistance. A boring long siege, but rebellions will soon erupt in the city to help their cause.. or so he thought. Then he watched a group of soldiers flock to the entrance in a circle with their spears pointing inwards. Due to height issues, he couldn't tell what they were surrounding but he heard a familiar voice.."Oh, my dear nephew Tommen. I expected someone else.." Tyrion spoke with a calm, sarcastic tone before he took a sip of the flask of wine that never seemed to leave his hand. "Follow me. You'll like Dani. She's blonde like that whore you call mother" he taunted then walked to Dani's tent swaying from right to left drunkenly.

"The usurper's son, your grace" Tyrion announced as he entered the tent, and Tommen appeared behind him..

"What brought you today?" Daenerys asked from the height of her throne. To her right stood Missandei, a fair maiden with a darker skin and fuzzy hair that seemed to fit her slender figure. She had large eyes and lips, and small everything else. Daenerys sit with her blonde hair resting on her shoulders. She had peerless white skin and emerald green eyes. In her eyes you could see ambition, power and revenge. She sat on a small throne in the middle of a large tent, surrounded by soldiers and roars of dragon that flew above her camp. Before her was the son of the man who murdered her father and sought to kill her time and time again.

"Kneel, inbred" Gray Worm spat out. The bald muscular man was standing behind Tommen. He, Tyrion, Tommen, Dani and Missandei were the only ones in the tent.. for now..​
Tommen raised his hands in a surrendering pose as the spears were raised, waiting for someone to confirm he had no weapons on him before they let him through. To his surprise, Tyrion was around. The fact that he was here wasn't a surprise in itself, but the fact that he was walking around freely. "I guess we have something in common, uncle. We both call my mother a whore. In fact, I punished her by having her publicly raped and then sent to a whorehouse to work. If all of this is worked out, you'll have a new whore to try out. You wouldn't be the first in the family to have her." Tommen replied coolly. He did not take the insult of his mother personally, as he also had issues with Cersei.

As Tommen entered the room, he took everything in. Everyone stood proudly, happy to serve Daenerys. She knew she was powerful, as shown by the way she sat, her facial expressions, and even her tone of voice. Before the young king could have a chance to speak, he was demanded to kneel by the man behind him. Knowing the reputation of Unsullied as powerful fighters, the boy knelt, not looking for a fight.

"I have heard stories of your arrival. Of how you wish to rule the Seven Kingdoms. You have an amazing army, which I could see from the city's walls. I don't wish for there to be bloodshed, as these are my people, and could be yours too in the very near future. I... I never expected to be King. As a young, naive kid, I thought my father would be alive forever. Of course, I was wrong. Not only did he die, but as I found out this year, he was not my real father. Then the crown moved to my older brother, Joffrey. Had he still been King today, he would demand our army charge against your own, likely in a one sided battle that would finish in mere minutes. He loved to kill, even if it came at costs."

"So there are the last two kings. My fake father, who was lazy, arrogant, and loved whores. And my brother, who was as evil as you could ever imagine, who loved the death of others. I am neither of those, as I value life. I know you do too; I heard the stories of the freer of slaves in Mereen."

Tommen took a deep breath, knowing that this was a very big decision that he was about to make. "The Targaryens are the rightful heirs to the Iron Throne. Just because one man was overcome with bloodlust, shouldn't mean that the rest of the Targaryen line should have to suffer. So I propose this; we will marry, creating an alliance stronger than anything in Westeros. This would mean you would become the Queen of Westeros, a dream I am sure you have had for years. You would be a ruler alongside me, and you would be able to make most of the decisions as Queen, if you wish. In return, I would remain King, and any possible children coming from this alliance can carry on the Targaryen and Lannister bloodlines. This would also mean that the people of King's Landing would be safe from any sort of conflict, and Westeros can become the amazing place it once was." Tommen finished his speech, looking up at Daenerys from the ground. He was in a submissive stance, pleading with Daenerys to consider.

"I know Joffrey and Robert have wronged you, but I assure you I am different. I have loved and lost due to an error of judgement, making decisions I should never have made. I know how to make tough decisions, and this is one of them. That is why I came out alone, hoping that you will agree." Tommen looked over to Tyrion as he finished talking, hoping the older man would vouch for him. He was one of the few that doubted Tyrion's part in Joffrey's death, and the two had gotten along well before that incident.
A large smile appeared on Daenerys' face as she heard the king's surrender. For long now, she had imagined storming the city with her massive army and the people would open their doors for her and her men. This was different, this was the king himself giving up his throne for her. No fighting or bloodshed was necessary, and the rightful reign of the Targaryens will be restored. Never before in the history of the Seven Kingdoms was there a man willing to give up his throne without a fight. Dani found it in her heart to respect the man humbly bowing to her. She glanced at Tyrion the moment Tommen proposed to marry her, and Tyrion gave a calm nod. The dwarf knew what kind of a man Tommen was.

The boy king was sincere. With his snake of a mother out of the picture, as Varys has confirmed to them, Tommen was lost and about to kill himself. Giving up his throne was something Tommen would sincerely do, and asking for Dani's hand in marriage was an understandable way of keeping his face. She grinned at the man, smiled, and commanded him to stand tall and proud.

The wedding ceremony was scheduled to be in two days in the Great Sept of Baelor. People flocked to the wedding, eager to see their new queen. Men swooned at her sight, others shivered at the memories of her crazy father. Dani looked marvelous in her silky white dress, surrounded by her generals and advisers, she stood before a massive crowd that was contained by her unsullied.

"In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one, for eternity." The Septon announced as soon as Dani turned to meet her husband. They held hands and looked at one another, before they said their vows in unison. "Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger, I am his and he is mine from this day until the end of my days."​
Tommen stayed in the kneeling position as he spoke, hoping that his words were appealing to Daenerys. Of course, if they weren't, she could kill him here and now and march the gates with his head. Thankfully that was not the case as he was ordered to stand. The woman accepted his proposal, and she would soon be his wife.


It was a very different atmosphere, this wedding compared to his last. He couldn't tell if it was the difference in people - No longer was his mother, grand father, or real father in the room - or even the different wife. It may have been the large force of the Unsullied making sure that everyone was contained. Either way, this was an event he never expected to happen for another few years at least. But since it benefits Westeros, it obviously had to happen immediately.

Daenerys appeared in her white dress and she looked absolutely stunning. Any attraction he had towards his new wife was purely physical, but hopefully the pair would fall in love some day soon. She seemed nice enough, and had a very strong personality. It was not long later that their hands were joined, and they said their vows. "Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger, I am hers and she is mine from this day until the end of my days."

The crowd cheered as Tommen leaned in for a kiss (due to the height difference, Tommen stood on a higher step, giving him a few inches of height over his queen). Her lips were soft and experienced, but thankfully different to Margaery's; he did not want his wife to be an eternal reminder of his last love.
After Tommen cloaked his wife with his wedding gown, signifying his pledge to take care of her and love her, they left the cheering crowds and headed straight to their night chambers. It was a quite night, with the moon high in the middle of the sky. Only Dani and Tommen were in their room, alone for the first time. She had two guards near her the room's entrance, and Missandei in a room next to their's, separated by a small door. "I never saw this coming, Tommen" she addressed him, her hands moving down from his forehead along his cheeks before landing on his chest. She leaned for a tender kiss, and closed her eyes, savoring his taste and memorizing it. This was the man she was going to rule this land with. The idea made her brain gasp in awe.

She retreated from the kiss and walked to the window, watching the moon, awaiting him to follow her. She could sense his arousal, and her light dress giving away her curves to him. With a sly smile, she arched her shoulders and slipped from her dress making it hit the ground. She stood there before him, bent at the window, her bare butt before him and her eyes fixed at the moon.​
Kissing Daenerys was something that Tommen felt had been missing from his life for ages. He had not been romantically involved with anyone since Margaery, which overall made him a much more unhappy person. Once he met Dani though and offered her marriage, smiles seemed to frequent Tommen's mouth more often. He was happy, and it was all thanks to the person who once wanted to kill everyone in his family. Life was strange..

"I never saw this coming either." Tommen replied softly, watching as she moved to the balcony. Her dress showed off all her curves and left little to the imagination. And he didn't need to imagine anything either, as soon the dress was on the ground, leaving the queen in all of her glory. Biting his lip as he felt himself grow aroused, Tommen soon walked up behind his wife. Being 'out of the game' for a while, he was unsure if she was inviting him to start making love to her. Figuring he would be better safe than sorry, the young man pressed his clothed body up against her back, his arousal sliding between her curvy ass cheeks.

"How about we get to bed and finish the final step for our marriage? Or would you rather it here, under the moonlight?" Tommen questioned. His arms wrapped around her naked body, whispering his question while his lips trailed along her neck. It felt good to hold someone again.
Dani grinned. She could feel his erection firm under his pants against her plum butt. He wasn't a Khal Drogo, but she felt it was unfair to hold him against such high standards. Looking at the moon, she ignored his question for a second and moved her hips swaying against his lap, answering him with her body rather than her tongue. She turned around with a smile and kissed him. Despite all his experience with his infamous harem, he was still timid and submissive as a kitten. "You ask many questions" she finally cooed, and moved her hands to tug on his pants and pull them down, exposing his hard shaft ready to fuck her against the window.​
Tommen knew that once he got more familiar with his new wife, he would grow more comfortable and confident in making moves with her. A soft sigh left his lips when her hips rolled against his cock, and soon she was bringing out his erection. It had pleasured quite a few women in the last few months, and he hoped that Dani would enjoy it too. Pressing his young body against her own, he let his erection slide along her pussy lips for a few moments before sliding inside, groaning with pleasure.

Despite being together for the first time, Tommen felt like he had been doing this for years. He began to thrust roughly inside her, his hand groping her breast in an almost violent manner. His sexual urges were making the boy a little more like a primal beast fucking his prey, than the usual timid boy who let the woman decide how she wanted it.

His thrusts were fast and penetrated deeply. While Dani had been with impressive men like Khal Drogo, Tommen's enthusiasm made up for his slightly smaller size. In all his times he had been with a woman, it had never been under the romantic lighting of the moon, and it was definitely a nice change.
"Ooh" Dani moaned. She saw the fire in the man's soul as he rammed inside her folds with his glistening manhood, fucking her rigorously and poking her gspot repeatedly with the tip of his cock. She bit on her lips and closed her eyes, both of her cheeks blushed and both of her lips watered. The man's balls were slapping frantically on the Targaryen's buttocks, her moans and his grunts reaching the guards posted at her room's entrance. Then her pussy reflexes kicked in. Her walls tightened around his shaft and she roared with a final moan, collapsing on her knees and flooding the man's cock with her juices.



Missandei was struggling to sleep in her room adjacent to Dani's. The handmaiden had always been on Dani's side ever since she freed her and the unsullied from the slave masters with the whips. Missandei saw something extraordinary in Dani's eyes. She had the eyes of a conqueror. Despite being a woman, she commands a vast armies with huge dragons and talented advisers and brave generals. Now the adventure seems to have reached its end. With Dani regaining her family's throne..

Missandei knew it was the best for the people and the land to have a ruler like Dani. She trusted she would always make the best decisions.. except this one. She wasn't sure the Lannisters could be trusted.. They are the ones who killed her father, weren't they? They swore unweavering loyalty to him and watered their swords with his blood. To trust Tommen would be insanity..

So she stayed up and leaned on the door. Hearing every thrust and moan. Her pussy was getting wet, and she accidentally knocked a jar on the ground, alarming the duo that she was awake and watching..

Daenerys was a very beautiful blonde woman, and after they finished their first time, the boy knew he would enjoy his many nights with her. With a low grunt, the boy buried his seed in the Targaryen woman, attempting to impregnate her with their heir. Of course, if he was unsuccessful, there would be many more nights to try. As they finished up, Tommen began to kiss his new wife, but jumped as he heard the crash of a jar. Realising where it came from, Tommen immediately assumed something was wrong, and they were in danger. It never once occurred to him that Dani's handmaiden was listening in.

Placing his finger on his lips to signal Daenerys to stay silent, Tommen reached over and grabbed a small knife. He used it to open letters, but still was sharp enough to kill a man if need be. Gripping the hilt of the blade, the young man slowly crept over to the door that was shared with Missandei and suddenly opened it. He was greeted to the sight of an embarrassed Missandei, and no threats to her or their lives. Missandei, on the other hand, was greeted to her ruler's husband's naked body, with his cock drenched in the juices of him and his wife. "Are you alright?" Tommen asked, peering over her shoulder to ensure there was no danger. When he was satisfied, he lightly threw the blade onto his desk, knowing he wouldn't need it. "What are you still doing up?" Tommen asked curiously, a small smile on his face. Due to his experience with his harem, he wasn't too modest about his nudity. He was, however, a bit nervous about Missandei herself. He wanted everyone from Dani's group to trust him, and Missandei would be one of the tougher hurdles.
Missandei was looking at the jar's broken pieces when the door opened and a naked Tommen emerged. His body was slender, but he had a member to boast of. She glanced at it embarrassingly. It was wet with thick liquid that glittered under the moon and candle lights. "I.. I couldn't sleep" she said politely and looked down, a slight blush appeared on her caramel colored face. She didn't want to point out that their sex was too vocal, but couldn't find a more polite way of saying it.

Dani looked at her new husband and her handmaiden from the distance and spoke in a soft voice. "Missandei, it is fine" she walked closer to Tommen and hugged him from behind "Maybe she should join us?" she kissed his cheeks. She thought of Missandei as a faithful companion and very beautiful woman. For a while Dani was willing to venture and experience on her sexuality - perhaps this was the time.​
He felt the girl's eyes roam his body, and was curious if she liked what she saw. Apparently most women did, so it would be more surprising to him if he was unsatisfactory in Missandei's eyes. When she told him that she couldn't sleep, he blushed as he realised the reason behind it. He was about to say that they would quieten down, when Daenerys spoke up. Feeling his naked wife hug him from behind made Tommen smile, and her offer surprised him greatly.

Having a harem of women was something that Margaery never really seemed to want, but had slowly come around to when it involved Sansa. He assumed most women would be like that, but here was Dani, actually offering Missandei to join them. Whether that was for the night or for a while, the boy did not know, but he wouldn't mind finding out...

"Sure, she can join us." Tommen smiled, turning around in his wife's arms and kissing her softly. Mid-kiss, Dani was lifted into the King's arms and carried to the bed. She was straddling him in this position, and it was very tempting to start fucking her again. But he resisted, letting his wife go and walking over to Missandei. Wanting her to feel welcome and part of the group, Tommen picked her up too. Unsure of the girl's experience, the young man kissed her lips softly and slowly, checking to see her response before pulling away.
Missandei didn't respond for a second. Her lips sat idle as his lips smothered against her's. She stood as her new king kissed her and moaned into her mouth, while she watched over shoulders for Dani's reaction. When the queen nodded from her bed, Missandei smiled shyly and moved her lips in accordance to Tommen's. She kissed him with her ample lips, her tiny waist held by his hands as his body hugged her. Dani woke up and walked behind her aide, then kissed her neck with a moan, and slowly started to undress her. "Take her Tommen" Dani whispered in a commanding voice, wanting to share her wedding night with Missandei.
Tommen nodded at his wife's request, helping Missandei get undressed. Her caramel body was soon revealed to him and it looked stunning. Gently pushing his new sexual partner down, he got her to lay on her back. Her head rested by Dani's lap, and her glistening pussy was revealed to him.

The king's cock rubbed slowly against her pussy lips. It looked as if Missandei was a virgin, so he needed to be a bit more gentle with her. His swollen head disappeared inside of her, along with the many inches of his cock that followed. The barrier of her hymen was felt and then broken, getting Missandei ready to continue. Hoping that pleasure would block out the pain, Tommen continued to thrust, whispering encouraging words to the older girl. His hands massaged her breasts, giving an extra pleasure sensation to the new girl.
The former slave's body rocked with the bed that squeaked with every thrust. Her gentle moans were shy in nature and timid in tone, yet they were shameless in volume as time passed. Dani found herself watering at the sight of her new husband exerting his manliness on her aide and proceeded to kiss the tanned woman, her hands creeping down on Missandei's private regions and rubbing her teasingly as the cock rammed inside her. Missandei's idle hands quickly reciprocated and moved to Dani's lap, then quickly found themselves inside Dani. She penetrated her then curled her fingers like a hook and gently pulled in a 'come over' gesture, eliciting more and more moans from the queen.

As Missandei's pussy clenched around the man's cock, she found her toes curling and her eyes closing shut. With a final roar she exploded in an orgasm, her chest panting and her nipples hardening under his touch. Seconds after that, as if the sight was too much for her to handle, Dani reached her second climax of the night. Her husband's cum gushed out of her pussy and unto Missandei's hands, who then proceeded to lick it from her fingers.

Seems like a fitting marriage. Despite all their differences, Dani and Tommen were set on making love, not war. Their talents as rulers on the side, their intentions were for the good of the people and they represented the two houses revered by most of the population. Perhaps this wasn't a bad ordeal after all..

The End​
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