A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Forbidden Fruit)

Tommen silently watched as the two women held each other, lips enthusiastically kissing each other and cleaning the messes of each other's faces. It was very arousing, and he even got a bit jealous that all he was doing was watching. Knowing that was a silly thought, Tommen waited for them to finish before kissing the cheeks of both women, and inviting them under the covers. "Thank you for a wonderful night, you two" The boy king said, mostly aiming it at Margaery as he knew this was her doing. "I promise my mother will receive her punishment in the morning" Tommen whispered to his wife softly, before falling into a peaceful sleep. His arms were wrapped around both women, a hand cupping both of their asses.


The next morning, Tommen awoke and gently moved out of the bed. Getting dressed, he notice Margaery's movement and silently approached. "Stay in bed love. Just rest. You can either stay in bed all morning, which you deserve, or you can come and watch your mother in law get punished." He said, leaving the room and knowing Margaery would be rushing to leave.

On his way to the throne room, he ordered the Kingsguard to do certain tasks. Mostly, the task given was to head to the throne room and bring other members of the guard to the throne room. A few members were trusted to create a controlled audience, which would be kept at a good distance. Finally, two trusted members were ordered to bring his mother to him. They were to tell her that Margaery was being punished, and not let her know that it was in fact his mother who would be punished.

It took around 20 minutes, but finally a crowd of 100 people or so had gathered. Just as they seemed to get impatient, Cersei made an appearance, and she looked happy. Time to change that...

"Mother. Queen Regent." Tommen began, sitting up in his chair. "You are charged with the crime of incest, with your brother Jaime. You are also charged in aiding the killing of the innocent man, Ned Stark, who had discovered these crimes. As this is fact, there will be no trial, and we will be skipping straight to your punishment." Tommen announced. The crowd seemed shocked at the treatment the king was giving to his mother. A simple nod from the king to the guard on Cersei's left and right, caused the regal dress that she wore to be torn off her, ruining it from future use. Standing naked, the Queen Regent did not have much time to react before she was thrust into stocks, with her head facing the growing crowd.

"You have lied and cheated to get to your position, fucking every man that stood in your way to power. For that sort of behaviour, most would call you a slut. A whore. And for that, I can only think of one way you can be punished; you shall reward the King's Guard with your body. Publicly." the King's Guard had no clue of this reward for them, but they visibly seemed happy at this. Two men approached the bound woman, shoving their cocks in her pussy and mouth, fucking her without caring for her health. "I ask only that you leave no permanent markings, or making her pregnant. Your seed shall only land on her face, it shall not be internal." The king ordered. Tommen did not seek to have a bastard brother or sister.

Over the next 30 minutes, a total of 10 men had their way with Cersei. Each man would travel between her pussy and face, fucking whichever they wanted, before their cum would shoot onto her crying face. A few would get adventurous, choosing to use her ass instead, or even playing with her breasts or slapping her butt. By the time Cersei's punishment was over, the cum on her face was very thick, filled her nostrils, and could even be tasted every time she opened and shut her mouth. A puddle of cum had been made on the floor too, from what had dripped off her face.

"I thank you for being a wonderful, silent audience, but now, I ask you all to leave so I may deal with my mother." People slowly left the building, leaving Tommen alone with his mother (and anyone else from his harem or Ygritte that had decided to stay). "You let innocent people die to keep your secret. You lied to me, Myrcella, and Joffrey. The funny thing is, if you had told me, then I would not have minded. But lying to me for so long? That hurts" Tommen told his mother, roughly hitting her ass with his hand.

The boy grabbed some chains, cuffing her ankles together. Pulling her out of the stocks, her wrists were chained together too. "Now don't worry. Your punishment is almost over." He smiled at his mother, before pushing down on the back of her knees to force her down. His hand slid through her hair, which thankfully was cum-free, and gripped it roughly. Cersei's face was thrust into the puddle of cum, being a mere inch away from it. "You made a mess of the Throne room. Clean up your mess." Tommen instructed. He waited for her to clean it, and for every minute she wasted, Cersei would be slapped on the ass, or her face would rub against the puddle.


Finally when the puddle was gone (or as close to gone as possible), Cersei was allowed to stand. "You may now go back to your room. Have Ygritte pour you a bath and clean up. There will be one last task for you later, but for now you may relax." Tommen said. The boy picked up her ruined dress and then left her alone, completely naked and still with her limbs chained together. "You'll be released from those chains later tonight." He yelled as he left.

As Tommen rounded the corner, he leaned against it, clutching his heart and panting softly. He felt so much adrenaline. His blood pumped quickly through his veins. That had felt GOOD! For someone who was normally soft spoken, he could be quite rough when he wanted to be. Taking a moment to breathe, Tommen calmed himself down and finally returned to his room.
The two beauties devoured each other's lips, kissing passionately for full minutes and moaning into each other's mouth. Tommen's spunk gradually dissolved with their saliva and moved down their throats amidst their moans and kisses. They nodded at Tommen's instructions, happy that they made him happy. Margaery in particular seemed ecstatic with Tommen's promise to punish his mother, so ecstatic that she reached to kiss Tommen's lips and hug him close in bed. She peacefully slept on his arms, while Sansa was too tired to say anything and slept on his opposite arm as well.

The next morning would mark an a glorious event to be remembered in ages to come. Tommen Baratheon publicly punished and shamed his mother the queen regent Cersei Lannister. Margaery eye's fluttered as soon as Tommen made a slight noise while dressing up for his eventul morning. She smiled at his words and gave him a look that conveyed her happiness for what she considered a gift to her. She didn't reply to him, and watched him leave her room before she stood up and started getting dressed. Reached for the Stark girl sleeping on the opposite side of the bed, she kissed her cheeks and whispered to her "Good work, honey".

Cersei Lannister

Cersei was in her room when two guards knocked on her door. They explained that her son was going to punish his wife. A smile appeared on her confused face, and she accompanied them to the throne room. "He was moaning and laughing last night as he fucked her round after round.. and now he wants to punish her. Did she do something to upset him?". Her heart pumped blood into her brain as it processed a train of thoughts and speculations. Her heart told her something was wrong, but the thought of her son setting up an ambush for her was highly unlikely and didn't cross her mind.

Cersei emerged into the room. The faces to her right and left looking at her with piercing eye and disgusted expressions. It was then that she thought it was a trap set for her, and when she looked back at the guards accompanying her, they yanked her forward. Her thoughts were soon confirmed as his son issued his edict, sentencing her to a shameful rape. Tears filled her eyes as her cheeks flushed red. She wanted to fight back, she wanted to curse back, but it was her son that faced her. One of the very few people she doesn't want to upset in this world. One of the extremely sparse individuals whom she fought for.

Her knees followed her dress shortly and hit the ground, kneeling before her vengeful son. "Tommen.. my son" she swallowed, fighting back the tears that gathered under her eyelids. "Please stop this. Let me explain.." the tears raced down her cheeks, gathering again at her chin before falling on the floored dress. "That Tyrell whore fed you lies and slander.." she roared, her voice shaking and fading as she completed her sentence. "Ple-" she couldn't continue begging before a cock found its way up her unsuspecting ass causing her to whimper mid-sentence. Her eyes widened as she faced her son and her jaw dropped, the realty of the events unfolding around her just hit her. She was truly getting raped infront of her aroused son, and a full audience saluting the punishment. Even her allies in court, Meister Pycelle, Varys and Ygritte simply covered their heads and shook them in shame.

And so the guards lined up behind their whimpering queen. All undressed, their hands jerking their cocks to life, sharpening themselves to stab their distressed queen. Some encircled around her and shoved their cocks inside her mouth. Cersei closed her eyes and kept whimpering and screaming of pain and agony. Her angst showed on her crimson body that seemed to redden with every thrust. The guards arrogantly taunted her, branding her with names like whore and slut. Some of them spit on her, and others slapped her face and neck with their erection. For most of the show, Cersei was triple penetrated.

To think that Cersei would have more sex in one day that her late husband in his lifetime..

One by one they came all over her. Her hair caught its fair share of spunk forming tiny threads that covered the top of her head like a bridal jeweled headdress. Her cheeks were tainted with white jizz, and her chin dripped cum into the puddle that formed around her. Her back was covered with sticky cum that reeked its essence into the room. People in the audience laughed and pointed at her, which served as a reason for Cersei to close her eyes. The jets of cum hitting her face squarely at sporadic times deterred her from even peeking at the people she would vow to kill after she walks out of this mess.

Tommen's harem were all present, watching the historic event happen before them. Sansa was happy that Cersei got what she deserved. Killing her father was a crime celebrated by the masses as the evil queen defined him as a traitor for the crown. To see her finally humiliated and punished was like cool water soothing her angry radiating heart. Margaery smiled and drank wine with pride, raising her goblet at the distraught queen whenever their eyes would meet, however rare the occasion was. It did serve to emboss Tommen's image as a valiant stallion in her eyes. She was practically swooning at the strong character and creative hostility he was showing to his mother to enact justice. Ygritte watched carelessly of Cersei's punishment. She didn't care that Cersei was hurt and shamed. In fact, Ygritte deemed her worthy of such punishment.

Cersei counted ten orgasms, likely from ten different men. That's ten decapitated heads with dismembered cocks in their mouths to rest on her table when she gets her revenge. Tommen later announced he wanted solitude with his mother, and she opened her eyes after whipping the thick liquid from her face to see the masses exiting the place as they gossiped to each other and whispered. "I hope that teaches her" , "she won't change", "So the rumors were true.." she heard everything. They all showed no pity to her state, and didn't seem to reflect on the idea that Tommen is displaying the same vicious behavior that made them hate Joffrey, Robert and the mad king before him.

Biting on her bottom lips, Cersei watched as her son approached her and pulled her from her hair, from a carefully selected side that was clean of cum. "I never lied to you.. I would never lie to you.." she shaky responded to her son's accusations. It pained her, it killed her even, that despite all the trouble she had gone through to protect her son's interests, it was them that turned on her and hurt her. "I merely hid the truth because it could tarnish our.. your.. reputation" she wept. She couldn't refute the other accusations, at least not on her current state of distress. Yes she killed Ned Stark, and she had often brag about the feat. She never considered it an offense though, it was the highest gem in her list of accomplishments.

She was later pinned against the cum, and tasked with cleaning the peddle. She cried, her tears adding to the pool she was supposed to clean. As she wasted time pleading mercy, Tommen pushed her against the cum. She rubbed her face against the cum, mopping as much of the sperm with her cheeks and hair as humanely possible. Her tongue peeked out of her mouth, licking the remenants like a kitten drinking her milk. The strong smell penetrated her nose directly as she tasted her soldiers one by one..

She was finally allowed to stand when her son was satisfied with her work. "Tommen I swear to you.." she mumbled to her son but he walked away from her and left her with Ygritte to tend to her needs. "What is he going to do?!" Cersei questioned the redhead, choking her with her cum-stained hand before the wildling slapped the traumatized queen away..

Margaery followed Tommen to his room walking inside shortly behind him. She hugged him from behind, her distinctive perfume announcing her identity. She kissed the back of his neck as she pulled him into a tight embrace, then kissed his neck. "Wonderful work, darling.."​
Tommen felt guilty for the way he treated his mother, the woman that loved him and took care of him since his first day on this earth. But then he thought back to the lies that she had given him and others, and the people that had to suffer because of them. Altogether, Tommen knew that he had done the right thing to his mother, and hoped it would teach her a lesson.

Feeling arms wrap around him, he could smell the distinctive smell of Margaery's perfume. "Thank you." The boy replied softly, turning around in her arms. "Lets return to our room. I want to talk to you about some things, and also I feel like fooling around" he grinned, pulling her closer for a soft kiss before grasping her hand and leading her to the bedroom.

Once there, he laid her down and curled up beside her, his hand idly playing with her breast through her dress. "I will be returning to mother later tonight, and I want you and Sansa present. Tonight will be the final step of her punishment, as long as she consents. I plan for her to become a sexual slave for the three of us, for tonight only. I figure Sansa could use Cersei to punish her as much as she likes for her father's death. Other than that, I feel that it would be ultimately humiliating for her to sexually service those she hates the most. After that, a little ironically, I will fuck her until she will not be able to walk. Does this sound alright to you?" He asked softly, pecking her cheek.

"One more thing.. I know you dislike Ygritte. Whether that's because she tricked me into getting into bed with her, or because she affiliates herself with my mother, I don't know. Either way, I would like to request that you start getting along with her a bit more. I don't expect you to kiss and make-out" he smirked, putting a play on words for the common phrase 'kiss and make-up' "..Although that would be pretty awesome to watch.. Anyway, I don't expect that, but I want you to understand that she was manipulated by my mother. Just like I've been getting manipulated. Probably like Ned Stark and my father, Robert Baratheon" he explained, making sure to say 'my father', telling Margaery that he still considered him his dad. "Can you please try?" He asked, giving her the puppy dog eyes that would only work due to his young age.

Once the discussion was out of the way, Tommen pulled his wife on top of him, grinning up at her as his hands roamed her back and ass. "I want you to be in complete control right now. Fuck me how you want to fuck me. Say what you want to say. Do what you want to do" he instructed. It was not an instruction on the level of a dominatrix, but enough to see what sort of things she was into.
Margaery chuckled at Tommen's plan. "I can't wait" she moaned as her husband fondled her breasts. It was very hypocritical of her husband to punish his mother for incest and then proceed to indulge in the same crime but Margaery didn't care; as long as Cersei was humiliated she was happy. Of course, humiliating her step mother wasn't the extent on her ambitions. If she was going to reign, she needed Cersei out of the picture. Entirely. Ygritte was a mere pawn, a wildling who found her way in a grand political game she can't possibly comprehend and sacrificing her for the queen regent seemed like a logical move.

"I can try and get along with her" she said as she helped herself sit on her husband's crotch while he laid on the bed. Her hands moved to tug the ends of her dress and pull it up, exposing her nude flesh for her husband. She was determined to show him a great time for his gift for her. She aimed to condition him to fulfill her wishes to get amazing sex. "I have one condition though" she leaned closer to his lips and whispered "Let's exile your mother" she kissed him before he could answer her. She gave him time to think about her condition as she sucked on his lips. Her hands moved down to rub on his crotch, and help his cock wake up. With enough blood down there, his brain will make brash decisions. Though it wasn't really a stupid move to make. Cersei is a spiteful and vengeful bitch. If left alone, she will plan to raze the entire palace and kill everyone who wronged her. Margaery doubted Cersei still thinks of Tommen as a son after the traumatic experience he had shown her.

After ten seconds, the kiss was finally broken and Tommen's cock was liberated from the pants confining it to sleep. Margaery looked down at her husband, her blue eyes diving deep into his, enticing him to give up to her wishes. She held his hand and moved it to cup her breasts and pinch her nipples in an attempt to remind him that she was giving him her entire body for this favor she is asking him.​
The request Margaery gave him shocked him. Exile his mother? How could he do that to her? Sure, she had lied to him, and had a big role in Ned Stark's death, but she was family. He was briefly distracted from the deep kiss given to him, a subtle reminder of what he had and would get to keep. But still, he couldn't get rid of his mother.. right?

"I... I can't" He said weakly, watching his wife and only barely managing to resist the temptation. "She may have done a lot of wrong, but she is still my mother. It would take a lot to make me hate her enough to exile her." he explained to his wife. Hoping to keep her happy though, he pulled her down to hug and kiss her neck, gently whispering in her ear. "And what is the point of exiling her? Wouldn't you prefer to see her broken down piece by piece in front of your very eyes?" Tommen asked Margaery. He did not completely intend to break his mother down unless she deserved it, but it could be enough to keep her happy. "Sorry" He whispered softly, not liking to disappoint her.
She bit on her lips suppressing her sighs at her husband's rejection of her pleas. Nevertheless, she hugged him closer and moved to hold his erection and shove it inside her wet pussy. She moved up and down on his length while moaning directly onto his ears. "You know she will get me after you punish her.. I won't feel safe with her around and might have to return to High Gardens" she threatened in a teasing voice that made it impossible to discern her true intentions. She left him contemplate on her intentions while she wiggled her body, shaking it in a wave motion towards and away from his body as she rode him.

Her moans escalated before she arrived at a good conclusion "How about we kick her from the Red Keep? Get her to live in a farmer's house or a local brothel in the outskirts of King's Landing? You can decree that no harm is to come to her" she kissed him before adding "if you are worried about her, that is". Her hand moved to guide his to hold her buttocks and embrace her closer to him while she busied herself with kisses and sucking on his neck.​
What Margaery told him was true, and knew his wife wasn't going to be safe around his mother from now on. He didn't want her to leave, and preferred her company to his mother's anyway. It wouldn't be too bad if she had to leave.. right? Soft moans left the boy's lips as he slid inside of her, feeling her soft body grinding against his own.

She gave him a good idea though, to take her to the outskirts of King's Landing, or just away from the Red Keep in general. "Mmm.." he groaned. "I think.. I think Littlefinger owes me a favour. I'll get him to look after Cersei. She'll be put in one of his brothels as a cleaning wench, or even someone that everyone can just jerk themselves to. No more fucking for her, and no harm either." He suggested. "Does that sound alright? And you have to get along with Ygritte from now on too." He instructed his wife.

Tommen happily cupped her ass as she moved his hands, gently kneading it in his hands while she kissed his neck. "So you enjoy the softer, romantic sort of fucking then?" He asked his wife softly. This moment was supposed to be one where she got to fuck him however she liked, and if this is what she chose, it must be how she enjoyed it the most.
Too easy, she played her husband like a violin. Few kisses on his neck and lips coupled with her hips moving around his cock seemed to be the key to getting his approval to anything she wanted of him. She noted that for future use and kissed him as a positive reinforcement. "Thank you my darling" she cooed before she helped herself away from his lap and erection. "I bet your mother is getting lonely, let's call her in.." she got on her knees and kissed her husband's cock. Getting him to cum right now wouldn't be a problem if he was willing to reload his cock for his mother later.

Spreading her lips, she proceeded to take his entire length down her throat. Her tongue moved to tickle the bottom side of his shaft while her tips tightened around the base, diving deep and sheathing the entire firm erection in her mouth. Her eyes moved to meet his slyly before she broke for air and continued to repeat the action rapidly. Her left hand held the the cock in place for her head to bob up and down on him while her right hand fiddled with his balls gently.​
It was real easy for Margaery to get his cum, almost choking her with the thickness of his seed. "We'll go to her bedroom instead; it makes no sense to dirty my room." He told his wife, allowing her to clean him up with her mouth, before pulling his clothes on. "I want you to go and find Sansa for me. Explain what is happening, and I will meet you outside my mother's room." Tommen told her. Kissing her forehead, he walked off to his mother's room, and waited for their arrival.


Once the trio were reunited, Tommen loudly knocked on the door and entered the room. Shutting the door behind the girls, he gave Cersei a small smile. "Mother. I do not wish to hurt you, but ever since their arrival, you have sought to hurt Sansa and Margaery, which I do not appreciate. Not only that, but you have lied to me, your late husband, and the people of King's Landing. Because of this, I feel you need a bit more punishment. Do exactly what I ask, and those chains will be removed from you by the end of the night."

"I want you to listen to Sansa first. She will be dishing out the first part of punishment for your behaviour towards the Stark family. You are to stay silent unless she wants to hear you speak." He instructed his mother, giving Sansa a small wink and a gesture to tell her to get started.

"Now, Ygritte" he said, turning to the other redhead in the room. "My wife has finally come to an understanding that you were here against your will, and she will now treat you nicely. I do want proof of that, and proof that you will be nice to her as well. So, I want you to bring each other to at least one orgasm by the end of the night. I don't mind how you do it, but bonus points if it looks hot" he smirked. Being King was fun.
Nodding at his command, Margaery proceeded to clean her husband's cock and use her fingers to wipe her face clean. Like a kitten cleaning its paws, she continued to lick her fingers clean off Tommen's sperm. "Whatever you say, darling" she cooed, skipping behind her husband to her mother in law's room. The idea that she can finally humiliate her nemesis and punish her for what she did to her to and her brother made her jump with enthusiasm behind her husband.

The room was finally occupied with the entire pary. Ygritte and Sansa were there only for the laughs. Margaery, however, and Cersei both knew it was personal. They all listened very carefully to Tommen's words, each making a different facial expression after processing his command. Sansa had a devious smile, Ygritte raised an eyebrow as she looked at Margaery, Margaery ignored Ygritte and remained fixed at Cersei who looked absolutely dead and filled with angst. "I beg you son.. don't do this to your mother" Cersei cried. A misanthropic look coupled with a distressed voice, she looked at him like it was her last day on this earth. Pouting her lips and raining one tear after the other down her cheeks, her hand tightened in a locked fist as she struggled to suppress her anger. "I'll get you.. I'll get every one of you whores.. you corrupted my son" she roared, fighting against the chains holding her down to no avail.

Sansa turned to face the crowd behind her and smiled, then proceeded to strip down her dress which was the only garment preserving her modesty. With a coy smile, the Stark girl moved to blindfold Cersei with her dress. For a moment she considered gagging her mouth so that she couldn't hurl any insult or threats at anyone, but she wanted her mouth for other uses. Moving closer to her, she proceeded to whisper into her ears "Cersei, it will be alright.." she kissed the Lannister's cheeks, causing the older woman to stop her whimpers and tears and pause in shock. "Remember Ned Stark?" she taunted, quickly moving to painfully pinch the woman's nipples before she could answer. "Robb?" she asked, her finger moving to pinch the other tit aggressively. "Or Bran?" she grinned before adding "you pushed him out the window when he found you fucking your brother" the northerner cried out, pulling the two nipples relentlessly away from Cerse's tied body. "I should kill you then fuck your dirty corpse as your soul rots in the depths of hell" Sansa whispered, almost like a maniac before she bit on Cersei's neck, nibbling at her flesh painfully but not enough to cause a wound.

Margaery was busy observing her friend tame her mother in law and taunt her in the same time when Ygritte moved to hug her from behind. She planted a subtle kiss at her neck, tilting her own head sideways so that her red hair fell to the side. "Come on, lets give him a better show" Ygritte enticed, planting another kiss at the gorgeous woman's cheeks. Slowly, Margaery's body started getting warmer and in need of a woman's gentle touch. Ygritte's hands moved around her waist, travelling down to tease her now wet clit while Margaery turned to moan inside Ygritte's mouth with a passionate kiss. Margaery turned around, finally succumbing to the redhead's challenges, and the two girls started undressing each other. A very simple and quick task, both dresses hit the ground in mere seconds. The wildling managed to gently push the queen down, hovering above her as they made out and fondled each other's bosom.​
Tommen watched Sansa as she treated his mother like shit. A part of him felt bad and guilty for how his mother was treated, but he knew that she deserved this. Not only that, but Sansa deserved her revenge. Walking up behind Sansa, he gently placed a kiss on her forehead. "Please don't kill her, or leave permanent marks" He instructed the girl, watching as Cersei's nipples changed colour from the twisting.

He walked over to his wife and the fake handmaiden, admiring them as they made out and touched each other. Reaching a hand between their bodies, he gently massaged one of his wife's breasts, and then one of Ygritte's. "Sometimes I wish I could have two dicks so I could mount you both at the same time" He grinned, fondling Ygritte's ass but keeping away from Margaery's hand.
Sansa ignored answering the king's command but she took note of them. She wasn't dark and twisted enough to mutilate the Lannister wench but she was vengeful enough to give the quest a shot. Biting the older blonde's neck one more time, she retreated and rose to her feet, smiling at the woman that started wailing beneath her. Sansa's glare shifted to Margaery who smiled her way and rose on her feet, leaving the redheaded wildling untended to. "It's my turn now" Margaery exclaimed happily as she stepped forth and approached the chained woman and gave her buttocks a fierce slap that left a mark on her.

"You come here, beautiful" Ygritte chimed glancing at Sansa and alluring her to crawl her way. The two kissed for a moment before Sansa's hands started teasing the wilding's private spots. Gently caressing her and eliciting more juices to come out. As they moaned into each other's mouths, Ygrrite's hands flanked the Stark's waists, gently encircling her to pinch her buttocks playfully. A powerful lash could be heard from the other side of the room in perfect contrast, Margaery continued a barrage of slaps on her step mother's ass until she left her fully red.

Stealthily, her middle finger slid swiftly inside the dry anus, her nails scratching the entrance in gentle friction in the process making the queen whimper. "You like that, dear mother?" Margaery taunted, her gentle voice contrasting with her finger's boorish invasion. She curled her finger like a pirate's hook then moved it as if she was gesturing for her to come closer. Her free hand slapped Cersei's breasts before two fingers thrust inside the pink hole. "You're too tight.. was Jaime that small? Or did you never experiment with this hole, I wonder?"

"Hehe" Sansa giggled as she broke the make-out session and looked at Ygritte's face. With a gentle kiss at her nose, she proceeded to move down her body, trailing kisses on the wildling's breasts and stomach. Ygritte's back arched almost involuntarily as she reacted to the younger girl's tender lips traversing her body. Within seconds the Stark landed on the x mark, and swift kiss declared her arrival. A thick, fierce vertical lick like a puppy greeting it's master made the redhead moan in delight. Soon, the blonde's fingers started poking the entrance teasingly, her tongue soon following course and flicking against the woman's folds.

"You like this hole better?" Margaery taunted, her unsheathed hand moved to finger the opposite hole causing the king's mother's moans to echo across the room. "Oh I see" she giggled, moving her two hands in perfect harmony as if she was playing a guitar causing the older woman to moan and whimper simultaneously before she roared in a powerful orgasm, climaxing so hard that she nearly collapsed on the ground.

"You're going to make me cum" Ygritte warned amid her moans and rose up, not wanting to cum just yet. The two girls moved their bodies so that their spread legs locked, their two wet pussies pounding each other and rubbing each other. Both girls moaned heavily, their two sets of legs kicking randomly to the right and left. Ygritte held the Stark's legs and pulled her bodies closer to her, and so did Sansa to the wilding's legs, causing the two cunts to glue together and smear each other with juices. Within seconds, they both cried their final screams of the night, collapsing in a perfect climax where they both panted and looked at the ceiling then down at Tommen.​
It was a little disappointing to see Margaery and Sansa swap, as he wanted to see Sansa's creative punishments, and Margaery and Ygritte pleasure each other to completion. It was still quite hot to watch the two redheads kiss and touch each other, and he didn't really want Cersei to be pleasured yet, but it was fine; he could work around it.

The finish of Sansa and Ygritte scissoring and cumming against each other's pussies was very arousing, and brought Tommen to his next idea. "Okay, mother, we're going to play a bit of a game." he smiled, ensuring her blindfold was still on tightly. "You're going to lick and clean each of the girls' pussies and asses with your mouth and tongue. If you can correctly guess who each one is, you will get a prize. But for every one that you fail, you will be punished." he warned her.

Gently Tommen moved Cersei to sit on the ground with her head against the bed. The girls were then put in a line, from youngest to oldest and were told to straddle his mother's face. They were told that they were allowed to take as long as they want, and had to use both front and back. While Sansa moved to begin, Tommen started to play with Margaery's body, rubbing her breasts and tweaking her nipples softly. "Don't talk" he told Margaery softly, as her voice would tell Cersei that it was not Margaery presently rubbing her bits, thus ruining the game.

After a few moments, he moved Margaery over to the other side of the bed away from Cersei, and had his wife sit. Taking her hands, Tommen placed them on his dick, and mimed her jerking it. Then the boy pointed to her pussy, silently asking her to jerk him (or pleasure him in whatever way she liked) and then make him cum on her pussy.
All the girls reluctantly moved according to the King's wishes, their asses lined up on the bed ahead of the blindfolded Cersei to sniff and taste in utter humiliation. Margaery found herself fondled by her husband. She bit on her lips to suppress her whimpers, and looked at Cersei as she sniffed the Stark's anus and started licking her curiously. A bitter look appeared on her panting face as she reluctantly continued to stretch her tongue and lick every few seconds like a kitten offered sour milk. Sansa contained her giggled, arching her back so that her hole would glue to the older woman's lips forcefully. Cersei's tongue moved so that it flicked against the girl's folds, causing Sansa to moan lowly, giving Cersei a small hint of the girl's identity.

"Y-Ygritte?" she wagered a guess. That night was her first experience with another woman's body. Robert Baratheon had requested Cersei to lay with him and one of his courtesans before but she instantly rejected despite his constant begging. Her list of experiences besides her husband stop at her two relatives, Jaime and Lancel. That was before her life took a downwards turn earlier and she was forced to try ten different cocks shoved up every hole her body had to offer. Then came Tommen's cock, and now his harem playing with her like a fucktoy. She cried from uncertainty, her tears smearing the Stark's butt cheeks.

"Wrong!" Sansa exclaimed, and Ygritte playfully slapped Cersei's buttocks in confirmation. All three girls turned to Tommen with a devious smile, awaiting his punishment now that his mother erred in naming the girl she was licking. What was he going to do? They awaited with anticipation.​
"Not yet" Tommen laughed, seeing their expectant faces. "She still has to guess the other two girls. But first.." he told them, briefly leaving Margaery to make Sansa's ass rub against his mother's face more. "I want you to make Sansa cum by just using your dirty little tongue in her ass." he instructed Cersei, slapping one of her breasts before returning to his wife. "Sansa, feel free to yell insults or do anything else to her." he smiled at the younger girl, moaning softly as Margaery continued to stroke him. It did not take long until he was brought to his first orgasm of the night. His thick seed spilled all over Margaery's pussy, and then her leg once he wiped his cock. "Okay, get next in line" He instructed his wife, pecking her cheek and helping her up.

Finally when Sansa was done, Tommen brought Margaery closer. Her pussy was roughly pushed into Cersei's face, his cum smearing her lips. He waited for an answer and did not tell her if she was correct, instead letting his wife walk away. "Okay, final one" He told his wife from the other side of the room. When Ygritte made to walk forward, as it was her turn, he shook his head and Tommen took her place. The boy backed up, rubbing his ass all over her face. His hand held his dick and balls up, so then the extra appendage didn't give it away. After a nice 10 second lick, the boy moved away and looked at his blindfolded mother expectantly. "Okay, so what do you think?" He asked her.
That was a very ambition demand from the young royal. Sansa smiled as she looked down at Cersei, already wondering if it was possible for a female to reach orgasm by having her anus licked. Biting her lips, the stark girl arched her back pushing her ass crack directly against the Lannister wench. Cersei soon found her nose shoved up Sansa's anus, causing her to grunt in disgust. As the older woman fought her remorse and disgust, she slowly swallowed her pride and started licking the hole, causing the northern to start moaning. "Lick it up, slut" Sansa jeered, spreading her butt cheeks for Cersei to lick her inner walls.

At the same time Margaery was kissing her husband's cheeks and neck, her face resting on his chest while her hands stroked his erection. Trying to keep her sounds to a minimum per his orders, she was slow and gently when holding and toying with her husband's erect cock. Jerking him in a perfect rhythm with her kisses, she smiled as he freely came all over her body. Ygritte watched the two sexy scenes unfold before her while playing with her pussy, gently slapping it and rubbing it in a circular motion.

After ten minutes of constant licking and pushing her tongue, Cersei finally managed to get the Stark to orgasm. Sansa closed her eyes shut in total bliss, loving the new type of climaxing she had explored that night. Rolling her body around, she made room for Margaery to make her way to Cersei and rested her body on the bed's headboard.

Margaery had a different approach. She positioned her bum against her mother in law and instead of shoving it, she would move it from side to side. Swaying and shaking it like a belly dancer, Cersei would extend her tongue and try to sample the taste of the woman but would often find her tongue in the air like a dog. "Margaery?" she ventured a guess. She had a 50% chance of getting her answer right, and figuring out that Ygritte wouldn't creatively strive to humiliate it her, it had to be her arch enemy. Her son's cum gave another hint to her guess. Pouting her lips, Margaery didn't give any confirmation to the queen's answer, and simple moved away for her husband to take her place and have his hole ravished by his mother.

Two bizarre licks made the older woman confused. This anus had more hair.. and the buttocks were firmer. "Ygritte?" she played the last card, wagering that wildling girls probably didn't shave their pubic hair for all she knew..​
He watched his mother's tongue go to work on Sansa's butt hole, the young girl seeming to enjoy the new sensation. It took a little while for her to cum, but he was glad that she finally did. She shakily walked away, and Tommen took her place. The sensation of her tongue roaming his ass hole and cheeks was definitely odd. It was not pleasurable or but also not not pleasurable to the young king, so he allowed her to continue for a little while before he pulled away.

"Ygritte?" She asked, and by this time Tommen was standing a decent way away from Cersei so she wouldn't know she tongued his ass. "You got Margaery correct." He congratulated her. "I'll let you try the front of the last person, and you'll be able to guess again." He told his mother. Walking up to her, his cock slid down her throat and he began to thrust roughly. He had done this a few times before with Ygritte and Margaery so he knew how to do it well, but he performed a little rougher than usual as punishment. His cock tasted a little sweaty, as well as a bit cummy due to his recent orgasm all over Margaery's pussy.

"You had plenty of cock today. I thought about how disappointed you would feel that none of them would fill you adequately. I have quite a large penis, so I felt it was only right to reward you for being a fucktoy for all the King's Guard. They'll be a lot more loyal to me now that I gave them that treat" He smirked. There was emphasis on the word 'reward', as this treatment was meant to be anything BUT a good thing. The emphasis on the word 'me' was so she knew that she would not be able to strike back as easy due to his guards liking him even more.

The boy pulled the blindfold off his mother and gripped his long, flowing hair tightly, forcing her to look up into his eyes as his cock slid back and forth through her mouth. He could see the bulge his cock was making in her neck, and it was very arousing. As she looked up at him, she would realise this was not the same boy that had been the obedient son doing his homework just a few weeks prior. No, this was a man who would be strong enough to take control of the Seven Kingdoms and do whatever it took to ensure the safety of his people and loved ones. Sure, Cersei was a loved one too, but everyone needed to be properly behaved, no matter what their status.

Due to his recent orgasm, it took him around 15 minutes to cum. In this time, his speed and roughness altered, and occasionally he would talk dirty or get one of his girls to instead. It was a very fun experience, and it finally ended with his cum shooting down her throat. His cock and cum would suffocate her until she swallowed. Once his cum was gone, the cock would be removed, and her saliva rubbed all over Cersei's face. "Now, that was fun" The boy grinned. "Ygritte, since you missed out, you can go over there and sit on Cersei's face until she makes you cum. Sansa dear, could you clean me off and make me hard again?" He asked the girl. He left Margaery alone, so she could do whatever she pleased.
Cersei gasped, dropping her jaw in total awe as the foreign object moved down her throat. Her surprised reaction only made it easier for Tommen to fuck her face without any resistance from the weary mother. Her tongue died, staying idly at the base of her mouth, making noises as her saliva burst out of her mouth with every hungry thrust Tommen pushed and pulled between her numb lips. She stood like a corpse, only thing moving from her were her tears that traveled down her chin and ruined her dress. Soon the motherly tears fused with the son's manly seeds, two distinct waterfalls traversed down the woman's cheeks, making her grunt and whimper in agony and distraught in a stinking puddle of cum and pussy juice.

Ygritte moved corresponding to royal commands, gracefully setting on the face of her previous superior and captor. With a slight shake of vengeance, her ample buttocks wriggled on top of the older woman's face. Her nether cheeks slapping the Lannister's cum-stained cheeks rapidly before she sat down, pushing her pink anus directly against Cersei's paralyzed red lips. "Come on sweetie, I didn't cum yet" the wilding cooed, her libido skyrocketing after the show she had witnessed earlier. Her back moved in a wavy motion, towards and away from the queen's open mouth, like a cowgirl taming a raging bull. Each twerk made her moan in total bliss as the queen's tongue wriggled against the sensitive network of pleasure cells.

"As you say, my king" Sansa giggled, crawling lithely to Tommen's slowly sleeping cock. She smiled from beneath him while her eyes met his. Her smile gradually changed as she parted her lips and took his flaccid cock inside her, pumping the base of her hands while her neck moved into and away from his lap, massaging the entire length back to life. Her lips moved fiercely against the outer flesh of the shaft, rubbing it and tightening around it till while she cupped his balls. She could sense his precum starting to leak signifying his triumphant return as the party's stallion, rallying the Stark gal into winking his way with a sly smile.​
Her mouth was very lazy while he fucked it. It was not so bad though, as it also meant his mother was not trying to fight it while his large cock attacked her throat. It was not as pleasurable as fucking Margaery or Ygritte's mouths, but it was not meant to; after all, it would be odd to enjoy fucking your own mother.

His cum choked her, but he ensured that she swallowed most of it. The last of Tommen's cum dribbled out onto her dress, staining it in a way that would be impossible to clean. Ygritte was allowed to get her own pleasure while his cock was revitalized by the other redhead, the cute girl very efficient with her mouth now. "I remember how shy you were when we first met. Now you're a very good slut" He winked, hoping she'd take it in a good way. "You practically ooze confidence.. and a lot of cum" He grinned, pushing Sansa down further and groaning when his cock was at full length.

The king waited for Ygritte to finish, and then roughly pulled his mother onto the bed. His cum was squashed against her chest as she rested on the bed. "C'mon, you slut. Get your knees under you, you should know how to rest.." he said, slapping her ass roughly and helping her get on her knees with her head still resting against the bed. "Margaery, feel free to get your pussy eaten out again" He told his wife, squeezing her ass as she passed him. "Now, since you love incestual sex so much, I will teach you to hate it" he told his mother, sliding his thick cock inside her pussy. "This slut enjoys her treatment" He told the room, feeling how wet she was.

Tommen was usually a gentle lover, but he was far from it tonight. His cock thrust in and out of her pussy with no regard for her own enjoyment. A hand held her hair tightly, pulling back on it so Cersei would be forced to look into Margaery's eyes while she was fucked. "Feel free to slap or pinch or punish my mother in whatever way you like" He told everyone, though it was mainly aimed at Sansa and Ygritte seeing how they weren't involved. The boy began to slap Cersei's left ass cheek, hitting the same spot every time in order to make it hurt.
"Maybe your cock did that to me, your grace. It turned a shy little girl to a slutty vixen" Sansa chimed suckling on her precum-wet fingers as she watched him praise her in his fucked up way. It was much better than Joffrey's ways; the late monarch used bolts to convey his dark feelings and blood to douse his sexual urges. She gracefully slid away from his path and watched him march onto his mother, and pin her against the bed. Margaery didn't need a command to remind her to seize this moment; she reacted almost instantly to the scenario and proceeded to sit opposite to her mother in law's face. The Tyrell's legs curled around the older woman's neck pulling her lips closer to her own's in a heated Australian kiss.

Cersei has now grew used to be treated like a fuck toy by her son and his harem staff. What was to follow, though, left her dumbfounded. Tommen's enormous, firm and well lubricated cock found it's way up her vagina. The boy re-entered the hole he came from when he was an infant but now as a man. Glistening with pussy juice, semen and saliva, the shaft slipped and out of the mother's pussy relentlessly. His tired balls slapped her buttocks rapidly, while his hand sporadically smacked her whenever he wanted her to moan heavier.

"Kiss my pussy, bitch. Suck my labia hard enough and you might taste your son's sperm, who knows" The queen challenged, her voice exploding in assertion and dominance, an air of pride and arrogance over her little victory filling her lungs in a blissful sensation of triumph. "It might well be the last thing you will drink in the Red Keep" she whispered, the two sets of eyes meeting each other in perfect contrast. One suffocating, downed like a sheep prepared for slaughter, while the other towering like a roaring dragon. Margaery tilted her waist upwards, pushing her cunt between Cersei's lips, and making her milk of the poppy which eased Cersei's transcendence into a faint.

The leftover redheads moved to hurl insults at the trapped woman, slapping her butt and pinching her nipples and cheeks teasingly before they turned to kiss each other and fondle each other's breasts. "Fill her up Tommen, she's too old to be pregnant, don't worry" Sansa instructed, rallying Tommen's mind into twisted ways of finishing his mother in a glorious fatality.​
Every word spoken by the three girls made the king's arousal grow beyond belief. His mother deserved all this abuse, though it would be interesting to turn her into the city's whore. No.. no matter what she did, she didn't deserve that sort of treatment.. Not yet at least. Her pussy was very tight for the king, though the three pussies he had experience with in the past were much tighter.

Sansa stood by his side, egging him on and encouraging him to cum inside his mother. He was not yet at that point though, so he had one more thing in mind before he came. "If my Uncle.. Father.. If Jaime still insists on fucking his slutty sister, I would suggest he try this whole instead" The king told his whore, suddenly thrusting into her ass and roughly pounding it. The hand gripping Cersei's hair pushed her face deep into Margaery's cunt, muffling any screams she may have, and instead forcing her to continue pleasuring his wife.

Her ass was explored for just a minute, before his cock was plunged back inside her pussy where his seed finally began shooting up inside her. He was born there, he climbed out of there, and now he had returned and given his mother millions of babies which shall never grow.

Tommen shoved his penis inside Cersei's mouth, forcing her to taste her own pussy juices and the cum of her son on her son's cock, before finally letting her go. "Thank you for being such a good sport, mother. The final stage of your punishment will take place tomorrow. Some of the most trusted guards will help you." Tommen did not go into detail as to what the last part of her punishment was, instead getting himself clothed and helping his harem get clothed, before leaving his mother alone. Still chained up. Still naked.

The next morning, three guards would find and unchain Cersei, clothe her, and secretly smuggle her to Littlefinger's least popular brothel. Despite orders that she would not be touched once she was there, the guards helped themselves to a bit of fucking before they left. Cersei's tasks there would consist of cleaning everything from cum to blood (from the more.. sadistic tastes), as well as being a cum bucket from those who were fine not to touch her.


Tommen escorted the girls to his room. "Feel free to stay or head back to your own rooms." He told Sansa and Ygritte. "Tonight was fun." He smiled, kissing each girl on the cheek. When he approached Ygritte, he kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear. "You're free now. While I would love if you stayed, you are free to leave and go back to your people. Just... don't leave without saying goodbye, okay?" He requested, kissing Ygritte's cheek again before pulling away.
And so the king filled up his mother. Cersei's lips wrestled with each other, her eyes closing tightly as she tried to pretend its a nightmare. The thick, warm liquid trailing down her flesh sent a tingling sensation that reminded her of the cold reality - he did it, just like his uncle-father before him. She panted, feeling the semen gush out of her pit like a flood. She blushed, hating that she was being watched by a live audience as she was bred. Her muscles relaxed as everyone left her, the cum dried against her skin and the smell hugged her flesh. Footsteps and giggled echoed through the distance and faded out as the king left with his women, and left his mother to rot in her room with his brand on her ass.

The girls walked with their man of the night, each smiling at him then glancing at the other girl - they all enjoyed torturing that Lannister whore. "I'll be sure to say goodbye personally then" Ygritte answered, neglecting addressing him as her king because he wasn't. Whoring her way to freedom actually worked, the next day she would kiss him, and his shaft, goodbye for ever.


After Stannis Baratheon proved to the world how much of a failure he was, and to Melisandre how he wasn't Azor Ahai, the Red Woman found herself straying away from his ranks hours before his ultimate loss against the Bolton's and on her way to King's Landing. "I keep praying for flames but the lord shows me snow" she contemplated as she hugged her gown that shielded her from the frosty wind that night. She looked up from her horse and watched as the Red Keep appeared in the distance; it was the highest building in the capital city that loomed a mile away. "If it wasn't Stannis, then there is only one Baratheon monarch still alive, Little Tommen" she convinced herself, already planning on how to pave the way into meeting him and seeing him for what he was.

The next morning..

The Kingsguard personally came to unshackle their queen regent, dressing her with torn clothes that matched her cum-stinking body. She was helped on her feet, and when she collapsed she was carried out and moved to Lord Baelish's brothel. There, all looks were on her. The courtesan's watched her in awe, while she returned the favor with gloomy eyes. Clients filled the establishments, all lining up to sin with their sinful queen. Her price immediately soared; very few people could afford her. Still as silent as humanely possible, she rested on a wooden bench in the whore's resting room; ass gaping and lips as numb as they possibly can be. With broken eyebrows and dreadful eyes, she looked at the figure that emerged from the door. A classy middle aged woman clothed in all shades of red and crimson that matched her lava-colored hair. "Another redheaded bitch.." Cersei told herself, the color reminding her of the women that stole her son and corrupted him into the master he now was.

"Your grace. I couldn't believe it when they told me you were.. here" Melisandre asked, and Cersei broke in tears. It has only been a day but it felt like ages since anyone had properly addressed her and showed her sympathy. The two women talked, about Tommen, Azor Ahai and Margaery and her family's plans to rule. Together, they designed a plan to kill Margaery and end her tyranny.


Sansa had woken up already and left the king's quarters to run a few errands early in the morning. Margaery was bathing herself clean from last night's remains of cum and sweat. Only Ygritte remained on the king's mattress. Her eyes slowly opened as she watched him sleep peacefully a few inches away from her. Still naked, she crawled his direction and kissed his cheeks like a curious cat waking him up from his sleep. "Good morning handsome" she cooed as his eyes were revived, before she moved on top of him and continued to kiss his lips.
Tommen awoke to the feeling of kisses along his face, coming from the lips he now recognised to be Ygritte's. "Good morning beautiful" He boy king smiled, grasping her butt while they kissed. His smile showed he was happy and having fun, but his eyes could not hide his sadness. He knew that Ygritte would be leaving soon, and he would likely never see her again. "I'll miss you" He told Ygritte softly, his lips running along her neck and under her ear. "I doubt you'll ever be around again, but if you are, there will always be a spot in my bed for you." he promised, rolling them over so he was on top.

The trail of kisses began to run down her body, stopping at her breasts. They were not as large as most women's, but still seemed perfectly proportioned. The slimy wet tongue of the king gently ran around a nipple, teasing it softly before sucking on it. Moving back up her body, he kissed her on the lips one more time, deepening it immediately. His semi-erect dick rested on her stomach, though it rolled around as they moved. "Show me those oral skills again. Damn, your mouth is one of the best." He complimented her sexual skills.
"I'll miss you too" she warmly smiled, biting her lips as the king traversed her mounds with his lips and tongue. That wasn't a lie, surprisingly. Even though she hated being a monarch's property, she did enjoy the palace drama and the royal feud she got to be a part of. She longed for her life behind the wall, hunting deer and skinning rabbits, but this palace life was a lovely unique adventure she wanted to memorize for years to come and perhaps tell tales about - only tales that didn't unfold on the king's bed.

Ygritte's fingers moved through Tommen's head as he moved around her shoulders and up to kiss her neck. Enjoying the intimacy, she moaned his name before she nodded at his command and swiftly slipped away from his clutches. Moving down his body, her fingers quickly reached for his still sticky cock and massaged it with her palm. She gently rubbed the cock's sensitive head, lightly fondling the tired balls and stroking his cock as it woke back to life. She looked up at him with a smile before she dove down and parted her lips for his cock to enter her.

As if her mouth was his cock's den, it moved inside her to directly poke her throat. The dried semen on his flesh dissolved under the touch of her saliva, reviving the powerful taste and manly odor inside her mouth once more. When she was happy with how deep the cock was inside her, her lips tightened around him, sucking him fiercely as the shaft hardened inside her. Her eyes grinned his direction before both of her hands clenched around the base of the shaft and started jerking the cock, pushing more and more semen and precum to the sheathed tip.​
To his surprise, her reply seemed.. honest. Sure, he didn't know her well enough to judge whether she was lying, but there was no reason why she would need to lie. Every kiss seemed to bring a moan to Ygritte's lips, making his cock harden against her thigh. Eventually he told her to suck him off, and she instantly complied. It seemed like she was proud of her oral skills, as she never complained and seemed to have fun doing it. Running his fingers through Ygritte's hair, he pushed her down slowly until she reached the base, and she put up absolutely no fight at all.

"Jerk me off onto your face. Make me cum to the sound of your voice." Tommen requested of the redhead, asking for her to talk dirty to him while he gave her a facial. He knew her oral skills were amazing, but he loved the feeling of her hands against his skin while his cock pulsated. Once he gave her a facial, he would fuck her for the final time.
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