A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Forbidden Fruit)


Jun 26, 2013
Tommen stared at his book, learning about some of the previous wars that had happened across the Seven Kingdoms. The book detailed the sides, their leaders, their strategies, and the victor. Every page was filled with gory details of people that died in the most gruesome ways. For most 15 year old boys, this would be the best thing ever. For Tommen though, this was barely anything interesting.

Growing up was never a problem for Tommen Baratheon. His family was one of the most wealthy in Westeros, so he usually got what he wanted. At least, anything he could buy with gold. When it came to everything else, his brother Joffrey would get it.

That is why it was such a shock when just the previous day, his brother was killed. Poisoned at his own wedding. It was no surprise that someone wanted Joffrey dead; after all, he was getting to be almost as bad as the Mad King. But to do it at his wedding was just horrible.

One thing that did occur to Tommen though, was that he was next in line. He would be the next King of Westeros. So much responsibility, so much power.. it made him feel extremely nervous. He knew that Lady Margaery Tyrell had been promised to Joffrey, but what would happen to her? Would she be Tommen's Queen, or would another woman step up to take her place?

What would his Queen be like? Would Margaery or this nameless woman be nice? Kind? Gentle? Tommen hoped so, and also hoped that she would be patient; Tommen had never been with a woman before, due to his young age and shyness, but hopefully that was to be expected.. right? After all, weren't you meant to be a virgin up until you were married? Or was that just women?

The boy was wrapped up in his thoughts, he did not notice his bedroom door open and close behind him.
RE: A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Awesomist)

Joffrey wasn't a particularly benevolent king nor was he a lovable person. His sadistic behavior and condescending personality repulsed people around him. His grandfather Tywin had tried to mend his ways repeatedly in the past but alas, "There is no cure for being a cunt" as Bronn said. It was only natural that one of Joffrey's many enemies would try and assassinate the youthful monarch, and with little luck they could succeed. It was still a national shock that the tragedy would coincide with his royal betrothal. For in plain view of a large audience and in the presence of a full squad of guards, the young groom died from a poisoned drink in his goblet. A woman's weapon, poison is. This is why Sansa Stark is now imprisoned alongside her husband Tyrion under accusations of orchestrating the heinous deed.

The next in line for royal succession was none other than Joffrey's younger brother, Tommen Baratheon. The teenage prince had been mostly idle in the political scene. The people had no clear image of his traits and talents, and wagered he wouldn't be different than his two reckless predecessors. The officials in court, however, had an opinion that Tommen's young age and curiosity presented him as a gullible individual. A courtesan could dig her fangs deep in his skull and wear him like a ring. Many of the women in court, and even some in the far corners of the land, considered taking advantage of this perceived impression regarding the crown prince.

Cersei Lannister

Cersei Lannister, Tommen's mother, knew this too well. She was conscious of the fact that many now turn to the unclaimed position of queen. In this dire moment though, Cersei's mind was occupied with punishing her brother Tyrion, the evident murderer in her view, for killing her precious son. She was busy preparing for the mourning ceremony to be held the next morning, and also in organizing for Tyrion's eventful trial. She already had many plans in mind to implicate him. Pulling strings and preparing fake testimonies wasn't a particularly difficult task for the cunning queen. It gave her pleasure, even, to finally put that small goblin head on a spike.

Margaery Tyrell

Another person that has taken a blow when Joffrey collapsed on the floor was his wife-to-be, Lady Margaery of house Tyrell. It was like history was repeating itself. Just like her first husband Renly Baratheon, Joffrey died without consummating their marriage. Despite her unearthly beauty, she was a virgin who was widowed twice in the past few years. She had never liked Joffrey that much anyways, but he posed as a pedestal for her to step on and achieve royal status. Now a new ruler was in place, one with different a personality and motivations. She has to take a new approach in order to charm him. The same bitch of a guardian persisted, though. Indeed, a battle between Margaery and Cersei was due to ensue anytime now.

"My king, I came to offer my deepest condolences" Margaery said as she bowed before Tommen. Her eyes dove deep inside his while she smiled warmly. Her words were sincere, and her body language elegantly combined genuine care and direct friendliness. She attempted to make a good first impression, one that makes her seem like a trusty companion and beautiful companion.

"It was a shock to us all. Joffrey was a good man"
RE: A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Awesomist)

Hearing a voice from inside his room, the boy turned around and found Lady Margaery bowing to him, offering him her condolences for Joffrey's death. Already the boy was called a king despite his naming day ceremony being a week from today. Being called king felt.. odd. Since he had been second in line for king, behind Joffrey, when his father had been the Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, Tommen had felt that it would be a long, long time before he would be called that. Yet in what felt like a year, two kings had come and gone. Hopefully Tommen's life would outlive both of them.

This was the first time that Margaery had spoke to him. Properly spoke to him, since there were always the small greetings and such that were customary. But this was the first time they were alone together, and an actual conversation between them was beginning. This only occurred due to Joffrey's death of course, but it was nice to see her and finally appreciate her for what she was. The older woman was very beautiful and her voice was soft and soothing. Her clothing was still of a royal variety, yet still showed him her beautiful curves that hid behind thin material.

While it seemed like Margaery was doing this out of necessity, it was clear that was the case when she told him that Joffrey was a good man. Not wanting to be rude, Tommen stood and asked Margaery to stand. "Thank you, Lady Tyrell. The late King Joffrey's death was definitely a shock. Even though I do not wish to speak ill of the dead, calling him a good man is a bit of a stretch, isn't it?" He asked with a small smile. "And I am not a king, not officially at least. Not for another week while the kingdom mourns my brother." Tommen told the woman. His mind was trying to go over all the formal training he had, but not much of it was coming to mind. "It is going to be tough" Tommen sighed after a pause. "I have not had much training yet to be king; everyone suspected my father and brother would last for many many more years." Shaking those thoughts out of his head, his eyes looked over to her.

"And what is to happen to you? Do you know yet what your fate is now that your betrothed has met an early grave?" Tommen asked. The boy clearly did not know that Lady Tyrell was his betrothed now, as no one had informed him yet.
RE: A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Awesomist)

A warm, friendly smile appeared on Margaery's face. The young royal seemed absolutely different than his late brother in more ways than one. He seemed sincere and frank. His voice carried vibes of uncertainty and hesitation, but his aura suggested relaxation. "Easy" the widow thought to herself, already considering manipulating the young king to be an easy job from the first real meeting. She smiled and shrugged when Tommen suggested that Joffrey wasn't a particularly good man. She couldn't argue, she didn't want to. She only paid her compliments in an attempt to be courteous. Her cute shrug suggested that his assessment was fair and had some sense of truth in it.

Then he pointed out he wasn't technically a king yet. A nominal issue at best. She leaned forward, gently bowing down so that her face was on the same level as his. Her previous relaxed smile extended to the furthermost corners of her face before she warmly comforted him "You are a king, your grace. At least in my eyes, a ceremony won't confirm or deny that" she relaxed her face as she gazed into his eyes for a few seconds before she retreated back to her standing position. "Well, ahem, the late king died before we could.. consummate the marriage. Tradition dictates that the marriage is to be rearranged between.. us" she faked a blush as she looked down in disguised purity. "Oh, and please call me Margaery. It's only befitting for a king to drop formalities when addressing his queen" she cooed. Her blue eyes moved over his face, studying his expressions for signs of approval and affection.

"I want you to feel at ease when we are together, my king. Did you know that in arranged marriages people often don't see each other before they're married? If we are going to spend our lives together, we should.. get to know one another, don't you think?" She purred before her hand reached for his shoulder, patting him gently before sliding them to feel his cheeks "Despite all the tragedies, I'm happy that it has come to this, your grace. It is nice to have a man like you to lean upon". She bit on her bottom lips before moving her hand down, brushing it against his arm and holding his hand with both of her soft hands. "Tell me about yourself. I want to know all there is to know about King Tommen the first of his name before I become.. your's forever". She said his name with a sense of pride as to embellish his royal status. She watched his reaction carefully, planning her next moves like a chess master.
RE: A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Awesomist)

Margaery was clearly a master at reading people, as everything she did brought Tommen deeper and deeper into her clutches. Her words of him being a king in her eyes made him smile, enjoying the closeness of her face to his own. The mention of consummating the marriage brought a blush to his cheeks, though he was also very surprised to find that the woman in front of him was a virgin. He would not say that out loud, as he knew that could be taken the wrong way, but for such a beautiful woman to be untouched was a very big surprise, and a welcome one. Knowing she was promised to him, and his brother did not taint her in a way that made her undesirable, brought a wider smile to the young king's lips.

"If I am to call you Margaery, then please call me Tommen" the boy requested. He never really enjoyed calling people 'Lord' and 'Lady', but knew he must. She seemed happy to drop formalities, which pleased him too. The boy was silent as she continued to speak, her hand touching his shoulder, then his cheeks, and still moving on. When she reached his cheek, she would be able to feel the heat radiating off of them, and a small blush beginning to appear.

Margaery's language was very eloquent, and told him how much she liked him. Being called a man, told that she was happy to be with him, and even how she would be becoming his forever was making him very pleased and excited for when he would officially be king. More importantly though, it was making him excited for when she would officially be his queen.

The boy was silent as he pondered what to tell her about him, trying not to be distracted by her hands holding one of his own. When that proved to be too tough, he spoke up. "There is a lot to tell, if you want to know absolutely everything. And I unfortunately cannot cover all the material in a night. It might be a bit easier if you asked, and I answered?" The boy suggested. If the woman was still standing, then the king would stand and pull a chair up for her right next to his desk, beside his own chair so they were still quite close. Grabbing a piece of spare parchment, he placed it in between the pages of his book to keep the page he was up to, and shut it so he could focus solely on his queen.
RE: A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Awesomist)

The dazzling beauty could tell the future king was growing excited by her gentle touches. She gently withdrew her hands back to her sides. After Tommen extended a chair for her to rest on, she titled her head downwards with a humble smile before she sat down. The woman oozed with virginal purity and innocence; yet she wasn't shy or reserved at all. She would look directly in his eyes whenever she would address him. Her voice was welcoming, her lips moved suggestively as she picked just the right words to press his buttons. Her signature pouting smile would appear on her face whenever Tommen would show a sign of approval of her attitude.

"An History of the Great Sieges of Westeros" Margaery tilted her head sideways as she slowly read out loud the title written in bold capitals on the cover of book. "Do you read many warfare annals, Tommen?" She asked, showing extra fondness in referring to him by his first name instead of his royal title. "Joffrey used to read too" she added, "most of what he read was on torture and sadism" she lowered her eyes down for a second and bit on her bottom lip before she looked again at his eyes and concluded "You don't strike me as cruel, Tommen" she smiled warmly, in anticipation of his reply.

Margaery wanted to give the impression that she had long thought that she deserved a better man than Joffrey, and that Tommen seemed like someone who could cater to her needs. She also wanted him to think of her as a friend, a trustee. Someone whom he can open his heart to and treat with no fear of being judged. She gave him the guarantee that she thinks highly of him and believed in him, despite his speculated gullibility and lack of ruling experience. A mother figure, a counselor and a trophy in bed. If Tommen slowly digested all these ideas into his brain, Margaery will soon be able to start eradicating all her opposition in royal court.
RE: A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Awesomist)

Her question about if he read a lot of warfare books brought a nod to the young king. "Yes. I read a lot, mainly due to whatever homework is given to me, but they seem to be a lot about warfare since I have shown some interest in it. A good king should know about previous battles and what they did wrong, so he can defend his people." Tommen said. Whether he was referring to himself as a good king was uncertain, though due to his modesty, it was unlikely.

The mention of her not thinking him to be cruel made him give a relieved smile and another nod. "Good. I've heard the whispers and rumours of how I'll be as 'bad' as the previous kings - my father and brother, and I look forward to proving everyone wrong. I do not seek to hurt anyone, unless they intend to hurt others or have already done so." A lot of these answers seemed well thought out for a boy of fifteen, likely due to him thinking about them often, or these answers have been drilled into him during the little formal training that he had received.
RE: A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Awesomist)

"Good!" Margaery exclaimed happily. She leaned closer to him, her blue eyes locking into his, "I think I've overstayed my welcome. I'm glad we had this talk, Tommen" she purred in her seductive tone. She leaned even closer, tilting her head when their lips where two inches apart as if she was going for a kiss, but in the last moment she changed her course and went for his forehead. She planted a subtle, dry kiss at the young man's forehead giving him an ample view of her perky breasts in the process. "Let's do this again" she giggled then gently excused herself out of his room. "The Hand of the King will be busy tonight" she told herself in pride of the charms she cast on the young monarch.

Cersei Lannister

"What was she doing there?" The queen regent asked the castle attendant. For Cersei, this was no time for more political conflicts. Her mind was engulfed with vengeance; all she could think of was her devil of a brother. She wanted him incinerated in front of the whole city for murdering her precious son. “I will hurt you for this. I don't know how yet, but give me time. A day will come when you think yourself safe and happy, and suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you'll know the debt is paid.” His vicious words echoed in her brain. It had to be him. There was absolutely no doubt in her mind that it was Tyrion who killed Joffrey. Perhaps because of the shock after losing one of her offspring, Cersei was now thinking of retrieving her daughter, Myrcella, from the Dornish. Poor girl has been there for years now and Cersei had her devilish brother to thank for that. It seemed to her that Tyrion was set on destroying her and his own entire family from the minute he was born.

"I couldn't tell, your grace. It was a brief meeting"

To add to her dilemma, the servant before her was now informing her of Margaery's visit to Tommen's private chambers. That Tyrell wench, it seemed like an hour ago when she was seducing her way inside Joffrey's head. Now before even shedding a tear for her dead husband, she moved her fangs to Tommen's skull. A marriage between the two families seems necessary, so necessary that her father dictated it happens. If only Cersei can prevent it. All she has to do is to find a suitable substitute. It was going to be hard to convince Tywin to approve, and Cersei knew that. It was better to take one step at a time, so for now, her intentions were set on implicating Tyrion.

The Royal Wedding
Margaery Tyrell

The people were chanting Margaery's name in the royal procession that preceded the wedding ceremony. Much to Cersei's dismay, it seemed that she was the only person in King's Landing that loathed the marriage and wished it annulled. The crowd's roars faded when the wedding bells commenced, and more and more nobles and merchants gathered in The Great Hall within the Red Keep to witness the ceremony. Margaery stood besides her father by the entrance. Her calm blue eyes surveyed the room as she walked down the aisle towards the throne, and a warm smile reflected her satisfaction on achieving royal status again. "Hopefully this one won't die soon" she told herself. Her relaxed smile contrasted with her new mother in law whom was seated in the front row.

Cersei's hands merged together in a frustrated fist. Her lips clenched against each other and her head vibrated subtly as she resisted blowing up in pure anger. "Aye. Queen you shall be... until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear", Maggy's prophecy haunted her again at that moment. Her treasured son was going to be taken from her by a Tyrell whore, and all she could do is smile and clap while Margaery seals her plans with a kiss.

All eyes were on Margaery as she gently walked up the stairs to join her groom. She looked absolutely stunning in her bright beige dress, it complemented her modest curves and outlined her alluring waist. The green vines extending around her breasts matched her wavy hair perfectly and represented her house's agricultural wealth. Her dress contrasted with Cersei's black, almost mourning, dress that captivated her distraught at that very moment. In a moment of pure bliss, Margaery turned around exposing her bare back for Tommen to cover her with his gown.
RE: A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Awesomist)

It seemed all too soon that she had to leave him, but at least it seemed like he would be getting a kiss out of it. Unfortunately, Margaery changed her mind at the last second, kissing his forehead and giving him a nice glimpse at her cleavage. So, it was not all bad then.. He bid Margaery farewell, looking forward to her next visit.


It seemed like in no time at all, the wedding had come. People had come to see their newest king get married, though it seemed a smaller turnout than before. The boy was unsure if this was due to his safety, or if no one was interested in him like they had been with Joffrey. Sure, he was cruel, but he gave the people something to talk about.

All his doubts about the day disappeared once his betrothed entered the room. Her attire took his breath away, and she turned halfway around, exposing her bare back to him. It was nice and smooth, no ugly bumps or pimples, just clear, beautiful skin. Removing his gown, Tommen wrapped it around his soon-to-be wife's shoulders, and she turned back around. A few words were said back and forth between them and the person officiating the wedding, and finally, it was time to seal the marriage with a kiss. As the man, Tommen supposed it was his duty to initiate, so he leaned forward and kissed her softly. It was gentle and soft, yet also brief due to modesty and shyness. The crowd clapped and cheered for the kingdom's newest couple, and soon they were escorted to his quarters... their quarters.

"You look amazing" Tommen spoke once they were alone, a small smile of uncertainty resting on his face. What was to happen now? She was so much older than him, and he knew what had to be done to consummate the marriage. Surely she would take a bit of a lead here, as he had no clue where to start.
RE: A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Awesomist)

Her groom donned her his robe while the crowd watched in joy. They didn't give a fuck that their king now has a girl to mount, but a royal wedding served as a good distraction. It gave them something to talk about. Something to attend and remember. Distractions like this help keep the people busy lest they busy themselves with more brutal distractions. That is why royal weddings had to be exuberant and extravagant. "In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one, for eternity." The Septon announced as soon as Margaery turned to meet her joyful husband. They held hands and looked at one another, before they said their vows in unison. "Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger, I am his and he is mine from this day until the end of my days."

The people in the room erupted in claps and whistles. Margaery smiled and looked at Cersei in the front row, who was the only person watching idly in dismay. "I'll get you" Cersei's eyes would convey, and Margaery would coldly brush off the threats with her blue eyes saying "Try". The young bride tilted her head as she welcomed the young monarch for a kiss. Her lips were tender and slightly moist. She didn't push her lips against his, rather, she welcomed his advances. Letting him take control, letting him decide which corner of her mouth deserved to be charted. It was short lived. Innocent and modest like his personal traits. Margaery didn't mind for it spoke of gentle sessions of love that night.

"Thank you, your gra- I mean Tommen" Margaery smiled. She faked the mistake and corrected herself. Her eyes studied the man as she sat on the edge of his bed. She could tell he was lost. He was slightly nervous but more so lost and puzzled. What to do now? it looked like he asked himself. Margaery was ten years older than him, but she was a virgin as well. Sure, she didn't behave as pure and innocent as most virgins do, but was it fair for her to take the initiative? Oh, who cares. She just had to help Tommen make his first steps; his hormones will do the rest.

Her hand reached to meet his as he sat on the bed next to her. Silently, she slowly leaned forward for a kiss. She froze before contact and looked at his eyes. Those innocent, regal eyes of his contrasted with her blue canine eyes. She made the final push when he missed the second chance to take the initiative, and kissed him. The kiss started tender and sweet. Her jaw moved down and up against his, as her lips gently ravished his. She could tell he didn't kiss a girl before. That virgin mouth of his would only moan her name now. Her legs gently made their way up the bedside, and her sitting position changed into a crawl. Her hands rested on his warm cheeks as she kissed him for a good minute before breaking for air.

"At least he is not gay or a sadist. I can live with that" Margaery told herself upon breaking for air. She didn't dislike Tommen. She didn't whore herself for social status. She did want to love him, and given the gentle side Tommen showed her, she wagered it was only a matter of time. He seemed like he could make a great father, a benevolent ruler and a faithful lover if guided through the alphabet of breeding and the essence of love making.

In her current crawling position, she gently pushed her husband back against the pillow. She went on top of him after he would lift his legs up and lie on his mattress. Looking down at his face, she whispered "Take notes" before she dove again for a second kiss. This one had more force, her tongue boorishly invaded his den. Like a wriggling snake, it roamed the far corners of his virgin mouth. She savored his taste, and gave him a taste of her mouth in return. Fair trade, perhaps. That predatory kiss ended abruptly, however, and was soon succeeded by short, rapid kisses along the king's neck. As she kissed and sucked on his neck, her hands unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it away. She kissed his chest all the way down his stomach. One then two kisses at the man's belly before her hands made do of his pants.

"Eager to see me, Tommy?" she teased upon seeing the man's erection. Her nails gently moved alongside the bottom side of his shaft all the way to the tip. She teased him. She knew he was hard and ready for action, but she wanted to see how long was he prepared to sit. Though she rallied his cock to life, she immediately left it unattended and moved back to kiss his lips. The fabric of her dress brushed gently against his naked body as she sat around his waist. Her knees lifted her up from the two flanks of his panting chest, yet his skin made contact with her silken frock. "The night is young" she cooed as her nails rubbed against the peak of his cock in succession, almost as if she was playing a flute without blowing it.. yet.. It was scarily talented of Margaery to know how to pleasure the shaft that stood behind her while her eyes locked into his.

"Lesson number two; close your eyes" she whispered gently before she crawled back to his erection. Her tongue peeked out of her mouth, and slowly and fiercely licked his shaft from the base to the sensitive crown. Her tongue flicked against his thicker base, and slowly made its way, still rapidly wriggling horizontally, back to the head. When she was done, the bottom side of his cock was lubricated with her warm saliva, yet the top half remained perfectly dry. Her blue eyes looked at him in the dark distance, eagerly awaiting for signs of approval and moans of nothing but her name.
RE: A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Awesomist)

Thankfully it seemed that his new wife knew what she was doing, at least enough to get them started. The woman leaned forward and looked up at his eyes. Tommen returned the look, full of uncertainty, but he happily accepted the kiss, his new favourite thing to do. He felt the bed move as Margaery's positioning changed, yet their lips remained locked as the gentle kiss continued for at least a minute. When they stopped, Tommen's face was bright red from blushing, yet also a big smile was on his face. The boy was panting softly as he gained his breath; since he was so new to kissing, he didn't know the right times to breath mid-kiss.

The boy slowly backed up on the bed at Margaery's prodding, until his head rested on his pillow, with Lady Tyrell hovering above. He barely registered what she said before he felt her lips against him a little rougher than before, though it was just as pleasurable as the other kisses they had shared. He felt her tongue wriggling against his lips and finally in his mouth, and both of them got a taste of each other's mouths. It was.. odd, but it was nice too.

The woman was definitely eager, perhaps due to being married for the third time so far, and still hasn't consummated a marriage yet. It seemed like she was rushing to get to that spot, before something bad happened to her third king.. not that Tommen was complaining. She made short work of his clothes, keeping him so distracted from his clothes being removed, that he only completely registered what she had done once he was completely naked. His erection was quite large, especially for a boy of 15. Thick bushy pubic hair surrounded the shaft, and the head had a scent of pre-cum waiting to be tasted.

The boy nodded, blushing, at her teasing words. Honestly he had been disappointed when she left his cock alone in favour of his lips, but stayed silent as he wanted to see what her plan was. Thankfully, her hand soon returned while their lips met, slowly stroking him and he could feel the edges of her nails.

Margaery asked her husband to close his eyes, and he obliged. Every touch from then on seemed super sensitive, though that could have been because she was playing with a sensitive area. "Ohhh" He groaned softly as he felt the wet, slimy tongue run from base to tip. Each moment was amazing for him, and it wasn't long until she got what he wanted, with the boy moaning her name. His hands gripped the sheet covers tightly, as if trying to hold back from doing something. In this sort of scenario, what he was holding back from doing should have been obvious.
RE: A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Awesomist)

The feeling of the royal scepter pulsing in grip excited the blue eyed virgin. Knowing that she, and only she, was the cause of this man's arousal filled her with pride. As she sat that with the shaft radiating heat between her fingers, she leaned her fact next to it and started using it to slap her cheeks gently. The scent filled her nose with delight. The moist shaft left wet marks at her rosy cheeks, and when she pulled the cock away a string of saliva can be seen extending from her peerless skin to his throbbing erection. With a smile of satisfaction at achieving the desired firmness and lubrication, she slowly adjusted herself to sit on top of him. With her dress still obscuring her body from Tommen's wondering eyes, she slowly reached for her undergarments and pulled her panties down and away.

Her right hand held the shaft as she slowly adjusted it near her virgin entrance. With their eyes in perfect contact, she bit her tongue in pain as the cock slowly penetrated her virgin hole. Two inches deep, a bobbing sensation rocked the blonde's body as she whimpered and moaned in a mixture of pain and arousal. The mild pain was almost immediately replaced with sheer pleasure when the hymen was broken, evoking her to ride it up and down her clenching hole. "Ahh" she moaned in repetition as Tommen's cock brushed against her pleasure cells. "Yes Tommen, do it.. give it to me" she encouraged her king to rim his waist against her. Her eyes closed while she sensed the pleasure devour her body from within, making her unaware of the pace she was going up and down on Tommen's cock.
RE: A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Awesomist)

Unable to resist watching any more, the boy opened his eyes just in time to watch his cock slap against his queen's cheeks. He didn't expect her to enjoy something like that, but it seemed that she did, smiling and smelling it and leaving a trail of pre-cum behind. Margaery arose from her position and straddled him, Tommen's eyes widening as he realised what was coming. Unfortunately he could not see Margaery's body yet, though that also left an air of mystery which would be fun to uncover later. He did see her undergarments come out from under her dress, and then her wet slit pressing against the head of his cock.

Slowly he felt his cock enter something tight, and he knew it was her virgin pussy. All those rumours of Margaery's sexual exploits were false, which made Tommen very happy. She only slid down around 2 inches of his dick, but they were both in pure bliss. A moaned request came from her, asking him to give it to her and he did. Slowly grasping his wife's hips, Tommen began to thrust upwards into her. He went back and forth, edging more and more inside of her each time, until finally his cock could get no deeper.

"I won't last too long" he warned his wife, already feeling his orgasm approaching, but he continued anyway. His thrusts were still slow, but now every time his cock pulled out until just the head was inside of her, and then a quicker thrust into her. Each time the thrusts got faster and faster, hoping he could get Margaery's pleasure to as much as possible before he finished.

"Uhh.. Oh god" Tommen groaned, feeling himself get much closer. Hoping she wouldn't mind too much, his thrust became a little erratic; fast, but not in rhythm as his body shook. Finally he released when his cock was deep inside of her, spilling his seed inside of her.
RE: A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Awesomist)

What's fun in rereading a book? Nothing. Margaery knew that too well. By showing Tommen a mere glimpse of what her spectacular body can do to his, she has him in her control. A few flicks of her tongue against his then his shaft, then a quick ride was enough to give the young virgin the night of his life. Many parts of her body were left uncharted for him to explore for the nights to come. A sense of suspense and eagerness, that's what she intended to build within him. What about actually seeing her marvelous body naked? What about her perky breasts? Her curvy waist and bubbly butt? What about her giving him an actual blowjob? Tommen can wait for the future nights to show him how those feel. For now, her plethora of kinks and rewards would be reduced to a mere teaser.

Happy with his moans of approval, Margaery maintained her pace. The royal couple moaned together like humming birds, their grunts and whimpers echoed across the hall all the way to Cersei's room. That poor mother couldn't escape those horrific sounds even with her head buried under ten pillows. "What a whore.. finish her" she told herself in a mortal kombat-esque-fatality tone.

The queen regent's pleas were answered soon enough. As Tommen's member shot his first seeds inside Margaery's tightening pussy like an uncorked champagne, Margaery moaned her last war cry for the night. With a smile of accomplishment, she leaned forward to kiss her younger husband as a way of commending him for his work. Will she finally bear a king inside her? Only time can tell. Right now, she was busy celebrating wearing Tommen like a ring.

She kissed him then gently pulled out from his shaft and lied next to him. Still in her wedding dress, she peacefully passed to sleep with her arms gently resting on her husband's panting chest.

Cersei Lannister

That same night, Tyrion Lannister made his escape. He was sneaked out of prison by someone and smuggled out of the capital. To make matters worse, and to prove he was the greatest Lannister killer of all time, Tyrion killed his father on his way out. Needless to say, Cersei was in dismay over her goblin brother's escape. Though with her father finally out of the picture, she was now able to move out against Margaery and openly defy her position as her daughter in law.

The next morning..


Lord Commander Jon Snow from the Night's Watch has sent a horde of prisoners as part of the spoils of war after their recent victory against the wildlings. Among the pack of stinking barbarians sent, one woman caught Cersei's eyes. The wildling had breath-taking blue eyes that contrasted with her crimson hair. A fiery spirit she had, which matched her exotic hair color and looks almost too perfectly. "She'll do" Cersei told herself before the ordered for the entire crowd to be held hostage except for that particular gal.

"You shouldn't even be thinking about this. Easy. If you agree to help me, you'll go from a prisoner in a dungeon to a queen in a castle. No wait, you will actually go from a discarded corpse in a peasant cemetery to a queen" Cersei's words seemed to make perfect sense to the foreign beauty. Ygritte had never believed in royalty or even political hierarchy. She was raised in a free society, where common sense morals embodied the unnamed law. They had a chief that 'ruled' the tribes, but he didn't own them. They didn't pay him, they didn't swear loyalty to him. They swore loyalty to themselves, as a people. He was just there to lead and administer, not for them to die for.

"Listen, I have the entire city guards armed to the teeth. They stay awake all night long. They outnumber your folks and out-weapon them. We know the city, you don't. All your friends are held prisoners in dungeons and I will kill them should you refuse to follow my every command" She further instructed to brush off any thoughts of betrayal the redhead might have.

"If I do it, will you let my friends go?" Ygritte asked, her mind seemed to consider her folk before every decision she makes. It was them she fought for. It was them she swore to protect. If she has to whore herself for some noble in a palace to get them free, she will do it, and very efficiently too.

RE: A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Awesomist)

Margaery seemed very pleased with him, which was definitely a relief. The feeling of finally releasing his cum, and into her warm pussy instead of a discarded article of clothing or a cloth or tissue, was amazing. His hands roamed her body yet still managed to keep them in non-sexual places. His dick was still hard from the aftermath, yet it seemed to begin to shrink once she climbed off of him and laid beside him. Tommen was amazed that he had such a talented, beautiful, innocent wife, and she was all his. He had not done much kingly duties, but sharing a bed with Margaery was enough motivation to make sure he kept his royal position.

The woman crawled into his arms, still fully clothed, and fell asleep quite quickly. Tommen's dick was still covered in semen, which ended up being wiped on the sheets and her dress throughout the night. Slowly the boy fell asleep, unaware of his mother's plans to separate them.
RE: A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Awesomist)

Cersei Lannister proceeded to finish the last part of her plan. She elevated The High Sparrow, a religious fanatic, into a position of power. With their new promotion, Cersei tasked them with maintaining piety in the city. They had the authority to follow any means necessary to ensure the population behaved as ethically as possible. Ethics posed as an enigma to philosophers for centuries. What constitutes a moral behavior? In the eyes of the Seven, homosexuality, lying and treachery don't. One of the first things they did upon receiving the edict, is to storm all brothels and slay all those caught in those 'heinous' acts. One lad managed to earn his freedom by promising to admit that Sir Loras of house Tyrell, Margaery's brother, was 'indulging' himself with that lad. They laid together as fuck buddies.

Cersei smirked in the background as the lad told The High Sparrow the entire story. How the two guys slept together on countless nights and fiddled with each other's genitalia. The religious zealots went right away to apprehend Loras and bring him to a trial.

"Loras of house Tyrell, do you swear to tell the truth and only the truth?"
"Yes. Yes I do. I've never slept with another man. I'm innocent"
"Can the queen lady Margaery please give her testimony?"
"Um.. I swear to tell the truth and only the truth. I testify that my brother, Loras, is telling the truth. He has never been with another man"

Cersei was present during the trial. She smiled in pride as Margaery took the bait and gave her false testimony. The lad came and told on Loras causing the religious clerks to apprehend the queen and her brother for further investigation. Now with Margaery out of the picture, Cersei can push her last pawn forward..

"My son won't like it that his whorish queen is out of the picture. You'll go and console him" Cersei instructed her redhead partner in crime. "You don't need to remind me a hundred times. I'll get your inbred son to smile, and moan, and smile" Ygritte retorted. She didn't like this ordeal she's got herself into. It had to be done though, for the good of her pack. Posing as a new handmaiden, the exotic beauty walked up the king's private quarters without bothering to ask for permission.
RE: A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Awesomist)

Tommen sat upon the Iron Throne, listening to the problems of his subjects and offering help in any way he could. If possible, he tried not to help out with money, knowing how much the crown was in debt to his family. A few times though, gold was all that could help. It was hard to do this, mainly due to it being quite boring, yet you could not show those sort of feelings. Doing so would cause them all to hate him, like they did to Joffrey. It was only the fact that his wife, Margaery, would be waiting for him when he was done. A few hours later, such a time occurred that he could leave, and eagerly took it. The young Lannister son made his way to his room, but was very disappointed to find that she was missing.

He heard a knock on the door, and soon Grand Maester Pycelle entered. "Ah, Your Grace, I found you at last" The old man told him, panting softly. It sounded as if he had been running all over the castle looking for him, though due to his age, he could have just been running around the corner or climbing some stairs. "Really? What can I do for you?" The boy asked. "I just came to inform you that the High Sparrow has imprisoned the Queen, Lady Tyrell, and your brother in law, Loras." Tommen's eyes widened. "Send 10 Kingsguard to get them back, immediately!" He ordered, but the old man shook his head. "I would not recommend that, Your Grace. Doing so will cause a war, which could have many casualties including the Tyrells. Remember, they were re-instated through the laws that the Queen Regent and yourself signed off on." Tommen groaned, kicking the bed and swearing under his breath as it had hurt a lot. Not feeling like talking any longer, Tommen ordered the man out.

It seemed like five minutes later, he had yet another visitor. This one did not knock, instead forcing her way into the room. "Yes?" Tommen asked, trying not to sound rude. "Who are you? How did you get in here?" He asked the red-headed beauty that had arrived. He did not recognise her, and was instantly on guard.
RE: A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Awesomist)

"Bastards.. the things I do for you" Ygritte told herself as she gathered her courage to whore herself for her friends' freedom now. "Honor" wasn't something that was constantly preached about behind the wall, but the act itself was nonetheless despicable. Fun to get a royal to stand on his toes from excitement, but it didn't feel sincere.

"Shhh" she whispered, her hands immediately reaching to rest on his shoulders. "I'm lady Margaery's handmaiden" she whispered before she closed her eyes and bravely dove forward for a soft kiss on Tommen's lips. "She told me to.." She pressed another quick kiss. "keep" she moaned amidst her rapid kisses "you happy". The wildling was on fire, kissing his lips rapidly like she was paid to do so. "How many tricks did she teach you?" she said as she winked, before she turned around and gave the king her back and flaunting her lava-like crimson hair before him. She slowly moved to unzip her dress and let it hit the ground, exposing her bare butt cheeks before him. With a gentle smile, she turned around and glued her body to his with a close her. She guided his hands to cup her buttocks, and pressed her thighs to his clothed crotch.

"Well, at least he is happy" Ygritte teased as her thighs rubbed gently against Tommen's now growing erection. Soon, the young king will forget all about Margaery. She'll show him how they do it behind the wall. She looked absolutely stunning naked, and could tell Tommen was getting excited from his looks and his erection.
RE: A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Awesomist)

The young woman, who was still easily a few years older than him, came forward and grasped his shoulders. That in itself could be a crime since she did not have permission, but then she began to kiss him. The explanation of her being his and Margaery's handmaiden didn't relax him, but her following that with her saying that Margaery told her to keep him happy finally allowed him to respond to the kisses. He had no clue that Margaery, who was stuck in a cell, had received no visitors, and didn't even have a handmaiden.

The quick kisses ended all too soon, though he was very excited to see that she was stripping down for him. He still had yet to see a female body, due to the secrecy of Margaery. The first part of Ygritte that Tommen saw was her lovely ass. It was so round and looked very fun to squeeze. Tommen was forced onto his seat as the redhead glued herself to him, his hands going to her butt. It was clear how new to this he was, though he was no virgin anymore. Tommen's hands gently began to squeeze and massage her ass, moaning softly as she ground her hips against his growing erection. Her teasing gave him a small blush, but he kept playing with her ass cheeks, his lips making kisses along her neck.
RE: A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Awesomist)

Just like any man, Tommen was easy to manipulate. When enough blood leaves their brains to their cocks, they become puppets eager to follow a woman's touch. The young king didn't notice her referring to Margaery as 'lady' instead of 'queen'. She didn't notice her blunder, either, and had her culture to blame for this mishap. Fortunately, Tommen was too tangled in her web to doubt her anymore.

Ygritte enjoyed taking the initiative. It was something slightly uncommon in her tribal society behind the wall where it was a man's job to take charge during intercourse. She smiled as he kissed her neck, and even gave him a deep moan of encouragement. Her hand gently felt Tommen's blushing cheeks then whispered into his ears with her heavy breath "I'll do everything you want" before she gently bit his earlobe. With the bite serving as a warning shot, she proceeded to rotate her naked body against the sitting man so that her back was now against his clothed chest. She turned her face and kissed him hungrily, her lips sucked on his making loud noises. One hand of her's moved to guide his closer hand to her bosom. When his hand would settle on her perky tits, the same hand would guide the other hand all the way to her vagina. She moaned at the feeling of the man's fingers touching her moistening area.

As her hand finished giving his the tourist tour, she arced her back away from him and moved her hand to pull his pants down and reveal his eager erection for her grip. Her hand milked his cock from behind her back while it touched her smooth butt.
RE: A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Awesomist)

Her thick accent, whether it was speaking to him or moaning, was one of the most erotic things he had experienced, though to be fair, he hadn't experienced many erotic things. He was having fun playing with her butt, but she slowly turned over so he could experience the other parts of her body. A hand was moved to her breast and vagina, and it was almost the same as rubbing your belly and patting your head at the same time - very difficult to focus on both at once. So the boy began by simply massaging her breast. His small hand could focus on more areas of her breast than the larger men she had experienced. Also as his hand clamped down completely, sliding off of her breast, it would give a small pinch to her stiffening nipples.

When he finally got that motion under control, he allowed his hand to explore her pussy. It was first time he actually got to touch one with anything other than his dick, so it was nice to feel it. Every bit was moistening from her juices, making her ready for him whenever they wanted to go on to fucking.. but he wanted to see what else they could do together before they moved straight onto sex.

A soft moan left his lips as she pulled his cock out and began to stroke it, in between her hand and her ass. It was hard not to explode then and there, but he managed not to. "You'll do everything?" He asked, repeating it softly. "Could you show me some uh.. pre-sex things that feel good?" He asked her, unsure exactly how to word it. Tommen was thinking of his and Margaery's wedding night, where she had used her tongue to drive him crazy.
RE: A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Awesomist)

Ygritte merely moaned and giggled, absolutely ignoring his question. "Pre-sex things? This kid is so adorable.. Shame I'll have to pervert his brain" Ygritte told herself. Her kisses continued while her moans intensified under his touch. He wasn't expert playing her like a Spanish guitar, but he was good at holding her like one. Both her sensitive regions were getting the attention they demanded, and soon she decided he deserved something to get him excited again. She broke the kiss and whispered to him in her thick accent "I bet Margaery didn't show you this" she teased.

Swiftly, the wildling lifted her legs and bent them backwards and resting them on the flanks of the sitting man. She was now essentially sitting on her knees spread, with the erection standing firmly beneath her. Instead of getting that cock to penetrate her, she held it between her nether cleavage and starting rubbing it against the boundaries of her pink hole. The two amble buttocks gently vibrated around the shaft as she twerked her waist, rubbing the entire length and slapping it with her juicy flesh. After a few seconds, she gently rested on him, pushing his cock away from her making it stand vertically trapped between his abdomen and her encroaching cheeks. She shook her hips like a belly dancer against the surrounded throbbing shaft, feeling its warm and wetness against her soft warm skin that moved masterfully around his delicate and sensitive spots.
RE: A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Awesomist)

His breathing grew weaker as she stroked him using only her ass cheeks. Ygritte's skin was so soft and it felt so good, that it almost felt like he would have to shove his cock inside of her soon so he could finish. Just as he felt like doing that, Tommen found that he didn't need to, as his wife's handmaiden lowered herself onto his cock. The redhead had her back to him, and she was moving so slowly it was like torture. Needing more pleasure, Tommen decided to take some control.

Reaching forward, Tommen grabbed the woman and held her close to him while he slowly rolled them over. When he finished moving, she was laying on her stomach on the bed, while her king stood above her with his dick inside of her. He felt like saying sorry, but in all honesty, he wasn't; Tommen was the king, and his needs came first.

Placing his hands on Ygritte's shoulder, Tommen began to thrust. His thrusts were powerful and started a little bit slow, but the amount of speed he used quickly increased. "Oh fuck" He groaned softly, his hands rubbing, squeezing and slapping her ass once he got to a quick enough speed.
RE: A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Awesomist)

"Oh my" Ygritte told herself, proud of her accomplishment. She killed the boy inside Tommen and the man broke out to the surface. She knew it was just a matter of time. Her butt was white as snow and smooth like silk; no man in the right state of mind wouldn't pin her down and cleave her into halves with his cock. She smiled as her head glued to the bed sheets, moaning and biting the fabric to suppress further moans. She moved her legs closer to each other, clenching her anus around his thrusting cock in the process. The sound of the bed squeaking, her moans, and his balls slapping against her buttocks echoed across the empty room and corridor. Cersei could hear it, and it drew a smile on her face. Her son finally found a worthy companion; one that she can manipulate. Fuck Maggy and her prophecy, it all seemed to work perfectly for the queen regent.
RE: A Harem of Problems (RoleplayMaster x Awesomist)

The redhead's moans were music to Tommen's ears. While Margaery had made noise during his first time, it didn't seem as much as Ygritte was doing. Either Tommen was doing much better, Ygritte was much easier to please, or she was a much better actor. Either way, Tommen was having fun and that's all that mattered. By the time Tommen felt himself get close, Ygritte's pale white arse was red from his hand prints, which in a way, made it more attractive. Not wanting to impregnate this mystery woman, he pulled out and began to thrust back and forth through her butt cheeks, before finally thrusting forward and releasing. His seed flew through the air, painting Ygritte's back with semen. "That was amazing" Tommen panted, laying down onto the bed, right beside her.
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