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The Game of the Gods (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

RE: The Game of the Gods

Palutena joined him and then dug in herself. She was quiet for a little while as she ate, but when she started to slow down she decided to talk. "So Pit, as Team Captain do you have any suggestions on who we should bring on board?" Truth be told, she only had Ike, Link and Seig in mind...then there was Chi.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Oh! That one girl!" Pit said. "You know...the one with the really scary look on her face all the time? Really tall?" Man, just thinking about her gave her chills.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"I thought she automatically came with Ike? Weren't they a thing?" Palutena genuinely thought of those two as one entity considering they were attached at the silly as that sounded. "Anyone else?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Uh..." Pit said, brow furrowed. "WEll, there was Zelda and Impa..." Pit mumbled, pausing a moment. "...How come so many women are terrifying, Lady Palutena?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Women are scary and girls are stupid...what am I going to do with you?" Palutena said as she shook her head. "Women are scary for a lot of different reasons...Impa and Samus are scary because the way they carry themselves. Zelda is scary because she...unpredictable?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Maybe if I was someone Ike, or Chrom...I'd understand, or Link!" Pit said. "Man, they're the cool ones!...I wonder where Link puts all that stuff. But they seem to understand! Maybe that's what I should do, ask them." he said, arms crossing with a frown. "Cause I don't really understand Chi, Lady Palutena...and I feel like that's going to be a really big problem."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"If you really think that," Palutena began after finishing her bowl of soup. "Then I'll just make her a substitute. Teams have substitutes, right? She's going to be angry, but if my Captain doesn't have a good idea about someone, I should listen to him." She gave him a smile. It was cute how he looked up to Ike and the others despite being hundreds of years older.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Hm..." Pit said, brows furrowed in thought. "I think...I think she deserves a shot at least," he sighed heavily. "Maybe she's being serious about it, I don't know...only one way to find out, right?" He said, in that very 'Captain'-esque posture and voice. Yes, Captain...Captain of the Light Team. He liked the sound of that...
RE: The Game of the Gods

"That's a very captain like decision, Pit." Palutena told him before she rose up. "You can have seconds if you like, I'm going to start the bath for us."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Sure," Pit grinned excitedly. For what, he wasn't...quite sure. Maybe he was figuring this stuff out after all. But he was definitely getting seconds.
RE: The Game of the Gods

Palutena kissed him on the top of his head before she warped to the indoor bathhouse. It was a little too big for just one person but she bathed their all the time even though there were a few smaller, less spacious baths. Either way, she activated the switch that filled up the large tub and started to strip down. Honestly..what was she going to do with him? Maybe one day he would want a little bit more than to be her loyal Captain of the Royal Guard.
RE: The Game of the Gods

Pit was finished with his meal, and was already eager to join her. Truth be told, his heart was pounding in his chest like nothing else, his wings were twitching nervously. Palutena was...really beautiful and she was incredibly powerful. He never quite knew what to do with himself about these situations, but...he really liked them a lot. He had a hard time thinking when he finally reached the bath and was slipping out of his robes.

"I'm uh...I'm here, Lady Palutena."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Just in time, the bath is nice and hot." She was already in the tub relaxing, her arms stretched out on the tile on the edge of the tub. She could tell he was nervous, and it was cute. He wasn't as innocent as he used to be..but she supposed that was her fault for using him as her personal sex toy when she had that weird spirit inside of her. Poor boy...
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Great," Pit grinned, robes discarded, and a cock that was...mildly disproportional bouncing out happily. Some of his nervousness seemed to slip away when he sunk in with a heavy sigh. Ah...that was so much better that before. "So um...this is my reward?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Yes. Or did you want something else?" Palutena asked with a sheepish grin as she moved behind him with one of her strange potion bottles in hand with some yellow, gooey substance inside. She let it ooze onto his head, taking care not to let any of it get into his eyes. "Hahaa...your feathers look like Pittoo's..that dragon got you good on the back, Pit."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"She's getting really quick..." Pit sighed, turning around for her. "It's good training though. Don't worry, Lady Palutena. I'll always come home safe."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"I know you will." Palutena told him as she cupped some of the bath water into her hand and let it pour through his hair. She would start from the top..and slowly work her way to the bottom. Though her fingers massaged his scalp gently and lovingly as she pressed herself against his back.
RE: The Game of the Gods

He shivered pleasantly, the feeling of her breasts against her wings was wonderful. "...Hey, Lady Palutena?" he murmured faintly, eyes half lidded with pleasure. "You really like Ike, right?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"..I do. He's the father of my son and all." Palutena began as she raked her fingers through his hair gently and worked her way from the front of his hair line to the base of his scalp. "Why?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"I dunno, you just don't act like it around him too much," Pit murmured, letting out a content sigh. "I mean...I'm not Ike, or...or anything, but I want you to be happy. You are happy, right?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

She tilted her head slightly before she started rinsing the suds out of his hair. "I am happy...because I have you in my life, and Ike..and Seig. Skyworld is at peace, the mortals are being left alone. Things are going so well for us...I don't even think Medusa could change that. Why do you ask this all of a sudden, Pit?" What did he mean by..he wasn't Ike or anything? He didn't need to be Ike...he was Pit. Her Pit.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Well," Pit mumbled. "I uh...I was doing a little research about...stuff, know, this is kind of a big deal, doing things like this, right?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

Now she was the dense one because she had absolutely no clue what he was saying. "It's a big deal that I'm bathing you? How do you figure? What kind of research have you been doing?" She asked with a smile as she started to wash his back, making sure to get his charred feathers in the process.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"No no, I mean...the other stuff," Pit said. "The sex. That's supposed to be a big deal, right?" His wings fluttered happily, and his voice was changing about three different pitches at her touch. It felt so good.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Bathing isn't sex, Pit..." It was true she was going to touch him down there, but she never told him that. He just assumed? Not that she was offended, but now she just wanted to play with him. "I'm just washing your back, who said anything about sex?"
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