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The Game of the Gods (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

RE: The Game of the Gods

"Okay then, get going. Hurry up and come back too, because I'm going to start preparing it now." She gave him a smile and then turned around to walk deeper into her temple. He may have done it 100 times before, but it couldn't hurt to remind him of things. Sometimes he was just so...dense? Something like that.
RE: The Game of the Gods

The Underworld proper was a strange place, a mix of beauty and horror. Not every soul that was sent to the Underworld was destined to live their life in misery, but it was generally a gloomy place regardless as Janus brought them to the center of the Underworld. Hades maintained control, but since his passing...there were many laws already in place, and little else had to be done to maintain it while Dyntos 'worked through the applications'.

I must admit, Lady Medusa, Janus chirped as they headed towards the Elysian Fields. Home of the virtuous dead. Your suggestion is a surprising one. Yet not, since Ganondorf was put into the realm of Tartarus, eternal night. But Elysian Fields? A strange choice, to say the least.

"Who are we looking for?" Dark Pit asked, brows furrowed.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"His name is of the souls I listened to while I was here last. One of the very loudest souls I ever heard...he has much conviction even in death and we share a common interest." She knew exactly who Palutena planned on picking and having this man on her team would effectively counter one of the main problems. Ganondorf could handle Link...and this one could handle Ike. Anyone else on Palutena's side would be easier to handle. There was also Pit...but her son would keep him busy.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"In Elysian Fields?" Ganondorf said curiously, brow raised. "What could someone of such a virtuous nature share with us, my love?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"A common enemy..." Medusa purred as they walked along. She could even feel him he longed to fight once more against that cursed man who Medusa still hated. "Or perhaps that's the wrong word..either way he wants to fight or beloved ex general who is the reason he's here in the first place."
RE: The Game of the Gods

The man in question was a tall and broad shouldered. His handsome face was a firm, stern reminder of just who his enemy was. Indeed, Ganondorf noticed more than a few striking similarities, but the man who sat in contemplative silence seemed to possess an entirely different aura. One of determination, and power...yet, Elysian Fields was not a place for the evil, for the dark hearted.

Master Zelgius, Janus chirped politely as he floated forward. His sharp eyes opened, and he rose up to the four of them. Forgive the interruption, this is Lady Medusa, Goddess of Darkness...she wishes to speak with you.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Zelgius..." Medusa gave him a grin as she approached him. He was a handsome, strong looking man and she could feel the potential brimming from him. "It's nice to finally meet you...I have heard you desires and I am here to offer you something that you might find interest in. Another chance. Another chance to fight the man you so desperately wish to cross blades with again."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"...How so?" Zelgius finally said, arms crossing. "I have lost to Ike, in a fair duel...I have nothing else that I want." How long had it truly been since he was here? Time had no meaning here, every need was accounted for, except his need for battle.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"You can't hide your desires from me...there is still a wish for battle in your heart. You lost, but does that really mean you don't want to fight him again? It's been a long time since your little duel and he has only gotten much stronger. Doesn't that interest you?" Medusa asked as she circled around him. "Don't tell me you'd rather sit here and contemplate you disembodied existence when you can come back to life and fight not only Ike...but many other worthy opponents..."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"...My desire has never left" Zelgius admitted, brow furrowed. "But you carry yourself with evil, with hate...why would I ever help you?" Ike had grown stronger? Even when they had fought, he had surpassed Gawian...what is the depths of that boy's strength?
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Because I'm the only one who knows about you, and the chances of anyone else offering you this opportunity is slim to none." Perhaps she was wrong about him, but she'd try just a little bit more. Her pride would not let her beg, so she'd throw her last bargaining chip on the table and see how that went. "Besides, I'm sure that sword of yours would just love to be in your hands again...what was her name? Alondite..."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"...You can get it to me?" Zelgius said, glancing at her. "How?" To fight Ike with his sacred blade, it would be more than he hoped for.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Child, I am a Goddess. Your sword has a very...unique signature. It won't take me long to find her." He hadn't seen her since she had gotten a body, so he didn't know. His reaction would be interesting. "All you have to do is say yes...I am not having you fight for evil...I'm having you fight to restore balance in the world...This isn't a war, it is merely a game. A game that rewards its victors."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"...Then I accept," Zelgius said firmly. "I will fight for you, and I will fight challenging opponents?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Yes, you will." Medusa told him as her grin widened. Excellent..a counter for Ike. Now she just needed to find his sword, and she could move on to the next man she wanted to recruit. "It's a pleasure to have you fight for me, Zelgius. Now lets go find that sword of yours. Janus...I trust you can find her for us, correct?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

Of course, Lady Medusa, Janus said, tilting his head respectfully. If you will allow me the time, I will summon her for you.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"How much time will it take?" She didn't really want to be here any longer than she had to...especially when they found a place they could stay. Remnants of their civilization still existed...she still had believes that were more than happy to give them a modest place to stay...
RE: The Game of the Gods

As short as I can provide, Janus promised, opening up a portal as Zelgius glanced at Ganondorf and Dark Pit.

"And these are my fellow warriors?" he asked.

"Did we find Evil Ike?" Dark Pit said dryly. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you two are the same." Zelgius didn't quite know what to say to that, so he didn't say anything.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"They are similar in certain respects, yes...but something tells me Zelgius will be more loyal than Ike ever was." Medusa said with a grin. Though that didn't necessarily mean she trusted him. Medusa knew better than that. It only meant that she'd get a decent use out of him for longer than she did with Ike.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Assuming we can sate his urge for battle," Ganondorf mused, rubbing his chin as Zelgius walked over. "But more importantly...what are these gifts you spoke of? What exactly can we gain from it?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Whatever Dyntos will allow." Medusa vaguely stated as she crossed her arms. "Not to mention we've already gotten quite a lot out of it already...I'm alive and have all my power and Ganessa are free and Zelgius will soon be resurrected as well and will get a chance to fight once more."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Yes," Ganondorf smirked, clutching his hand as dark energy hissed from it. "I feel my powers returning...enough to make sure this little game is played and won."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Good.." Medusa purred as she gracefully walked towards him and smiled, stroking his cheek. "Too bad Palutena and I cannot I would love to fight at your side once more..."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"There will be a time and place for everything, my love," Ganondorf grinned, hand over hers. "With you watching, I'll simply have to fight harder to appease you."

"You two are very subtle, you know that?" Dark Pit said dryly. Did they have to be so gross everywhere?

"Genuine love is hard to ignore," Zelgius added. "No matter the people, you know that as well as they do, do you not?"

Pit didn't say anything, but the annoyed frown said it all regardless.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"I'm sorry, Pit..." No she wasn't, the grin on her face said that as she moved forward and gave him a hug. "Were you feeling left out?"
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